Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Myster Science Theater 80 ❯ Unexpected Connections ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



SINCERITY'S DILEMMA: Part 2 - Unexpected Connections

Jet: I thought we were going for half and half for each chapter.

R80: Well, the 2nd chapter of this trilogy is a bit bigger than the 1st one was. This one will be done in thirds.

Mimi & TK: Sarcastically Oh joy.

Matt & Kari: Ditto.

"Hello precious.

SnowAgumon: AHH! It's Gollum!

Mimi: That's my mother, you dope! …Who's Gollum?

SnowAgumon: Never read Tolkein's books, have you?

Mimi: Ohh, THAT Gollum!

You have some messages on the machine."

Kari: (Mimi's Mom) About over a million, too.

Matt: That's a lot of tape to record that many messages.

"Thanks mom." Mimi said punching the button.

Mimi: All deleted.

TK: Why all of them? What if Matt was calling?

Matt: When I call, I usually page her.

"Hey Mimi, it's Duo.

All: DUO?!

R80: Yes, Duo. Forgot that Arch included DBZ and GW in here, didja?

TK: Coolness.

A little birdie said you were back in town,

Mimi: Which one, Hawkmon or Biyomon?

so me and the guys

Matt: She knows all the GW boys?!

TK: Quatre failed to mention that in BOYZ. Oh, wait! That's a different universe.

R80: Just smiles

wanted to know if you wanted to have lunch at the Hanging Palace.

Kari: What a coincidence… that's where TK and the girls are gonna meet.

You did say you love that place. If so we were thinking around noon, so give me a call. Later."

TK: Wonder what Hilde& Relena would say if she knew they didn't invite them?

R80: Hilde'd just start shooting at Duo, and Relena would whine to Zechs.

"Duo Maxwell you old card." Mimi grinned

Matt: Grrrrrr!

R80: Relax, Matt! There's no Mimi/Duo fics out there.

TK: How do you know?

R80: (Danny) Whattaya mean, "how do I know?"

as the next message began to play.

"Hey Meems. It's me."

Matt: O.o It's… me.

Matt's dispassionate voice

TK: Another nail in his coffin.

drifted out of the machine.

Jet: A ghost!

"I was kinda hoping we could get back together, yanno?

Matt: I'm dating my brother's girl, and now I'm asking Mimi to take me back?!

TK: Not the sharpest pencil in the box, wouldn't you say?

Call me."

Matt: Sure, like she'd call him after he did something like that! YOU MORON!!!!

"Of all the egotistical arrogant self centered - argh!"

Kari: My thoughts, exactly. They also match Davis perfectly.

She snarled punching the delete button.

SnowAgumon: She might break that machine if she keeps punching it.

"Mimi it's Tai.

R80: Popular gal, isn't she?

Mimi: The price I pay for my looks.

Look Sora had some kind of seizure last night and she's in the hospital now. She asked for TK but I think you might want to come over too. Odiba general, room 364."

Kari: That's Odaiba!

R80: Whatever.

"Sora..." She said dazedly. "I gotta go."

SnowAgumon: Looks like TK and Mimi may meet at the hospital.

She said snapped

Kari: Like a twig!

out of her reverie and grabbing some fresh clothes. Five minutes later she was out the door.

Matt: A new record for her.

Mimi: Watch it, buster.


"Sora." TK whispered

Kari & TK: NOT AGAIN! Have flashbacks of the third part of the Threesome Trilogy

as the red haired girl

SnowAgumon: Heh, it's Charlie Brown's dream girl.

slowly opened her eyes.

Mimi: (Sora) I had a strange dream. Matt was dating Kari and TK and Mimi were getting closer…

TK: You ain't dreaming, kid.


TK: That's my name, toots.

She sounded as if

Mimi: She had marbles in her mouth?

Kari: She had something wrong with her throat?

it was taking all her energy just to say his name.

Mimi & Kari: Oh.


R80: Do you do?

"I'm all right." He lied.

