Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ Everyone Gathers At The Saionji Temple!! ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

1 week had passed, it's time to celebrate Kanata's birthday and Christmas Day.
Miyuwakes up early to prepare for Kanata's birthday bash!
Miyu : *Yawn* I'm still sleepy (looks at the clock) it's 3:00 am… but I have to do it cause it's Kanata's birthday..
Miyuprepares a super sizedbreakfast for Kanata, Wannyaand Lou. She makes some excellent and exquisite dishes. She knows that this day is important and she doesn't want Kanatato have a super sizedbreakfast which tastes like rotten foods, so she uses a cookbook..
Then… 3 hours later…
Kanatawakes up and slides his bedroom door open to find Louflying towards him..
Kanata (takes Lou in his arms) : Hey Lou.. ohayou(Good morning)…
Lou (holding a piece of red paper then hands it to Kanata) :Da! Da! Da! Papa! Hahaha!
Kanata (opens the piece of red paper) :What's this?
The red paper contains Lou's drawing of Kanatawith some scribbled words saying Happy Birthday PAPA!..
Kanata (smiles at Lou then tickles him) : Oh Lou, you shouldn't have… thanks a lot Lou… I love it..
Lou : Da! Wannya! Wannya! (calls out Wannya).
Wannya : Hey Kanata, Happy birthday… Here, please accept this. (hands Kanata some dumplings).
Kanata (shakes his head) : You know what Wannya? I know that you like those dumplings, why don't you eat it for me ok?
Wannya : Really? Thanks Kanata! (takes a bite).
Kanata : By the way, where's Miyu?
Wannya : oh yeah, she's at the kitchen.
Kanata : ok Wannya thanks…
Kanatawalks to the kitchen to find Miyusleeping at the table besides some delicious foods.
Kanata : huh? Miyu? Did you make this?
Miyu (murmuring while sleeping) : y..eah.
Kanatacan't help but smile at Miyu, Then all of a sudden Miyuwakes up.
Miyu : Wh..Wha? did I fell asleep.
Kanata : you sure did… (smiles at her)
Miyu (looks at Kanata) : Oh! Kanata! Happy Birthday..! I prepared you this super size breakfast.! Hope you enjoy it…
Kanata (Getting suspicious at Miyu) : Hey, I told you not to give me anything on my birthday…
Miyu : But I want to!
Kanata (Sighs) : ok… suite yourself (sits on the chair while Miyu serves him breakfast).
Kanata (chomps some food) : Mmm… Hey Miyu! This is good stuff! I like it! (chomps some more..)
Miyusmiles as she watches Kanataenjoyably eating his breakfast. Then she starts to remember her promise.
Miyu (talks to herself) : I'm going to keep my promise this time!
All of a sudden, Kanatahanded Miyusome of her cuisine.
Kanata : Come on Miyu! Try some! It's good!
Miyu (takes the dish) : Ok.. Kanata…Hey Lou! Wannya! Let's eat…
The 4 members of the family eats their super size exquisite breakfast happily…
Then…a doorbell rang.
Kanata (looks at the door with some food scattered on his mouth) : Huh? Who is it?
Kanataopens the door to find Mikan..
Mikan : Hello Kanata! Happy Birthday! (Hands him an issue of his doujinshi).
Kanata : Thanks Mikan! I always wanted to read your manga. (smiles at Mikan).
Mikan (giggles) : really?! Well there's more where that came from. Okay see you later at your party, I'm going to finish my other Manga because today is my deadling Noo!! (goes crazy as she walks away).
Miyu (walks beside Kanata) : Who is it?
Kanata : It's Mikan, she handed me this doujinshi.
Miyu : wow cool! Come on let me read! (tries to take the comics away from Kanata).
Kanata : hey stop it this is mine.. (Kanata jokes around).
Then all of a sudden a UFO crashed on the temples backyard…
Wannya (runs towards Kanata and Miyu) : HUH!? Who's that?
The UFO opens it's door to reveal two aliens..It's Seiyaand Rui
Miyu (smiles at them) :SEIYA!! RUI!!! What a pleasant surprise!
