Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Court or Caught? ❯ Fate and Fortune ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tite Kubo owns Bleach. I just borrowed the characters.
Fate and Fortune
Ichigo yawned. He was not winning the dictionary game, but at least he wasn't losing as badly as Renji. Uryu was winning, of course, with Orihime a close second. Rukia was doing well, as was Tatsuki, but Ichigo and Renji were becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Renji could not even begin to guess the words and he wrote the definition down word for word when it was his turn. He grumbled a lot, saying he didn't know any English and it wasn't fair. Ichigo noticed Renji was looking increasingly surly. Rukia noticed and nudged him. He frowned at her and then his expression lightened as he admired his friend.
“I'm sick of this game. Can't we play one of the other games I've heard about? Spin the Bottle, Truth or Dare? Twister? Something else? I'm bored.” Renji grimaced at Rukia as he made the suggestion.
“I don't want to play Spin the Bottle. I might end up having to kiss you. I'd barf if I had to do that.” Tatsuki was quick to reject that idea.
Ichigo had hoped, for a few seconds that they might agree to the idea, but he only wanted to kiss Orihime. He didn't want anyone else to kiss her. If he kissed Rukia, Renji and Rukia would kill him and if he kissed Tatsuki he would probably end up in hospital. He didn't even want to think of kissing Renji or Uryu. Spin the Bottle was a bad idea, a very bad idea. Though, it might be funny to see Tatsuki and Uryu kiss.
“Well, I wouldn't want to kiss you either. I'd prefer to stick a fork in my tongue than kiss you.” Renji was incensed by Tatsuki's comments.
“Having seen the way you eat, I'm sure you've stuck a fork in your tongue more than once. You probably enjoy it.” Tatsuki's eyes flashed in anger as she replied to the crimson haired Shinigami.
“I don't want to play Spin the Bottle either,” Orihime said quickly. “I've put out the recycling and I have no empty bottles.” For a brief moment her hand rested on Ichigo's thigh. Noticing what had happened she blushed and removed her hand very quickly. Ichigo felt a pang of disappointment.
“Truth or Dare is juvenile. I have no interest in that game as it usually degenerates into a competition for the most humiliating dares and personal truths.” Uryu didn't seem keen on the idea.
“Sounds good to me. What about you, Rukia?” Renji seemed more than keen on the idea. He was smiling slightly as if he was planning his questions and his dares.
“I agree with Uryu. Truth or Dare is a bad idea. It starts off well, but degenerates quickly and seeing we'd have degenerates playing, it might start badly anyway.” Squaring her shoulder and looking very determined, Tatsuki rejected Renji's other suggestion.
“Agreeing with your boyfriend again? Are you sure you don't want to snuggle up to him and make out. We degenerates would enjoy watching.” Renji grinned evilly at Tatsuki who flushed with anger and embarrassment at his comment.
“I have something we can play. I bought it at that strange shop where I bought the sweets. You remember, don't you Uryu? It's a card game, but one I'd never seen before. It's a fortune telling game.” Orihime made the suggestion quickly, as if eager to prevent another verbal disagreement between Tatsuki and Renji.
Ichigo turned toward the pretty girl and raised an eyebrow in question. A fortune telling card game from hat and clog's shop? Did he trust anything that came from that guy? “Do you know anything about it, Rukia?”
“No. It's only new and I'm not interested in fortune telling. We make our own futures. Cards can't foretell what will happen.” Rukia seemed a little unconvincing in her response.
“I think it sounds interesting. I'd like to know if I manage to win the championship and if I'll be able to enter the next Olympics. It could be fun if we don't take it seriously. Hey, we may even learn if Renji manages to learn to count past ten without taking off his socks.” Tatsuki apparently was still smarting from his earlier comments. She wrinkled her nose at him as he scowled in return.
“Does any one want anything while I get a drink?” Seeing the expression on Renji's face, Ichigo decided to try to break the tension by offering the food and drink he'd paid for.
“I'd like some lemonade, if you bought any. I'll help you.” Rukia looked at Ichigo with understanding in her eyes. It seemed she was aware that the mood needed to be broken.
If only Renji and Tatsuki could stop sniping at each other. Why did they dislike each other so much? It seemed odd that they had only met tonight and developed an almost instant hatred. It reminded him of Uryu and Renji when they first met, but at that time Uryu was being a pain to everyone, except Orihime. He was doing it on purpose. What was Tatsuki's issue?
“Could I have some tea, please? My throat is dry. I'm interested in that game you mentioned, Orihime. May I examine it? I will read the rules and then be able to advise on how best to play it. We don't want any misunderstandings this time.” Smiling at his friend, Uryu made his request.
