Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ Brother of the CORPSE BRIDE. ❯ Victoria is back ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The next Evening…
In the mansion of the Everglot family, the poor young I had met, was having a little squabble with her parents.
“Victoria Everglot, how dare you.” snapped the mother. “We distinctly told you never to shop amongst the lower classes!” snapped the father.
“I wasn't shopping there.” Victoria whimpered, “I was caught up in a crowd near the robbery.”
“And you taken as a hostage!” snapped her father. “You wretched young lady. I am very displeased with you!”
Her mother and father left her alone in her room, without giving her a chance to explain.
The bedroom door was locked, and she was left alone.
* * *
Victoria lay upon her bed, and began to weep softly into her pillow. The same way she had every day of her life.
She stared at a picture that lay beside the Golden harp she had obtained for today.
“I miss you Victor.” She sobbed softly letting her tears drizzle all over it. “If only we could've been married.”
Since her parents were to far away to hear, Victoria picked up the harp and softly began strumming away, and sang to the music.
Luckily she did not play three special notes while thinking hard
* * *
-If somebody loves me
Everything would be beautiful
very hour we'd spend together
Cherished within my heart

And if I'm feeling sad
He'd be there to dry my tears
And if I was happy so was he
For he'd love
* * *
Victoria knew Victor was happy where he was now, and he never forgotten her.
However, Victoria was alone now. Her parents tried enforce her into marriages based on lust.
When what she really wanted was to have marriage based on nothing but true love.
But with Victor gone and married to that Corpse-Bride, it was now hopeless.
* * *

-Through the summer and the fall
e'd had each other that was all
Just he and I together as if
it was meant to be

And if he was lonely
I'd was there to comfort him
and I knew that he loved me

-But the years have gone
And I'm the same
my only love had gone away
I was left alone
but still I knew that for the day
He'd an say I will always love you

-Lonely and maybe forgotten
I never thought I'd see the day
hen she smiled at me
and held me
ust as he used to do
as if to say he loved me
He did love me

-He didn't want to hurt me
and I had to understand
and every hour we spent together
lives within my heart
For he loved me.
* * *
Victoria put the harp back down, and was bout to cry herself to sleep, when suddenly, she hear more music…
It was someone was playing Beethoven's “Fur Elise”, coming from the park.
There was only one person Victoria knew who could play the piano so well. Even if it was not him, she still had to find that music.
So wrapped a shawl around her shoulders, got out an old rope, attached it to her balcony, then crept down and ran off.
* * *
When she reached the park, she noticed the bandstand was lit up, and that's where she saw the piano.
She moved a little closer, and saw that it really wasn't Victor who was playing the Piano.
It was…Me!
I was playing the piano with my eyes closed, and did not see her, but Victory immediately recognized me as the man who saved her earlier today.
I played the last notes, and then heard the soft sound of someone applauding.
I looked up, and saw her. The same woman I had helped out in the robbery today.
I smiled at her and said a soft and polite tone, “Well, fancy meeting you here.”
She smiled back at me and stepped closer, “That was really beautiful, what you were just playing.” She said to me while sitting down beside me.
“That is very kind of you to say that.” I said, “I hardly ever get compliments anymore.”
Se looked right at me, and said. “I wanted to thank you for saving me today in town; it was so brave of you.”
I blushed and said, “All in the day's work.” Then I just realized something “By the way, what is your name?” I asked.
The woman paused a bit, feeling a little shy but said, “My name's Victoria, Victoria Everglot!”
I held her hand to my lips and gently kissed it like a true gentleman. She shivered a little when I did that though.
I had forgotten that being dead meant that I was terribly cold toward all living things.
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance Ms Everglot” I said. “Please… just Victoria.” She said to me. “Alright then… Victoria.” I replied.
“Tell me. What is your name kind sir?” she asked me, “My name is Mykan.” I said, “Sadly, I do not have any last name though.”
“Oh that's quite all right with me.” said Victoria, “I don't mind you not having a last name.”
I smiled deeply at her. “I suppose I should at least try and go for a last name…” I said, “But I've already got enough problems as it is.”
“I understand how you must feel.” said Victoria, “My parents and I don't see eye to eye at all.”
“Well Victoria, I can't help you exactly with your problems…” I said, “But can share mine with yours, if you'll let me that is.”
Victoria hesitated, and then decided it was okay, “Please do!” she said, and I began playing on one side of the piano, and played on the other side.
We played a soft tune, and each took turns playing the piano tune, and singing our own verses to it.
-Oh, I'm so lonely
Since my family left me
I don't have any money
And nothing is free.
-Oh I've been so lonely
Ever since I was young
All I can do is sing until
My voice hurts my tongue
* * *
Then we switched.
* * *
-I have nasty father
He scolds me every day
And very own mother
Tried to marry me off away
-My life is treated as though
It shall never be grand
I am the saddest woman
In all of London-England!
* * *
“I never knew you played Piano so well either Victoria.” I said to her. “I've always wanted to be a concert pianist.” She told me.
“But my parents had forbidden it, now it's become so hard to play much whenever they are near.”
Suddenly, an idea came to my head. “Victoria, if you'd like, we can meet secretly here from time to time, and I can give you a free lesson.”
Victoria looked up and, “You would teach me?” she asked, “But I don't wish to waste any of your time.”
I just hushed her in saying, “Not at all, I am a professional. Now, what do you say?”
Victoria hesitated and then said, “I shall come here every midnight starting on Thursday… if I can make it.”
Thursday, that sounded wonderful to me. I was about to tell her so, when suddenly BIG-BEN (The giant clock) was beginning to chime twelve-midnight.
I felt a little strange, and then saw why. My right arm was going all pale and my skin was evaporating.
I had nearly forgotten of one of the things Elder Gutknetch had warned me about the magic gum in my mouth.
I quickly stood up, and began running off towards the woods, but only before I looked back at Victoria, and told her that her plan was fine by me.
Then I disappeared into the woods just in time, leaving Victoria confused as to why I had run off so sudden.