Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura & Syaoran's First Date Version 1 ❯ Clothes! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

**************************************************************** *******************************Ohayo Minna-san (Hello everyone)! I'm sorry this took so long but it was summertime and I was la-z! I have chapter 4 written and now I'm typing it. Also, in case you don't know, the meanings of Japanese words *should* be in parenthesis (something I'm doing for *all* my fics)

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to Cat, my only reviewer!


Thoughts: `…'

Words spoken out loud: "…"

Author's note or meanings: (…)

Stressed words: *…*

Disclaimer: Copy and paste one of the old ones, I'm too lazy to do it.

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Sakura and Syaoran's First Date

Version 1, Chapter 4

~ Sakura's POV ~

I landed in Syaoran's living room where he was watching TV. He glanced up.

"Sakura?!" He immediately looked away and started to blush. I blinked, confused. Suddenly, I realized that I wasn't wearing anything, and started to blush like crazy.

"S-syaoran, c-can I borrow some c-clothes?" I asked not looking at him, while hoping he wasn't looking at me.

"S-sure…" He stammered, backing out of the room.

~ Syaoran POV ~

I searched through my closet till I noticed some weird looking clothes. They were clothes that Meiling had accidentally forgotten on her last visit. I frowned, knowing that Sakura would *never* wear such clothes. Why? Well, the shirt was too tight, and the skirt was waaay to short.

` She'll look like a slut! '

Not finding anything else that Sakura would wear, I pulled out some of Meiling's underclothes and left the room.

~ Sakura's POV ~

He finally came back, and held out some clothes.

"You can change in the bathroom connected to my room." He said, as I took the clothes from him and rushed upstairs.

~ Upstairs ~

I glanced at the clothes and gasped in shock. The clothes probably belonged to Meiling, but I just *couldn't* wear them.

`Does Syaoran think I'm a slut?'

Blushing, I pulled out the underclothes and went redder, if possible.

`I *will* look like a slut!'

~ Downstairs ~

~ Syaoran's POV ~

I sat on the sofa, going over the recent events.

` I ask Sakura out, and she agrees. But then she calls me and tells me that she never *would* want to go out with me, and that I'm an fuc**** ba*****, and *then* she appears in my living room, na-`

"S-syaoran?" Sakura's voice cut through my vague pondering.

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SS4EVA: Did Sakura really call Syaoran and tell him that she didn't like him? (Does that make any sense? By the way, in case you can't tell, English is *not* my first language so I'm bound to make a few mistakes) I don't remember that happening, do you? Did Touya *really* rape Sakura? I know, but *you* don't *laughs evilly*! All the answers are in the next chapter, so stay tuned!

Mimi: And don't forget to review!

SS4EVA: *sticks out tongue* Those are *my* lines, and what are you doing in *this* fic?

Mimi: I was getting bored, and anyway, *act your age*.

SS4EVA: Who are you to tell me what to do? And anyway I don't see why you're bored, you couldn't get your lines right when we were rehearsing the script for the other fic! *You* should be practicing.

Mimi: I should be practicing?! You're the one who kept messing up!

SS4EVA: I was not! *You* were messing up!

Mimi: No -

Syaoran: *Scowls* This is a CCS fic, *not* a digimon fic!

*Mimi and Syaoran start arguing*

SS4EVA: *opens mouth, but--*

Tomoyo: I need everyone's measurements!

Eroil: *smiles charmingly*: Tomoyo-Chan, You can do me first.

Izzy: Marisa, I require you help for this computer program.

A/N: In case you don't know: My real name is Marisa.

Jennifer: *sweetly* Izzy, I'll help you.

*In the back Ken and Miyako (Yoeli) start making out*

Davis: Meiling, will you go out with me?

SS4EVA: QUIET!! Everyone! Let Tomoyo take your measurements. Mimi, Syaoran! Stop arguing! Iz-

Tai: Everyone was messing up!

SS4EVA: *rubs throat* Tai, you take over…I need a glass of water…

Kari: I'll get it!

Meiling: Davis, Of course I'll go out with you.

Takeru: Shouldn't we be rehearsing the script?

Matt: We should be rehearsing the concert.

SS4EVA: *whiningly* Matt! Stop telling the audience about the scenes.

Matt: I wasn't!

Calumon: Play! Play! Let's play!

Rika: Will you stop that?

Jerry: Is anybody hungry?

Guilamon: Why don't we all eat?


SS4EVA: Thank you, Tai! Now…

*Scene fades*

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