Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ 30Kisses ❯ Two Sisters ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hisana and Rukia were sitting in the garden. It was rare that they had a chance to do this, for Hisana's obligations as Lady Kuchiki and Rukia's duties as a Shinigami left them little opportunity to spend time together. But they cherished these brief moments and tried to make the most of them.

Tell me a story, sister.

Once upon a time there were two sisters. The elder was named Rose Red and the younger was named Snow White. The two sisters lived in a deep forest and were inseparable. One day, while walking along the forest they came to a path along a stream. The path split in two, one continued along the stream, the other crossed a rickety old bridge above it.

"Stay here," Rose Red told Snow White. "I will bring back flowers from the meadow across the stream."

So Snow White sat down beside the stream and Rose Red crossed. But when Rose Red saw how beautiful the flowers were, she did not want to return. Instead, she kept walking, deeper and deeper into the meadow. When she got to the end of the meadow, she saw an enormous palace. The palace belonged to a handsome prince who saw her from the window and asked her to come live with him. And she did.

Snow White was left in the woods. The sun went down and it got darker and colder. Finally unable to wait for her sister any longer, she took the path that continued beside the stream. While walking along the path she met a wolf.

The wolf's leg was caught in a hunter's trap. "May I help you?" asked Snow White.

"If you come near me," said the wolf. "I will bite you."

So Snow White scooped up water with her hands and gave it to the wolf. While the wolf drank, she carefully opened the trap and set it free. "Thank you," said the wolf. "Since you have been so kind, I will guard you from the dangers of the forest."

"Your welcome."

"Why are you walking alone in the woods?" asked the wolf.

"I'm looking for my sister." replied Snow White. "She left me by a stream to pick flowers and she hasn't returned."

"I will help you look for your sister."

Snow White and the wolf continued down the path. They met many people and many dangers. Finally, the wolf and Snow White came to another bridge across the stream. "Perhaps your sister is there." said the wolf.

"Perhaps." The bridge was guarded by a mighty wizard, because it lead to an enormous palace. But the wizard was wise and kind in addition to being powerful and saw that the two had been through many hardships and were worthy of entering. So he brought them to the owner of the castle, who happened to be the very same prince that the elder sister had met.

When the younger sister made it to the castle, the older sister greeted her happily. The prince also greeted her and asked her to tell them about her journey. When she did, the prince was so impressed, he not only asked that Snow White and the wolf live with them, he asked for Snow White's hand in marriage.

This made Rose Red furious. Over the past year the older sister had fallen in love with the prince and wanted him to marry her. So on the day of the wedding she poured poison into the bride's glass. But the wizard suspected her for she had entered without his approval and he switched the glasses between the two sisters. So Rose Red drank the poison and died.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Hisana finished the story, then immediately started coughing. "Oneesama?"

"I'm alright, Rukia." Even though she'd known for the past year that she wasn't. "I just need a drink of water." But she kept coughing and coughing, unable to stand up or drink the water that Rukia brought her.

"Oneesama? Oneesama!" Rukia's voice was the last thing she heard before darkness closed in on her.

I'm sorry sister. I can no longer protect you.