Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ Cupid's Arrows ❯ Sleep like an angel ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Morning: Kanata's apartment
Kanata Saionji wakes up, rubs his eyes and stands up. He immediately walks to the bathroom and washes his face. He reaches for his blue toothbrush and squeezes some toothpaste on the bristles and proceeds to brush his teeth. Soon after, he takes a bath and changes into his work clothes. It is his first day as a teacher at the local school a few blocks from his house so he must be early. He quickly eats breakfast and grabs the keys to his motorbike. He goes outside, mounts the Harley-Davidson and goes on his way.
“It's cold out this morning.” He said, noting the cool air that is hitting against his face and gently playing with his hair.
“*shivering* Damn, it's awfully cold today.” Miyu said as she was walking by the sidewalk. “God, our new teacher looks totally hot, I'm glad that he's our new homeroom adviser….” She was walking along until a strong gust of wind blew her way “Ouch! Something's in my eye, I can't see!” Miyu said while she stumbled to the ground unknowingly into the asphalt road. While she was getting up on her feet, she could hear a noise headed her way. The noise grew louder and louder until……
Then all of a sudden, she was staring directly in the headlights of a motorbike. “Hey miss, are you okay? Sorry about that, I didn't see you there and by the way, what the hell are `ya doing in the middle of the road like that?”
“Oh, sorry mister, I didn't mean to. It's just that a strong gust of wind blew my way and something got in my eye and….”
“Miss Kozuki, is that you? Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?”
Miyu looked up recognized the voice; it was Kanata's voice. “Oh…..umm….hi sir”
“Need a lift?” asked Kanata in a cheerful voice “And please, I'd prefer you call me Kanata when we're out of campus okay?”
“Oh, okay. But why, Kanata?”
“Hey, we're friends, right? You are the first student to be nice to me when I first came. Besides, I saw you lurking around the faculty room yesterday.” Kanata said with a huge smirk on his face.
“You what?! Come on, I was just curious who our new teacher might be!”
“Well, you could've asked me, you know.”
“For your information, I didn't meet you until I crashed into you AFTER classes!” Miyu growled, getting angrier and angrier by the second.
“Sorry to upset you, Miyu, but if you don't get on right now, we'll be late” Kanata brings his watch to her face and it says `YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE`, plain and simple.
“Hey, if we hurry, I'll get you there in less than a minute.”
“You're kidding, right?” Miyu asked Kanata while getting on the Harley.
“I always keep my word. Hold on!”
And before anybody could say anything else, they sped off like a rocket ship. Not long after, they arrived in school just in time.
“An amazing 48.6 seconds for sensei! It's a new world record!” The little blonde girl says jumping off and acting all happy and excited.
“I should be, but I can't beat the guy who registered 15.1 seconds.”
“And who was that?”
“Me.” Then he sprints off into the building while Miyu stares in disbelief and runs to her classroom when the bell rang.
At the classroom
“How do you do it Miyu? You always come even before the teacher steps in.”
“What can I say? I'm a professional!”
“Hahaha. Very funny. Oooh, here comes our teacher!”
Slowly, the fine looking teacher steps in as natural as he can. Miyu looks away, of course, having enough instances to look at his face. Kanata lays down his books on the table while the girls drool over him.
“Good morning class. My name is Kanata Saionji and I will be your adviser for the rest of the school year.” Kanata said smartly, adverting his gaze to Miyu all of a sudden.
“Because I am new here, I want all of you to introduce yourselves to the class and to me.”
A collective `yes' rang throughout the classroom walls.
“Let's start with this row” He said, pointing to the line upfront. Miyu's chair was at the second row, window seat. There were a lot of girls at the front so they were all very shy. The 1st row was done so he moved to the second row, right where Miyu is.
“Second row please.” Kanata requested, making his way to sit down on his desk.
“Tell us your name, age and something about you.” He said to Miyu who was quick to stand up.
“Hi. My name is Miyu Kozuki and I just turned 18.” She took this time to smile at her classmates, who in turn, smiled back. “My mother is an astronaut and my father works with her as an astronomer. I have a baby brother, Lou and a stuffed toy named Wannya.” Miyu turns to Kanata.” Sensei, thank you very much for choosing our school as your workplace and our class to proctor.” Miyu bows towards Kanata.
When she returns back to standing up straight, she smiles at him sweetly and bows again. Kanata feels a warm, fuzzy feeling inside if him. Well, he just ignored the feeling and continued with the introductions.
“Hey, don't you think our teacher is so HOT?
“Of course I do! Come on, who doesn't?”
“I agree! I've got a great idea! How about let's start our fan club on the subject of,” collective `huuuuhhh…,” Kanata Saionji!”
After Classes
Miyu walks home from school. Not even out of the campus perimeter, Kanata, once more slows down to reach equal their paces.
“Hey.” Kanata says.
“Want me to give you a ride back to your place?” Kanata offers, roaring the engine.
“No, I'd rather walk”
“I will not accept `NO' for an answer!”
“Hey, Kanata, can I ask you something?
“Sure, Miyu. What is it?
“Why are you always trying so hard to get my attention?”
“Well…umm…because…aahhmm…..” Kanata stutters and blushes lightly at the same time.
“Never mind. Ok, I'll go with you. It is a quite long way to go on foot…”
“Good, now hop on!”
She did follow his instructions shortly. They ride off, more slowly this time but in a pace that they can enjoy it. While Miyu is holding on to Kanata's back, she notices how warm it feels to be this close to a person.
“We're here!”
No response.
“Miyu? Miyu Kozuki?”
Still no answer.
“Hey, Kozuki! You're home now.”
Turning, he felt her tiny body gently sliding down his backside. Somehow, she managed to fall asleep while riding Kanata's motorbike. With his quick reflexes, fortunately, he got a hold of her before she completely falls down.
“Guess I'll have to carry you to your porch then.” Kanata bridal carries his student and rings the doorbell with one of his free fingers.