Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Silent ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- No I do not own Card Captor Sakura no matter how much I may beg and plea Clamp.
A/N: This fic is dedicated to my friend Naymi. You here me chica! Will you now leave me be on the bus?!?! Love and Peace
Black Blossom Girl 4 Lyfe
Silent- Prologue
~~Raidon High School, Japan~~
“What's with the new damn pretty boy” one boy asked.
“I don't know, but I do know I don't like it when fools like him try to take over the school.”
The second boy smirked. “Looks like the new boy will need to be initiated into the school. Since his mommy's rich enough to send him to a private high school, she should be rich enough to pay for the hospital bill when we're done with him.”
The other guy smirked and nodded his head.
“Guess I'll see you after school to plan it all out. Maybe he'll be lucky and die while in the hospital, cause' hell's going to look like heaven by the time the week is over.”
~~In Math Class~~
“Students, today we have a new student. He traveled all the way from Hong Kong, so give him a warm welcome. His name is Li, Xiao Lang. If I see you treat him with any less respect than you would treat me I will see to your immediate suspension.”
All the girls already had their numbers written down on a piece of paper, all of them, except Sakura and Tomoyo. “Li-kun, please take a seat next to Miss Kinomoto. Miss Kinomoto, please raise your hand.”
She did as she was told, and she received many death glares from the other girls in the class room. `That's odd. Usually when we get a new student Ms. Kaho makes them say something about themselves. That's like an unwritten law of the school.'
The class went by uneventfully. It was time for the next teacher to come in for the next subject. He stayed completely quiet. She decided to introduce herself.
“Hi, my name is Kinomoto, Sakura and in front of you is my best friend Daidouji, Tomoyo.” He looked at her but stayed quiet. He just went back to writing in his book.
Sakura thought this was very rude and right when she was about to comment on that he gave her the piece of paper he was writing on. `Hey, my name is Syaoran.' This just got her even madder, but she bit her tongue.
“You know we have time to talk aloud before the next teacher gets here.” He started writing again.
She was seriously starting to get pissed. He gave her another piece of paper. `That would be kind of hard for me.'
She crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it away.
“And, why may I ask would that be so hard?” He already had the next note ready for her. `Because, I am mute.'
A/N: Hope you enjoyed. Read and Review! Click the purple button. Please?
Love And Peace Anya