Matt: Liar, liar! Pants on fire!

TK: Is that what I smelled burning?

"Liar. I feel our love."

TK & Kari: "OUR LOVE?!?!"

"You mean the 'destined?"

TK & Kari: …Oh.

Sora managed a weak thumbs up.

Jet: (Captain America) Thumbs up, soldier!

"My crest."

Matt: That explains it.

Jet: What's her crest again?

SnowAgumon: Love.

Suddenly his words came back to haunt him with stunning clarity.

TK: Which ones?

I'm never letting anyone in my heart again. It hurts too much when they leave.

TK: -_- Oh yeah…

"You gave up?" Sora asked.

All: Duh!

"Yes I did but I never

R80: Stood a chance?

Matt: Lost a fight before?

meant to hurt you.

TK: What is this, a Takimi, or a Sokeru? Arch, make up your mind!

Kari: Eyepokes TK Why don't you be quiet!

I'll love again

Jet: Pulls out his gun Anybody wanna try singing? Silence Good!

for you."

"No!" Sora snapped.

Mimi: Too much snapping around here.

"Always for yourself. Never for another."

Kari: Kinda selfish, don'tcha think?

She said sinking

SnowAgumon: What is she, the Titanic?

back into the cushions.

"I'm sorry sir but you'll have leave. The desk nurse should have never let you in."

Matt: (TK) Hey, she told me I could if I did her a sexual favor later-.

TK: Tosses a mallet at Matt That worked for Erin Brokavich, but not for you, bro!

An orderly said ushering TK out.

TK: I want my money back!

"I asked..." Sora said,

R80: (Orderly) I'll bet you did. I get that all the time.

giving TK a halfhearted wave goodbye.

"Well that's different,

Mimi: Hey, it's Curly!

but you still need your rest." He said.

Mimi: Or not. Curly would let him stay.

"Well, I have to be going anyway."

TK: Hello, I must be going!

TK said stepping

Jet: Out the door and down the hall before the nurse he owed that favor saw him.

away from the orderly

Kari: Those guys are brutes, anyway.

into the elevator.

SnowAgumon: Main floor! Leather goods, pottery, washing machines, and aspirin. Going Up?

As the doors slid shut,

Matt: On his foot.

on his immediate right

Kari: It's definitely Mimi.

Jet: Sucker's bet.

the doors opened as Mimi disembarked

Mimi: I'm not a ship!

and marched straight for Sora's room,

Mimi: Not a soldier, either!

TK: Though you do turn the heads of quite a bunch of them, concerning you know the GW boys.

despite the protests of the desk nurse and orderlies.

Kari: As long as she doesn't walk all over her friends, I applaud this.

"Girlfriend what did you do to your hair?"

Guys: Oh brother!

Mimi: What?

Mimi said lightly as she stormed into the room.

Jet: Hurricane Mimi.

"That look is so last week."

Mimi: Better last week than last decade.

"At least it's not pink."

R80: Strawberry blonde.

Matt & Mimi: Thanks!

Sora whispered good naturedly.

Mimi: See? She knew I was joking.

"Big favor."

"From me for you anything."

Mimi: Now THAT was lame.

"Help TK heal." She whispered.

Mimi: I'm not a healer, doctor, or medicine woman. I'm just… Mimi.

R80, SnowAgumon, and Jet: "It's Mimi! Just Mimi!"

TK: What the hell was that?

R80: Remember that one skit on Saturday Night Live? "It's Pat?"

TK: The one with the guy or girl with the glasses, and looks like he/she has a pillow stuffed under the shirt?

R80: Yep.

"Do that?"

"If he'll let me."

TK: I can be one stubborn SOB.

Matt: You said it, we didn't.

She said patting the other girls hand. "I'm gonna

Mimi: I'll make him get over Kari even if it kills him!


Mimi: Oopsies! Guess I got wrapped up in it.

Kari: Relax. Pulls back her right fist

Mimi: Hold `er, TK, hold `er!

