Death Note Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Deadly, Doggy, Bleached-Out Diary ❯ WHERE THE HELL!?!? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Momo (me:D): Suzaku… Do I own Inuyasha, Bleach, or Death Note? O.o
Suzaku (sexy beast from Code Geass): No, you do not. I’m really sorry, Love of My Life. < Haha sorry, just had to throw that one in! :D
Momo: Inu, do I own you?
Inu: No. And thank God. (I sweat drop to that!)
Momo: Liiiiiggghhhhhtttt???? Do I own you?
Light: I don’t think so. Let me do some police-y research. (5 min. later) No, Sydney/Momo, you don’t.
Momo: HITSUGAYA!! Please, pllleeeeaaaasssssseeee tell me that I own you!!
Hitsugaya: I’m sorry, Sydney who stole my girlfriend’s name, I can’t. That would be a lie.
So, as you see. I clearly do not own Inuyasha, Bleach, or Death Note. So LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

“WHERE THE HELL IS IT!?!?” Light bellowed ferociously as he threw his jacket across the room. He looked under his bed, in his dresser, and on his desk for the dang thing and came up without it. Misa helped him look for it the best she could, but she knew that it was not in this room.
“I don’t know, Light. Where did you have it last?” Light thought to himself and his eyes lit up with fury.
“That stupid old shrine!!! That old man must have stolen it from me!!!” He picked back up his jacket again and headed out the door. Misa just stood in the middle of the mess he made, completely shocked from the impact the door made when he closed it. She hoped dearly that he didn’t kill that poor old man.

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“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?” Inuyasha yelled at Kagome as she climbed through the well. She looked at him with annoyance and grimaced.
“Well, I was expecting a ‘Hey Kags!’ or a ‘Come on, Kagome!’. But noooo….” Inuyasha gave her a hand out and positioned her on his back.
“Hey Kags! Come on!” He laughed as he jumped into the air. She laughed with him and tightened her arms around his neck in a hug. She knew he had just apologized. And for that, she was grateful.
When they got back to Edo, Kagome was already feeling more comfortable. When had her time begun to be so horrible and loud and… smelly? She didn’t know, but she was happy to be home.
“Nii-san!” Kagome yelled at Sango as she came into view. She hopped off Inuyasha’s back and ran at her new sister. She and Sango shared a huge hug and a laugh as they saw Miroku stumble out of Kaede’s hut.
“Hey, Kagome.” He mumbled the best he could with all the dirt in his mouth. Shippo was soon after with Kirara at his heels.
“KAGGY!!” Shippo yelled as he jumped into her waiting arms.
“How have you been, Shippo?” She cooed.
“I missed you! Candy?” He questioned her. She smiled and opened her bag. As she searched for said candy, Inuyasha came up behind her and sniffed the insides of the large yellow backpack. She handed Shippo the candy and turned curious eyes on Inuyasha.
“What in the world are you doing?” Inuyasha pulled out her new journal and inspected the thing carefully. He read the cover, sniffed the paper, and read the names written inside. He looked at her questioningly and put the diary in his haori.
“Where did you get this?” He asked her.
“I found it in the shrine. Now give it back! It’s mine!” She said.
“Kagome, it smells strongly of malice and evil. I’m afraid we need to get rid of it. Kagome’s eyes grew large.
“Do you know what it is?” She asked hesitantly, not sure if she wanted to know. Inuyasha shifted position as if he was uncomfortable.
“Well, I’m not really for sure but… there’s this old story that my mother told me a long time ago. It was really more of like, a legend. But anyways, the man in the myth was greedy and evil, and one day, he came across an old, ratty notebook and he kept it. The man was a tax collector and he kept the names of all the people who didn’t pay their taxes on time in the book. He soon began to notice that all the people he wrote down in the books began to die, so he tested it and found that the book killed anyone whose name was written in it. He wrote down the names of people he didn’t like, was jealous of, or didn’t pay their taxes. Some how, his greed got to him and he died. I don’t remember how. But then the story goes on to tell us that many, many people tried to find the diary, but everyone came up short handed. After the man’s death, the diary was never seen again. Some people say that he loved the stupid thing so much, that it went with him in death and some people go even as far as to say that he causes death now. Which, that is totally stupid. Now, Kagome, I’m not sure if that’s what it is, but it very well could be.”
Kagome was dumbfounded. How did these things happen to her? In less than a year, she had time travelled, fought thousands of demons, found out she was a reincarnation, kept her grades okay at school, found the love of her life, and some how got a hold of a book that everyone was looking for, but could never find? How did she do it?!
“S-should we test it?” She said hesitantly. Inuyasha’s eyebrow twitched in thought and he shook his head.
“Let’s test it on Naraku!” Sango said, obviously proud of her own genius. Inuyasha growled.
“No way! Naraku’s mine!” He said viciously.
“How about… that guy!” Shippo said as a regular old villager walked past.
“Shippo! We can’t just kill some innocent man!” Kagome protested.
“Let’s test it on Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha said. “Or better yet, Koga!!” He smiled at the thought and Kagome glowered at him.
“Both Koga and Sesshomaru are valuable allies against Naraku. I don’t think we should carelessly be offing them!” Kagome said.
“You always have to be the voice of reason, don’t you?” Inuyasha mumbled, clearly agitated.
“When around you, I have to be for our well-being.” Inuyasha snorted at that, but brushed it off. At the perfect moment, a rhino-looking demon appeared and demanded a jewel shard. The group, besides Inuyasha, pitied him on his bad timing. Inuyasha smiled at him and said,
“What is your name?” The rhino thing smiled back with pride and proudly said,
“Hirugi! The great demon of the South! Now give me your jewel shards!” Inuyasha snickered and pulled out the diary.
“Kagome, give me something to write with.” He demanded her. Kagome huffed at his rude request, and with her anger, handed him a bright pink, fluffy, sparkly pen with a chibi girl on top that danced when written with. He eyed it, obviously disgusted and said,
“What the hell is this?” Kagome just laughed as he wrote down the name of the demon. Once Inuyasha closed the book, the rhino fell, dead, to the ground. Kagome’s eyes grew large and she squeaked a little as she saw the proof behind Inuyasha’s story. Inuyasha walked over to the rhino and poked it with the pen.
“Yup. Dead.” He announced.
“Well, what now?” Miroku asked. Inuyasha put a clawed finger to his chin in a thinking pose.
“I say… we should all go eat some ramen and think it over. I’m starving.” The group agreed that they were hungry and went in the hut. Kagome was still so shocked at what happened. She thanked the good gods for showing her what that cursed thing was before she wrote in it, because she was planning on writing all about Inuyasha. She would’ve killed him!
Kagome asked Inuyasha for the diary and looked through the pages. The person who had this before had lovely handwriting, but it didn’t even compare to the handwriting of the very last entry. The name, ‘Hirugi’, was written in so fine a print that Kagome couldn’t even comprehend that someone could write in such perfection. Every character was beautiful, perfectly shaped and curved, but wonderfully masculine at the same time. Any teacher would kill for a student with penmanship this completely flawless and incredible. How was it possible? Inuyasha was a half-demon warrior who was usually covered in blood and cuts and bruises and scars, but, of course, Inuyasha’s father was a demon lord and his mother was a princess. She looked over at Inuyasha. He was slurping his noodles and bonking Shippo over the head. There was no way he could’ve written this, despite his bloodlines. There was no way. But she had seen him. How much of his past did Inuyasha hide from her?
Suddenly, the most ugly thing in the world appeared and said,
“Hello. I’m-“Kagome cut him off with a loud scream.

