Claymore Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging Love ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Note: I was just getting ready to continue this one and I nearly dislocated my knee, everything from the first to the last “crack” reached my ears only moments before the pain did. After that even sitting at my desk became a painful experience so I had to cut this update short to get anything out at all. Sorry if it's kind of chopped off in the middle but I did my best to pick up the thread. So stepping away from recent events let's continue with the story, this story will touch some of the questions some of you had about Claymores, what I didn't know myself I made up and this is the first step toward a dramatic ending.
Summary: Over 100 years ago Sesshoumaru saw his half brother being eaten before his very eyes. Now, his father has called upon the help of claymores for the upcoming war against China. Sesshoumaru comes face to face with an older looking version of his dead little brother.
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Claymore. I just worship them.
Warning: Slight crossover with Claymore, Yaoi, Inc., anal, oral, etc.
Pairing: Sess x InuY, Sess x Yasha.
Read, Enjoy & Review. Any comment of encouragement, happiness, questions or the like are welcome.
Raging Love
By Monkan
Chapter 5 of 7
Much later that same day, when the night had fallen and the leftovers of their dinner lay cold and untouched by the fire they sat close to each other. Their bodies were as good as healed but felt that there were no rush back, one day more or less wouldn't change anything.
Yasha had mended his torn cloths the best he could, keeping his body hidden from the noble youkai. His silver eyes looked right into the blazing fire that cracked before them, warming them with its heat and casting a light over them.
While letting his thoughts wander Sesshoumaru didn't take his eyes of the Claymore. It was strange, the more he looked at the half-being he could swear that he looked more and more like InuYasha. As if his features were slowly changing before his eyes.
“So tell me more about yourself.” he asked carefully out of the blue.
Yasha didn't look up, “What do you want to hear?”
Sesshoumaru shrugged his shoulders. “Your home. About Claymores. Your life until now. Everything.”
He looked up at the night sky with deep thoughts. Only the moon were visible through the dark blanket that covered the heavens and even in it's silvery light you could see the clouds surrounding it.
“I was five years when I was thrown to the Organization. At the time I had lost everything I knew and needed only for a pocket full of coins. My life were worth so little. Back then I had black hair and black eyes. My skin were tanned darkly from playing hours upon hours in the sun with my family. It was a gentle and peaceful memory. But that was only that, a memory. What followed was the most cold and painful night I've ever known.”
He turned his eyes to Sesshoumaru, his eyes held an enigmatic glow. “Do you know how Claymores are created?”
“I know most are human with demon flesh and blood in their bodies but outside what everyone else knows there isn't much.” he confessed.
“It's no surprise.” Yasha gave him a small smile. “We don't like to talk about what happens to us when we are turned.” He took the lords hand in his. “Youkai are all powerful beings, no matter how small they have the ability to conquer other beings under the right laws and circumstances. Survival is imprinted in our genes. Hench our ability to recover and heal fast after battle.” His face turned serious, “Our bodies are cut open.”
Sesshoumaru found himself unable to say anything at the statement.
“And I mean it literally. Without herbs to dull our senses or protect our minds from the pain they cut us open like butched pigs. They take the raw flesh from a youkai and push it inside our wounds, letting it infest itself and try to take over in order to survive. Then they drain us of our blood until we are almost dead only to give us the blood of the youkai to let it desperately trying to survive and replace the lost blood in our bodies with it own.
“The transformation is beyond human understanding or even that of any life. Our bodies are wracked with the flesh twisting itself around inside us, eating away what it can't use or don't need and then grow back to fill the gaps. It's a bloody war wrathing inside and while on the outside we writhe in pain and beg for death we are locked away for three days with no contact of the outside world. In the darkness and cold we can only hear our own whimpers and screams. By the third day our bodies have transformed completely into a monster but our wound doesn't heal from that night. As you could see we are doomed to never recover what we lost and each time we see the distorted limbs under the scar, the discolored flesh and scarred tissue on our chests we are constantly reminded what we are.”
“During that time we lose all our colors and emotions become of something we only remember. We are only ghosts of what we used to be but in my case the change was a little more drastic. As I told you my features changed slowly. Each birthmark and traits I got from my parents disappeared, leaving me with this face. I don't know what demon they used for me but it was a really powerful one, there have been others that lost something in the transformation but none like I did.
“Soon after that I was given to Lilith to be trained and raised. She became a kind of mother for me, a sister you can even say. She was a typical Claymore, just like the rest acting like a puppet. Dancing according to the strings attached to her. I was a problem child, my temper would cause me trouble and I gave Lilith many problems with the elders. But after me there weren't any more male children accepted. Since we fall to easily over our limit and change to real demons with pure instincts driving us. Womans are the next generation for them and they are waiting until I am gone.”
