Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ A Night On The Town ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Happy holidays everyone, have a great Christmas! This is year my mom
and dad are going to be together for Christmas with my and my little
brother. Have a great New Year also!

First of all, if you want me to make ANY more chapter, then review. It
gives me inspiration. Thank you for all you have reviewed!

Now...on with the next chapter!


Syaoran took down the little calender which was hanging from the wall,
"Geezz, two more days already."

"Yup!" Hinyu said with smiled and started doing a little dance, "Two
more days till' my birthday!"

Syaoran giggled and picked Hinyu up, "Alright, birthday boy, what do
you want for breakfeast?"

"Ummm...meatloaf!" Hinyu said, throwing his arms in the air.

Syaoran cocked an eyebrow, "Meatloaf? I don't think that's breakfeast
material, bud."

"Ummm...Cheerios!" Hinyu said.

Syaoran walked into the kitchen, "That's better." Syaoran put Hinyu
down on a kitchen seat, and scooted him up to the table. Syaoran took
out a cereal box of "Cheerios" and poured them into the bowl. He then
got out a mil carton.

"I don't like milk with my cereal." Hinyu nervously said.

Syaoran looked at Hinyu, "Oh, okay." with that, Syaoran put the milk
back in the fridge, and gave the bowl of Cheerios to Hinyu, who took
one round cheerios one- by- one and placed them his mouth.

Sakura walked into the kitchen and stretched, "Good morning!" she

"Morning mommy!" Hinyu said, eating his Cheerios.

Sakura walked over to Syaoran and wrapped he arms around his waist,
"Good morning." she said into his hear.

"Mornin'" Syaoran said back to her, lovingly. "So, what would you like
for breakfeast?"

Sakura went and sat next to Hinyu, "I don't know," she said, "I'm not
that hungry."

"That's what you get for staying up late." Syaoran said.

"Hoe?" Sakura said confused, "But, Syaoran my love, it was YOU who
stayed up late."

Syaoran giggled, "Well, did my snoring keep you up or something?"

"Ohh, be quiet." Sakura huffed remember the night they had.

Touya walked in the kitchen rubbing his wet hair with a towel, "Good

"Hi Uncle Touya!" Hinyu waved happily.

Syaoran grunted and gave a slight glare to Touya, "I thought you'd be
gone by now?"

"I'm going to leave, gaki, but I decided to take a shower before I
leave." Touya explained.

Syaoran groaned, "Well, you took a shower. Go!"

"Don't be so demanding, Chinese gaki." Touya said and took the milk
carton from the fridge and took a drink out of it, and placed it in
the fridge, "I'm going." Touya then grabbed his things and headed for
the door, "Bye."

"Bye, brother!" Sakura said, waving to him.

Hinyu waved his two hands, "Bye Uncle Touya! See you in TWO days!"
Touya then left.


"So..." Syaoran said, breaking the silent atmosphere, "What are we
going to do today??"

Hinyu looked around, "Watch cartoons!!" he shouted happily.

"I have an idea!" Sakura said, smiling brightly, "Shaoran, why don't
you take Hinyu out for a father - son time!"

Hinyu hugged onto Syaoran, "Yeah!!!"

"Ummm..okay." Syaoran said.

"YEAH!" Hinyu shouted.

Syaoran got up, and Hinyu followed, they got on their coats and walked
out the door, "So, where do you want to go, Hinyu?" Syaoran asked, as
he got into the car.

"I wanna go buy some toys!" Hinyu said entering the car at the
passenger seat.

Syaoran put the keys into the car, "Is that the only thing you like?"

"Hmmm.." Hinyu thought, "Yeah!"

"Alright, we'll go to a toy store." Syaoran said and backed up from
the driveway and drove down the rode.


"Toys! Toys! TOYS!" Hinyu shouted, as they entered the toy store.

Syaoran looked around, as he saw he was surronded by toys, "Okay, bud,
remember it's two days till' you B-day, so we can't buy anything."

"Awww..." Hinyu pouted, and then grew a smile, "Okay!"

Syaoran and Hinyu walked around, looking at all the toy truck, stuffed
animals, action figures, etc.

"I want Turboman Action Figure with the Mega Cannon!" Hinyu whined.

Syaoran patted Hinyu on the head, "Sorry pal, not toys."

"But, I want Turboman Action Figure with the Mega Cannon!" Hinyu
pouted once more.

Syaoran looked around, "Do they even have an exit door to this
place!?!" Syaoran looked around to see Hinyu no where in sight,

"Price call for; "Turboman Action Figure: Mega Cannon Figure" " a
salesclerk said over the telephone intercom.

"HINYU!!" Syaoran shouted, and ran to the check out line. He searched
each check out line untill he came to the last one, where Hinyu had
millions of boxes of Turboman's at the check out. "Hinyu!"

Hinyu looked over, "Hey, daddy! Look! I found the Turboman figures!"


"I can't believe you did that..." Syaoran said driving down the rode.

Hinyu shrugged, "Well, I like Turboman."

"I like when Hinyu behaves." Syaoran said.

Hinyu shook his head, "Hinyu doesn't like to behave."

"Is that so?" Syaoran smirked.

Hinyu smiled, "Hinyu so."

"Well, just since you have behaved for the first minute, I will take
you somewhere special." Syaoran said.

"YEAH!" Hinyu clapped.

