Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cherry Blossom Destiny ❯ Swashbuckling, Hysterics and a Strengthend bond ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Cherry Blossoms Destiny

Chapter Five

Selene Serenity

Disclaimer: CCS does not belong to me. It is property of Clamp. This fanfic on the other hand is mine so I would like it if you asked me before putting this fanfic on your site.

Author's notes: Yes another chapter! I'm on a roll here! I'm really getting into writing this story so I hope you're liking it! ^_^ Well basically all we're going to see here is more shadow cards being captured. So let's get started.

~Chapter Four~

It was late afternoon and Sakura was starting to make dinner. She was in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. She hurried over to the door. Syaoran was there, wearing his usual fighting clothes. (You know, the green one.) "Syaoran, why are you dressed like that?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran had no reply he just stood there starring blankly at her. "Are you okay?" Sakura asked a little more worried now. Syaoran slowly brought his hand down to the hilt of his sword and pulled it out in front of him. "Syaoran what are you doing?" Sakura shrieked. Syaoran swung the sword at her. Sakura dodged out of the way and outside.

She pulled out her key and held it up. "Key of the sun, moon and star, release the wand that I may use against the cards that he will chose!" She cried and held out her staff. Syaoran came bolting at her and swung again. Sakura was sure that the shadow sword card had gotten him. This time Syaoran cut Sakura on the arm. Sakura shouted in pain then used the jump card to move out of the way.

Tomoyo, who was just coming over to Sakura's place for supper froze when she saw Syaoran attacking Sakura. "Sakura what's wrong with him?" She asked then noticed the blood dripping down Sakura's arm. "Did Syaoran do that?"

"Yes." Sakura replied with gritted teeth. "He's possessed by the shadow sword card." She explained. "Go get Kero!"

Tomoyo nodded and dashed into the house.

Sakura finally decided what she had to do. She pulled out the sword card. "The shadow of night is upon us now so I call about cards of Clow! Sword Card! Release your power now!" She shouted and her staff became a sword. Syaoran swung again but Sakura blocked the attack with her sword. They began to fence back and forth.

Suddenly Kero and Tomoyo dashed out the door. Sakura turned and gave then an exhausted smiled. "Sakura look out!" Kero shouted. Sakura looked back just in time to block another swing.

Finally Sakura got her chance. She had locked Syaoran's sword with enough time to knock the sword out of Syaoran's hand. Syaoran fainted and fell to the ground.

"Shadow Sword! Return to you power's confined!" She cried and the sword became less dark and a card appeared before Sakura. She grabbed it then she too passed out.

"Sakura!" Kero and Tomoyo shouted and ran (Or flew) over to her. At just that moment Touya arrived. He jumped off his bike and ran over to Sakura.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Sakura had to fight Syaoran who was possessed by the Shadow Sword card and she just passed out." Kero explained.

"Uh guys, you might want to look at this." Tomoyo stuttered. She pointed at Sakura cut. Her blood was going from red to black.

"It must be because it was a Shadow card, which are pure evil." Kero told them.

"What's going to happen?" Touya asked.

"She'll die if we don't find a way to revive her." Kero explained in a worried tone.

"What!?" Tomoyo and Touya gasped. "How do you plan on doing that?" Touya asked.

"Well Eriol told us that the power of her knew key come from her own star and the sun and moon as well." Kero pointed out. "So I believe Sakura, mine and Yue's power combined will revive her."

"Good thinking." Tomoyo complimented. "Why don't the two of us go get Yue? Touya can stay her with Sakura and Syaoran."

Touya and Kero nodded and Kero transformed into his true form. Tomoyo got on his back and they flew off to Yuki's house.

When they got there Kero hid in some bushes while Tomoyo went to the door. Yukito's grandmother greeted her. "Hello." Tomoyo bowed. "My name is Tomoyo and I'm a friend of Yukito's. My I talk to him. Yuki's grandmother agreed and went to get him. A few minutes later Yuki came out.

"What's wrong Tomoyo?" He asked.

"Sakura's in trouble and we need Yue to help." Tomoyo explained.

"All right." Yuki nodded. He fell back asleep and Yue appeared.

"What happened?" Yue asked.

"I'll explain on the way." Tomoyo told him as Kero came back out. Tomoyo got on his back and explained everything to Yue on the way there.