Seiya : Rui told me that a international celebration is being held today so I manage to take a look..
Miyu : Not only that! It's Kanata's birthday!
Rui : Oh really! That's cool!
Seiya : I have something to give you Kanata it's one of my---[BLAG!!]
Rui : Don't listen to him Kanata, he's just ruining your day…
Rui (whispers at Seiya) : hey… don't ever think of giving Kanata some of your junk…
Seiya : I understand…
Kanata : Anyway… why don't we go inside? Miyu made a large breakfast, why don't you have some?
Seiya (runs towards the Kitchen in a chibi form) : I'm THERE!! ZOOM!!
Kanataand Miyuis going to go back to the kitchen when suddenly there's another doorbell.
Miyu : who could it be this time? (opens the door)
Aya : Hello!
Nanami : Hi ya!
Christine : good morning!
Santa : Hey Miyu! (waves Hi to Miyu)
Nozomu : Hello there my little Miyu. (hands her a red rose).
Momoka : Good morning Maddam!
Miyu ( looking like she's going to pass out because of shock) : Y..yo…you…guyyss…. wha..whaat are you doing here?
Aya (pats Miyu on the back) : you know that today's is Kanata's birthday he's having a party right..
Miyu : Oh yeah… but it's still too early..
Christine (walks inside) : So where's Kanata
Miyu : No CHRISTINE!! The room is all messed up.. you should come back later ok?!
Christine (going berserk) : So… you and Kanata are hiding something from me… maybe you did give him a present..you must have been making love!! GAAAGGH!! (punches a big boulder causing it to shatter into small pieces)
Miyu (Chibi faces with her hair all messed up) :Gyaaaah!!! No! Christine!
Then Kanatawalks out to find Christineand the others.
Kanata : Hey guys! Why are you here? It's still too early..
Santa : We just want to come here really early you see.. by the way..happy birthday Kanata. (Hands him an old music cd).
Kanata :Gee… thanks Santa.
Nanami : Hey Kanata, who are they? (points out Seiya and Rui).
Kanata : OH MY GOD!!! (he didn't know what to do..)
Miyu : Well you see they are our neighbors, they came here for his party.
Aya : Oh I See, well can we go inside?
Kanata : Sure..
Miyuruns towards Wannya..
Miyu : Hey Wannya, Christine and the others are here! Quick transform!
Wannya : Ok! Miyu! WANNYA *POOF!*
Christine (walks inside) : Hey it's Mr.Dumpling!
Mr.Dumpling (Scratches his head) : Hello there Christine… hehehehehe…
Nanami : Hey Miyu, looks like it's a mess in here, Let's clean this place up for the party later tonight ok?
Miyu : Sure ! (Smiles at Nanami).
Hours has passed and It's exactly 3:00pm… Miyuand the others are done setting everything up for Kanata's party.
Miyu (Wears a red dress) : Does it look good with me Aya?
Aya : It look good! By the way what is your present to Kanata?
Miyu : I..I can't explain.. it's a secret..
Christine (Trance) : A secret eh?! I wonder what is it. Is it something really important..maybe it's a-
Miyu (interrupts Christine) : It's a T-shirt you see.. heheh..
Christine (Trance) : A T-shirt eh? Maybe it has some writing written on it, maybe writings saying “ I LOVE YOU KANATA
Miyu : GyAHH! No! did I say T-shirt, I meant tennis shoes you see..hehe..
Christine (Trance) : A pair of tennis shoes eh? Maybe it has some letters sewn on it maybe Miyu X Kanata!
Miyu : Gyaaahh!! No! I'm not giving him anything this year. I'm just playing haha..
Christine (Snaps back to reality) : OH , really.. ok…
Miyu (sighs heavily) : Darn that Christine
Miyuheads outside to get some fresh air, as she walks along the Saionji temple, she notices that Kanatais sitting on the floor stargazing..
Miyu (sits beside Kanata) : Hey birthday boy, what are you doing here?
Kanata : nothing, just looking at the stars..
Miyu : Umm.. Kanata?
Kanata (looks at her) : Yeah?
Miyu :Well…you see-
Miki : Hey my daughter!
Miyu : WHAT?! MOM!?
