Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Heart's Treasures ❯ Attack and Escape ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Heart's Treasures: Part 2
By: Starlight Rose

Disclaimer: You know the routine. CCS and its characters belong to CLAMP not me! The original story of "Thousand Furs" was a Grimm's Fairytale, but this version of it belong to me and changing the character's names and description will not mean it belongs to anyone but me. I am working my butt off for this storyline so do not take my ideas!

A.N. Ok, this chapter is rather action intensive and it jumps around as to who its covering. Most of this takes place in the span of a few hours but the whole chapter spans one night. I went into detail on the characters thoughts and emotions and maybe went overboard on description, but I hope that the past two days I've spent typing this was worth the effort. Enjoy and don't forget I love comments. Also I will not have time to write anything for a week since my final exams are upon me and I'm in danger of failing two of my courses if I don't ace these finals so don't expect anymore for at least a week.


"I'm sorry to interrupt this happy occasion, Your Majesty, but the kingdom is under attack!"

"Under attack?" Fujitaka asked startled, "By whom?"

"The Draconian Kingdom, Your Majesty." the guard replied quickly. He was truly sorry to have been the messenger for such ill tidings especially considering the circumstances. He hated having to ruin the young Princess's birthday with such news, but the soldiers defending the kingdom could not defend the kingdom much longer without help. They needed the reinforcement from the rest of the kingdom which was now celebrating the Princess's birthday and possibly also from their allies, but even the old soldier knew that by the time Flora Kingdom's allies arrived it might be too late.

Fujitaka nodded in understanding before taking action. Turning to Touya he told him, "Inform the guests of the situation. Recruit anyone able and willing to help. Gather the ladies and lead them to somewhere safe." Touya nodded grimly at his father and hastened to obey him. Turning back to the guard he queried him on the situation. "How far have they gotten? How much damage is the castle sustaining? How many troops do they seem to have? Will our armies be able to fend them off? Have you sent a messenger to the Magicka Kingdom to request their help?"

The soldier looked bewildered by the grim look upon his normally gently king's countenance and replied rapidly, "They are still on the outskirts of the city and have not reached the palace yet but they have set fire to several of the buildings in the outskirts of the city. It seems as if the majority of their army is here. I believe around fifty thousand troops. I am not sure we will be able to fend them off without help. They caught us by surprise. No one expected an attack today. A messenger was dispatched to the Magicka Kingdom, but it will take at least a day before they can arrive here."

"I should have known better than to lower our defenses even on a day like this. But no matter, we will no surrender without a fight. Sakura, you and Lady Daidouji go to your room and gather whatever you can and flee the kingdom. Try to find your brother and the ladies he is escorting if you can. Lord Tsukishiro if you would be so kind as to escort them and protect them I will forever be in your debt." Fujitaka said turning to return to his room and gather his armor and sword. His kingdom was in danger because of his foolishness and he was going to fight for it even if it cost him his life. He would not just sit idly by and watch his kingdom be taken over nor was he going sit behind his troops and order them about like he was playing chess. He was an honorable king that loved his people and wanted to help them. That was why his soldiers and his subjects loved him. They knew that would give his life for them and in turn they were willing to do the same for him.

"Poppa! I want to stay here and fight with you. I may not be able to fight but surely I can do other things like tend the wounded, deliver messages and supplies, or cook. I want to help. I do not want to flee." Sakura shouted running over to her father. Fujitaka saw Tomoyo standing beside her nodding her head in agreement, her violet eyes alight with determination.

"You cannot Sakura. I promised your mother that I would protect both you and Touya and I am determined to do so. You can help by escaping and living your life like your mother and I wanted you to should the kingdom fall. Take care of yourself my sweet daughter." He said firmly dislodging her hand that was hanging onto his own and continuing to walk away at a brisk pace. As he walked away from her, he prayed that Sakura and Touya would at least escape out of it alive.

"Poppa..." Sakura cried tears streaming down her face. She felt a arm gently lay itself upon her shoulders in a comforting gesture. Sakura looked up to see Yukito looking sadly at her.

Gesturing towards the royal family's private quarters Yukito told her, "Let's go Sakura." Sakura allowed him to lead her to her room. Tomoyo followed quietly behind them leaving Sakura to her thoughts. Once they reached her room Yukito instructed the girls to change into some clothes that they could travel in.

