Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Court or Caught? ❯ Threats and Warnings ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tite Kubo owns Bleach. I just borrowed the characters. The Fate and Fortune Hazard game is my creation.
The previous chapter of this story changed to a rather sinister tone. As warned, this chapter will also be less of the date story and more about the game. Chapter 12 should see most things returning to normal.
Threats and Warnings
The Wandering Swordsman is a person who travels alone. Why do you seek a companion? You will only cause them pain. You live by the sword and so you will perish, you believe, but perhaps your death will not be honourable.” Rukia's voice was hesitant as she read the words. Renji was sitting behind her, his arms around her waist and his chin resting on her shoulder, looking at the card she was holding as she read it. He kissed her shoulder when she finished reading, his eyes never leaving the card.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, more threats. I'd like to go and kick Urahara for inventing this game. It's only bad news for each of us, no good futures. I'll listen to the reading, but I'm going to ignore everything it says.” Renji was adamant in his rebuttal of the cards.
“Only fools ignore warnings. You will listen and you will understand. As to whether you remember…. That is to be seen. It depends on my mood. Read the next card, girl.” Ichigo listened to his voice scold Renji with detachment. He was already beginning to dread the reading of his cards and the inevitable negative response to his question.
One odd thing he'd observed while Rukia read the words aloud, a picture formed in his mind. Inwardly he was astonished to see the card in his mind, the picture and the words. He wished he could check the card to see if his vision was correct.
The card pictured a young looking man, with his long, light coloured hair tied in a pony tail. The attractive features of the man were disfigured by a large scarlet coloured X shaped scar on his cheek. He was alone and gave the impression of melancholy, as he carried a broken sword through a dense, dark forest. There were shapeless forms lurking in the trees, whether bandits or wood spirits it was not possible to tell. The path ahead was obscured by large, drooping branches. There was an ominous feeling to the card, as if the path led to danger and with a broken sword it was unlikely that the swordsman would leave the forest alive.
“Do you have to keep interrupting, whoever you are? The cards are bad enough, but you're just being horrible.” Tatsuki seemed to understand it was not Ichigo speaking and her voice was querulous as she made the comment. Uryu was still holding her close and she did not seem to wish to disentangle herself from his embrace.
Ichigo giggled. He giggled! “Maybe yodelling would be better than giggling” he thought hazily and waited for some more stern and threatening words to emerge from his mouth, but the presence did not speak.
Rukia had picked up the next card and for a time she looked at it, her eyes widening as an expression of horror and denial covered her face. Shaking her head she quickly placed if face down again. Tears stood in her eyes and she turned her face to Renji's as if seeking consolation.
“No, I won't read this card. You can't make me.” Rukia's defiance was shaky but strong.
“Read it, just for a laugh. How can you expect to finish the game if you won't play? Whether you read the card or not is immaterial because by the drawing of the cards, by the actual mention of this game, your fate was decided. It is immutable. Every person has the obligation to know their fate once this game is commenced. Defiance, dissent; what is the use, when the only cards you hold are the ones I have provided?” The voice had taken on an unconvincing note of cajolery. Ichigo had no idea what he was saying. Did whatever it was claim to control fate?
Rukia stared at Ichigo, the tears making her eyes shine in the light, but the fear and disgust were obvious.
Renji had also seen the card and had paled at the sight but he seemed more concerned at the effect on Rukia. “It doesn't matter, it's not real. You are real and we are together, finally. Don't let a stupid game interfere. Come home with me.” He kissed her cheek and as if strengthened by his words, she picked up the card again, as if accepting there was no choice.
The entity within Ichigo cackled again at Renji's words as if taking a perverse pleasure in his continuing disbelief.
“The next card is The Puppet Master. You consider the wrong people to be worthy of your trust. Too often your actions are dictated by another whose true self remains hidden from sight. As your strings are pulled, your choices are removed. Your trust may be the death of someone you wish to protect.” Rukia swallowed audibly as she read the card. When she finished, she quickly placed it face down and stared into the distance, seemingly unaware of everyone, as if she was locked into some intense internal discussion.
