Bleach Fan Fiction / Blood+ Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crista the ultimate half demon book 2 The Lovers Quarrel ❯ Chapter 31 Crista found and death ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 31

Crista found and death

Dante stopped at the edge of a huge cliff,over a castle."I've searched everywhere for her for two years and still no sign of her"he thought.Dante saw a snake like creature carrying a blue ball of light toward the castle.
He ran after it and stopped at the ledge,he pulled out some glasses and looked around the castle.He gasped as he saw a woman with red hair,dog ears and green eyes,she grabbed the soul and it went into her body."Is that crista?"He thought.
He ran toward the castle,the woman pulled back her head and disappeared."Crista if that is you,tell me why you left me"he thought.Trish and lady were already at the castle,they were trying to break the barrier,dante ran through it.
He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw fifteen vampires and wolfs,he pulled out his sword.The vampires ran at him,dante did too."Enough!"Someone shouted.The vampires stopped and bowed toward the stairs,dante looked toward the stairs.
His eyes widened as he gasped,on the top of the stairs was crista.She walked down the stairs and was wearing a white dress with green on it,her hair was down to her waist,she had golden braclets and a black thing around her neck.
Dante gasped as crista was in front of him in an instant,sword drawn."Why did you follow me,I told you two years ago not to come after me"she said.Dante grabbed her wrist and she cut him,he stepped back."Crista"he said.
He gasped again as she was on the top of the stairs again,glaring at her,her eyes red."Everyone prepare to battle the chiropterans,hurry"she said.Everyone was outside in an instant,crista in front of him,dante was in the entrance.
They charged at the chiropteran and slashed,dante joined in too,he gasped as he heard crista scream.She had been struck through her stomach,she flipped the chiropteran over and cut it in half,blood sprayed.
After an hour the fighting was done all the chiropterans were dead,crista panted.A man came out of the shadows,he had long red hair and green eyes,he was a full demon,crista smiled at him."Kurama"she said.
He smiled at her and knelt down,dante got mad."You're wounded crista,you need my blood"he said.Crista stood up,kurama did too,kurama took off his shirt,dante walked toward him.Crista grabbed his shoulders and bite his neck,sucking his blood.
Dante looked away,she withdrew her teeth and smiled at him,kurama left and crista went back to the castle."Dante leave this place now"she said,before she disappeared.It was midnight and dante had found crista's room,she was asleep,he touched her cheek.
She woke up and was suddenly behind him,sword at his heart."I told you not to come"she said.Dante whipped around and slammed her into the wall."Crista what happened to you?"He asked,his voice tormented.
Crista looked away and sighed,dante looked at her."When I left you I lived here and killed alot of people,I'm not good anymore dante,I gave into my killer and vampire instincts one year ago and became this"she said.
Dante sighed and sat on the bed,crista put her sword away."Dante I want to show you two thing when I was with edward,one was when I was possed I wanted to beome a wereworl and I was turned,the other was when I was going to die"she said.Dante nodded and put her hand on his forhead,everything went white.
When crista was with edward he had told her that she wanted her to die and be alone.She ran through the forest,tears streaming down her cheeks,Edward was back at the house,he got up and chased after her."It's a lie,It has to be!"Crista thought,angry and confused.
Edward was running after her,full speed,he saw crista running ahead of him."I didn't mean what I said,My anger got out of control"he thought.Suddenly someone swipped crista and edward ran after them,growling low.
Crista opened her eyes and looked up."Chris!"Crista said,shocked.Chris looked at her,his brown hair was back."I'll get you away from edward"chris said.Edward was reading chris's thoughts and gasped.His face turned angry,he growled louder."I won't let chris hurt crista"edward thought.Chris put up a barrier and stopped edward.
Edward hit the barrier,chris held crista's neck tight,edward tried to break the barrier."Get away from her!If you lay a finger on her I swear I will…"Edward growled angrily,his amber eyes were pure black.
Chris looked at edward."You know edward no one has survived a bit from a werewolf and vampire,since you have already bitten her,I will as well"chris said.Edward pounded against the barrier more,angrier,desperate to get crista away from chris.Chris showed his teeth,and opened his mouth near crista's neck."How on earth does Edward do it your blood is so good it must be torture for him every day….how long I wonder…will it last?”Chris whispered.