Sakura mechanically went to her closet and chose a simple black dress made of linen. It was the most modest dress that she had and she knew she needed to look plain should the invading armies infiltrate the castle and find her. Even in her saddened state she knew that should the Draconian armies realize that she was indeed the crown princess then it would be disastrous. Tomoyo helped her into the dress and took her hair out of the intricate twist and curls it was in. Then she took a plain black scarf and wrapped it around the girl's head. Finding some old cloths Tomoyo wrapped the presents that Sakura had received from her friends and family earlier in it and stuffed it into the knapsack with the coat Eriol had sent her. Seeing the questioning look Sakura threw her Tomoyo explained, "These gifts are special to you. You should keep them as momentos of your family and friends."

Sakura nodded numbly and watched as her friend gathered several of her jewelry and gold and stuffed it into another smaller bag. Sakura knew the practicality of such a measure for should the situation be hopeless and the two were required to flee, then they could sell the jewelry and gold for food, shelter, and clothing.

She helped Tomoyo as the girl also changed out of her fancy ball-gown into a simple brown cotton dress. Taking one last look at her room, Sakura opened the door carrying the first bag that contained her heart's treasures, the gifts that her beloved family and friends had given her on this fatal evening on her back. Seeing Yukito waiting for them in the hall with his sword drawn and his armor on, Sakura knew that the older man had rushed back to his room to change as well. She smiled weakly at him and allowed him to led her away, Tomoyo following along.

They headed down the corridors that only that morning was bustling with a cheerful energy as everyone prepared for Sakura's birthday ball, but now was busy with a different type of energy, that of fear. People rushed about trying to find their loved ones or just a safe hiding place.

As Sakura passed a window she looked outside to see her city burning. The night sky turned the red-gold of sunset by fires rampaging through her city. A current of air brought the heat of the fires to brush against her face as well as carrying the sounds of the battle below to her ears. She registered all this with sadness, knowing that the glimpse she just had of the city may very well have been her last. But she dared not linger to watch the pageantry of war unfolding before her innocent eyes. She hurried along after Yukito in search of her brother.

She heard more noise of battle approaching seemingly getting closer as she ran. Distantly she heard a soldier cry out in alarm, "They have breached the gates! The Draconian army is in the castle!" She shivered as she heard the dreaded news. Even her beloved castle, her home, was no longer safe from the invading army and Sakura knew with a sinking feeling in her heart that she must flee the castle too. She felt Tomoyo grab her hand and squeeze it reassuringly. She smiled at the dark-haired girl in appreciation but felt no comfort.

She rushed blindly after Yukito thinking only of finding her brother. She dared not think of anything else for she was afraid that if she did she would become paralyzed with grief. Grief over the loss of her home, her friends, and her subjects. She ran until she ran right into Yukito's back as the young lord stopped abruptly. Peeking out from behind his back she saw a group of men wearing black armor that she knew to be the Draconian armor surrounding them. The men leered lustfully at her and Tomoyo. Sakura shivered at the looks they were giving her and felt revolted. The stench of death hung about these soldiers and she wearily withdrew further behind Yukito.

Suddenly Sakura heard Tomoyo scream as she felt her friend's arm wretched out of her own. Another rougher hand quickly clamped over her arm replacing Tomoyo's soft delicate ones. Another moved over her mouth muffling her cry for help before she could utter even a sound in protest.

Feeling Sakura's hold on his jacket ripped from him Yukito whirled around to see both girls being held by large Draconian soldiers. Yukito's eyes narrowed dangerously as he realized the danger his charges were in. "Let the two ladies go. You surely have better things to do than to harass two scared and innocent servant girls." Yukito told the group trying to hide Sakura and Tomoyo's true identity for the sake of their safety.

The men glared back and him then smiled lecherously, "Don't worry your lordship," The soldier holding Sakura said slurring the title disrespectfully, "We'll let them go. Once we're through with them. They won't suffer more than a bit of rough play." Seeing the angered expression on Yukito's face the soldier laughed heartily before asking, "What is one of them your mistress?"

Yukito drew his sword and glared at the man not deigning to answer the question. He knew the odds were against him no matter how good of a swordsman he was. He counted at least eight men surrounding him plus the two men holding Sakura and Tomoyo made ten opponents total. Without help Yukito knew he had no chance of fighting them all at once especially without endangering Sakura and Tomoyo who were both in the soldier's hands. He prayed silently for help to come but stood his ground as the soldiers charged him simultaneously.

