Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Cyborg Davis ❯ Stay away ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Davis was brought straight to Izzy's lab. “Nothing to worry about, just a few blown fuses.” He said as he repaired them quickly. “My guess is it was the steam from his noodles that caused it.”
“So is he going to be okay?” Kari asked.
Izzy nodded, but he was most baffled from what they had told him about Davis not knowing what love is. “Well I've turn through his memory banks, and I can't seem to find and sources of love. It's almost as if his body deleted them.”
What baffled him the most was how could someone who could fee l love still be able to feel hate, and jealousy? “Stop it… you're starting to make my head ache.” cried Tentomon.
The others shared a small laugh, but Izzy decide to do some heavier research. “It'll probably help out with the design flaws. Then the project can be perfected.”
What he was about to suggest next was probably harsh, but he couldn't think of anything else. “You want us to what?” TK asked in shock. “You heard me…” replied Izzy, “I want you two to try and keep away from Davis until I work things out.”
“But Izzy… he's our friend.” cried Kari. “And he's having troubles… he can't, nor should he have to face them on his own.”
Izzy explained to Kari that Davis was also under a lot of stress. “He does remember at least that he holds a grudge against you two, he just can't figure out why because he can't feel love.”
“Still… all that stress isn't good for him, he could blow his bolts from thinking too hard. I'm sorry, but the best thing I can think of is for you two to keep away from him and avoid setting him off.”
Kari and TK were licked. They knew that dealing with all this trouble alone wasn't right for Davis, but if they were only going to make it worse. “I think maybe we should go before he wakes up.” TK suggested.
Kari looked up at her husband, “TK…?”
“Come on Kari…” Gatomon said, “We better do it.”
Seeing no choice, they left. Izzy shook his head in dismay still hating how all this happened over Davis being unable to control his emotions. Still… he carried on with his work.
Soon Davis was up an about, and Izzy had even equipped Davis with something special to prevent anymore of steam getting into him while he cooked…. Something really special…
Guardromon had told Yami what he witnesses in town. “He was flatter than a pancake, master.” he said.
This made Yami's evil grin grow wider, “So… all it takes is a little steam to knock him out? Nice work Guardromon.”
Guardromon bowed, “You are too kind, Master. What shall be our next move?”
“Heh, heh, heh… what else?” said Yami, “I want you to go back out there, and attempt to put that miserable machine-man out of action. Make certainty that it looks like an accident though! I do not want to have to deal with the police before I can inherit what is rightfully mine.”
“Yes, Master… of course.”
That night…
Davis was setting into bed, he already had his recharge plug in the socket, and he and Veemon were just listening to the radio before turning in. One of the fewest news reports who hadn't heard about Davis revival was broadcasting…
“Reports have come in of citizens seeing what appears to me some sort of disfigured character covered in metal. Authorities believe that this character is very dangerous…”
Davis clicked the radio off, “Ahh that's a load of baloney.” he said, “Everyone already knows that it's really just me anyways.”
“It sure hash been quite a day.” Veemon said as he lay down in his cute little bed. “Let'sh jusht hope tomorrow won't be as bad.” Davis smiled and then he shut off the light, and he and Veemon went right to sleep.
That's when Davis began to start dreaming… odd thing for an android to do.
He dreamt that he was all alone on a dark misty night. “Where am I?” he wondered as he walked through the fog. Then suddenly he could see thing sup ahead.
Couples! Couples everywhere… There were couples going on romantic walks… some sitting on park benched under the moonlight… even some talking about how many children they wanted to have.
Davis was most confused. “What is all this?” he asked. He continued to press on, and none of the other people seemed to take any notice of him; almost as if they couldn't see him at all.
Something inside him was trying to tell him that he had once known all this before, but his computer systems just couldn't make it out. Then, Davis caught the sight of a couple that he just couldn't believe. There was Kari, and the guy she was with, “Aw, man…” Davis cried. “It's… it's me.”
He was seeing himself as what he looked before the accident and had to be robotized. He and Kari seemed to be on a date, just as he once had kept in his memory banks. Only he didn't enjoy thinking about it as he could still feel jealousy and hate.
“I always wanted to be with Kari.” Davis said quietly to himself, “She was the only girl for me…”
That's when he saw Kari and the image of himself walk towards the road, and a ring on Kari's finger slipped off and rolled right into the street. Davis watched his other self go after it for her, and that's when he saw a car coming.
Kari screamed when she saw the car hit Davis, and Davis himself, was shocked to see his former self dying the streets. He ran towards his unconscious other self, it looked up at him and snarled “How could you?! How could you let this happen to me? ”
The real Davis watched as his other self began to change into his android-form. “Look what you've done. You're nothing now! Who in their right mind would want to love you?”
The real Davis was spinning and tumbling around in the dark…. Then he finally woke up, panting heavily. “Whoa… what a nightmare.” he groaned to himself. He felt as if that dream was trying to tell him something about love… but still he just couldn't understand a thing.