Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Bucket Hats ❯ Daisuke ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Karui; It appears that nobody on this flea infested planet appreciates me. Hmph!!!

Cho-Cho: She's upset due to the lack of reviews.

Takeru: Ya think?

Cho-Cho: Should I, or do you want to do it?

Takeru: Guess I will, Karui doesn't own anything, very thankfully.

Karui: I guess I'm just not appreciated in my own time.

Takeru: You wouldn't be appreciated in any time.

Chapter 5: Daisuke

"So, Takashi is it? You as good a basketball player as your cousin?"

"I should hope so, sir." Takeru was very nervous, she could feel Daisuke starring at her back as Coach Octyl took role.

"Well, let's put you in the game today, how's that sound?"

"Great, sir"

"Okay people, let's suit up!" The coach clapped his hands and all the students split up, into the boy group, and the girls-and-Takeru-a.k.a-Kawa group.

Now, think about it people, how would you feel, if you were changed into a g/b when you were originally the opposite gender, and you had to go change clothes with many others of your new gender? Anyways, Takeru was very nervous, she had only ever seen herself naked and that was only because she had to take showers. As she thought that, an even more horrible thought occurred to her, not only would she have to change with them, she'd have to take a shower when P.E. was over.


I'd rather not go into detail with what happened, we'll just leave it at the fact that Takeru swore to change in the bathrooms for now on, and just take one shower in the morning, one shower when she got home, and one before she went to bed.

One thing should be said before I move on to the basketball game. The coach was what you might call sexist. He didn't ever really put girls into games, so it was the boys playing, while the girls just sat around and talked. So it should be pretty obvious that everyone was quite surprised when the coach decided to let Takeru a.k.a. Kawa play.

"Okay people, let's pick teams! Imasu, Futte, you're captains! Let's go!"

Futte, a ninth-grader who had an obsession with winning every game he ever played, won the coin toss to see who would pick first.

"Uh, Oatome!"

"Motomiya!" Imasu was a relatively fair guy, and not as sexist as the coach, but he would not be the one to pick the girl for his team. Also, this should be said for later reference, he always said what was on his mind.


And it went like that, until fourteen boys were picked, which left Sirio, a boy who was never picked first due to a) he was lazy ask heck, b) he had asthma, and c) he was the dorkiest guy in school, and Takeru a.k.a. Kawa.

"Umm, Sirio!"

"Alright, I wasn't picked last!!!"

Imasu couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Sirio then, and promised himself he wouldn't let him get picked last again, but he had other problems, like what to do with a GIRL on his team.

"Guess that leaves me on your team."

Imasu turned to see that said girl had walked up beside him. "Un, you don't have to play if you don't want."

"I'm just as addicted to this sport as my cousin is so don't even try to get me off your team that way." Takeru was so annoyed at the moment that she felt that she just HAD to tell Imasu off, even if just a little.

Under the new girl's glare, Imasu felt any defenses he had crumble, and all the blood rush to his cheeks. "Man, you're cute."

That was quite a different answer than Takeru had been expecting, and she felt herself getting weak again, and her vision blurred a little. She was lightly aware off herself falling backwards, before she felt someone grab her around the waist and steady her. She reopened her eyes and saw Daisuke looking down at her. His eyes were clouded with worry and just behind you could see a little bit of hurt.

"Please don't pass out again, you had us all really worried."

Takeru wasn't really aware of herself nodding and standing on her own, nor was she aware of playing the game at all. All she was aware of was everyone starring at her when she landed on the floor again. This snapped her out of her trance. "What?"

"You just made a slam dunk!!!!" Futte was shocked to say the very least.



Takeru sat outside the school, just starring off into space. School had ended about fifteen minutes ago, and she was waiting for two people at the same time. She hadn't spoken to Miyako since they all went shopping, and she defiantly needed to talk to Daisuke. She decided that she would talk to whoever came out first, then track down the other whenever they were done. It seemed like an excellent plan.

Unless they came out at the same time, which, they did. They walked out together and down the front steps, apparently immersed in a conversation that was upsetting both of them.