Sesshoumaru had long since lost his control to stay calm, his inner youkai were raging that someone could do something so cruel and inhuman to another being.
His free hand were clamping down on the earth, his fingers digging into the dirt and crushed it in his palm. Poison dripped from his skin and turned the ground green with it's toxic essence. His fangs grew in his anger and nibbled slightly against his own lip, drawing blood. His pupils turned into a feral piercing look and glared heatedly into the fire, his fury almost mirroring the core of the fire.
“I won't forgive them.” he hissed. “Playing with the lives of others is unforgivable.”
He was baffled at Sesshoumaru's reaction but deep down he felt something else, acceptance “There's nothing you can do. The elders aren't exactly human people and their work won't stop even if you kill them.”
Through sheer will power Sesshoumaru and the presence of Yasha he somehow managed to suppress his anger. His deadliness faded away and left him in control.
“Aren't you angry?” he asked with barely masked hatred. “What they did to you...!”
Yasha shock his head slowly. “There's nothing to be angry about now. I can't be returned to who I was. I accepted that a long time ago.”
“Still--” a finger against his lips hushed him.
His eyes were met by sharp but gentle silver eyes. The face before him smiled almost lovingly as he pressed their lips together. A chaste moment but the effect were more effective than words. Yasha moved closer until he lay across Sesshoumaru's lap and let the scent of the other overwhelm him.
The Daiyoukai looked down before letting his fingers tread through his hair. He had so much more to say, so much more to ask but he didn't want to break the peace between them. All of it could wait until another time, right now he would honor Yasha's request and keep his silence.
Come here.”
Yasha looked around and realized he didn't know where he was. He turned toward the echo of a voice he had never heard. “Who are you?” he couldn't see anyone.
Come here.”
He turned in circles but nowhere were signs of life. He heard a drop of water and with a slight start he turned around and saw a lake. Over come by thirst he walked over there not letting his guard down.
There weren't any wind but he could hear the whispering of something in the air.
He leaned over the edge and looked down at his reflection. The water were clear and crisp, nothing could disturb it's peace.
When suddenly something broke the surface, grabbed his throat and dragged him head first into the water.
Yasha struggled and tried to break free of who or whatever had caught him.
Yasha.” came a whispered plea that made his eyes open, he hadn't even realized he had closed them.
Face to face with a mirror of himself he looked into golden colored eyes, the mouth trying to tell him something but the words couldn't reach his ears.
It all ended in a burst of bubbles and sinking deeper in the dark water.
Your beautiful.” strong arms wrapped around him and the elegant face descended to his and captured his whole being in a matter of seconds. Both naked and clinging to each other. Claiming him, making him whole.
Yasha jerked awake. Again. His dream haunting him. Ever since he became a Claymore he hadn't dreamed, imagination were lost to him and every other Claymore as well. There were nothing life could offer them to tempt them into dreaming. Or at least he had thought so.
He rose up from the ground and the arms that had held him in his sleep. He looked at the face over his shoulder, unsure if he should wake the other or not but when he notice the other stir he knew there were no need.
The last of his 'dream' came back to him and he wasn't sure what to make of it.
With the daylight they both knew their wounds had healed and it was a silent agreement that they would begin the journey back to the West Castle.
Their progress weren't as quick as it could be if they ran at their top speed but they kept within each others presence and walked close. They didn't really meet anyone, although they could sense the presence of other minor youkai's in the vicinity but it was to no surprise since it was just the day after the war.
And with both of them being far stronger than them their path were cleared long before they even came close but whispers of the battle and how InuTaisho had walked away victorious reached their ears.
While their steps lead them closer and closer to their goal Sesshoumaru carried a small dialog between them. Trying to find out as much as he could about the other while sharing some of his own life when asked. It wasn't long before their hands were clasped together and their steps even to each other, leading, following and helping each other forward when needed.
Never before had Sesshoumaru been so curious about another being like Yasha. At first it didn't seem like he were much different from the rest of the female Claymores but upon learning more about him he came to several conclusions. Stubborn, gentle, childish, spoiled, generous and deeply sensitive to others pain were a few of them.
It would had been perfect... if only he didn't have the gnawing feeling that someone was following them even long before they could see the castle.
“Yasha.” Lilith said as she walked up to him and with some hesitation wrapped her arms around the hanyou.