TK: Grabs Kari's pulled back fist

Kari: Hits Mimi with free hand

let you rest and I'll see you when

R80: The cows come home.

SnowAgumon: When pigs fly.

Matt: When Milli Vanilli sing for real.

Jet: Matt, one of them's dead.

Matt: Really? My bad.

R80: Folks, I wanna take this time to apologize for the Milli Vanilli joke. It was taken from a commercial for the Care*Free gum I saw during the VH1 Behind the Music special on them.

you're better."

"Thank you." Sora whispered as she left. "From both of us."

DD: Both of us?

R80: If TK heals, so will Sora, remember?

Kari: Point.


"Konichiwa sir. Can I help you?"

Jet: One large pizza with anchovies to go!

"Yes." TK said absently. "I'm with the Kinomoto party."

Kari: Sakura's paying?

TK: Didn't know she was rich.

SnowAgumon: Hope Veemon80 doesn't hear about this.

R80: Don't ever mention those two in one sentence again!

SnowAgumon: Sorry, boss. Forgot about Dar-. What's-his-name.

"Table 7. Follow me." The older man said leading him to the table where his three friends sat waiting.

Matt: dude, that was a good spot for that old "Walk this way" gag!

"Anything to drink, sir?"

TK: Just gimme burnt toast and a rotten egg.

Matt: You and your tapeworm!

"Green tea will be fine and I'll have a light won ton soup, please." He said absently.

TK: How can I be absent when I'm there?

"What's going on TK?" Mina snapped.

Kari: More snapping of people. Must be related to Twiggy.

"You guys are my friends right? You wouldn't stab me in back after you told me I could trust you, right?"

Jet: Oh yeah, he's lost faith in female friends.

Kari: What the hell did you expect after what I did to him in this fic?!

"Of course not!" Sakura protested.

"Yes, we're your friends. What gave you that idea?" Mina squealed.

Mimi: Now she's a pig?

TK: (Ranma) Hey, Akane! I found P-Chan!

"He was betrayed." Hotaru said.

Matt: O.o A psychic!

"The eyes are the windows of the soul, and your soul has been shattered."

SnowAgumon: Thank you, Confucius.

"Kari?" Sakura said suddenly understanding.

Mimi: Catches on quick, doesn't she?

"Let me start at the beginning."

R80: You do that, pal. We'll change scenes, somewhat.


"Chang Wufei, party of six."

Jet: Wufei?! Quatre's the richest of the five!

R80: Just follow along and keep the complaints to a minimum.

"So good to have you back Mr. Chang, and you as well Ms. Takichawa.

Jet: They're regulars. That explains it.

You'll be at table 8."

Heero arched an eyebrow as they were seated.

Matt: The original Mr. Cold-as-ice.

"What can I say, I'm a regular." Mimi said.

All: We know.

"Right." Duo said sarcastically.

"Being a heavy tipper doesn't hurt any either, right Mimi." Trowa said playfully.

Matt: Hey, Trowa! You got a girl!

R80: But from what I'm told, Katherine's more of a sister to Trowa.

Matt: Gee, that's REALLY comforting to know.

"I guess." She said, as the waiter brought her a cup of green tea. "Not my usual. Something

Kari: Stronger?


Kari: Never mind.

"A won ton soup, Miss?"

"Excellent." She said half heartedly as the waiter hurried away.

Mimi: Now it's me who's down. -_- Joy.

"Something's wrong." Quatre said.

SnowAgumon: Brilliant observation, Watson!

"Personal problem." Mimi said lost in thought.

"A guy." The boys chorused

Mimi: It's that obvious?

TK: They must really know you.

"Yeah." She said. "A guy who left me

R80: The bumb!

in a very confusing situation." She explained as rationally as she could about Matt, Kari and TK,

Matt: That couldn't have been too hard.

then fell into a depressed silence as the waiter brought her soup before proceeding to the next table.

"You have feelings for the young man?" Duo asked.