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“WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!?!?” Ichigo Kurosaki yelled as he looked around the green pasture they were now in. Rukia was now in complete shock of her surroundings. Not long ago, they were standing in a shrine house, following a hollow. Suddenly, her head began to throb with the sensing of pressures.
“I-Ichigo… Are you sensing these pressures?” Ichigo looked at her. Then his eyes scrunched with the throbbing of sensing the pressures.
“Y-yah. Rukia… what is that?!” Ichigo put both hands on his head and sunk to his knees. Rukia followed suit.
“I’ve never felt anything like this in my life! I can sense two, no… three spiritual pressures… One extreme evil… and two others that I can’t place my fingers on! They seem threatening, but, for some reason, they seem peaceful too… what is it?!”
Ichigo stood to his feet, his eyes suddenly clear. Rukia did the same after a while.
“What happened to the pressure?” She asked.
“I don’t know…” Ichigo replied. “Any hallows?”
“I can’t sense it. Let’s get out of this pasture and try to find some civilization.”
Ichigo and Rukia walked through a breath-taking forest, only stopping once to gawk at a large, beautiful, completely magnificent tree with arrows in its bark. Once they reached the edge of the forest, Rukia grabbed Ichigo’s hand.
“What do you think we’ll find out there? That odd pressure is coming back…” Did Ichigo really see some fear in her eyes? He couldn’t have that. Rukia being scared was like the end of the world to him. He squeezed her hand and said,
“I don’t know Rukia. Just know this, whatever it is… I swear it won’t lay a hand on you.” He looked at her with sincerity and protectiveness. Rukia went from feeling hesitant and scared, to completely protected and safe. How did Ichigo do that to her? She could always count on him and never was scared in his presence. Something she could never do with anyone.
Together they walked through the edge of the forest, hand in hand and finally walked out. The sun shined full force on a little medieval Japanese, village and they continued their journey into it. They were completely shocked by it and had no clue where they were. They walked past little huts and people dressed in old clothing. The people couldn’t see them, of course, because they were in shinigami form at the time.
The odd pressure was back, but not as strongly as before and soon enough, they found the source of the disturbance.
“Who are you?” A little squirrel thing asked them. He looked frightened and the soul reapers knew he was but a child.
“My name is Ichigo Kurosaki and this is Ruk-“ Ichigo was cut off by a high pitched squeal. Rukia was holding on to the child and swinging him around and around. She pinched his cheeks and kissed his head and was completely enamored with the tiny thing.
“awwww…. You little squirrely thing!! You are sooooo cute! Yes you are my little squirrely! Who’s the little squirrely? Who’s the sweet little baby squirrely? YOU ARE!!” The little thingy had the most shocked expression on his face and his mouth hung wide open. Ichigo looked pretty much the same and couldn’t believe his strong Rukia was acting like this for anything but a bunny.
“I’m a fox, lady!!” The squirrel said loudly and Rukia instantly put him down and said,
“Really!?! That is soooo cute too!” She patted his head and smiled hugely at his small frame.
After she said that, all three of them heard a high pitched scream come from inside the hut the young boy was playing outside of. Both soul reapers took off inside the structure. Could it be the hallow?!

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AN: Sorry guys! Have to end the thing there! :D Once again, sorry for the suckiness of the Death Note story line, I don’t really know what I’m doing with that! Well, I should update soon! Only 14 more days of school for me (not counting weekends) so summer break is coming soon!! :D I’m so excited! I just want to give a special thanks to Kogasux* because they were the first to comment my story and I’m really appreciative of them and their time!! So, Thanks so much Kogasux*!! The next chapter is dedicated to you! :D I didn’t want to dedicate this one to you because it’s mainly just a filler! The next one will be better! Promise! :D Sorry for the cliffy!!
-Momo/Sydney/Abercrombielvr07 n_n