Sakura watched wide eyed as Yukito fought against the men. She knew that it was hopeless. Yukito was vastly outnumbered and despite his skill he would eventually tire. She tried squirming in the captor's arms to free herself, but to no avail. The Draconian soldier was too strong for her. She watched as Yukito parried a blow aimed at his chest and quickly countered with a slash to that opponent's side. The counter move hit the soldier squarely in the side and he crumpled to the ground bleeding but another soldier replaced him just as quickly. Sakura could only watch and pray that help would come soon for although Yukito was holding his own for now that was no guarantee that he would remain that way. As if her thought was being enacted Sakura saw a soldier manage to sneak behind Yukito ready to stab him in the back since honor and fair play was not something Draconian soldiers were well known for. Sakura tried to bit the hand that held her in order to free her mouth and warn her friend and protector, but just as she was about to do so, she felt the hand loosen its grip. The soldier holding her slumped over and fell to the ground dead as the soldier that was about to strike Yukito did likewise, stabbed from behind by a Florian soldier. Sakura was horrified that one of her soldiers would resort to such tactics but she realized that had he not Yukito would probably be dead and gritted her teeth telling herself grimly, "This is war."

"Sakura are you alright?" Sakura heard her brother's voice asking her from behind. Turning Sakura saw Touya wielding a bloody sword with several Florian soldiers surrounding him. Unable to speak through the shock of knowing that her brother had just killed a man Sakura merely nodded. "Good. I'm going to get you and Tomoyo out of here now. I can only take you to outside the city walls. Once there you need to run. Get as far away from here as you can understand? If you can go to the Magicka Kingdom, King and Queen Hiirazagawa and Eriol will take care of you two."

Nodding her head again to show she understood his direction Sakura turned pleading eyes on her brother and asked him, "What about you Touya?"

"I'll be fine. I need to stay here and fight. I'll fight until we can get some reinforcements. Don't worry we already sent for some. It should only take them a day or so to arrive." Touya replied smiling down at his sister. He tried to memorize her lovely face knowing that that might be his final chance of seeing his beloved sister.

With several Florian soldiers at his back and Yukito and Tomoyo at his side Touya led Sakura through the castle corridors and out into the gardens. He led them through the gardens with the light of the now burning castle in the background to the woods of the castle that led out to the wilderness of the forest surrounding one side of the castle. Pointing to a small path that wound through the dark woods Touya told her, "Take that path there. Follow it until you reach a town. From there you and Tomoyo can make your way to Magicka. Good-bye Sakura and be careful!"

Nodding her head Sakura stayed and watched her brother run off back into the castle to fight. She prayed that he, her father, and Yukito would be all right. Tomoyo stood next to her and placed a comforting arm on her shoulder before telling her, "Let's go Sakura. Prince Touya was right. We need to get out of here now. The most we can do now is do as he says and pray that reinforcements do arrive soon or else we can get help from the Magicka kingdom."

Sakura gave her friend a bleak look before nodding her head numbly and allowing the dark girl to lead her away. The two followed the path dimly lit by the glowing fires that they were running from both praying for the safety of those they loved. After a while Tomoyo began to tire so the girls slowed the pace of their escape but did not dare to stop. They ran further and further into the woods trying to escape, but eventually they heard the sound of hoof beats approaching them. Looking at each other with panic the girls began running faster, vainly attempting to outrun the horseman that was pursuing them. The hoof beats kept approaching closer and closer no matter how fast the girls ran and in an act of desperation both girls ran off the designated path and dove into the surrounding woods hoping to loose the horseman thus.

They ran for what seemed to both girls to be forever, neither daring to stop. Sakura being in better physical condition than her companion led the way through the dark dense woods. Tomoyo followed behind her gasping for breath. Her breathing was labored since she was in no way accustomed to such prolonged physical activity. She lumbered along behind her princess knowing that they needed to escape and lose the horseman pursuing them. Both knew that their pursuer was most likely a Draconian soldier sent to find the absent princess.

Suddenly Tomoyo tripped over a root. She was about to call out to Sakura to wait for her when the sound of hoof beats approaching stilled her voice. If she called out to Sakura than the horseman might find them. Tomoyo knew that she was only slowing Sakura's escape and at that moment decided to aid Sakura's flight however she could even if it should cost her life. Gritting teeth she watched as Sakura disappeared deeper into the woods and she prayed that the person she loved most would be able to flee to safety. She stood up and waited for the horseman to reach her. A crashing sound came from the bushes in front of her and a figure on horseback appeared in front of her. Tomoyo gasped in horror as she realized who stood before her and collapsed back down to the ground crying knowing that her planned noble sacrifice for her love had been in vain. Prince Eriol stood before her his face wreathed with concern.