Another image formed in Ichigo's mind as the card was read aloud. The face and form of the puppet master was in silhouette, neither the features nor gender could be distinguished from the outline, but the figure seemed to hold a pen in one hand and a large sheet of paper in another. The silhouette bent over many puppets, suspended on strings. The puppets were wearing a variety of clothes; Ichigo could make out that one male had crimson hair and tattoos and a female had short dark hair, like Rukia's. Another girl puppet was clad in ancient Chinese costume and a male was attired a long black coat over black clothing. There was even a pirate sporting a black bandana and carrying three swords and a man dressed in orange clothing who had a long monkey like tail. The variety of the puppets was astounding and finely drawn and they seemed to be struggling against the strings; some were trying to cut themselves free, while others dangled helplessly, seeming to have already given up hope. The background of the card was dark, the only light being that which partially illuminated the figures of the puppets.
Throughout the time Rukia was disclosing the meaning of the card, Renji had seemed more intent on examining her shoulders and back, while placing kissed on her neck, apparently uninterested in the fortune. When she had finished reading the card, Renji didn't look up, but Ichigo noticed his face had assumed a set expression, as if he was schooling his features to remain composed, but he seemed to be holding the girl in his arms more tightly than before, afraid she would disappear if he let go.
“No time now for a rest. What's the last card? Quickly please. You have school tomorrow.” The voice was colder, with less tone than previously. For a moment, Ichigo wondered if the being liked the reactions and was peeved with Renji's apparent lack of concern.
Acting like she was not in control of her hand, Rukia picked up the last card and looked at the picture for some minutes. All the participants in the game stared at her, awaiting the reading, with a mixture of fear and anxiety.
Rukia's lids shut over her eyes for a moment before she began to read, taking time to find composure. In a monotone, she read the title of the card: `The Executioner'.
Ichigo shuddered when he heard the title announced, realising that a card with that title could not possibly be good for Renji, or the rest of them. Mentally cursing the game and the entity which controlled him he tried to prepare himself for the reading that was to follow. The image forming in his mind was of a beautiful young man with long dark hair and large violet coloured eyes. His hair swirled around his face and form, activated by his actions, as smiling serenely, his sword decapitated a kneeling female figure who was holding out her arms imploringly to him. It seemed so wrong, until he noticed that the kneeling figure seemed to possess the horns and large black wings of a demon. The serenity on the face of the young man was amiss with his actions. This whole game was unhealthy.
“You believe you bring peace to tortured souls. Maybe you do, but your actions will make you an executioner of the one you love the most. You won't wield the instrument of destruction, but you set the chain of events in motion. Know full well that you made this possible. Suffer, as you realise your culpability and fail as you challenge fate.” Rukia's voice became fainter as she read the meaning. Renji did not move as the words were uttered and rested his face on Rukia's shoulder, his expression hidden. Ichigo noticed that his hold on Rukia seemed to grow ever tighter.
Rukia replaced the card and turned to face Renji, as much as she could, hampered by his hold on her. “I won't believe these cards. I don't want to believe them.” She pressed her lips to Renji's as if that would dispel the words and the cruel threats that they promised. Renji kissed her in return as if frantic for her reassurance. The kiss seemed to be devoid of passion, but redolent with fear, desperation, and tenderness. It almost hurt Ichigo to witness that mixture of emotion.
“Stop kissing the man and provide your summary. Make it quick. These romantic displays turn my stomach.” The voice interrupted again, revulsion obvious in the tone.
“It's all bad. Is that enough?” Taking her mouth from Renji's, but continuing to look in his eyes, Rukia dismissed the command with a few words.
“More detail; you know that is not enough, or are you scared what the summary may reveal? I would be, if I was in your position. Show your bravery and tell me more.” Ichigo hated to hear the words being uttered by his mouth and to see the pain he was causing his friend.
Turning her head Rukia provided the summary. “Trust no one, but it's too late. Don't look for companionship and you will cause the death of someone you love. Is that enough now? Can we finish this appalling game?” Rukia's voice was harsh and her expression hard as she provided the unwelcome synopsis, glaring all the time at Ichigo. Renji's face was as expressionless as a mask. He continued to hold Rukia, but it was it seemed only his body was present in the room, while his mind had withdrawn to some other place.
