Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ A Dawn of a New Year... ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It's New year's eve , Miyuis running towards the Saionji temple steps when she bumps into Kanata..
Miyu (wearing a Kimono) : *Panting* Kanata… It's New year's eve! Did you see the fireworks?
Kanata : I sure did! (comes closer to Miyu).
Miyu (Blushes) : Why are you so close to me Kanata?
Kanata : Happy New year Miyu!..
Kanatamoves his lips closer to Miyu's while beautiful fireworks display surround them from the background, Kanata's lips is just an inch away from Miyu…when suddenly..
Miyu (wakes up!) :GYAAH!!! *Panting*
Miyu (holds her lips) : It's just a dream, I thought Kanata would… BAH! Never mind…
Miyugoes outside to get some fresh air wearing her orange pajamas…
Miyu (sits on the porch still blushing) : What would I do if Kanata would do such a thing… I can't help it…
Kanata (standing behind her) : Do what?!
Miyu (extremely red) : nyyaaaaahhh!!.... oh Kanata… goodmorning…it's nothing…
Kanata : Anyway tonight is New year's eve…do you have your Kimono with you?
Miyu : I sure did!... (smiles at him).
Today is December 31… Miki, Yuuand Hoshoalready left the temple… the 4 family can now live peacefully again..:P
Lou (rube his eyes then flies towards Miyu) : Mama! Mama!
Miyu : Goodmorning Lou… (giggles)..
Kanata : Hey Miyu, would you mind watching the house? I'm going with Santa to buy some fireworks.
Miyu : Ok Kanata! Just hurry up ok?
Kanatanods his head then heads to his room to change clothes.
Wannya (walks toward Miyu then tugs her) : Hey Miyu… I'm going shopping today, it seems like Kanata's birthday emptied our refrigerator ..
Miyu : Ok! Wannya, do you want me to come along?
Wannya : To tell you the truth, I want to go by myself… so you enjoy and spend the day off Miyu (smiles at her).
Miyu : I understand… be home early ok?
Wannyaand Kanataleft the temple leaving Miyuand Loualone.
Miyu (looks then smiles at Lou) : looks like it's you and me Lou
Lou (looks into Miyu's eyes as he remains in her arms then he read her mind by his powers) : Mama… Papa… Mwah?(points at her lips)
Miyu : What're you talking about Lou?
Louflies to the Saionji steps
Lou (points the steps and her lips at the same time) : Papa… Mama… Mwah!!
Miyu : Did you read my mind or something?
Lou : Da! (smiles then giggles at her).
Meanwhile…Kanatais at the Fireworks store with Santa..
Santa (points out a long firecracker that says Judas' belt) : This looks cool! Let's buy this one! (laughs evilly).
Kanata : hey that looks dangerous!
Santa : Oh come on Kanata! Don't worry I'll light it later tonight! If I get my hand burnt then all my records will be yours!
Kanata : Whatever Santa just hurry up! I promise Miyu to go home early.
Santa : Alrighty! (goes to the cash register to pay for the firecrackers ).
Kanata (helps Santa carry some of the firecrackers which they bought) : Let's go Santa!
Santa : You know what Kanata? I kind of notice that you and Miyu are getting a lot close these days… is there something going on with the two of you? (smirks)
Kanata (blushes) : Well… there's nothing much, I just noticed that Miyu isn't her usual self.
Santa : Meaning?
Kanata : meaning , Miyu doesn't start a fight with me more often, she becomes really nice and friendly..
Santa : Oh I see, maybe she likes you Kanata… she's totally head over heels for you..
Kanata : Oh shut up Santa! I know Miyu… she isn't a type of person easily to get along… or should I say easily to get…
Santa : So what you're saying is that you like her too?
Kanata ( gives Santa a clobber on the head ) : I told you to shut up Santa! Why do you care?! You should think about your pen pal! You're not giving her letters anymore!
Santa : oh yeah! I always forget to give her my letters by the way (gives Kanata all the firecrackers) I have to go home! I'll write her a New year letter see you later Kanata!
