Code Lyoko Fan Fiction ❯ Kiko's Story ❯ Soccer Match ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5
Soccer Match
Ulrich lunged for the ball, and kicked, but all he got was air. At that same time, Kiko took off full speed to the other end of the field. How did she do that? Ulrich asked himself as he tried to catch up to Kiko. I've never seen anyone move that fast, not even on Lyoko!
Kiko ran at the goal, dribbling the ball before her, she drew her leg back, then kicked the ball into the goal. Od dove for the ball about ten seconds late, and all he got was a mouthful of grass.
This pattern kept up until Kiko literary gave Ulrich a goal, making the score 20-1. Except for that freebie, Ulrich hardly touched the ball. Everyone was amazed at Kiko's speed, accuracy, and domination of the field.
When Jim finally called off the slaughter, the score was 25-1. “All right that was interesting, now everybody that wasn't out on the field get stretching. We're going to start a real game now. Kiko, I'd like you to come over here.” “Kiko,” Jim started, still amazed at her talent, "would you like to join the school's soccer team? You'd undoubtedly be on the starting line-up, and you might get a college scholarship.”
“I don't know, can I think about it?” Kiko wasn't sure that she liked the idea of being the school's star player, which would also place more romantic pressure on her from certain guys. “Would it be all right if I try to decide tonight, and then tell you tomorrow?”
The teacher nodded, surprised that this child with so much talent didn't want to show off. Maybe there are reasons she's so modest that I don't know about. Ulrich is modest because of his father, maybe her parents are like that.
“Hey, Kiko,” Jeremie asked Kiko as she walked over to her three friends," what did Jim want to talk to you about?”
“He wants me to join the soccer team,” Kiko said, obviously depressed," but I don't want to be on the team. I just want to play soccer where and when I want, not on some competitive schedule.”
Ulrich, who was still moping from his defeat, added “I know how you feel. Everyone out there expects you to give 110%, no matter what. Sometimes I even feel like quitting the team.” All of his friends looked at him in awe, usually Ulrich wasn't willing to talk about his feelings when asked about them, but here he was spilling his guts without the slightest provocation.
“Hey, Ulrich,” Od asked “, are you feeling okay? You're acting like you have more than your three normal emotions: anger, hate, and L-O-V-E! Ha, ha, ha!” Od's laughter was contagious, and soon the entire class was laughing as opposed to stretching.
“Well,” Kiko began, trying to stop her laughing “, what time should I stop by your room? I'll drop off your clothes, then you can change into them, and I'll help you get ready the rest of the way.”
“What are you talking about?” the two still giggling boys asked, confused.
Sheez, I can't believe that these two already forgot about the consequences of their loss, Kiko thought, she smiled. “Remember? If Jeriemie and I won, you two had to wear dresses, make up, and high heels for a week . . . does that ring any bells?” From the horrified looks on the boys' faces, they did. “Hopefully you two don't own any of those three items, so I'll be helping you get ready for class for a week!” Kiko smiled about as wide as humanly possible, without pulling a face muscle. At this moment, Kiko became aware of Jim's presence behind her.
“You can't be serious!? Jim, do we have to do it?” the boys pleaded, hoping Jim would spare them from the impending embarrassment, but Jim wasn't on their side.
“Sorry, boys . . . but a bet's a bet. Live with it.” Nobody knew this, but Jim was glad that the duo would be forced through this ordeal.