Eriol watched with narrowed eyes as the Draconian soldiers that his army was fighting dispersed. He did a mental count and his tally of Draconian soldiers came out to be only around one thousand soldiers. Compared to the army of ten thousand soldiers he was currently leading that was a paltry number especially since his spies had reported the Draconian army mobilizing for war with over fifty thousand troops at their disposal. He wondered where the bulk of the troops were. Suddenly he understood. The smile he customarily wore left his face for a moment as he cursed himself for his stupidity. Those troops that he had just dispatched with ease were merely sacrificial decoys. The Draconian army had not been aiming to invade the kingdom of Magicka but the kingdom of Flora. They were meant to keep the Magickian army too busy to notice their army's true objective until it was too late. "It almost worked too," Eriol thought grimly. If it wasn't for his spies and their tally on the total number of men the Draconian army possessed then Eriol would not have realized it.

He spun his horse around and ordered his men to abandon the chase and instead prepare to rush to the Flora Kingdom's aid. He knew that the kingdom would be too caught up in the preparation and festivity of Princess Sakura's sixteenth birthday to notice the invasion until it was too late. He again cursed himself silently for not informing King Kinomoto about the imminent invasion, but he did not want to bother his ally with such news on such a joyous occasion as Sakura's birthday. He thought that the Draconian army had been aiming to invade the Magicka Kingdom not the Flora Kingdom and felt that his kingdom could handle the invasion by themselves. Now he realized his arrogance might have cost him his ally's kingdom.

His men obeyed his orders instantly and began to prepare themselves for the march to the Flora Kingdom. They saw the concern in their Prince's face and knew that they had been tricked. He hid it well with his smile which most of them found to be more threatening and dangerous than friendly, but concern was still evident to those soldiers that had trained with him since he was old enough to hold a sword. They hastened to finish the preparation for their march so that they could travel to their ally's aid as swiftly as possible.

Seeing his men rushing to obey his orders Eriol relaxed minutely and allowed himself to hope that they may be in time to save the neighboring kingdom. He dispatched two messengers to two of his generals each commanding an army of ten thousand and told them to prepare to leave to help the Flora Kingdom. Dispatching three more messengers to his father and the other two generals Eriol explained the situation to them and requested that they defend the kingdom without his help for the moment.

Preparations for the march were completed by sundown and Eriol led his troops on the road to the Flora Kingdom knowing that two of his generals were currently taking another road to the ambushed kingdom. As he approached closer to the heart of the kingdom and saw the glowing lights of a large fire and smelled the acrid scent of smoke on the breeze Eriol could only hope he arrived in time to even have a kingdom to help save. As the burning city came into view Eriol quickened his pace and those troops of his that were on horseback followed his lead.

Right before they reached the outer limits of the city they crossed paths with a Florian messenger. The harried messenger upon seeing Eriol broke into a smile of extreme relief and gratitude. He quickly delivered his message and requested to be allowed to return before Eriol's arrival to help his comrades. Eriol stayed him telling the man, "We will arrive only moments after you would have and much sooner than either your comrades or enemies would have expected. Join us instead, for I want to surprise the Draconian army. I do not want them to know we are upon them until it is too late and should they capture you and see a messenger entering the city only hours after their initial attack they may become suspicious."

The messenger obeyed him and Eriol sent word to his banner carriers to wait until they had entered the city before raising their flags. "Allow the Draconian army to think it is more of their own approaching." His men obeyed instantly for although they questioned their Prince's sanity at times, they never questioned his strategic abilities.

The feint worked for the Draconian army did not take notice of the Magickian army until they we well upon them. They had entered the city gates that had been left open from the attack and closing off all the enemy's possible escape routes before the opposing army noticed them. By then it was too late. The Magickian army swooped down on the invading armies with a vengeance. Each of its members horrified and saddened by the chaos and ruin the once beautiful and lively city was in. None affected as much as Eriol though. He left his men to tend to those Draconian soldiers in the city as he headed to the burning castle with several of his best soldiers to help the royal family and the nobility still within the castle. He rode in and quickly dismounted leaving his horse to tend to itself as he went in search of the Florian royal family he had sworn friendship with. His face was contorted with worry especially about the young Florian princess that was one of his closets friends whom he thought of as another sister, though he realized she might have soon become his bride as well.