When they reached Sakura she was in bad condition. Her whole arm was turning gray and the blood was blacker then ever. Not to mention she was shaking rapidly.

"What do we do?" Yue wondered.

"Just put your hand on Sakura's." Kero told him.

Yue nodded and did so. Kero then placed his paw on top of his hand. A white light glowed around the three of them and they floated a few inches off the floor.

"WOW." Tomoyo said in awe.

Slowly Sakura awoke to see Yue and Kero. "Hey, what happened?" She asked.

They landed back on the ground and the light faded. "Sakura!" Tomoyo cried and ran over to them. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Ya I'm fine." Sakura explained. She looked down at her arm. "What happened to the cut?" She asked.

"With the three of us using our powers we were able to save you." Kero explained.

"Thanks guys!" She smiled at her two guardians. "I'm sorry I messed up. I'll do better next time." Both Yue and Kero frowned at Sakura's comment.


Sakura was finishing up her cheerleading practice when Tomoyo came over to her at the school field. "Hey Sakura!" She waved.

"Hi Tomoyo!" Sakura said glancing over at her. As she did her baton fell on to the top of her head. "Ow!" She cried in pain and rubbed her head.

"Are you okay?" Tomoyo asked once she reached Sakura.

"Ya. No problom." Sakura giggled.

Out of nowhere a huge burst of wind blew past them. Sakura closed her eyes as it did so by reflex. When the wind was gone Sakura opened her eyes and Tomoyo was gone as well. "Tomoyo?" She asked.

"Sakura!!!!!!!!!!" Tomoyo cried. Sakura looked up into the sky. A giant black bird was carrying away by it's huge claws.

"Tomoyo!" Sakura called. She was about to pull out her wand but then she remembered all the people who were around. Sakura looked around the field and was relieved that no one seemed to notice the bird. (How I don't know *shrugs*)

"Sakura! What's going on!?" Syaoran shouted as he, Eriol and Meling came running over.

"We heard some shouting over here and we thought it was you and Tomoyo." Meling said.

"It was us. This bird came and picked up Meling!" Sakura told them frantically and pointed to the sky where there bird was only a small dot now.

"Don't worry." Eriol calmed her. "You can go after her with the fly."

Sakura nodded. "But what about all these people?" Sakura asked.

"We can block you from their sight by standing in front of you while you call on the Sleep card." Syaoran explained.

"Okay, thanks." Sakura said as she held on to her key. The three of them stood next to each other facing everyone while Sakura stood behind them. She held out her key and chanted, "Oh key that gathers power from the Sun, the Moon and Star! Release the staff that I may use against the cards that he will chose!" Her key extended into her staff and she spun it around then pulled out the sleep card. "The shadow of night is upon us now so I call upon the cards of Clow! Sleep Card! Release you powers now!" she shouted. The sleep pixie flew above them and over the entire school and showered them with glitter that made them fall asleep.

Sakura then used the fly card and hovered up above her friends. "I'll be back soon!" She smiled.

"Bring back yourself in one piece okay?" Syaoran laughed.

"And Tomoyo too!" Eriol added. Sakura nodded and flew higher and higher.

Once she reached the `cloud level' Sakura stopped and looked around for the shadow fly. "Tomoyo!" She called out. She heard a faint reply far off. She turned around and saw the black bird some distance away. She flew as fast as she could over to it.

The bird had an evil glint in its eye as it gave off its high-pitched squawk. "Sakura! Help me!" Tomoyo teared.

"Don't worry." Sakura replied. She tried to reach Tomoyo but the bird dodged away. Sakura gritted her teeth. She tried several more times at reaching Tomoyo because she didn't want to hurt her when she attacked the bird. `What do I do?" Sakura thought. Tomoyo's necklace slipped out from inside her shirt and Sakura face reflected off of it. "That's it!" Sakura cried. She held out a single card. "The shadow of night is upon us now so I call upon the cards of Clow! Mirror card release your power now!" She shouted. The mirror card appeared before her and smiled.

"Yes mistress?" She asked.

"I need you to change into me and distract that bird." Sakura explained.

The Mirror card nodded and began to glow. When the glow died away there was a complete copy of Sakura before her. The mirror flew in front of the bird and flew all around.