Orihime nodded and began to search for the game. Ichigo and Rukia rose to their feet, ready to fulfil the requests made by the others.
“I'd like some tea as well. I'll make it as I know where everything is situated in the kitchen.” Tatsuki seemed eager to assist. Or was it because Uryu had asked for the tea? Ichigo wondered.
“I'll have some lemonade too, Rukia. I'm hungry again. Could you bring me something else to eat?” Renji smiled winningly at Rukia.
“I'm pleased I don't have to feed you all the time,” Rukia responded ruefully. “You ate more than anyone except Ichigo at the restaurant and you're still hungry. Okay. Stay there. And stop fighting with Tatsuki,” she murmured quietly as she moved away.
Ichigo heard the murmured instructions and wondered if Renji would listen. He moved close to Tatsuki and whispered “What's your problem with Renji?”
Tatsuki continued to fill the kettle with water. “I don't have a problem,” she hissed back. “He just doesn't fit with the rest of us. There's something strange about him. I can't put my finger on it but I don't trust him.” Once the kettle was full she set about heating the water, locating the teacups and other tea making essentials.
“Hey, Orihime, do you want some tea as well?” Tatsuki called to her friend who had finally located the cards. She was handing them to Uryu as Tatsuki asked the question. Ichigo wondered if Tatsuki was trying to avoid any more whispered conversations.
“Yes, please. Did you buy any cake? I feel like something sweet.” Orihime smiled.
“Cake? Yeah we bought cake. Do you want me to spread some wasabi on it?” Tatsuki had a wicked smile on her face as she made the offer.
Ichigo shuddered. Cake and wasabi? Surely Tatsuki was joking. Red bean paste possibly. Jam certainly. He awaited Orihime's response.
“No, not wasabi. I'd really like some sweet chilli sauce.” Orihime stopped as she noticed the rest of the group turn to her with their mouths opened in astonishment. “What's wrong? Haven't you tried it? It's good.”
“I don't want to try. Just cake for me Rukia, with no additions.” Renji was stretching as he spoke, his back cracked a little. He shrugged his shoulders as if slightly uncomfortable.
“Interesting though your suggestion is, I will abstain. I would also like a piece of cake if it is no difficulty.” Uryu lifted his eyes from examining the rules to appeal to Tatsuki. She smiled at him and nodded and began to cut the cake while the tea was brewing.
“Cake but no wasabi or sauce,” Ichigo couldn't even begin to envisage the taste combination. His tongue curled at the edges as he thought about it. He needed the cake to remove the imaginary taste.
“You can have plain cake too, girl. You don't want everyone to know about your peculiar tastes, do you?” Tatsuki grinned broadly as she teased her friend.
“You've already told them and my tastes are not peculiar. It's because the rest of you have underdeveloped taste buds and are not prepared to try anything different. If you always eat the same thing, it becomes boring.” Orihime was staunch in her defence of her strange combination of foods.
Once the food and drink were distributed, Uryu began to explain the rules of the game. “I've never seen a game like this before. It's uncomplicated but it does not adhere to any principles of fortune telling I have encountered until now. It should be entertaining. One of the factors that makes it interesting is that more than one person my have their fortune told at one time.”
Tatsuki looked bewildered. “I've never heard of a game like that. Usually only one person can have their future read at a time. Are you sure you read the rules correctly?”
Uryu raised an eyebrow at the question and his glasses reflected the light, making his eyes invisible. Ichigo guessed he was not happy about the question.
“I believe I can read simple instructions. Here are the rules if you are uncertain about my interpretation.” Uryu's voice was cool as he passed the small book of rules to Tatsuki. The tone of the voice made Ichigo wonder if Tatsuki had made an important mistake.
Tatsuki took the book calmly and glanced over the rules. She turned to the back and her forehead creased into a frown. “Published for Kisuke Urahara in the Soul Society. That's weird. Is it some religious organisation? I've never heard of it before.”
Ichigo groaned quietly. This was getting steadily worse. “I've never heard of it either,” he lied. “Does it matter? Was Uryu right about the rules?”
“Oh, yeah. Didn't mean to doubt you Uryu. It just seemed unusual. The game looks pretty strange, but let's play it anyway.” Tatsuki handed the rules back to Uryu.
“Thank you for concurring with my summary of the rules. I'm pleased that I did not misinform anyone.” The sarcasm in Uryu's voice was obvious. Tatsuki looked at him apparently unsure how to react.