Ichigo suddenly felt light, as if a dreadful pressure had been removed. Without thinking, he got to his feet and went to the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind him. The presence had left him and he felt slightly sick from the residual contact. Running some cold water into the sink, he washed his face, trying to cool down, trying to gain back his self-possession. The reluctance he felt at returning to the other room and the game made him feel like remaining in the quiet and peace of the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, he saw the water dripping down his face and the disconcerted expression in his eyes. If he entered the other room again, he wanted to wrap his arms around Orihime and hold her close as their fortunes were read. He wanted some comfort from her warmth, knowing that he was not alone when what ever awful fate was revealed.
It was strange. The cards had at first driven Renji and Rukia apart, but the reading had brought them back together; or at least clinging to each other for comfort. Tatsuki and Uryu were closer too, embracing more than would be normal for a first date. Wondering if they would acknowledge each other after this night, he realised that if they did, he would not need to worry about any competition from Uryu for Orihime. Even now it seemed as if Tatsuki was taking up more of his attention. Remembering the conversation he'd had with Uryu, he realised that Tatsuki had always been his preference, but had used the excuse of Orihime to gain a reaction and a slight revenge on Ichigo.
These pleasant thoughts were driven from his mind as he heard a voice summoning him from the bathroom. Drying his face he unwillingly opened the door and encountered the fraught atmosphere in the room as he reluctantly sat down. This time he looked at Orihime who returned his glance with eyes full of trepidation. He opened his arms to her and she came to him resting her head against his shoulder as if pleased to be close to him. Ichigo felt a pang of joy at her acceptance of his hug, but the joy quickly faded as he considered the cost. Removing his attention a little from the girl nestled within his arms, he looked at Tatsuki and Renji, wondering which one of them was now housing the presence. One fast glance confirmed that Renji had the shadowed eyes and the erect posture of the one possessed. Rukia touched him and he looked at her fingers with the same disgust he would show if a cockroach had crawled onto his arm.
“Do not touch what you do not understand. Now you; the girl with the big mouth and the attitude. It's your turn to read. Two questions left and two people to choose from. How successful will you be? How soon will you fail, or bring disappointment to your friends.” Renji smirked unpleasantly and Ichigo felt slightly sorry for the guy. The feeling of being trapped with a hostile entity within your body was not something he wished to experience ever again.
“I'm not sure if I like you or Renji less. I think I like Renji more than you, whoever you are. I refuse to play.” Tatsuki was cuddled as closely as she could be to Uryu and her words were brave, though her voice shook a little as she uttered her defiance.
“Have you listened to the warnings at all, foolish child? You will read. My patience is approaching its limit and one more refusal means another penalty. Come now, I know you wish everything to return to normal and once this game is complete, normality will be returned, of some kind. You cannot challenge or change time, fate or fortune. Accept your destiny.” Renji's mouth curved into a spiteful smile.
“What are you?” Uryu asked the question that everyone in the room wished answered. His tone was dry, and his expression fixed while his arms continued to hold Tatsuki close to him, his mouth near her cheek.
“All will be explained, once the game is complete. This is your final warning. Co-operate of suffer another penalty.” One eyebrow raised and his lips pursed, Renji observed Tatsuki, seemingly wondering if she would comply.
Tatsuki angrily snatched her piece of paper and looked at the question. She frowned and looked between Ichigo and Orihime, unsure which of them had penned the words. “The question is: `Does the person I like, care about me?' Is it yours, Orihime?”
Orihime's face broke into a smile and she blushed. “Yes.”
The tension in the room eased once more at the correct guess and Ichigo held her closer placing a kiss on top of her head. Vainly he thought at the entity, “Don't hurt Orihime. She never hurts others. She's sweet and gentle and kind and does not deserve any further pain. Give me the bad fortune, make hers good.” Orihime feeling the kiss turned to look at Ichigo and gave him an enchanting smile, making his heart beat faster as he gazed at her full lips, thinking about kissing them.