Sakura then used the dash and flew quickly to the side of the bird unnoticed. She jumped on to its back. "Windy!" She cried. Windy appeared and wrapped around the fly card. The bird fell towards the ground. "Tomoyo!" Sakura shouted and moved to the head of the bird and tried to reach down and grab hold of Tomoyo's hand. She was just out of reach. Tears began to form in her eyes. Tomoyo would be crushed on impact.

"Sakura!" Tomoyo cried.

Out of nowhere another set of hands appeared on Sakura and Tomoyo's hands and held them together. Sakura and Tomoyo looked up and saw the Mirror duplicate of Sakura helping them. She helped Sakura pull Tomoyo on to the birds back. Both of them held on tightly to the bird's neck while the Mirror flew next to him.

The bird crashed on to the ground a few feet away from Syaoran, Meling and Eriol. Sakura jumped off the bird "Shadow fly! Return to your powers confined! Fly!" She shouted. The bird disappeared and Tomoyo was left kneeling on the ground. "Windy! Mirror! Return!" The two cards returned to Sakura's hand.

Sakura starred at them then shoved them in her pocket. Tomoyo was crying hysterically. Sakura and Eriol dashed over to her side. "Tomoyo it's okay now." Eriol assured her.

"Yes. We're both okay." Sakura agreed.

"I...I…I know that it was just that I was so scared!" Tomoyo choked.

"We all were." Meling told her.

"What would we have done if something bad had happened." Syaoran pointed out.

"Come on Eriol and I will walk you home." Sakura said helping her up.

"You'll be fine." Eriol whispered in Tomoyo's ear.

When Tomoyo, Eriol and Sakura reached Tomoyo's house Tomoyo had calmed a bit. They all walked up to her door. Tomoyo let out a small cry. "Tomoyo I promise everything is okay now!" Sakura smiled at her friend.

Tomoyo nodded sadly. From behind Tomoyo Eriol motioned for Sakura to leave them alone for a minute. "I have to go." Sakura said to Tomoyo. "I'll call you later." She walked off and waited for Eriol at the sidewalk out of hearing space.

"Tomoyo you need to snap out of it!" Eriol shook her.

Tomoyo starred at him with fear in her eyes. More tears came flowing out of her eyes. "E…Eriol!" She cried and threw her hands around his neck. "It was so awful!" She said into his shoulder.

"Sh…I know I know." Eriol comforted her. "But you've seen this stuff al the time."

"Well yes but I don't think I've ever been the victim like that!" Tomoyo explained.

"Don't worry. It's all over." Eriol said as he buried he face in her hair. He then lifted her head so they were looking straight at each other. He moved closer to her and kissed her gently on the lips. "Now go inside and take a nap." He told her.

Tomoyo nodded. She opened the door then looked back at Eriol. "Say good-bye to Sakura for me." She said. Eriol nodded and reached out and wiped away her tears.

"Bye." Tomoyo said and quickly kissed him on the cheek then left inside.

Eriol whistled as the walked over to Sakura on the sidewalk. "Now don't you seem overly happy!" Sakura giggled.

"Yes I am." Eriol said simply. "Now what about you? Are you okay?"

"Ya, I'm fine. But I almost lost her. If the mirror card had not helped Tomoyo would have been dead right now." Sakura told him.

"What? The Mirror card helped you voluntarily?" Eriol questioned.

"Yup." Sakura nodded.

"You have certainly grown a strong bond between yourself and the cards then." Eriol complemented. "You certainly are the right person to be the Clow Card Master."

"Thanks Eriol." Sakura smiled.

At this point they had reached Sakura's house so Sakura and Eriol said good-bye and Sakura went inside while Eriol walked home.


Sakura was walking to the park to meet with the others with Kero, Touya and Yuki. Eriol said he to talk to them about the shadow cards. In one hand Sakura held the Book of Clow. In the other she held The Box that held the Shadow cards.

When they got to the park they found everyone at the king penguin slide. The wind was very strong. Sakura felt like she was going to fall over from the wind.

"So what's up Eriol?" Sakura asked.

"Uh, shouldn't Yue be here?" Nakuru pointed out.

"Oh ya." Kero agreed.

Yuki nodded and fell asleep. Yue's wings surrounded him and Yue appeared in Yuki's place. "You may start now Eriol." Yue told him.