“Hey, Uryu. Stop giving the girl a hard time. If she hadn't asked, I would.” Ichigo looked around to see who had said that. It sounded like Renji's voice, but it was not possible that Renji was defending Tatsuki, was it? Renji noticed everyone looking at him. “What's up? The idea of the game sounds crazy, but it seems better than the dictionary game.”
The group continued to look at him strangely.
“You defended Tatsuki. Are you feeling well?” Rukia placed a hand on Renji's forehead mockingly, implying he had a fever.
“You told me to stop fighting with Tatsuki. I'm only trying to please you, Rukia.” Ichigo noticed the talking without thinking virus had spread to Renji. Rukia coloured slightly at his words and then smiled guiltily at Tatsuki who was staring at Renji as if he'd turned an interesting shade of purple. Embarrassed at her stare, Renji stuffed the cake into his mouth.
“I think that's a good idea Renji. With your mouth full you can't talk.” Ichigo quickly filled his mouth with cake realising the talking virus had returned to him. He choked on a crumb in his hurry and Orihime patted him on his back as he gave into a fit of coughing. He briefly wished he wasn't struggling for breath so he could enjoy her touch. The coughing fit had the advantage of distracting everyone from the earlier conversation.
When the glasses and plates had been cleared away they settled down to play the game. They sat in a circle on the floor. Orihime explained the rules.
“It's rather irregular. First, we all have to think of a question and write the question down on a piece of paper. It has to be a general question, without mention of specifics. For example: `Will I graduate to a good university?' is a general question. You cannot include any names in the questions. Once you have written down the question, you fold the piece of paper three times and place it in this cup.” Orihime indicated a cup in the middle of the circle. Ichigo had wondered what the cup was doing there.
“Then we each select a piece of paper and look at the question. If we draw our own question, we have to put them all back and draw again. After that we are each dealt three cards. The cards are meant to provide the answer to the questions. Instead of looking their meaning up in a book, there is an explanation of the significance printed on the foot of the card.”
“That sounds easy enough. Where's the challenge?” Ichigo was partially interested, but felt that there must be more to it than that.
“The next part worries me a little. You have to guess from the cards you select and from the question, who wrote the question. I think that's why the question had to be non specific. Then you name the person and tell them the answer to the question. It could be a little tricky if the explanation doesn't match. Perhaps that's to make it fun. If you guess incorrectly there's a penalty.”
“A penalty? What sort of penalty. Is the penalty for the person who asked the question, or the person who is interpreting the question?” Rukia's brow was furrowed as she asked. Ichigo could see that she was ill at ease with the idea of the penalty.
“The rules lack precision on that point. The penalty is not imposed by the people playing the game, but by fate.” Uryu provided the explanation. His voice was guarded as he spoke.
“I'm not sure I like the sound of this game. Fate imposing a penalty? When and how and on whom?” Rukia was looking at the cards with an apprehensive expression on her face. Ichigo had not seen that expression very often.
“Where did you buy the cards?” Renji barked the question at Orihime, shocking her.
“At that sweet shop we went to on Sunday. The shop keeper wanted me to kiss him, or was it Rukia he wanted to kiss?” The uncertainty in Orihime's voice concerned Ichigo and he put an arm around her, in order to comfort her. For a second she sat very still, but did not push his arm away. Then she seemed to understand that Ichigo was trying to support her and she gave him a quick, shy smile.
“Oh.” Renji bit his lip as he thought. “I don't think we should play this game. Can I look at the rules and the box it came in?”
Uryu handed both to Renji after raising an amused eyebrow at the request. Renji quickly looked through the rules and examined the box carefully.
“So you can read, Renji.” Tatsuki could not resist the opportunity.
“Of course I can read, girl. Just like you can shut your mouth when necessary. I would recommend you shut it now and keep it shut.” Renji was still examining the box as he spoke. “Did either of you notice the warning on the box?” He raised his eyes from the box and looked at Orihime and Uryu.
“I thought it was a marketing ploy or a joke. I didn't take it seriously.” Orihime seemed defensive in her response. Ichigo used the excuse the draw her a little closer as if providing further reassurance. Orihime did not resist. She was now sitting very close, leaning on him. He could feel the warmth of her body through his clothes. Feeling the stirring of a physical reaction, he returned his attention to the discussion.
“I fail to see the problem. This is a card game, not a pact with fate. I suggest that as we play, we exercise vigilance. I am confident there can be no harm contained within a pack of cards.” Uryu spoke with authority.
Rukia took the box and rule book from Renji and also examined them closely. “Urahara tried to sell me one of these, at a discount, or so he said, but I as I said I wasn't really interested. Also, I didn't have the money. Oh, yeah, there's the warning. It's in pretty small print.”