Takeru forgot her plan completely and jumped up, startling the others.

"Um, hi, I was kinda waiting for one of you to come out because I really need to talk to both of you so I figured I'd talk to whoever came out first then go find the other but that obviously isn't going to work since you both walked out at the same time. So, how are you two doing?" Takeru was nervous so she just said that without taking a breath which caused the others to star for a little bit before coming back to their senses.

"Um, fine Takeru."

"Yeah, Take, same here. Um, why don't you talk to Miyako first, and we'll meet up later at the café on Main?" Daisuke didn't look Takeru in the eyes, he didn't feel all that brave at the moment.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Okay, seeya round four then." Daisuke broke into a run and didn't stop until the other side of town.

Hmmmm, well I'm not sure what to do know, to tell you what happened with Takeru and Miyako, or to tell you what happened with Daisuke. I guess I'll just give you a summery of both. Miyako confessed that she had had a major crush on Takeru while she was still a boy and she was having some problems figuring out her feelings at the moment and she was hoping that Takeru would not be mad if she decided to take sometime for herself to decide how she felt now. Takeru, being the nice girl she was, said she would understand completely if that was how things went for a while and said that she hoped they could still hang out together whenever Miyako figured things out. They hugged and Takeru went to the café to talk to Daisuke knowing that things wouldn't be that easy with him. While Takeru and Miyako talked things out, Daisuke had run home and changed clothes and gone to the café to wait for Takeru to show up.

This is where I will pick up with word-for-word storytelling again.

Takeru walked through the doorway and looked around the café, wondering if Daisuke had already gotten there before her. She spotted him on the other side of the café and walked over to sit across the small table from him.


"Hey Take. How'd things go with Miyako?"

"Fine….. You knew didn't you?"

"Yeah, everyone knew, `cept maybe you."

"Figures, everyone knows something I don't."

"Would you like anything?" Daisuke and Takeru looked up at the waiter who was standing next to their table.

"Um, I'd like a cup of hot chocolate."

Takeru raised her eyebrow at that, she'd always gone to cafes to have coffee. "I'll have a triple Grande Iced-Mocha ."

"Alright, one kids' cup and a triple Grande Iced-Mocha coming right up."

"Kids' cup?" Daisuke looked a little undignified at that comment and stare at the waiter's retreating back. "What did he mean by that?"

"Dai, most people have coffee at cafes."


"Hmm, and here I thought she was going out with that nice indigo-haired boy."

Takeru turned around and saw that it was the same woman who had commented on how she and Ken made "a cute couple" yesterday. Daisuke also looked at the woman curiously.

"Woman, would you mind telling me, whether or not if it is possible in your own little closed off world, for two people of opposite genders to spend some time together and NOT have it be considered a date? Because even if it isn't, you still need to mind your own freaking business!" Takeru turned around to look back at Daisuke, who was starring wide-eyed at her. "Well? She does!"

"Was she talking about Ken?"

Takeru sighed exasperatedly. "Sorta"

"Oh, wow, I, I didn't know, I'm so s-"

"That's not what I meant. He helped me carry all of my bags home yesterday and we passed her on the street and she said `Oh, what a cute couple.'"

"Whoa, she does need to mind her own business."


The two of them sat in silence until their drinks came. Neither really wanting to start a conversation that could possibly ruin their friendship forever.


"Look Take, I wasn't really thinking when I scribbled that down and yeah I really think you're cute and I really like you but could we just pretend that I never wrote that down?"



"….. Alright"

"Thanx Take." Daisuke swallowed the last of his hot chocolate, and stood up. "Oh, but one more thing." He smiled and bent down and gave Takeru a quick kiss on the cheek. "Later" Daisuke then walked out the front door, smiling his usual goofy smile.

Takeru on the other hand just sat there until closing time, when she had to leave, because a) she was already late to go home and she was sure her mom would be worried and b) well, it WAS closing time after all.

Karui: what do ya think? Good, bad?

Takeru and Cho-Cho at the same time: Good! Bad!

Karui: -_-UUU Just guess who said what. Please review.