Eriol nodded and cleared his throat. "Now some of you don't have an understanding on what is going on here. Clow Reed had one main rival named Shatano. He was a very evil man and he stole Clow's tactics on making magical cards. He created the Shadow cards. When Clow found out what Shatano was doing he sealed Shatano away along with the Shadow cards into the case that Sakura now posses.

Somehow he must have freed himself and the cards. Sakura must find them all before he does so they'll be destroyed and he won't be able to use them for his evil ways." He told them.

"Oh and I thought this would be easy." Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Sakura, face it," Touya smirked and placed his hand on her shoulder. "nothing in your life is easy."

"Ya." Sakura sighed.

"But you have a lot of friends to help you along the way." Syaoran pointed out.

"Yes!" Sakura smiled.

Suddenly a strong wind blew them all off the ground and on to the ground a few feet backwards. "What was that!?" Spinal Sun exclaimed.

Sakura instinctively looked up into the sky and spotted the Shadow Windy. "Look!" She pointed it out to the others. "I'm going after it!" She shouted. She pulled out her staff and the Fly card. She flapped her wings and fought against the hard wind. No matter how hard she tried the wind blew her back. It gave a final blow to knock Sakura back to the ground. She hit a tree and groaned in pain.

"Sakura!" The others all cried.

Sakura sat at the bottom of the tree and tears streamed down her cheeks. Yue and Kero (who was now in his true form.) went over to her.

"Sakura, first of all are you okay?" Kero asked. Sakura nodded. "The secondly, what is wrong with you!?" He scolded.

"Huh?" Sakura stuttered.

"Sakura we are really worried about you." Kero told her.

"Why?" Sakura asked.

"Sakura when I first met you, you always knew when to ask for help." Yue pointed out. "At first I didn't think that was a good trait but then I realized that was part of what made you, well you. Lately you just go ahead and do things without asking anyone for help. When you don't you seem like a completely different person. I'm sure all of us miss that in you." He explained.

Sakura was now completely hysterical. "I'm so sorry! I just didn't want to seem like a wimp anymore. I wanted to prove I was someone."

"But you already are someone." Yue and Kero both said.

"Thank-you guys!" Sakura smiled and wiped away her tears. She wrapped her arms around Kero's neck then stood up and hugged Yue as well. Yue was taken aback. He had not expected Sakura to hug him as well. "You guys are the greatest! Now lets go!" She said facing the windy again. "My wings are to weak so I need you to help me get up there."

"Of course." Kero nodded.

"We'll always be there to help you." Yue agreed.

Sakura put her left arm around Cerobearous's neck and used her right hand to hold on to Yue's hand. The three of them flew up to the windy card. It suddenly disappeared. "Where did it go!?" Sakura shouted.

"Sakura get on Cerobearous's back and we'll think of something." Yue told her. Sakura nodded and Yue helped her on to Kero's back. As soon as she got on a blast of wind knocked her off his back. She began to fall to the ground.

"Sakura!" Both her guardians cried. Yue dove down at a fast pace and caught Sakura just before she hit the ground. He made a sharp turn and flew back up to Kero.

"Thanks Yue." Sakura blushed.

"Yue, you're going to have to hold Sakura while she uses her card." Kero explained.

"Right." Yue nodded.

"But what card do I use?" Sakura wondered aloud.

"Well you have to make the card visible so think of what would make that happen." Yue hinted.

"That's it! When air becomes fog it's visible!" Sakura snapped her fingers and pulled out the mist card. "The shadow of night is upon us now so I call upon the cards of Clow! Mist card! Release you power now!" The mist card emerged and sprayed water everywhere. The mist and wind combined so it was fog. "Shadow wind! Return to your powers confined! Wind!" She cried.

The card fluttered to Sakura's hand and she grabbed. "Okay Yue I can fly on my own now." Sakura said. Yue nodded and let go of Sakura.

"I know you always could fly on your own." He said under his breath.

"What Yue?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing." Yue shook his head.

"Come on! Lets go back to the others!" Kero said and flew back down.

Author's notes: Wow that was a long chapter. Yes this is a Sakura+Yue story it just also has other couples along the way. Wasn't that so cute between Tomoyo and Eriol? Well In the next chapter is going to be a very vital chapter so pay attention for it. ^_^ See you next chapter!