He ran through the castle that he had once visited on happier occasions searching for anyone that he knew, any servant, soldier, or noblemen. Finally he found them. He encountered Prince Touya and his reputed best friend and lover Lord Tsukishiro valiantly fighting off six men by themselves. The two young men we out numbered by far but they stood their ground and fought back furiously not allowing the enemy to use its number to its advantage. They fought back to back thus guarding each other and allowing only two or three of the soldiers to attack them at once. Eriol immediately came to their assistance and dispatched two of the soldiers surrounding them leaving the two young men to dispatch the other four with ease.

Prince Touya gave him a look of grudging respect and asked tiredly, "When did you get here? How did you get here so fast? We just dispatched our messenger for help a scant three hours ago."

Eriol smiled at the older prince and replied, "My army just arrived moments ago. We realized your kingdom was in danger when the Draconian forces we were battling seemed to be much smaller than expected. I am sorry we did not arrive sooner otherwise the Draconians may not have even reached the castle, but at the very least with our help your armies should not have any trouble eliminating them since we caught them by surprise."

Touya's eyes widened in alarm as he realized the importance of Eriol's words, "That army that we saw approaching from the distance. It was your army? It wasn't Draconian reinforcement?"

"Yes it was our army sneaking up on the Draconians. Despite how fierce they are, they aren't very bright." Eriol replied smirking.

"Damn! You must go after her quickly. We've made a grave mistake sending her away." Touya said panicked. "We sent Sakura away because we thought we were doomed then we could at least save her. Tomoyo is with her. We must go after them immediately!"

Eriol again cursed himself because he knew that not only had he tricked his enemies but his allies as well. They had sent Sakura off to allow her to escape the death that she would have assuredly suffered should the approaching army, his army, have been hostile and they have lost which considering their state would have been likely. "Let's go find them now. They couldn't have gotten too far even if she went by horseback."

"They didn't." Touya assured him. "We sent them on foot so that even if they was captured it would seem they was merely servant girls rather than the Florian Princess and a noblewoman. Only their baggage would give them away but that could easily be explained as things that they stole from the castle as they were fleeing. Tomoyo is smart enough to concoct a lie quickly should they be captured."

"We can still catch them then. My horse is tied outside. If you show me where they were headed I can go after them and you and Lord Tsukishiro can follow as soon as you've found mounts." Eriol said hastily running back to where he came from pausing only to see where Touya happened to be pointing for him to search. He had to find the two girls before any Draconian soldiers might.

Reaching his horse he mounted it quickly and pointed it in the direction Touya had shown him. The horse rushed headlong into the woods following its owner's instructions. Even if the girls had a several hours head start on him, Eriol hoped that he could catch them by horseback. He rode for about thirty minutes when he heard some noises in front of him. He followed the noise hoping to find the girls but the noises suddenly stopped. He stopped his horse and concentrated trying to hear the noise again, but he heard nothing. He looked at the area around him and searched for any signs of the girls' passage and found some. He thanked the light created by the burning castle no matter how ghastly of a thought it was since he had forgotten to carry a torch with him to light his way. The castle's light provided him the illumination he needed to see the broken twigs on some of the bushes to tell him that the girls had left the path. He pointed his horse towards the wreckage left by the girls' passage and allowed the horse to slowly pick his way though it. Finally the horse did as instructed until it reached a particularly dense copse of bushes. It pushed its way through and stopped.

Eriol looked down and saw Sakura's lady-in-waiting, Lady Tomoyo Daidouji standing facing him with a proud determined look on her face. She looked at him with defiance until she realized who he was and she then suddenly collapsed to the ground crying. Eriol dismounted and rushed to her side asking the girl, "Lady Daidouji! Are you alright? What happened to Princess Sakura? I thought she was with you!"

Tomoyo clung to him and cried, "Sakura, you must find her. I tripped and fell, but I thought it was a Draconian soldier coming after us so I didn't call out to her. I let her go on ahead. I was going to pretend to be her so that they would capture me and leave her alone."

"Don't worry, Lady Daidouji. I'll find her. Which way did she go?" Eriol asked giving the distressed girl his most reassuring smile. Tomoyo pointed ahead of her and Eriol gave the dark-haired girl one more look asking her, "Will you be okay?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. Just fine Sakura. Please! I will never forgive myself if anything has happened to her because I let her go ahead." Tomoyo told Eriol giving him a pleading look.