Kanata : Mrs. Kozuki
Miki : Oh Hi! Kanata! Happy Birthday By the way. (hands him a large present).
Yuu : How are you Kanata? I hope that Miyu isn't bothering you..
Kanata : No, not at all…
Miyu : Anyway, why did you come here Mom?
Miki : Well today's Christmas day, how about we go someplace and spend the night together?
Miyusee this coming because every Christmas day her parents comes to take her someplace away from her friends…
Kanata : Yeah Miyu, don't worry I can handle this by myself. Go on, have a good time Miyu. (smiles at her).
Miyu (looks at Kanata): But…
Miki (holds Miyu's hands) : Come on Miyu.
Miyu (snatches back her hand) : I'm not going anywhere mom, why don't we spend the night here at the temple?
Miki : But , we always go someplace on Christmas…
Miyu : It's okay mom, I'm happy staying here (looks at Kanata) besides I must keep my promise to Kanata.
Kanata : What? What promise?
Miyu : Remember? The time when you invited me to attend your party but I didn't have the time to go? I promised that one of these days I'm going to attend your party, that day is now Kanata… and this is my present to you… I'm not going anywhere..
Kanata (smiles from ear to ear) : Really!? Thanks Miyu!
Miyu : So Mom? Dad? How about it?
Yuu : Well , it's not a bad idea though… come on let's celebrate!
Miki : Hmm.. okay Miyu! I'm going to make some dishes for the party…
Hosho (runs towards Kanata then hugs him) : I'm back my son! Happy birthday!!
Kanata (smiles happily) :DAD!? You're here too! Great! Hahaha!!
Miyuis happy to see Kanataenjoying his birthday and to see everyone celebrating his birthday.
Miki : Hey Miyu, who's this baby?
Lou : DA!
Miyu : Oh that? That's My.Dumpling son…remember?
Miki : Oh yeah… hahaha..
Nanami : Hey everyone! I placed some mistle toes somewhere in the temple…if a couple walks under it , they have to kiss…or else badluck will happen..
Nozomu : Oh Great! This is what I've been waiting for (spins like a retarded ballerina).
Christine (walks towards Nozomu) : hey stop that!
Nanami : HEY GOTCHA ! Nozomu and Christine! You're under the mistle toe! You have to kiss!
Before Christinecould notice it Nozomukissed her on the cheek..
Christine (blushes madly) :WHAT!? What did you do?!
Nozomu : oh.. It feels so good to kiss someone pretty..*blag* (pressed under a buddha statue)
Christine (Trance) : Shut up Nozomu! It's okay if it's Kanata! But you! Give me a break! Humph..
Nanami : Hey look! Momoka and Lou are under the mistle Toe..
Momoka : Kissing is nothing … right Lou?
Lou :Da! (kisses Momoka on the cheek).
Miyu : Oh how cute…
Kanata : Yeah!... hehe..
Miyurealizes that this is the first time she sees Kanatareally happy…
Hours has passed and the party is over Santa and the others already went home, Seiya and Ruiwent back to planet Sharakuwhile Miyuand Kanata's parents slept at their respective rooms.
Miyu (finishes cleaning the dishes) : There! I'm done!
Kanata (walk towards Miyu) : Hey Miyu…I'm glad that you kept your promise… that's the greatest gift I ever had from you…(smiles at her).
Miyu (blushes a little) : no problem Kanat-
Kanata (Holds her hands really tight) : Miyu… I want an answer right now..
Miyu (now blushes a lot) : What? What are you talking about?
Kanata : Will you promise me to attend my birthday next year?
Miyu (nods her head) :Sure! Huh?-
Miyunotices that She and Kanataare under a mistle toe.
Kanata :What are you looking at Miyu (looks up) Hey a mistle toe (starts to blush).
Miyu : Well anyway… happy birthday Kanata… goodnight! (kisses him on the cheek then runs towards her room).
Kanata (places his palm at the kiss mark) : Miyu… (becomes extremely red).
Wannya's mini diary, today we had a excellent party…anyone is there to celebrate Kanata's birthday! I wish I had the same birthday party at planet Otto…