“I haven't seen the game. What's it called? What does the warning say?” Ichigo did not want to remove his arm from Orihime which he would have to do if he looked at the container or rules.
“The game is called Fate and Fortune Hazard. The warning reads: Fate and Fortune gamble with lives. If you lose, your life may be the wager in the next game.”
“As a warning, it is very imprecise. I think the illustrations are unusual. The design contains an image of Fortune holding her wheel and the three Fates. Rukia, the illustration of the youngest fate, Clotho, resembles you. I do not recollect seeing too many images of her unclothed.” Uryu had removed the box from Rukia's grip and was looking at it closely. Too closely to notice Rukia's flush.
“Why are you looking so closely at the picture of a naked woman, Uryu?” Tatsuki's voice was icy.
“I was just taking an aesthetic pleasure in the artwork. Nothing more.” Uryu said smoothly.
Tatsuki gave him a piercing look and removed the box from his grasp. “I think you've looked enough. Especially if the picture resembles someone in this room. I'm disappointed in you Uryu.” Tatsuki pressed her lips together as she looked at the picture. Uryu seemed nonplussed and then displeased at her censure.
Ichigo watched a whispered conversation between Rukia and Renji. Renji was irate about something, but was trying to control his temper. Rukia was highly mortified, shaking her head in answer to his questions. Finally she burst out.
“No, I did not pose for that picture. Do you think I'd allow that pervert to see me like that? It's a coincidence, nothing more. I think that was why he wanted me to buy the cards. He knew it would embarrass me. It's his sick idea of a joke, nothing more. I thought you had more respect for me than that. I thought you cared enough to trust me.” Her eyes were wide as she looked at her friend in despair at his inability to trust.
“It seems suspicious, that's all. You see him regularly.” Renji grabbed the box from Tatsuki who was sitting next to him and looked at the picture again. His anger seemed to increase. Ichigo decided he better interrupt before more revealing words were said
“Are we playing this game? I'll have to go home soon. We have school tomorrow and I need my sleep.” He hugged Orihime slightly as he spoke.
“I don't want to play. I think it's a bad idea.” Rukia did not seem confident in her refusal to play the game.
“Scared to play the game your boyfriend designed. Is that it?” Renji was not allowing the disagreement to disappear.
“Rukia's got another boyfriend? Really? Who is he? Is his name Kisuke Urahara? What's going on?” Tatsuki had not missed the interchange. She appeared to be ignoring Uryu after their brief argument. Ichigo frowned. How were they going to explain this?
“He's not my boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. I had a friend once, but he's acting like a toad. I'll play. I've nothing more to lose.” It was apparent, even to Ichigo that Rukia was upset. She was refusing to look at Renji and had moved some distance from him, shifting back from the circle so she did not have to sit close to him.
Renji was still scowling. “I'll play your boyfriends' game. I'm leaving after one game. Don't expect me to come back again. I've got better things to do than hang around with a bunch of kids.”
Rukia flushed at his comments. “I don't care, Renji. Why don't you leave now? You know the way out.”
“Aren't you going to protest more? I thought I meant something to you.” Renji's tone was bitter.
“You did, until you started acting like a jerk. I thought you trusted me.” Rukia's voice was dangerously quiet. Ichigo felt himself become concerned. Something strange was happening.
“Trust? Why should I trust you now? Look at this. That looks like you.” He waved the box in front of Rukia's eyes.
She grabbed the box from his fingers and threw it. It landed next to Orihime. “I told you the truth.”
“Um. I don't think the picture looks like Rukia, really.” Orihime had picked up the box and was examining it closely. “The eyes are too close together and the hairstyle is wrong. Also, the girl looks taller than Rukia. I think it's just a coincidence.” Ichigo was uncertain if Orihime was telling the full truth, or just trying to calm the brewing fight. “Let's play the game. It might be fun.”
“So, what do we do?” Ichigo didn't like the atmosphere that was developing in the room. He hoped that playing the game would help everyone forget their grudges, but he wasn't really optimistic. He decided not to look at the box. Doing so seemed to sow discord between any couple, or potential couple.
“Write your question on a piece of paper, fold it and place it in the cup. Weren't you listening?” Tatsuki did not bother hiding the impatience in her tone.
“Okay, okay. I was only asking. Gee, Tatsuki, you're touchy.” Ichigo was pleased he was close to Orihime. The bad feeling in the room seemed to be increasing. Orihime seemed unaffected. Reluctantly, Ichigo removed his arm as he needed both hands to follow the instructions.
