Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Avalanche - White Danger ❯ White Danger ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Two: White Danger

"I'LL GET YOU!", Veemon shouted, grabbing an amount of snow and forming a ball. He looked around. There were snow hills everywhere. He blinked. "Hey, where are you guys?", he yelled, "it's unfair to disappear like that!"

But the blue digimon didn't get a response, and so he started searching. "They are doing this to make me angry!", he mumbled under his breath, "Right now, when I was winning the snow-fight!"

He couldn't continue complaining - suddenly three screams were heard and Veemon found himself hit by so much snow that he wasn't blue, but white. "Hey!", he wailed and brushed the snow off.

Gatomon, Wormmon and Hawkmon, the malefactors, couldn't stop laughing.

"He looks like a snow-man!", Gatomon giggled, ignoring the evil glare of the smaller digimon.

"You are mean!", Veemon told her, making a face.

"Am not!", the cat insisted, "It's war. Everything is allowed!"

"Aww, really?", he said slowly. "Everything?"

"Of course!"

"THEN YOU GET IT - NOW!!", with these words Veemon jumped at Gatomon, tackled her to the ground until she was as snow-covered as him; and until she was fuming.

"Itai! Veemon, that's cold, you..."

The blue creature just grinned: "Everything is allowed in war, you remember?", he laughed and ran away, followed by an angry - very angry - Gatomon.

Hawkmon only shook his head. "He should have know it better not to make Gatomon angry - she can be pretty cruelly at times!"

"You are right.", Wormmon agreed. He watched the two chasing each other in the snow, when suddenly a red light caught his attention.

"Hawkmon, do you know what that's for a sign?", he asked curiously, walking nearer.

The bird digimon followed him and eyed at the red blinking light and the huge sign. "Avalanche Warning.", he read slowly. "Don't ski on unauthorised tracks, it might endanger your life."

"Avalanche?", Wormmon repeated. "What's that? I've never heard this word before..."

"I think I have seen something about it at tv; there huge masses of snow come down the mountains, and sometimes people are buried under it."



"You think Ken and the others are in danger?"

"I don't think so. If it would be only Davis, I would say that, but there are Ken and Kari, two responsible people. No, I don't really think so. After all, my Miyako isn't that stupid to use dangerous tracks when she's just a beginner!"

"You are probably right."


The two looked at each other, noticing the slight worried undertone in the other's voice. Avalanche...they wouldn't let it happen, would they?


Kari was overwhelmed. This landscape - it was just beautiful. She had _never_ seen anything like that and was truly impressed....

Huge fir trees with snow on their branches...

The snow glittering in the sun, resembling candy floss....

The silence in the air, only interrupted by the others' yells.....

The air which smelled so fresh.....

And the clear view she had, seeing the mountains on the other side of the valley so clearly as if she would use a binocular.

It was a fairy tale, yeah, it was.

Well, it would have been, if not just in this moment Davis had come over, shouting a loud "Hey, how long will you stay there?"...

Kari sighed slightly annoyed. Sometimes he could be....

Oh no, she wouldn't let him destroy her peaceful mood. Davis was just not the sentimental type.

"I wonder where all the other skiers are"; Yolei asked.

Kari looked at her. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Didn't you notice that we are all alone?", the taller girl explained, "There are no other people without us - and it is such a wonderful track!"

Kari shrugged. "I have no idea. It's getting late, maybe that's the reason."

"But it's not la...", Miyako interrupted herself and studied the watch. "My god, it's already that late? I though it was still early afternoon....Time passed really fast!"

"It's always like that when you enjoy what you are doing. Then the time is 'flying away'!"

Miyako laughed. "Yeah, and at school it's so slow and you count every single second!"

Kari smiled. Really, she hadn't noticed the time passing by. It had been such a great experience, this skiing trip with her friends. She was really looking forward to tomorrow, when they would stand on the track again, ready to race down the white hills.

She wondered what Taichi would think of this. Her brother, he would sure have liked this. After all, he was great at sports, skiing just seemed to fit him. He was a good brother, if he would only stop worrying so much.

First he hadn't wanted her to go on this trip; said that it was too dangerous, she could break her neck and there was the danger of avalanches. But she had managed to convince him, after a long time, though.

To be the youngest could be so annoying - especially if you were the youngest girl!

People always seemed to think that girls were more fragile than boys, that they couldn't defend themselves.

But how could they learn to defend themselves when they were never allowed to go out late in the night?

She knew, of course, that it was only their way of showing their love, but this knowledge didn't help her.

No, it made it even more unbearable!

That was one of the many reasons why she liked hanging around with her friends. They didn't play the overprotective mother-hen, like Tai did so often, they accepted her and trusted her to solve problems on her own.

