Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Face Among Many ❯ Babies, Soccer And Trouble ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A New Face Among Many - Chapter 9: Babies, Soccer, And Trouble

During the commotion following the disappearance of Yolei's digi-egg the glow of Cody's Digivice went unnoticed.

Having come to the conclusion that investigations could wait until later, the Digidestined were ready to proceed.

"What way do we go, Izzy?" Kari was eager to get the mission done. She had a date with TK.

"Tentomon is leading Reliana to the digiport beside Primary Village. We can be there in two days. Shall we go?"

* * *

"That's strange." Tentomon was confused. As Izzy's digimon that's an unusual phenomenon. "We've covered ground in one hour that should have taken us a day."

"Didn't you say that there was a flux in time a year or so ago? Could that be what this is?" Reliana had been filled in on Digimon/Digidestined history over the past hour. Wyrvenmon had done most of the talking while Tentomon had filled in more details, having been a participant in the whole adventure. They had just covered the Digidestined battle with Apocalomon when Tentomon had made his observation on the time.

"I doubt it, Reliana. There hasn't been much excitement in the DigiWorld lately. The other Digidestined have been busy destroying Arukinimon's Control Spires, and no new threat has shown itself." Wyrvenmon mulled over her own words. She decided to correct herself. "You could be right, though. It has been too quiet lately."

"Let's worry about that later. It could just be a weird coincidence. Tell me more about Primary Village." Reliana was excited about the prospect of meeting baby digimon. It would be quite a unique experience to tell her sister about.

"Well…" Needing no further encouragement Wyrvenmon began chattering again. Her voice and stories making the trip less tedious and, somehow, seemed to make the miles go faster.

* * *

"Hold-up guys. I just got an e-mail from Gennai." Izzy had been monitoring Reliana's progress on his computer and he kept thinking of cookies. It was making him hungry, and not for food.

"What does it say, Izzy?" Ken had been the most quiet of the group. He had been trying to figure out the reason behind the disappearance of Yolei's Digi-egg. The others had to call his name three or four times to get his attention, because he was so lost in his thoughts.

"It says…" Izzy blinked and re-read the message. "It says that there are new Digidestined. The Digi-egg of Sincerity is being given to one of them." Izzy looked up. "I think we can tell who got the Digi-egg of Sincerity."

"What do we do now, then?" Cody was feeling an odd sense of foreboding. Something was going to happen. Something bad. Sometime soon.

* * *

"These baby digimon are so adorable!!" Reliana had been exclaiming over Electmon's baby digimon for almost an hour. For some reason she couldn't get over how cute they were.

"It's good that you are here. It has been very hard for me to entertain them ever since Davis taught them to play soccer."

"They play soccer?" Reliana was shocked. These tiny creatures didn't look strong enough to play soccer.

"This I have to see." Wyrvenmon didn't believe that these little things could play, either. Her irritation was based, in part, on jealousy. It was bad enough when she'd had to share Reliana's attention with Tentomon, but she could deal with that. She knew human social structure now (thanks to Reliana), and understood that her human liked Tentomon's human in a very serious way. However, now there were almost a hundred cute baby digimon to demand Reliana's attention.

* * *

"What's going on?!" Davis was confused. This was not an uncommon occurrence, but with someone like Izzy explaining the situation it was almost a given.

"I'm not exactly sure. Time seems to be sped up, but there has been no change in the sun's position. I can't really explain it better than that. I haven't figured out any probable causes, but I'm sure it's something big."

"I think we're closer to Primary Village than we thought. Listen." Yolei had been the first to notice the laughter. The others strained to hear and caught the sound, too.

Ken had been examining the map on Izzy's computer screen. Something didn't seem right about it. "Izzy, I think I know what happened."

"What, Ken?"

"Reliana. She used KillSwitch on your server, and consequently your laptop. I think the virus messed up your maps."

"Could be, but if…" Izzy went pale. If I brought KillSwitch into the DigiWorld through my laptop, who knows what could happen. Whatever form that virus takes, it will be nearly impossible to beat. "I think we have a problem. We need to find these new Digidestined quickly. We'll start with Reliana and go from there."

Even though Izzy didn't explain, the other Digidestined could tell from the look on his face that they were in very big trouble. Solemnly, the group headed for the sound of Reliana's and the baby digimon's laughter. Breaking the bad news would be very hard, but it would have to be done to avert the dangers asserting themselves in the Digital World.