Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Rightful Ruler ❯ A New Life ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I'm not a good story-teller, so if I screw up, will someone PLEASE tell me so I can correct myself. Gosh you should see my sister's face when I tried to explain something. She's like ???WHAT??? An didn't say anything. So she never got the joke. Don't be like her. It'll only mess wit choo!

The Rightful Ruler: By Ana-Malia:


The little Prince woke up and felt his head. He yipped with pain and yanked his hand back. It hurt! He looked around. Where was he? His head swam with questions and deep confusion. Better yet who was he? Where were his mommy and daddy? He was alone. His lower lip trembled and he began to cry. The door in front of him opened and a middle-aged woman looked down at him. She gasped. He looked up at the lady with pools of tears shining in his big eyes. Then he cried even more when the woman cried, "HARRY! THERE'S SOMEONE AT OUR DOOR!" She crouched down and picked him up. Prince Xiaolang didn't know who he was, or where he came from. All he knew was..nothing. He was confused and it scared him. The woman gently rocked the bawling boy. Slowly he stopped crying and started to drift off to sleep. He clutched the woman's shoulder and closed his eyes. He whimpered and stuck his thumb in his mouth. She whispered, "Shhshhshsh." and he whispered, "I love you mommy." and then he fell asleep.

The woman looked at her husband, the farmer. "Harry, whose child is this?" he shrugged. "Let's keep him for now. We'll call him..Syaoran." so the couple kept Syaoran when no one claimed him as their own. They adopted him and treated him like he was their only son. The farmer taught his new son everything he knew. Though Syaoran tended to get a little.. uh.. distracted . Syaoran, age 5: Farmer Li [he's the only other Li besides the royal family] held out the reins of the ox to his son. "Here. Hold this, Syaoran." he said and gave Syaoran the reins. Syaoran waited while his father checked the ox's yoke. He sighed. He was bored. Then he spotted something sticking out of the ground and he got an idea. He plucked the weed and tickled the ox's ear. The ear twitched and the ox whipped him with its tail. Syaoran frowned and tickled the ear. WHIP! Syaoran yipped and his father looked up. Syaoran smiled. Then he yanked the ox's tail, hard. The ox roared and reared up. Farmer Li fell backwards with a cry and Syaoran gripped the reins. The ox ran forward with Syaoran handing off the end screaming. Then it stopped. Syaoran flew up [hehehe.. what goes up must come down] and then forward. He landed face-first into the mud with a SPLAT. His mother sighed and called him in to take a bath. His father roared with laughter and slapped his thigh.

Syaoran grew up over the years into a strong handsome young man. He always made the girls swoon with his messy chestnut hair, deep brown eyes, and muscular, but lean frame. He was modest, kind, funny, and a hard worker. Although he knew not where his birthparents were, he was happy with the family he had now. He spent 10 years total on the farm working day & night.

The queen couldn't help it anymore. She snorted very unladylike and began to laugh out loud. She kept on laughing until tears formed in the corners of her eyes. The king frowned at his wife. "You can never be descriptive, but when it comes to telling this part of the story, you really tend to point out every minor detail! You are too descriptive my lord!" she said still laughing. The king snorted and puffed out his chest. "It just goes to show how you like never to admit the truth my dear.," he said a bit miffed. She shook her head and kept on laughing to herself. The older king shot her a dirty look and continued the story.

Then one day when he was 16, Farmer Li sent Syaoran to town because their supply of material had run low. Syaoran went to the city and bought the fabric from a friend of the Li family. A crowd pushed its way toward him. One man ran over his toe, but didn't take the slightest notice. Syaoran yelped and jumped on a cart easily. Some kind of martial arts move that had somehow always come to him easily. He didn't remember learning martial arts. He jumped down and ran into a nearby alley. He wasn't looking where he was going so he bumped into someone and dropped his fabric in the dirt. Syoaran didn't get a chance to say sorry before the person dove at him angrily. She swung a fist at him wildly. He caught the fist and she faked an elbow jab. He tried to block but with a sense of dread realized the distraction. She swept his feet out from beneath him and held two fingers to his neck. Syaoran let his instincts take over and used his feet to cling to her leg. He hefted his weight backward pinning her to the ground. Her green eyes widened, "Shiao Tsung." she whispered. A name came to Syaoran's head and he said, "Hullo Cherry!"