He bit crista on the neck,crista screamed,edward pounded on the barrier harder,making crakes in it."CRISTA,CRISTA NO!!"Edward screamed,growling voice mixed.Chris removed his teeth from crista's neck,wiping the blood on his sleeve.
Crista felt venom coursing through her veins,it burned like fire,her eyes went black."Now my dearest cristina"chris whispered sweetly.Chris kissed crista,crista tried to fight back but was to weak.Edward kept making cracks,growling angrily,louder.
Crista's eyes turned red,with green lines in them."Now crista kill edward"chris whispered.Crista wanted to kick him where it hurt,he was controling her and she couldn't control what she said or thought."Yes master"crista said.
Chris let crista stand up,he stood up with her."Crista"edward whispered.Edward couldn't speak,crista had been turned into a full flegded werewolf,the thing he feared the most.She only wanted one thing,blood.
Edward glared at chris,growling."Chris I swear I will kill you!"Edward growled.Chris looked at edward,amusment in his eyes."kill me,how are you going to find time to do that when your dear crista is having too much fun killing you?"Chris said.
Edward looked at crista,eyes worried,scared."Crista,Listen to me,You have to wake up,snap out of it!"Edward yelled.Chris bent down toward crista's ear,smiling."Kill him"chris ordered.Crista crouched,she lunged at edward.
Edward ran qukickly out of the way,but crista scratched him on the cheek with her sharp finger nails.Blood tricked down edward's cheek.Crista licked some blood off her nails.Crista lunged at edward,edward dogded again.Crista saw frutration,sorrow,and anger in his eyes.
Crista stopped,chris walked toward edward."Edward must we fight like this,I really don't want to"chris said,teeth bared.Edward glared at chris,his anger hitting his limit."Then change her back,how dare you lay a hand on her,I'll kill you!!"Edward roared.
Chris smiled,he put his hand on crista's shoulder."Kill me, I gave crista what she wanted and you did not,your not a good mate to her"chris said,smiling more.
Crista looked at edward,edward looked at crista."Imagine it a half demon and a vampire in love,i've never heard anything so absurd"chris said,looking at edward.
Edward lunged at chris,growling.He suddenly fell on the ground,twitching and screaming in pain.Edward was in pain,chris smirked as he walked toward edward.
Chris knelt down by edward,he pulled edward by his black hair so they were face to face.Edward managed a low snarl even though he was in so much pain."Tell me something edward,how long did you think it would last,You're a vampire,you are a fool for even trying to control your thirst for blood,you were a fool for falling in love with a half breed"chris said,smiling.
Edward glared at him,and snarled."Sh-shut up!"Edward hissed,clenching his teeth in pain.Chris looked at crista,then looked back at edward."When your good and dead I think I'll take cristina to be my bride,what do you think of that?"chris asked,mockingly.
He kicked edward in the stomach,he reached down and lifted edward in the air by his neck.He could easily break edwards neck but that wouldn't kill him.Chris removed a part of edward's shirt,crista watched."I wonder how much venom it would take to kill a vampire,who dosen't drink human blood?"Chris said.
Crista heard edward's voice in her head,he was thinking to her."Crista,my dear crista..I love much.I would never try to hurt you in any way,even though I am a vampire,a beast,a monster just like chris said.But crista if I'm going to die here...right now..there is something that you must know..and never forget."
Crista blinked,tears were forming in her eyes."I love you more than life itself,my dear crista and for my dearest I would do anything.When I first saw you,I loved your beauty,your laugh,your eyes,the way you blushed when I played for you on my cello,that was the happiest day of my life."he thought to her.
Tears were streaming down her cheeks."When I left you,because I thought I wasn't right for you..I had been foolish,so please crista...never forget this...never forget that no matter what happens to me..or you..I love you more than anything"He thought to her.
Crista touched her cheek,tears streaming onto her.She opened her mouth to speak the name of the one she loved and would never forget."E..Edward"She whispered.Chris ran to crista and lifted her up into the air,by her neck.
Chris growled,edward was on the ground."You can't escape my control,do not try it with me"chris threatened."Your..your wrong"crista said.Crista lunged out and bit chris on the hand,chris fell backwards and let crista go.