Mimi: NO!

"Yes, but I'm the Digimon Emperor

TK: Keep Ken outta this! He's had enough hard times as it is!

if I know what I'm feeling. TK makes me feel

TK: Queasy?

Matt: Down?

Mimi: Like puking?

alive for the first time in a long time

R80: You guys lost, again.

but is that because he reminds me of Matt

Kari: Could be.

or because he's so different from Matt

Kari: That, too.

or..." She sighed and trailed off into silence.

"Do what you heart knows is right." Quatre said.

TK: You go, Quatre!


"That's low." Mina said.

Kari: oh come on! It's worse than low!

R80: It's Despicable, that's what it is!

"I'd rather take on the minions of the Negaverse and a fresh outbreak of Clow cards than have my heart ripped apart like that." Sakura said

Mimi: Sakura's never fought the Negaverse before.

R80: Would be a challenge for her, though. She'd have to resort to killing.

as TK finished his tale of woe.

Jet: And his fifth wong ton soup of the day.

"So what else is on your mind, kid?"

TK: Basketball, martial arts, mobile suits, the usual.


"Your savior." Hotaru said lightly,

Mimi: Now they take me for a female Jesus Christ.

sipping on a cup of tea. "If you wish it so."


TK: Too much philosophical mumbo jumbo.

"Let me try this my way." Sakura said reaching into her bag and producing a deck of oversized cards.

SnowAgumon: Uh-oh!

"Oh no, no Clow cards."

Mimi: Run for cover!

"Not Clow, TK.

All: Whew!

Just tarot cards."

Jet: Is that Sakura, or Hitomi from Escaflowne?

She said pushing the deck towards him. "Shuffle and turn the top four cards. They may be of help."

TK: Or add more bad news to my life.

Kari: You never know.

TK quickly shuffled

Matt: He's pretty good.

TK: I learned from Gambit.

and turned over the first. "The lovers.

Mimi: Is that good or bad?

Your deck has a warped sense of humor."

TK: That's comforting to know.

Sakura merely sat in silence.

TK: Oh, it was me talking! I thought it was Sakura.

Without a forthcoming answer

Jet: (Jar Jar) How rude!

TK was forced to turn the next card. "The chariot?"

SnowAgumon: He's gonna go out like Elijah, with the chariot of fire.

"Balance and Justice." Sakura said tapping the card.

R80: I thought a scale meant balance and justice.

Mimi: With tarot cards, you never know.

"Whatever happens,

Kari: You win in the end.

TK: That gets old really fast.

when this works out, it will all be equitable."

TK: Can't I lose for once? I've been on a winning streak for too long, no thanks to R80!

R80: You did lose to Terry Bogard in BPYZ part 9, remember?

TK: I'll shut up now.

"Okay." He said turning over the next card. "Death."

Kari, TK, Matt: EEK!!

He said with a shiver.

TK: (Larry) I can't die, I haven't seen "The Jolston Story!"

"Rebirth, a fresh start."

TK: Sighs heavily with relief

Kari: Close one.

The card captor said smiling. "You of all people could use one about now."

Kari: Rub it in, why don't you?

"The wheel of fortune?" TK said turning the final card.

DD: Oh brother!

R80: Not game show fans, I see.

SnowAgumon: And here I thought everybody loved Vanna.

"It means your life is going to take a turn for the

TK: Worse.


TK: No, worse. I don't get Kari. …No offense, Mimi.

Mimi: None taken.

Sakura said, putting the cards back into her bag.

Jet: Those tarot readings are scary.

"If, as Hotaru says, you wish it so."

TK: Couldn't I just die and be through with it?

"Well, thanks for everything guys. You've given me a lot to think about."

SnowAgumon: Or be afraid of.

He said slipping

TK: Damn those banana peels! They show up everywhere!

out of the booth and running right into Mimi.

Kari: Did you hit her?

Mimi: Oh, a hit-and-run driver, eh? Pull over and let me see your license!

