Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Bucket Hats ❯ Embarrassed ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Karui: This is all utter insanity.

Cho-Cho: And proud of it!


Cho-Cho: Karui owns absolutely nothing, not even enough money so that it would be worth it to sue her if she said she did.

Karui: Not my fault mom cut off allowance.

Takeru: You were the one who ate two jars of peanut butter in one day… -_-*

Karui: Hey, the two of you helped!

Cho-Cho: but your mom doesn't know we exist.

Takeru: Hmmm, think of all the trouble we could get her into…. ^_^

Karui: oh crap


Chapter 4: Embarrassed

Takeru felt something cold and wet on her head. She didn't know what it was, but she did know that she wanted to take it off. So she reached up with her right hand and grabbed it. She then opened her eyes to look at it and found that it was an ice pack.

"Oh, Miss Takashi, you're awake."

Takeru sat up and turned to look at the nurse. "Oh, hello Mrs. Torama, what happened?"

"You passed out in class dear. I'm guessing from shock."

"Oh, yeah.. My fr.. cousin's friend asked me out to the dance Friday."

Mrs. Torama shook her head sympathetically. "Poor dear, are he and your cousin close?"

"Sorta, they've know each other for several years." Takeru was trying to act like she and Mrs. Torama hadn't spoken before, which was proving difficult.

"Do you mean Daisuke?"

"Uh, yeah, how did you know?" Takeru smiled inwardly. She, while she was still a he, had had the habit of making friends with everyone in the faculty who wasn't a teacher. Secretaries, janitors, lunch ladies, Vice Principals, librarians, etc.

"Your cousin always stopped in to say `hello' and have a quick chat. Very nice boy. You look a lot like him, did you know that?"

"Yeah, I've been told." Takeru smiled.

"Your aunt should be here any minute now."

"My aunt?"

"Yes, she's bringing you some gear and new clothes."

"What?!?" It was then that Takeru noticed her jeans sitting on a table by the door and looking much more red than earlier that morning. She was sitting in a pair of oversized shorts that looked as if they were a spare from the gym. "Oh man, when did?"

"While you were sleeping dear. Miss Hikari came into check on you and noticed it."

Takeru groaned very loudly.

"Is this your first period?"

"Um, yeah"

"Seems a little late."


~Mrs. Torama?~


~Mrs. Takashi is headed your way.~

"Thank you!"


Takeru and the nurse sat in silence for a few minutes before they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened and Takeru's mother stepped in. "Hello sweetie, I brought you some clothes to wear for the rest of the day, here." She handed Takeru a bag that had a new outfit in it and a bag of pads.


"It's okay sweetie, I'll see you after work, kay?"


Third and fourth hour were okay, and lunch was equally easy. However, there was one class that Takeru was dreading more than anything. It would be the first class she had with Daisuke after the note incident, and it was P.E. Now, when Takeru was a boy, he had loved P.E., but now, Takeru was a girl, which meant that she had to change in the girls' locker room. As I've said before, fate can be cruel.

Karui; Sorry for the shortness of the last couple of chapters, I'll see if I can make it up in later chapters or not. PLEASE REVIEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!