Crista crawled to edward,edward picked her up in his arms,sitting down."Crista please..I...I just"Edward whispered."I know"crista said.
Edward was feeling guilty,for getting her into this mess and getting bitten by chris.He had gotten her into danger again and felt sorry.He was feeling like a monster again,like he didn't belong with crista."Edward I have a secret"Crista whispered,touching his cold cheek and smiling.
Crista was so weak and tired she could barely speak."What is it?"Edward asked.He pulled her tighter to him and stroked her cheek,softly."I'm in love with you edward and it's not a crush"crista said.Edward smiled and brought his cold lips on hers.Suddenly crista screamed in pain and arched her back.Her body felt like it was on fire.
She could barely breath,and grabbed her throat.The venom that chris put into her was turning on her.It was spreading through her causing damage.Crista held back a scream,tears streaming down her cheeks.The pain was unbearable and she felt like she was dying.
Crista's closed her eyes tight."I am dying"crista thought.Edward's arms tighted,he was scared."CRISTA!"Edward screamed."Please! Make it stop!"Crista screamed.Crista slipped into unconsiciouness."CRISTA!?"Edward screamed.Crista reached her hand out and grabbed his hand.
His hand was cold,his eyes amber."Edward please forgive me for what I have done I love you"Crista thought to him. Her eyes snapped open,she felt cold fingers caress her cheek,she looked up to see edward.He smiled,kissed her,parted,and went back to touching her cheek."Edward"crista whispered.
He began to hum to crista her lullaby that she loved so much and rocked her back and forth in his arms.Looking around crista realized she was in edwards room.Being held by edward,smelling his scent,hearing him hum."Edward i'm sorry! i'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen!"Crista cried.
Edward chuckled and smiled at her,crista looked at him,confused.She punched him in the chest with her fist."How can you be laughing!"Crista said.Edward shook his head,and put his finger on her lips."Forgive me for laughing but i'm not suprised you got yourself into trouble again"he whispered in her ear.
Crista smiled,looking at edward."Am I really not that hard to figure out?"Crista asked."Hardly"edward chuckled.Crista buried her face into his chest and smelled his wonderful scent."Chris isn't coming after you again,I took care of him"he said.
Crista looked up at him and saw three long scratch marks on his cheek.She reached up and touched them,Hot tears ran down her face."I'm sorry I did that to you,I couldn't control myself"she said.
Edward chuckled,and kissed her."You better get some sleep"edward whispered in her ear.He placed crista under the covers of his bed and kissed her cheek."Edward can I ask you something?"Crista asked.
Edward looked at her,love in his eyes."Of course"he said.Crista looked at him."Are you...going to leave again?"Crista asked.Edward frowned and sighed.He crawled under the covers with crista,placed his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his chest.
Crista looked at him,he looked at crista."Crista I promise that I will never leave you again,I'm a vampire,a monster after all"edward said.Crista looked at him."Stop saying that you and your family are good you don't drink human blood"crista said.
Edward's embrace tightened."Do you always see the best in me?"Edward asked,looking at her."Yes edward I love you"she said.Edward kissed crista on the lips,crista went closer to edward's chest and they fell asleep.
It suddenly went white again it was one year after this,edward and crista were living with his friend hedrick.In the morning crista woke up and found a note by Hedrick and Edward."So hedrick already went to work and edward went to hunt"crista thought.Crista put the letter down and started making a sandwhich."They won't be back until six so I might as well make some food"she thought.
Crista remembered when she was with nagi she fell down from an experiment and went into a comma.Crista suddenly went to her knees and gripped the scar on her back."My b-back again,no?"Crista struggled to say.Crista coughed up a pool of blood and started falling down.Crista fell in the blood and blacked out.Hedrick came home and looked around."Where's crista?"He thought.He stepped on some blood and looked down.He saw crista and gasped,he dropped his briefcase and picked her up.He wrote a note for edward and went to the hospital.
Edward got their at seven and read the note.His eyes widened,his voice shook.He dropped his bags and ran toward the hospital.When he got to the waiting room,he saw hedrick sitting down,hedrick looked at him."Is crista alright?"Edward asked his hands on hedricks shoulders,eyes filled with worry.Hedrick shook his head."I don't now yet,she's still in the emergency room"hedrick said.