"Oh I'm sorry... Mimi!"

TK: Bury me now!

His eyes gaped in surprise as realized who it was.

Jet: More grammar errors.

R80: He's gonna let me be his beat reader, now give him a break!

"What are you doing here?"

Matt: Catching up with the GW boys, what else?

"Eating silly. Some of my friends invited me out to lunch."

"Are you well TK?" Quatre asked.

TK: He knows me in here?!

R80: Oh, I knew there was something I forgot to tell you! Arch set this after BOYZ.

Kari: With or without permission?

R80: Okay, so he didn't ask. But one, he gave credit where it was due, and two, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

"I'm not sure, old friend."

Mimi cast a puzzled look

TK: (ALF) It's broken!

Jet: (Willy) That's the object. You're supposed to put it together.

TK: (ALF) Why? I didn't break it!

between the two.

"Quatre and I shared an apartment

Jet: Hopefully, that's all they shared.

TK: Die you gonna!!!! Attacks Jet

with a couple of other guys for a short while." He said by way of explanation.

Matt: Shoulda worded it better.

R80: Break it up, you two! We got more of this fic to MST!

TK: Stops beating on Jet, and sits back down

Jet: Nurses his new black eye Thanks…

"But excuse my

R80: Poorly trained monkey.

All: Wha???

R80: Ask Happyman sometime.

All: Ooooookay…

poor manners. Mina, Hotaru, Sakura, this is Duo, Heero, Wufei, Quatre, and Trowa."

TK: Better known as the Gundam Wing gang.

"TK are you doing anything today?"

"Not really. Why?"

Kari: I'm gonna hate this, right?

R80: we shall see.

"Because I'd like to take you to

Mimi: Dinner?

TK: A movie?

SnowAgumon: A disco?

my advance martial arts class." She said shyly.

Mimi: Advanced martial arts? I'm not that good-.

TK: Uh-oh!

Mimi: "Uh-oh?"

"I think I'd like that." He said taking her hand

Kari: (Mimi) Stop, thief!

and following her outside.

"A fresh start." Wufei said.

Jet: A little late, if you ask me. They did have dinner at her place the night before.

R80: Don't get technical!

"For the willing." Hotaru said.

TK: I'm NOT willing! I'm happy where I am!


Kari: I just noticed… this chapter has more scene changes than the last one.

"Woman!" A familiar voice snarled

TK: I knew it!

Mimi: What?

Kari: Keep watching.

as Mimi walked in the door. "You returned to Japan yesterday, so why didn't you

SnowAgumon: Inform me instead of having your parents?

resume your training immediately?"

Mimi: Hey, I just came back! You can't expect me to just come train without resting from moving! Have you no respect for jet lag?

TK chuckled as he leaned against the doorframe.

TK: If this isn't who I think it is, I'm a monkey's uncle.

Matt: For Pete's sake, TK! Who is it?!

"Maybe she wanted a day of rest before you started pounding her into the ground,

Mimi: Who?? I'd like to see him try-!

uncle Vegeta."

All but TK & R80: UNCLE VEGETA?!?!?!?!

TK: Figures. If I had shared an apartment with Quatre, as mentioned in the fic earlier, then it was easy to assume Arch used my relationship with Vegeta in BOYZ for here as well.

Mimi: Why am I taking lessons from Vegeta?!

Kari: Because this was set between the Cell and Majin Buu sagas, and Goku was still dead?

"There's only one person who can call me uncle and live to get away with it, and you ain't him kid."

TK: -_-; Thanks for the sour persimmons, "Uncle."

Vegeta snarled unleashing a powerful ki blast.

Jet: What is he, crazy?!

TK backhanded it

Jet: O.o Mental note, read BOYZ sometime soon.

back to him throwing Vegeta

Matt: Through several walls!

across the floor with his own attack.

Matt: Close enough.

Kari: TK doesn't know his own strength.

TK: Neither did Vegeta.

"Not today uncle. I'm not in a good mood."