Sesshoumaru stared at his father with neutral eyes but the older youkai couldn't possibly miss the change in his son's eyes. A change he was stunned to see but also welcoming it with his whole heart. How long he had wished for the warmth to return to his son's eyes.
“Welcome back, my son.” he said formally. Years of discipline had taught him to control his emotions in the presence of others. The hall court yard around them were filled with the surviving Claymores and youkais.
Sesshoumaru gave a nod in return when suddenly his youki screamed out in blood lust at a sudden and all to familiar intrusion. InuTaisho noticed it right away too as well as Lilith who pulled back from the embrace and glared at the direction the youki came from.
Most of the other youkais, having fought a war not long ago, with their over sensitive senses also picked up the strange youki. To close to be comforting.
“Show yourself.” barked Taisho.
Out from the shadows stepped a figure, dressed completely in black flowing robes and a wide grin on his face. His white hair fell down over his shoulders and framed pointy ears as well as a long scar down his skull and neck and most likely even longer. What was even more spoking was that he held a strong resembling to Yasha.
“Greetings my Lords.” he bowed deeply but the gesture held no respect or anything even close to what it was supposed to do. Instead it was an insult.
“Who are you?” Taisho asked with glaring and hostile eyes.
He pretended to look hurt. “Don't tell me you've forgotten me already. I'm hurt.”
“Quit with this pretense. I've never seen you before and I will not have anyone talk to me in such a personal term.” the words were heatedly clouded by anger.
“Not as much as you know me but your heir knows me quite well.” he said with growing anger coloring his speech. “I've come to settle a grudge.”
Sesshoumaru looked down at him as if he was vermin before his feet but it did nothing to the other. “And what have I done to earn this grudge?”
“Don't talk as if you've forgotten! You cruelly killed my bound host over 100 years ago.” his youki rose around him and he didn't even try to mask the deep seeping hatred inside him. “Ever since that day I planned for your end. Slowly and surely you all played into my hand. Even the youkais of China didn't even know it themselves but they were easy to fool.”
“Are you saying the war was your doing?” Taisho boiled inside. “You were the cause of so many lives ending to soon.”
With a gleeful smirk he bowed mockingly. “Yes, indeed. I had planned that war to be your end but then I saw something, or someone I never thought I would see in this life again and another plan was born. While I--” his breath stopped in his throat and he chocked on something in his mouth. Spitting it out, his lips were colored red. “I couldn't believe what they had created, although...” he laughed at Sesshoumaru. “I couldn't had done it better myself. Your own actions will be your undoing and every little thing you put me through, I will give it back to you.”
“Who are you?”
“Still doesn't remember me? How foolish of me. I thought you would remember me but then again we've met twice before. The first time I was just a random youkai for you to went your anger on. You killed my host but I somehow survived only by the passing of a vermin youkai. The second time was when I took out my revenge all those years ago. When my host's mouth dripped from your blood. Or more correctly, the blood of your little hanyou brother.” he spat out. overgrown youkai chewing on the remains of its dinner. The blood stains around its gruesome jaws was oozing with the smell of InuYasha's blood. The youkai was to hungry to notice him and took another big chew, consuming a little limb that belonged to a child dressed in white cloth. The sound of the bones breaking and snapping under the strength of the monsters jaw echoed in his ears...
It all returned to him faster than ever before. His eyes bleed a deep red and his youki hissed in enraged hatred. “You...” he let out along a misty breath.
The demon held up his hand and blood fell from his fingers that were covered in bleeding scars. He smiled with pleasure at the angry Daiyoukai. “Did you really think I would make it so easy but you won't be the one to kill me, and you won't die by my hand.”
The thumping sound of his heart filled his ears and Yasha felt shivers run up his spine. His blood started to pump inside him and barely realizing it he felt his limit come rushing at him. His youki exploded from inside him and ripped his limbs into distortion and pain. It wasn't a slow transformation by crossing on your own. He was being pushed over the edge to hell. His mind vanished and instincts took over, letting go of all that were called sane and rational his youki lifted a cloud of dust to hide him.
When his youki burst forth all others jumped back, even Lilith, while his true youkai rose to the surface. The flesh and blood inside him taking out its true nature and shape.
When the dust had settled enough to show what was inside was the beginning. Left standing where a young Claymore had once stood was a monster that lifted it's head toward the sky and let out a bone chilling roar.
The black clothed youkai laughed like a madman and in a harsh, steady voice that almost reached up to the same level as the roar, letting his words fill every ear it could reach;
I'll let InuYasha do the honor.”
To Be Continued.