Edward sat down and sighed,he put his hands on his face.Edward suddenly gasped and looked at hedrick."She'll probably be alright"hedrick said ressurenly.Edward smiled and nodded his head."Thanks"edward said.Two hours passed and edward and hedrick were asleep."Escuse me"a nurse said.Edward opened his eyes and looked up at the nurse.
The nurse had some papers in her hand."Cristina Higarashi is ready to have visitors come in"the nurse said.Edward and hedrick followed the nurse to crista's room.Hedrick sat down in a chair at the end of the bed.Edward stopped suddenly,his eyes shaky.Edward sat down by crista's side and grabbed her hand.
A doctor came in and hedrick and edward looked at him."How is she?"Edward asked as his eyes and voice shook."Not good,she's in a deep coma,from losing too much blood"the doctor said."Is their anything else you good do for her?"Hedrick asked as he looked at crista.
The doctor shook his head and looked at crista."There's nothing we can do it's up to fate wether she lives or dies"the doctor said.Edward stood up and slammed the doctor against the wall.Hedrick gasped and stood up."Edward stop"hedrick said grabbing his shoulders.
Edward was too angry to listen to hedrick at this point."There must be something you can do,are you just gonna sit here and...and"edward said.Edward let go of the doctor,and turned his head away,bangs over his eyes."I..I won't accept that,I won't lose her again"edward said.
A memory of crista flashed in his head,she was smiling."There must be a way to save her,I have to find a way to save her even at the cost of my own life"edward said."We'll do everything we can"the doctor said and left.Edward sat down by crista and squeezed her hand,his body,and eyes shaky.Tears were falling on her hand and his right arm.jake,winry,roy,chesca and hughes walked in the room."Brother"jake said,sympitheticly.
Roy had a sad look on his face,he turned away,his fists shook.Winry and hughes looked at edward."Oh edward"they both said sympatheticly.They all went to sleep in the waiting room,hedrick was also asleep,edward was by crista's side still awake and a little tired.
Edward looked at crista's face,his tears gone,replaced by a sad look on his face and eyes."Crista don't leave"he thought,he dozed off at two in the morning.Itachi came in the window and stood by crista's bed by the window."It's the curse again,her scar probably hurt again"itachi thought.Itachi wiped a peice of hair out off her eye."Crista I can't help you,but I feel so helpless,without you I have nothing to protect"Itachi thought.Itachi disappeared and went to kohana villige.
Edward was having a bad dream.he was in the hospital by crista,and her heart stopped.Edward's head shot up,sweat dripping down his face,and he was breathing heavily.He looked at the machine and her heart was still beating normaly.He sighed,put his hand on his face and wiped the sweat off.Crista opened her eyes a little and saw edward,a look of worry on his face.
Crista looked at him."Edward"she said.He gasped and looked at her."Cri-crista?"He said his voice a little shaky and eyes.Crista smiled,edward grabbed her and embraced her,she had her arms around his neck."Thank goodness your alive,I was so worried about you"he said.
Crista felt a tear on her shoulder,he was crying."I thought you were going to die"he said."Edward,I love you so much"she said."I love you too crista"he said,his tears were gone.He and crista kissed,then they parted."Edward while I was asleep I learned a new alchemic power,and it's great"she said."What is it?"He asked as he looked at her.
"Do you still want to be human?"She asked as she looked at him."No,I don't that was our goal to get your half demon powers back and turn me into a human,but that dosen't matter anymore"he said.Crista and edward fell asleep.
Edward woke up again and looked at crista."Train"she said,"Who's train?"Edward thought then remembered what crista had said."Edward you have a power,you can see people's dreams when you touch them and close your eyes"she had said.He touched her hand and saw what she was dreaming.
Crista was sitting on the ground,looking at train in a crystal."Train"she said."I saw you again,it was-the place we first met,but you were..."She said.The crystal around him glowed."No i'm the one to blame,I couldn't save you from victor"she said."I'm happy now,I have a new boyfriend he's kind,and we sometimes get into arguments but it's okay"she said,
Edward opened his eyes and was back in the hospital room,he looked at crista."Crista you still think about your other boyfriends don't you?"He thought smilling.Crista woke up and went outside.She saw people dancing and joined them.Edward,roy,Hughes,winry,al,and Chesca went outside and watched her.
