Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Wings, White Wings ❯ Friend or Family? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I dontt own Digimon but the story is mine.


Chapter 3: Friend or Family?

tHi. . .Hikaru?t Takeru murmured skeptically.

tI. . .I can explain.t Hikary took off the glasses and stuffed them inside her pocket so that she was no longer in disguise. She was racking her brain for a suitable explanation. The reason she didntt tell Takeru that she was a girl was because Takeru might not want to be her friend anymore. Hikary really didntt want to him to dislike her since this might be her chance to make a real new friend.

Takeru watched the girl in surprise. *Well, this explains why Hikaru doesntt like fighting,* And then it crossed his mind that it was actually quite funny watching this girl stammering out an explanation. She really didnñt act much like a boy either now that he thought about it. Now that her disguises were off, Takeru could tell that she actually was a very pretty girl. Her hair was pinned up to keep the front part from falling in her eyes. She was trying to avoid his gaze right now but her eyes were soft and kind.

Takeru did the thing that Hikary was least expecting. He laughed.

Hikary was so taken aback by this that she came to a sudden stop in her blabbering. She was expecting Takeru to be angry or to be shocked but laughter?

ñWhatñs so funny?ñ She asked.

Takeru kept laughing and didn't answer her.

Looking at Takeru made all her effort seem stupid and Hikary could not help but join in.

After they calmed down, Hikary was finally able to ask the question that had been tugging on her mind.

"So you still want to be friends with me?"

"Of course."

Those two simple words warmed Hikary and she smiled, a sincere smile that Takeru would always remember.

"And my real name is Hikary."

As promised Takeru showed Hikary everything he knew about this world, every wonders. It never once crossed Takeru's mind that Hikary was marvelling at stuff that a normal human should understand like cars. And Hikary never even thought about what kind of things human should know, she found that she was interested in everything Takeru showed her and she was beginning to love Earth just as much as Takeru did.

They sometimes went down to the ocean or explored in the city but their favourite place was the lake. What Takeru could not show Hikary directly, he brought books and pictures to show her. They met everyday without telling anyone about it. Taichi was wondering where his sister was going everyday and why Hikary suddenly seemed brighter and more energetic than before. But he didn't worry too much about that. Yamato knew where his little brother was everyday but he thought Takeru was just trying to avoid Yolie.

And Yolie? She was getting suspicious. Her father, the Kaizer, had arranged the engagement for a reason and she wasn't about to ruin her father's plan. But for the plan to work, she had to get Takeru to at least notice her and right now he wasn't doing much of that. She would have to do something about that.

She decided to follow Takeru.

And without noticing anything, Takeru once again went down to Earth.

At first she was surprised that the prince was going to Earth. But she followed her plan. Yolie watched from a safe distance behind. She saw Takeru head into the woods and arrive at a lake. There she saw a girl waiting for him. At first she frowned. This could be a little difficult, an opsticle in her path. But then the girl turned and Yolie was able to get a good look at her. She gasped. She recognised the girl.

*It couldn't be. . .*

She crept closer, as close as she dared. That face, those eyes and the hair. How many times had her father shone her the picure of this girl?

*It is her. Well this could work out better than I thought.* She allowed herself a self-satisfied smirk and left. She had work to do.


Takeru was summoned by the king after dinner. Wondering what was wrong, he hurried along. Nothing could have prepared him for what was going to happen. As soon as he entered his father's room, the king jumped at him and clapped him on the back with apparent excitement and joy. He led a very confused Takeru into a chair.

"You did a great job, Takeru, a great job indeed. . ." The King praised.

Takeru blinked, having no idea whatsoever of what his father was talking about.

"This could be all we need to have Heaven fall," His father continued.

Takeru frowned. He had no idea what he did that could be so useful to the war.

"Father?" He decided to ask. "What are you talking about?"

His father grinned, a bright gleam in his eyes.

"I've heard that the Princess of Heaven is falling for you, Takeru. I don't know how you did it but you did a great job to get her to trust you. If we can capture her, Heaven will surely surrender to us."

Takeru was totally lost now. The Princess of Heaven? When had he ever met the Princess of Heaven? Then it struck him. *Hikary?*

"Could you tell me the princess' name, father?" He asked urgently.

The king gave him a funny look as if saying how could you not know her name? But he gave it anyway.

"I think it's Hikary, the Princess Hikary."

Takeru felt himself go cold. Colour drained out of his face. *Hikary is the princess of Heaven?* But it was beginning to make sense. She didn't know anything about Earth and it explained why she was dressed like a boy the first time they met and even now, she was still wearing the same boy clothing. Something inside him broke at the thought. He was shaking.

"What's the matter, Takeru?" His father asked.

"Nothing." He lied.

"Well? Do you think she trust you enough for it to work?"

"W. . .What?" Takeru asked, not immediately catching on to the conversation anymore.

"I said if you could get her to come to the mirror that would lead to the gate, our gate. A few of our guards will be there waiting to capture her. But do you think she trust you enough for you to do that?"

Takeru didn't answer immediately. Partly because he didn't trust himself to speak for he felt very shaky and partly because he still didn't quite believe. He swallowed a few times and ordered himself to calm down.

"Can I have a little more time?" Good, his voice was steady.

"Will a week be enough?"

*NO!* His mind screamed.

"Yes." He answered quietly.

"Good, then it's settled." The king smiled again, "You did a good job, Takeru." He ruffled his son's hair and led him to the door. Takeru barely noticed anything as he walked back to his room. He was in shock. His friend, the only friend that actually shared his thoughts and understood him, was his enemy? Twice, he made the wrong turn to his room and had to retrace his steps.

Then he realized something. How did his father find out that he was seeing a girl on Earth? There must have been someone spying on him. And now they're asking him to betray a friend? Sure, of course she trusted him, Hikary trusted him completely and showed it too. She would trust him even if he said that ships could fly. It wasn't because she was stupid but because she could never bring herself to believe her friend would lie to her.

*How could I take advantage of that?* There was still time, he had one week to think about what he was going to do.

"So you're back." A voice interrupted his thoughts.

Takeru looked up. Yolie was standing outside his room, the dim light from the candles in the hallway made her look mysterious and dangerous. She smirked. Takeru stared at her for a few moments.

"It was you wasn't it?" He said. There was no anger in his voice. There was no emotion.

"Of course,"

"Why?" Takeru asked.

She paused. Her smile disappearing but her eyes never once left Takeru's face. Takeru found himself unable to hold her gaze and dropped his eyes. It was as if she was reading deep into his soul and he hated that feeling, hated how he could be so week in front of this girl.

"Would you rather not know and live in a lie?"

Takeru didn't know how to answer that. Did he? Was it better not knowing?

"Do you think she'll still want to be your friend when she learns the truth? She'll find out sooner or later you know."

Yolie paused again, probably to let her words sink in.

Was she right? Will Hikary hate him when she does learn the truth? Takeru wondered.

"You have one week to think about that. But will you, Prince Takeru, betray your family and your people for someone that could destroy all that you have loved?"

His head snapped up to look at her.

Yolie curtsied.

"Good night, your Highness." She flowed into the darkness of the hallway.

Takeru stood there for a long time.

One week, he had one week.
