Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ School for Lovers ❯ Helllooooo!!!!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

rikasakuraduo-heerosyliaspike: I really like the reviews!!! I love you guys!^.^<glomps Wufei>

Wufei: Get off me woman!!>O<

Duo: Wu-man calm down it just the the 12 year old girl.-O^zzzz

rikasakuraduo-heerosyliaspike: On with the story<in a really kid voice as she turned into a 12 year old>^.^'

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" Hey is this the main office?" Duo asked the lady sitting behind a big pane of glass.

The lady ignored him completely. Duo was steaming at the lady's attitude.

" Excuse me miss. We're here to get our room key,(1)" Quatre asked nicely. Duo silently seethed as the lady started to tell stuff to Quatre.


Eriol, Ruby ignored the group that was kind of weird. The braided guy sulked in the corner while a blonde dude pulled out a piece paper.

"We're here to collect our room key,"


Syaoron, Sakura and Tomoyo walked and chatted about what they decorate there room.

"I got to get a drawer for Kero when we are moved, then I would decorate my side with pictures and...."

Syaoron shook his head at Sakura as through out the trip to the main office she talked non stop. Tomoyo noticed someone familar while asking the administration lady.(2)

"Excuse me Ms Katowa were here to get our new room key,"



Tyson turned around to face his friends.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!" Kenny, Max, Mariah and Ray shouted as Kai walked up to the glass panel with the office lady.


1..2..2 1/2..3...

" CAN WE GET OUR ROOM KEY?!!!!!" All of them shouted at the lady.

The lady poked her head out of the panel," How convenient all of you are roommates!"

(*&^%$#@#$%^&(*&^%$#@#$%^&()(*&^%$#@#$%^ &()(*&^%$#@

(1)Never went to boarding school so how should I know?

(2)This is like a few years since Sakura finish turning the clow cards into Sakura Cards also continuation of 2nd Cardcaptor Sakura Movie.

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