“Finally; a question about romance. I wondered when the weary head of emotions would rise and seek an answer. The outcome is sure to amuse.” Chuckling, Renji covered his mouth after he spoke.
Tatsuki looked even more reluctant. “I wish you hadn't asked that question, Orihime.” Unenthusiastically she picked up the first card and looked at it. A strange expression crossed her face. “The first card is called The Happy Bunny. The picture looks like the one on the shirt you bought recently. See.” Tatsuki held out the card to Orihime and Ichigo saw that it indeed looked like Chappy the Bunny. He was holding a very large misshapen carrot and sat in a sunny field full of grass and flowers. Looking closer, Ichigo noticed the flowers had teeth and the grass seemed to be shaped like swords, while Chappy's smile displayed sharp incisors that resembled those of a vampire, more than a rabbit. He did not like the card. Tatsuki turned the card around and read the words aloud.
“Blithely you assume that all in life is full of hope and joy like a happy bunny in a sunny field, not noticing the true face of evil. You have experienced sadness and yet you still hope, but your sweet heart and gentle thoughts will help you discover an unexpected power. Beware the viper; beware the hidden evil in the love you seek.”
Ichigo couldn't stop his arms involuntarily closing tighter around Orihime. Hidden evil? Viper? What had those words to do with a bunny? Again Orihime turned to him, her eyes confused and he found he was kissing her cheek in comfort. She nodded as if he had explained the meaning of the card, and turned her attention once more to Tatsuki.
Meanwhile, Uryu had turned Tatsuki's face to his and was gazing deep into her eyes. “When this is over, I will walk you home. I will hold in my embrace as we walk and you will not object. Remember, a walk can end in a kiss.”
Hearing the words made Ichigo's throat close. He was planning to kiss Tatsuki? The guy had some nerve, but a quick glance at the girl showed that she was nodding her agreement to Uryu's plan as she gazed at his mouth with something that looked liked longing. “I wish it was now,” he heard her murmur softly.
Not looking, Tatsuki picked up the next card with the actions of one distracted and then forced herself to look at it. Unexpectedly she laughed until she caught herself and looked grave. “The card is titled The High School Lovers.
“Show me, please,” Orihime asked.
Obligingly, Tatsuki turned the card to face her friend. Pictured were a young male and female embracing closely in a classroom, mouths fused together as they kissed, effectively hiding most of the features. The girl was holding a lemon, for some undisclosed reason while the boy had both arms wrapped tightly around her. The door was ajar and the face of a teacher was shown, entering the room and opening her mouth, as if to reprimand the students for their activities.
Tatsuki began to read the words. “High School romance can be sweet, but it passes and a moment of stolen kisses may result in punishment. You love unconditionally, without thought, without understanding that which you love, you should fear. Be very sure that where you give your heart, there will be no unfortunate consequences.”
Ichigo was astounded by Orihime's next action. She turned to him and pressed her lips tightly against his. She was kissing him!
“I'm sorry Ichigo. I know you may be shocked, but I don't believe the cards. I've wanted to kiss you ever since Sunday.” Her face flaming because of her behaviour, Orihime apologised for the action he'd longed to take.
“Anytime, you can do that anytime,” he stuttered in response, his lips still remembering the imprint of hers. His eyes firmly caught by Orihime's, he did not see the kiss exchanged by Uryu and Tatsuki or the look of despair on Rukia's face as she looked at Renji, obviously wishing she could also kiss him.
“I said enough of the mushy stuff. Read the last card girl. Further displays of emotion will attract a penalty.” Renji's altered voice cut through the interplay between the couples involved with each other.
With a dazed look, Tatsuki pulled her mouth from Uryu's. She looked him, confused and for a moment, Ichigo thought she would disregard the warning and commence kissing the Quincy once more. Picking up the last card she blinked and looked at it closely.
“This is weird, weirder than most of the other cards. The Handsome Shopkeeper it's called.” Rukia, Orihime, Uryu and Ichigo stared at Tatsuki as she looked at the card. Glancing up she noticed the combined gaze and shifted uncomfortably.
