Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ The Battle ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey-hey-hey-ho! How is everyone doing? Welp this fic is almost over and on with new ideas!


"You're..." Syaoran said. The figure walked out of the darkness revealing his true self. It was Jigokuinu. "Jigokuinu! You're alive!"

Jigokuinu laughed evily, "Yes. Of course. So what is it you want to settle?"

"Well," Syaoran said, "Where is Elder Hinoraku?"

Jigokuinu jumped down infront of Syaoran snarling. "You fool! I'm Hinoraku!!"

"What?!" Syaoran and Sakura said in unison.

Syaoran looked at him seriously, "That can't be!"

"But it is!" Jigokuinu said, "I am the Elder Hinoraku!"

"No!" Syaoran said, "You said you were my friend! You saved my life telling me to get away from the boulders!"

Jigokuinu barked. Snarling with his sharp white teeth. "I only did those things so you would trust me and not think I am the enemy! And I saved you so I could battle you in the end!"

"Battle?" Syaoran said. "You're my friend!!"

Jigokuinu swipped his claws at Syaoran. "I am not your friend!! I am Elder Hinoraku! I am the enemy! I was the one who sent you to the future! You hate me for ruining your life! I AM HINORAKU!!! Now battle me!"

"Shaoran.." Sakura said. "He isn't our friend."

Jigokuinu's red eyes glowed, "If you want to undo your problem in the future you must battle me and win!"

"But I can't battle you." Syaoran said, "You are my friend."

Jigokuinu growled madely, "I am getting pretty tired of this boy!" Jigokuinu's red eyes glowed real bright he started getting bigger and bigger and than two black figures started coming out of his sides, they grew bigger and than he expanded them to reveal two big mighty black wings. He growled at Sakura and Syaoran. "Let's settle this!!" he let out a mighty roar as his eyes glowed.

"Shaoran!" Sakura said, "We have to stop him!!"

Syaoran looked down, "But..."

Jigokuinu growled and from his glowing red eyes shot out a big red beam and went over and hit Syaoran. "Fight Xiaolang!!"

"Sword!" Sakura said, as her wand turned into a sword. She ran up and swung the sword at Jigokuinu cutting his arm.

Jigokuinu giggled, "Playing games, eh gal?" Jigokuinu put his paw on Sakura holding her down he then roared at her his big teeth showing at her. He then lowered his head, his mouth open and his teeth chattering ready to bite Sakura.

"King Of Thunder, Descend!" Syaoran called out and a blast of lighting hit Jigokuinu across the face.

Jigokuinu shook his head and growled at Syaoran, "You wanna joing now?"

"As long as if you leave Sakura alone!" he said, pointing his sword at Jigokuinu. Jigokuinu's red eyes glowed at Syaoran spreading his black wings.

Syaoran let out a cry and grabbed his arm which was holding his sword. "Ow!!" he said and he dropped his sword and held his hand. "What did you do!?!" he shouted to Jigokuinu.

"I simply put you in pain." Jigokuinu laughed. "I am one of the strongest person you can ever come across."

"Windy!" Sakura called hitting the Windy card causing the wind to lift Jigokuinu off her and into the air.

Jigokuinu expanded his dark wings and roared meanicenly and flapped his wings down hard causing the wind to hit back down on Sakura. Sakura got hit and fell down. "Sakura!" Syaoran said and ran over to her.

"Gave up yet?" Jigokuinu asked landing on the ground. "Or are you ready for more!?"

Syaoran picked up his sword, "Ready for more."

"Fool." Jigokuinu said. He opened his mouth and a big red ball formed in his mouth and than from the ball shot a red beam at Sakura and Syaoran.

Sakura threw up a card, "Shield!" she commanded, slamming on the card with her wand making a round shield cover her and Syaoran. The beam hit the shield and vanished.

"Good thinking." Jigokuinu commented, and flew up and landed on a platform. His wings overlaped his body making him shine black. Then his wings unfolded to reveal the elder that had sent Syaoran to the future and his wings vanished. "But you will need more than quick thinking to defeat me."

"God Of Fire, Descend!" Syaoran called out as a blasting of fire came from the card he threw against his sword.

Sakura watched and threw up a card, "Firey!" she called and slammed her wand on the card. Realsing the Firey Card. The Firey combined with the fire from Syaoran's incantation causing the level of the fire extremely high. The two combined fire attacks hit Elder Hinoraku making him fall a bit.

"Nice attack." Elder Hinoraku said. "Probably the smartest thing you have done by now."

Syaoran grunted as he lifted his sword up. "I don't know what to do.." he looked over at Sakura for advice.

"Me either Shaoran." she said as well.

Elder Hinoraku raised his cane, "Well, well. We are at the end of the line now, huh? Might as well admit defeat or die."

"I'd rather die than fight a friend." Syaoran said.

Elder Hinoraku raised his hand as black ord formed in his palm, "Dammit Xiaolang! I am not your friend!! And you are just waiting to be killed!!" just then millions of little black darkness orbs came out of the main one going for Syaoran and Sakura.

"I know!" Sakura said and threw up a card, "Light!" she said and slammed her wand on the card. The whole room spread whiteness all over, causing the dark orbs to dissapear from the lightness. Elder Hinoraku couldn't hardley open his eyes from the light. "Sword!" Sakura said and her wand turned into a sword.

"No!" Syaoran stopped her from going to hit him. "I am to defeat him! So I can change MY future." he than ran up and kicked Hinoraku over onto his back. Syaoran than put his foot onto Hinoraku's chest and held his sword up pointing down at him.

Elder Hinoraku smiled, "I say Xiaolang." he smiled, "You have improved. Good job."

"What do you mean!?" he rudley asked.

Hinoraku grabbed Syaoran's sword and lifted it up. "You have won." he stood up. "I congradulate you with all my honors."

"How can I trust you!?" Syaoran asked.

Elder Hinoraku closed his eyes and he shune brightly and he shrunk and than the light went away and he was back to Jigokuinu, "You can trust me Xiaolang. Now, you may choose..."

"Choose from what?"

Jigokuinu smiled, "Your time line. You may choose in the present or the future."

"Shaoran!!" Sakura yelled and ran up and hugged him, "You're alright! Thank goodness!"

Syaoran gulped, and looked at Jigokuinu.

"The time is your destination." Jigokuinu calmy said, waiting for Syaoran decision.

Syaoran blinked, he didn't know what to decide he was happy in both times with Sakura. But which time will he choose over the other?....



Okay. This one was short I know. And the next chapter is going to be the Epilogue. So it will be real short and that will be the end of the fic. So please review after the next chapter and comment on how you liked the story! Ta-ta!