Crista saw edward and held out her hand.He grabbed it,and they started dancing.He twirled her in a circle once,crista twirled outwards,he pulled her in toward his chest,crista looked up at him,he looked down at crista.
Crista put her arms around his neck,edward put his left arm around crista's waist.He leaned her body down to the ground.They both looked at each other,smiling.They kissed each other,everyone clapped,edward and crista parted.Later,they both stood up,and crista stared at the moon,edward went by her.
Crista's kept staring at the moon,the wind blowing her hair.He saw a tear go down her cheek,she was gripping her heart."Crista?"He asked as crista turned toward him."My sickness is getting worse"she said."What do you mean?"Edward asked his eyes shaky.
Crista looked at the moon."It means..."her eyes glowed"I don't have much time left to live"she said.Edward gripped her hand tightly,crying."How much?"He asked,choking.Crista embraced him and sighed,his embrace tightened."A few hours"she said.
He went to his house and did a transmutation on her and died when it was his time to.Crista took her hand off his head and sighed."That's what happened"she said.Dante embraced her,she looked at him."Crista I love you"he said,then kissed her,she kissed back.
Dante and crista went where they had first met and sighed.Suddenly vergil showed up and went at crista,sword in hand."No!"Dante shouted.He embraced her and turned toward the sword.Dante grunted and crista strained her voice as vergils sword went through their hearts.
Dante pulled out his sword and stabbed him through his heart,vergil died.Crista coughed up blood,dante crawled toward her and embraced her."Crista I'm sorry,I'm dying"he said.Crista looked at him,her wound was healing,slowly.
She drew a transmutaion circle around his body and clapped her hands,light surrounded them."Teacher please save him"crista cried.Yoko shook her head,sad."I can't crista all my power is gone"she said.
Crista cried,dante put his hand on her cheek."Crista it's okay"he said.Crista looked at him,he smiled at her."I'll always love you now and forever"he said,smiling.Yoko sighed and smiled."I can restore one of your boyfriends lives"she said.
crista shook her head and sighed."Yoko take my life instead of dante's"she said.Crista looked at dante,he looked shocked and sad."Are you sure?"Yoko asked,sad.Crista looked at yoko and nodded,smiling,tears in her eyes."Yes"she said.
Yoko did it and crista was falling."It's my time to die"she thought.Dante was healed and ran toward her.He held her in his arms,her eyes were closed."Crista,crista,wake up,please"he cried.Crista slowly opened her eyes and smiled at dante."Dante"she said.
Dante cried,a pain went through her,dante's grip tightened."Crista!"He shouted.Crista smiled at him,sad,her eyes sad too."Crista,stay with me!"He cried,tears down his face.Crista looked at him and sighed."Goodby dante,I love you and i'm sorry"she said.
Her eyes closed and her body went limp,dante gasped."Crista,don't go,please don't,crista"he said,shaking her gently.She didn't move,a tear slowly went down her cheek,dante's voice was gaspy.
He put her head on his shoulder and cried,embracing her tightly."Crista no"he said,crying his voice sad.Suddenly edward,itachi,train and sasuke appeared.Dante and yoko looked at them,train stepped forword."We'll sacrifice our lives to bring her back,but you'll die"he said.
Dante looked at her,smiled and kissed her."Crista forgive me"he said.They all turned into a blue flame and struck dante,through his heart.Dante looked at crista and smiled,she was alive and looked at him.
She had tears going down her cheeks,riku appeared and went to her."Crista I love you..never forget that"he said,happy.Crista smiled,ran toward him and kissed him,passionatly.He disappeared and crista went with riku back to kohana.
One year passed and crista was a jonin,him and crista were both the same age and had never aged since that day,they were both sixteen.Riku had made crista bite him and he was a vampire and her chevalier,he was still in human form..
Crista was still the protector of the sacred jewel,they were currently on a mission."Crista c'mon!"Riku shouted.Crista ran toward riku and smiled at him.They kissed and ran back to kohana."I still remember everything that happened,I still love them all and I will never forget them ever"she thought,smiling.

To be continued in Crista the ultimate half demon book 3 Love and the last war, Please review!