"Pick on someone your own power level." Another voice from the past said.

SnowAgumon: This fic's full of surprises. Who's this?

"Is that a joke, Nameck?"

Jet: …Close enough, Arch.

Matt: Piccolo, too?!

TK: Why not? He's the one who helped train me in BOYZ.

"Piccolo." TK said as his old roommate

Kari: All we need now is Vash and Ranma to show up, and we got a BOYZ reunion!

R80: Wouldn't count on it. Arch hasn't seen much of Ranma

TK: Bummer.

drifted down from the top of the room. "What's the idea of

TK: Not writing me like you said!

hanging around with this guy?"

"I don't really have a choice." He said with a rare half smile. "We're partners."

Jet: No way!

Matt: Nuh-uh!

Mimi: Piccolo can't stand that Saiyan!

"I don't even want to know." TK said shaking his head.

R80: I like that idea. Vegeta probably scares away more students with his temper, so Piccolo helps earn the money.

"That was

Jet: Unexpected?

Matt: Dirty pool?

pretty impressive kid,

TK: Thanks!

seeing how you

SnowAgumon: Caught him off guard.

didn't even power up." Vegeta growled.

SnowAgumon: -_-; Nice guy.

"You're ki is strong, but it's also dark." Piccolo said grimly.

TK: Of course it is, you dope! Kari dumped me for my brother!

"Yours as well Mimi."

Mimi: And Vice-versa for me, too!

"Now is one of the darker times

Kari: Well, turn on some lights, if it's that dark.

in my life." TK said thinking back to

TK: The battle with Devimon?

Mimi: The battle with Myotismon?

Matt: With Puppetmon?

Kari: Kimeramon? Black War-Greymon? Friezor?

Matt and Kari

DD: Rats!

and unconsciously powering up.

Jet: He's able to go Super Human, right?

TK: Not in BOYZ, no. Only in New Destiny. Though it does suck.

"The two people I thought I

SnowAgumon: Knew?

could trust

Jet: Double-crossed me?

got together and

Matt: Made sure Davis was no longer a threat to you?

stabbed me in my back!"

SnowAgumon: (Chico) He's mad.

He shouted before blasting a hole


>Everyone ducks under their chairs.<

the buildings rear wall.

"Rage." Vegeta said simply.

Matt: Rage, nothing! He was seriously ticked off.

TK looked strangely at his uncle as he powered down.

SnowAgumon: What's with Vegeta?

He sounded somehow

Matt: Pleased?


Matt: Oh.

"I will tell you this now nephew.

Mimi: Since when is he for talking instead of fighting?

Ki energy can either heal or hurt,

TK & R80: We know.

but until you let go of that rage, you'll never reach your full potential

Kari: Gotta be copying off of someone.

and you'll only end up destroying yourselves."

Jet: (TK) Okay, who the hell are you and what have you done with the real Vegeta?

In a flash

SnowAgumon: (Gizmo) Light light!

the brief glimpse of a caring saiyin disappeared

Matt: Must've been something he ate.

Kari: Or a split personality.

and the rough veteran of battle returned.

R80: What, there wasn't a war in space like you said there would be?

"Get changed." He said tossing him a uniform. "You just joined the dojo."

Mimi: Where should I send the flowers? …Wait, I'M in the dojo, too!

Kari: And Vegeta won't go easy on you because of your gender, either.

TK: I'll at least see you get a nice send off, Mimi. And at least Vegeta will make it quick and painless.

Mimi: Gives TK the red eye BIIIIIIIIIIIDA!

SnowAgumon: Better call a timeout here, boss. They might get hostile.

R80: Hm, got a rush email from the college computer techs. Says the browser will be shut down for a while so no internet surfing for about 24 hours.

All: 24 HOURS?!

R80: Starting… Gulps right now.

>Lights start to blink on and on.<

Jet: Quick, end the chapter!!

Kari: Cut to a commercial-!

>Everything goes black.<