"Alright then. Stay right here. Prince Touya and Lord Tsukishiro are on their way here now. They were just getting steeds so that they could catch up with you and Sakura faster." Eriol said before rushing off again this time following Tomoyo's directions. Eriol thought wryly to himself that tonight just seems to be a night for his rushing off in a panic.

He continued running trying to find the errant princess for about thirty minutes and when he saw no sign of her, he finally gave up and returned to the place where he left Tomoyo to find Touya and Yukito there as well. Seeing the hopeful look on the girl's face and the concerned looks on Touya and Yukito's face as he arrived, he felt even worse for not being able to give them good news. He shook his head sadly at them and all three faces fell.

"We must continue searching." Touya said empathetically. "My little sister is out there in those woods lost and alone. If anything happens to her..." but he could not bare the thought of something happening to his beloved younger sister. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement all worried about the gentle young girl.

"We can split up and look for her." Yukito suggested. "I'll go with Touya and Prince Eriol and Tomoyo can look for her together."

Everyone agreed to the arrangement and the two groups divided to search for Sakura. The wondered the woods all night calling her name, but neither group got any answer. It was dawn when the two couples met again. Both couples were dejected to find that the other had not found her and both began fearing the worst. They finally decided to return to the castle, though it took a lot of persuading from Yukito and Eriol to get Touya and Tomoyo to agree to return rather than exhaust themselves searching.


Sakura ran for a good part of the night. At one point she had turned around to find Tomoyo no longer following her and had tried searching for the girl, but in vain. She had left the path far behind her and she could no longer see the lights from the burning castle through the dense forest that surrounded her. Still Sakura searched for her friend, but could not find her. Finally exhausted Sakura found a tree with large hollow at it's base and curled up in it. Shivering from a chilly breeze that was blowing by her, Sakura removed the coat that Eriol had given her earlier that night and wrapped it around herself. Alone and crying over the lose of everything she knew and loved, Sakura fell asleep.

She was awoken abruptly and rudely by rough hands upon her. Startled and scared Sakura screamed, "Help me!"

The hands holding her dropped her just as abruptly as they had awoken her. She landed on the ground with a loud thud and was thankful she had the coat on for its thick fur cushioned her fall and allowed her a soft landing. Frightened but determined to find out who her captor were Sakura looked about her and sighed with visible relief at seeing that they were not Draconian soldiers. "Please sirs," Sakura begged as humbly as she could, "Could you tell me where I am?"

"You are in the kingdom of Fauna," a young man that she guessed to be about her age answered her. The young man seemed to be the leader of the group that had accosted her. He sat proudly upon a large chestnut brown horse whose hairs matched his own. The man's amber eyes looked down upon Sakura with a look of compassion and pity that made Sakura wonder how she looked at that moment. The amber eyes examined her closely before asking, "Who are you and what are you doing here in these woods that you should not know where you are?"

Hearing where she was, Sakura knew that she had strayed far from where she intended to go. Not knowing what to do she gave the man on the horse a pleading look and answered sadly, "I came from the Florian Kingdom that was attacked last night. I have no family and no possessions except for these clothes on my back and what items I have in my bag. I have no name."

"What happened to your family?" the man asked.

"I do not know. They may be dead right now and I would not know." Sakura replied crying softly at the truth of her words.

"Very well then you may come with us if you so wish. It is dangerous to be out in these woods by yourself especially for a young girl." The man said gruffly turning his head away suddenly.

Sakura considered the offer for a few moments before nodding her head in agreement and following the men. One of the men walked over to her and called her, "Thousand Furs." Sakura looked up startled by the name but realized that would be as good a name as any for her to assume. She could not reveal her true name for many had heard of Princess Sakura Kinomoto of the Flora kingdom. Knowing that the Fauna kingdom, although not being enemies with the Flora kingdom were not exactly friendly with them either, made Sakura weary about revealing her name to these strangers no matter how kind their leader seemed.

"I will be taking you to your new post. The cook has been wanting some more help in the kitchen and you are to help her." The man continued. Sakura nodded her head again resigned accepting her new role in life and her position in this kingdom, though she wished she knew what had become of her kingdom and her friends and family.


A.N. Wow, done with this chapter. You know this chapter probably has more action than all the rest of this story put together will have, or at least until the end. Sorry if the characters are a bit OOC but I cannot keep them completely in character in an alternate universe story. BTW any guesses on who the young man on horseback is? No prizes for being correct ^_~.