Kanata (holding all the fire crackers then looks at Santa) : That Santa, sometimes he acts really weird…(then remembers what Santa told him earlier) (Shakes his head) Nah… that's impossible, Miyu doesn't like me… (remembers what happened on his birthday) then again…ARGH! I can't understand ! (walks home)..
Meanwhile At the Saionji temple..
Lou (pulls Miyu's blonde hair) : mama! Papa! Mwah!! (teases Miyu).

Miyu : Stop it Lou (giggles) we didn't okay? It's just a dream…
Lou : dah… Mama… luv…papa?
Miyu (blushes by what Lou said) : Me? Why would you say such a thing Lou?
Lou (Screams loudly) : DAAA!! MAMA!! LUV!! PAPA!! DA DADAA!!!
Miyu : quit it Lou… you're embarrassing me if someone hears that I'm going to be in trouble!
Lou (nods his head then places his index finger between his lips) : dahh..ssshhhh…
Miyu : That's right Lou.. be quiet… you know what? One of these days I'll tell you how I feel about Kanata..
Lou : Da! (points out a large shadow alien-like figure going up the steps)
Miyu : Who's that!? (grabs a huge broom stick).
The alien like figure comes closer to her… Miyucouldn'tnotice who it is because of the shadow that the tree is making…
Miyu (charges at the figure) : You'll never get Lou from me!! GYAAHH!! (hits the alien like figure on the head really hard.)
Miyu : Gotcha! Huh!? GYAAAAHHHH!!!!
Miyuthought that it's an alien that wants to take Louaway but it was Kanataholding a lot of firecrackers causing his shadow to look like an alien..
Kanata : Ow!! That hurts! WHY DID YOU THAT FOR MIYU!?!?
Miyu : I'm sorry! I thought you were an alien (holds Kanata's shoulder)
Kanata : that's okay.. hmm? (realizes Miyu holding his shoulder as her bright face moves closer to him)
Miyu (moves her face closer) : Are you okay? (begins to realize that her face is going closer to him).
Kanata (blushes as he looks away from her) : I'm fine…
Miyu (also blushes looks away from him ) :I'm glad..
Later… it is almost time for the fireworks display…
Santa (lighting up Judas' belt) : Okay! Here it goes!
*boom* *bam* blag* a chain reaction of sparks and noise begins filling up the area around them.
Miyu (closes her ears using her palms) : I'm out of here! It's too noisy (runs to the steps).
Miyuruns to the steps to get away from the noise them bumps into Kanata
Kanata : What are you doing here Miyu? I thought you like fireworks?
Miyu (smiles at her wearing her pink Kimono then remembers her dream) : Uh.. Kanata
Kanata : What is it Miyu?
Miyu (blushes madly) :Are you going … to… you know..
Kanata (jokes around) : Going to what? I can't understand you…
Miyu : You know… are you going to Kis-
Lou :DA!!
Miyu : Lou! What're you doing here?
Wannya (Housewife form) : Well you see Lou doesn't like loud stuff so he decides to get away from the noise so he ended up here!
Santa (Drags Wannya) : Hey you're the housewife right? Come on help me set the other fireworks!
Wannya : Ok! See you later Miyu ,Lou and Kanata..
Kanata : Be careful !
Lou : DA! PAPA! MAMA! MWAH! (places Kanata and Miyu's hand together).
Miyu (blushes) :huh?
Kanata : What's up Lou?
Lou : PAPA! MAMA!! Hahahahahaa!!
Miyu (smiles at him) : come her you! (carries Lou)…
The 3 of them sits at the Saionji temple's steps while looking at the beautiful firework display...
Miyu (still holding Kanata's hands) : Happy New year Lou , Kanata
Lou : Mama!
Kanata (grips Miyu's hand tightly causing her to blush again) : Happy New year too…
Miyu : Tomorrow will be the start of a new year…
Kanata : I hope that a lot of good things will happen in the up coming year.. right Miyu?
Miyu (nods her head) : Yeah…
Miyu (talks to herself) : Well I guess my dream didn't came true.. I though it's going to be a de ja vu but luckily Lou came… It's too early for me to tell Kanata how I feel about him…
Wannya's mini diary… whatever.. I can't do my diary right now I'm really having a good time ! (lights some fireworks)