What question would he ask? It had to be something that wouldn't be too revealing about his feelings, as it would be read aloud. Better to write something bland and uninteresting. Instead he found his hand writing a question about when he would have sex. He flushed and ripped up the piece of paper hoping Orihime had not glanced over and read what he had written. Concentrating hard he wrote another question, folded it and placed it in the cup. The others had been waiting for him to finish and were watching him. The feeling of their eyes on him made him shift restlessly.
For some reason since the game was suggested the mood had changed. No one seemed to be joking much anymore. Ichigo admitted he was feeling rather unnerved by the whole thing.
Orihime took the cup, placed her hand over the top and shook the pieces of paper to mix them. She then handed the cup to Ichigo who took out a piece of paper and looked at the question. `Will I become an Olympic gold medallist?” He thought he knew who had written that question.
“Did you extract the question you wrote?” Uryu enquired. The question had overtones too serious for a game.
Ichigo shook his head. Why was Uryu being so solemn?
The next person to draw was Rukia. She opened the clue, looked at it and said, “I didn't write this question.”
The cup passed from person to person. No one drew their own question. Aside from announcing that they had not drawn their own question, the draw was conducted in silence. The mood in the room was vaguely oppressive.
Uryu shuffled the cards and then passed them to Orihime. “We have to shuffle the cards thrice. It means we pass the cards around the circle three times. You don't have to shuffle them much. Once you have completed your shuffle, pass them to the person on your left.”
“Don't you usually pass to your right?” Tatsuki seemed keen to know the answer to that question. As she spoke, Ichigo realised she was correct.
“The rules specifically state that you pass to the left. I do not see that it matters. This is a game. Fortune telling is false science. The only people who sincerely believe in its merits are the superstitious or the weak minded. To be superstitious, you have to be weak minded.” Uryu thinned his lips as he spoke. He did not look at Tatsuki. Ichigo guessed he was still unhappy about their earlier disagreement.
“Don't you believe in ghosts?” Tatsuki faced Uryu as she asked the question. “Ghosts are a superstition, aren't they?” There was a faint air of scorn in her tone.
“There has been much scientific research into the existence of ghosts. It appears there is some empirical evidence that ghosts do exists. As such, I discount the belief in ghosts as being pure superstition.” Uryu was looking at the question he held in his hands and was not looking at Tatsuki as he spoke.
Ichigo grinned. Uryu could not deny the existence of ghosts. He knew they existed. For all his talk of superstition being a falsehood, he was forced to believe in some things other people dismissed as lies. Did that mean that Uryu was weak minded? Rukia saw Ichigo's smile and gave a small smile in return. It was obvious she was still smarting from the heated exchange of words with Renji, but was amused by Uryu's double talk.
The cards had been passed around the circle three times as required.
“Now the game commences. As you receive the cards on this occasion, contemplate the question and the person you deem composed the question. Then select three cards from the deck. Place them face down, in front of you.”
Orihime accepted the cards from Uryu, shut her eyes and chose three cards at random. She passed the cards to Ichigo. He didn't take the game seriously and just took three cards without really thinking about it.
Uryu stopped him before he could pass the cards. “Think about it Kurosaki. Replace the cards and try again.” Why was the Quincy being so serious?
Shrugging, Ichigo replaced the cards. He thought about the question and Tatsuki and drew another three cards. As they continued, Uryu reprimanded both Rukia and Renji for not concentrating. Eventually everyone had the three cards face down. The tension in the room had increased. Ichigo was feeling increasingly uneasy.
“Are we ready to begin?” Uryu asked.
Silence. The silence stretched as no one seemed ready to consent.
“I'll take the silence as assent. We will begin now.” Uryu was firm in his statement.
Ichigo wondered briefly why he had taken charge.
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Author's Note:
The card game: Fate and Fortune Hazard, does not exist, except in this story and my imagination. I created it. Therefore I declare ownership rights and copyright and assert it to be an original idea. I don't know if it would work, but I will develop it further in the next chapter. It has potential. Anyone found stealing the idea will be punished by Fate and Fortune. Tremble before them.
Thank you to Bastion for reviewing the last chapter.
Please review.
Next chapter (if I write it): Is the warning to be taken seriously? (Maybe) Is Renji really jealous of Urahara? (Possibly) Will Rukia remain angry with Renji? (Hmmm). Will Orihime and Ichigo remain the only couple who are not fighting? (They're a couple now? When did that happen?) What was Ichigo's question? (Cheesy grin). Will everyone guess correctly? (In this story, who can tell?) Do sweet chilli sauce and wasabi taste good with cake? (You're on your own with that question. I don't wish to experiment.)