Syaoran drove around the rode, until he came to a restuarant. He got
out of the car, and Hinyu got out.

"Where are we??" Hinyu asked.

Syaoran smiled at Hinyu, "You'll see." They got into the restuarant.

"Welcome to Hooters, just wait one second." A female waiter said.

Syaoran nodded, "Alright."

"Hooters?" Hinyu asked, "What kind of name is that?"

Syaoran giggled, "It's the name of the restuarant."

"I can understand "Olive Garden"," Hinyu said, "Because you probably
eat olives there. But I never heard of someone eating hooters. What
every kind of food that is."

Syaoran patted Hinyu on the back, "Well, "Hooters" Is a great place
for a birthday."

"This way please." The waitress said, and directed them to a table.
Hinyu and Syaoran sat down and she passed them out two menus.

"Thank you." Syaoran said, and the waitress left, "So, what would you
like to drink, pal?" he asked opening his menu.

Hinyu looked at the menu, "Oooh! I know why they call this place
"Hooters"!" Hinyu exclamined, "You can eat fried owls! Owls say, "Hoo!
Hoo!" and there is an owl, on the name "Hooters"!!"

"Yep," Syaoran giggled, "That's right."

The waitress came back to their table, "May I serve you anything to

"Uuuh..Yeah." Syaoran said, "I would like a Coke please."

"And you?" The waitress said turning to Hinyu.

"Ummm.." Hinyu thought, "Do you have any Root Beer?!"

"Sure do." The waitress smiled.

Hinyu smiled brightly, "Okay. I'll have that."

The waitress wrote down the orders, "Okay, I'll be right back with
your drinks." and she walked off.

"Oh-ho!" Syaoran said leaning back, "Gonna get loaded with Root Beer,

Hinyu smiled, "Yuppers!"

"Well, make sure to leave room for the food." Syaoran told him.

Hinyu sighed, "Daddy, I will." Hinyu then jumped in his seat, "And
thanks for taking me here. It's neat."

"Yeah..very.." Syaoran said looking at some of the waitress' =Ugh!
Syaoran...stop thinking about other woman..= he thought as he slapped
his forhead.

"Here are your two beverages." The waitress said placing their drinks
infront of them.

"Thank you, Hooters Lady!" Hinyu said happily, as the waitress

Syaoran held his drink, "Yes, thank you."

"So, do you want anything to eat?" The waitress asked.

Syaoran studied the menu, "Um, yes. Could I have a grilled steak? With
a salad?"

"Yes, sir." The waitress said writing down his order, "And for you

"Ummm.." Hinyu said, "I want fried owl!!"

The waitress looked pretty confused as Syaoran put his hand to his
head, "I'm sorry, cutie pie, We don't have that."

"But, Hooters, must mean owl! There's even an owl on the menu!!" Hinyu

"Hinyu!" Syaoran said, and sweatdropped, "He'll just have a kids

"HAM!" Hinyu said.

Syaoran looked at Hinyu then the waitress, "HAMburger."

"Alright," she giggled, "I'll be right back." she then left.

"Hinyu!" Syaoran said, "Don't do that."

"Well..What's "Hooters" for then?" Hinyu asked.

Syaoran let out a sigh...


Later on, Syaoran and Hinyu were eating, "Um, I need to use the little
boys room." Hinyu said.

"Okay." Syaoran said, "It's right over there. he said and pointed over
to the bathroom doors.

Hinyu got out of his seat, "Thank you, daddy." and then he left to the

Syaoran got up and went over to a waitress, "Exucse me." he said.

"Yes?" the waitress asked turning to him.

Syaoran pointed to the bathroom door, "My son, Hinyu, is in the
bathroom. He is around three years old and is almost his birthday.
Could you give a little birthday surpirse when he gets out??"

"Sure." the waitress said and walked over to the other workers.

Syaoran smiled, and sat down at the table. A minute later, Hinyu got
out of the bathroom, and started walking out. Untill lots of Hooters
workers surronded him. They had plates and smacking spoons against

"Hi Hooters people." Hinyu smiled.

"Happy Birthday!!" The said, and grabbed Hinyu up, and put Hinyu on
one of the worker's shoulder, and walked him over to the bar. Singing
him a happy birthday song. Syaoran giggled and went up there.

"YAY!" Hinyu shouted, and the workers placed him ontop of the bar, he
stood there smiling and waved at Syaoran,
"Hi Daddy!!" Syaoran waved back. One of the waitress' placed a
birthday hat on Hinyu, and they kept signing the birthday song.

"My birthday!!" Hinyu sang and started doing a little dance, shaking
his behind.

Syaoran giggled at Hinyu, and smiled at him.

One of the waitress' took a camera and took a picture of Hinyu dancing
ontop of the bar. The picture came out, and they placed it on the
"Birthday Bulletin Board"


They got back to the house.

"Hey boys." Sakura greeted them, "Have fun?"

"Yeah!!" Hinyu said, "We went and looked at toys, and drove around.
And..We went to a place called "Hooters"!!!! It was fun!!"

"Hooters?" Sakura asked, and looked at Syaoran slyly.

"What?' Syaoran said innocently.

Hinyu hugged Syaoran, "I love you daddy!!!"

Syaoran smiled and gently hugged Hinyu back.


How was that? I know, those Hooters workers are so annoying when they
do that birthday thing. But overall, it's fun.