Sure, Davis would have liked to protect her, but he accepted her as a full member of the team, not as a girl which couldn't care for herself.

Daisuke was, after all, a good leader, she had to admit. Not in the beginning, beware! She remembered every detail. How stubborn and insensitive he had been, proud to be a digidestined, but blinded by even this proud.

But he soon had learned to trust every member of the team, to trust the digimon.

The boy had his mistakes, huge mistakes, but his heart was really really big, and that counted.

Kari knew that he cared for her, but she wasn't sure about her own feelings. First of all she didn't believe that his were true - it was a stupid little crush, nothing more - and then he confused her all the time.

Like when they had fought against Malomiyotismon, and he had told the kids that they had to believe, to believe that they would be able to reach their goals, to make their dreams come true!

Who would have expected that Davis' dream would it be to become a cook?

She herself had always believed that he wanted to be a soccer star or something like that. That would have fitted him. But a...cook? Noodle soup? Nope. Never.

That was what she meant. Every time she thought that she knew him, he revealed a new side of himself.

And it was confusing her that she couldn't put him anywhere. Couldn't understand him.

Did he never feel depressed, anyway? How could someone be so cheerful all the time???

As if someone had called him, Davis appeared by her side. She blinked. Where was Miyako?

"Hey, you okay?", came the concerned question of the goggle boy.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?", she answered perplex.

"You were kinda zoning out. Didn't even notice that Miyako left in order to talk to Ken.", he pointed to a spot a few metres under them. There the purple haired girl and the former digimon kaiser were having a obviously animated discussion.

"Oh, that...", her voice trailed off, "It often happens when I'm thinking. Then I forget about my surroundings. Sorry for worrying you."

"S'okay!", he laughed. "You're ready? It's time for leaving!"

"I am.", she sighed, "I wish I could ski forever!"

"I know this feeling. But we really have to go; it's getting late."

She nodded and slit down the track, one last time enjoying the feeling of freedom. Unfortunately, it wouldn't last long....


"Miyako, what's wrong?", Ken asked, noticing that the eyes of the purple-haired girl had opened wide in shock, while she was staring at something behind him. "Miyako?", he asked again, this time a little bit louder.

"Oh my god...", was the only answer he got. He turned slowly around, expecting the worst.

It wasn't the worst what he saw....it was far behind that!

The boy froze.

From the top of the hill rolled down something which seemed to be a huge cloud of snow at first. But it was far too big and to...massive to be a cloud, and it was damn fast.

Then it hit him.


The phenomena which took hundreds of lifes year by year.


Something which seemed to be too far away that he never - ever - expected that there could be only the danger of experiencing it. Had he seen many awful pictures on tv, it had been always so distant, something which happened to other people!!

But here he was, frozen, frightened, only some hundred meters away from tons of snow which were rolling down the hill, aiming for him!

Suddenly he jerked up from his frozen state, which had lasted only a few seconds, but seemed to be as long as years.

"RUN", he shouted at the top of his lungs, ignoring the fact that they couldn't run with skis on their feet.

He himself grabbed Miyako and shoved her downhill, trying to regain speed with his sticks.

"Oh my god! Oh my god" Oh my...", he heard Miyako's panicked voice in front of him.

"Don't look back! Try to ski as fast as possible! Just DO NOT LOOK BACK!"

Frightened he searched for a sign of his friends. There! He cursed.

They were far behind him, too far away to flee the danger ,even when they tried - but then again, he didn't believe that he had any chance to rescue Miyako or himself.

So fast! So damn fast!

"Please!", he pleaded in his mind, "Don't let me die like this! Don't let my friends die!!!


Daisuke was frightened like hell.


How often had his grandma told him about the danger of it, about the many many human beings who had died in the masses of snow, who had frozen to death or simply had been crushed by the immense weights of the snow.

How could it happen?

This morning there hadn't been a warning. The sign of the track had said that it was red, there shouldn't be any danger....

But now the boy found himself racing down the track, directly followed by even such an avalanche, and it was far more scaring than any story.

There was no time for thinking, no time for searching a guilty person, there was only one thing to do: escape.

Speed! They had to be faster than the snow, that was it; they had to win this race! Had to!

This time the prize was their lifes!

"GO!", he screamed. "GO! GO! GO!"

But Kari didn't need this advice. In fact, she was racing so fast that she feared if there was the slightest stone on the ski-run, she would fall down.

In front of them she could see Miyako and Ken, who were both doing their best to flee the danger.

But in the end, it didn't help them.

The huge snow masses just swallowed them, first Daisuke, then Kari, Ken and at least Miyako.

It was unbelievable that the white snow which had resembled candy-floss in the early morning was the same snow!

And the avalanche continued rolling down the valley, ignoring that four lives were inside it.

Next Chapter: Freezing