“It's called what?” Rukia seemed aghast at the title of the card.
The Handsome Shopkeeper. Here, look at the card if you don't believe me.” Tatsuki seemed a little offended by the doubt expressed and handed the card to Rukia.
Staring at the card, Rukia quickly covered her mouth, whether to hide a smile or some other expression, it was not possible to tell. She handed the card to Ichigo.
It was as he expected. The picture on the card was a very flattering portrait of Urahara, hat, clogs, cane and coat all evident, standing outside his shop. The smile on his face seemed warm and genuine. Was he pictured as being taller than he really was? Were his shoulders just a little broader? He passed the card to Orihime whose eyes became very large as she looked at the card before returning it to Tatsuki.
“Have we finished with the show? Are we now going to have the tell? Don't bore me by arguing or trying to delay the reading. Any objection and a penalty will ensure.” The entity's cold voice spoke again using Renji's mouth.
Without hesitation Tatsuki began to read the words as if eager to finish her participation in the game, apparently ignoring the probability that she would be the next host of the unwelcome presence. “The handsome shopkeeper will provide all you need. He has the talent, the skills and the ability to shower you with affection and romance. Wrench the old love from your heart and accept the new.” Tatsuki was shaking her head as she read the final words. “I suppose you want a summary. Okay, you've made a mistake in falling in love and you'll gain an unexpected power. For some reason you should allow a shopkeeper to romance you. He'd be a bit old for you, wouldn't he?”
Ichigo was nearly shaking with rage as Tatsuki finished her summary. The handsome shopkeeper might become the toothless shopkeeper very soon. Orihime stirred in his arms, obviously aware of his anger, and she cuddled closer. As he thought about the reading, he realised that it was the most positive reading of all, no threats of death or loss, mainly advice to rethink her love. Did that mean that Orihime loved him?
The thought struck him and he sat very still. It was obvious, even to him that she liked him, but love was something entirely different. He rested his chin on the top of Orihime's head and mused on love, considering if it would complicate his friendship or any activities he might undertake. The brief interlude was interrupted, all too soon as Renji almost collapsed when the entity left him. Rukia took hold of him, cradling him in her arms.
“I tried to fight, all the time that thing was in me, I was fighting, but it made no difference. I'm exhausted.” Pulling Rukia's face close to his, he kissed her apparently believing that the touch of her lips would restore all the strength he had lost.
“Fighting is all you know, Shinigami. You lost your fight with me; how many more will be lost by you?” Tatsuki's voice contained the clear coldness of the spirit.
With fear, Ichigo looked toward his friend to see the familiar shadow obscuring her eyes. His stomach sinking, he realised that there was only one more person left who had not yet had their fortune revealed. Uryu glanced at him as he picked up the piece of folded paper that contained the question he had asked. For a silent instant he wished he'd asked the question about sex; that might have at least resulted in some drivel informing him that he'd never be that lucky. The question he'd substituted was very bland, and possibly predictable, but the way this game was going, the answer would be only bad, crushing any hopes he had.
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Author's Note:
Yes, I know I said there wouldn't be a Happy Bunny card in the deck, but on further thought, I couldn't resist Chappy's allure.
I hope you notice I included the obligatory lemon; it's only meant as a joke.
Originally it was planned that the dark turn would only last two chapters, but now there will be three. This is due to the way the story has unfolded.
Next chapter: Will Ichigo's question be revealed? (Hopefully within the first page. I've provided a tiny hint in this chapter.) Will another penalty be imposed because the entity is in a bad mood? (Maybe.) Will Urahara end up as the toothless shopkeeper? (I think there might be an orderly queue outside the shop, once the game is ended, complete with brass knuckles and baseball bats.) What will the penalties be? (A further hint, chocolate does not feature, nor do hugs or cakes.) Will this story ever finish? (I hope so. I have the ending planned, but it's taking longer to arrive there than I intended.)
Thank you to Bastion and xsakura for the reviews. I did not clone the characters and I would never go on a group date. That way madness beckons. Oooo. Look. It's beckoning.
Please review.