Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Dark Journey ❯ "Davis, are you sure it wasn't a left? ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 17 “Davis, are you sure it wasn't a left?”
“Yes, I'm sure TJ!”
“Sorry, didn't mean to upset you.”
“Look, the D3 says we have to go just the way we're going, it isn't my fault there's more mountains and a giant lake in the way. Let's just fly over it!”
Kari smiled. “That's a great idea Davis.”
“Wah, it is? Yeah, I guess it is, of course it is, I thought of it after all.”
“For once,” added Yolie as an aside.
“Hey, you should give Davis more credit,” Veemon countered.
“Thanks Veemon, but I think I'm outnumbered here, so let's just fly. I ride with Kari!” Davis declared.
“Alright,” Kari grinned mischievously. Several people turned to stare in wonder.
“Um, somebody pinch me, but did she just agree to that?” TK was at an utter loss. Then, “Ouch!”
“Well, you said to pinch you,” offered Lucas, by way of explanation. He grinned and laughed, and soon all but TK had joined in.
Takuya noticed this, and slung has arm around TK's shoulder, and tag-teamed him with Patamon. “Come on dude, so what? A, She makes her own choices, I learned that from Zoe, and B, we're all just having some laughs.”
“Yeah., TK, so what if Kari is for some weird reason not shooting down Davis, what are you gonna do about it? Just lighten up!” Patamon pushed TK's hat down over his eyes.
He pulled it up and sighed. “Guess your right.”
“So laugh,” ordered Takuya and started tickling him. Soon both Davis and Lucas had joined in, while the others just held their sides in merriment. TK was laughing himself hoarse.
Davis wiped some sweat off his brow. “so, now that that's done, shall we fly TK?”
“Let's go Davis, lead the way.”
“Of course, I am the leader afterall.”
“For now,” grinned Takuya, and with one last laugh, they flew, or in Cody's case, swam across.
Nothing happened crossing the lake, other than Davis being almost completely distracted by the fact he was riding behind Kari. Nefartimon had to remind him more than once where his mind was supposed to be.
The Mist reared up as day become instant gloomy doomy darkness, and the digi-destined passed out of the not so dark ocean area.
“The D3 has changed directions. It wants us to take a right into that canyon. I'm sure of it.”
“What makes you so sure Davis?”
“I dunno, I just am.”
“Well, you're in the lead, so let's go already.” TK shrugged.
“Yes, I am in the lead, so let's… just do what he said.” Davis sighed and trudged off, slightly annoyed that TK had stolen his thunder, as it were.
“I'm not here to fight, ok? Couldn't you just let me be? Aw come on, mon, just let me go and you won't have any trouble.” The kid, about 16, wearing a combination of White, Grey, Black, and of all things, Green, backed away slowly from the giant dinosaur staring him down. It looked hungry. “I don't taste good, seriously.”
“You are human, you are Digidestined. I take you to my master, be rewarded. Now behave Tiny human.”
The Digi-destined's face suddenly became serious, and he looked at the creature before him. “Fine. I'll take you down.” He drew his sword, a daito, and leaping and bounding off a nearby tree, swung at the claw reaching towards him. The huge black arm gushed blood where it was struck, and the creature roared in pain. Its counterstrike missed by inches, and he felt the breeze as it soared just over his head. He landed, but before he could strike again, he was hit by the tail, which tossed him into a tree. The device he had picked up earlier fell out of his pocket, and started glowing. “Ow, oh, what now?”
The Canyon led them to a cave, which could only be part of the tunnel network. As Davis prepared to lead them into the cave, a voice floated out of the cave. “Who dares disturb this sanctuary?” A Baromon suddenly appeared in the entrance. He looked really imposing.
“Uh, im, we do? The Digidestined?”
“Ahahahahaha! Children, I have waited long for your arrival. But you should not bandy about that you are the chosen ones so lightly, still, all is well. Please, enter, I have something for you that I have guarded a long time.”
Each looked at the other for several seconds, failing to notice both Davis and Lucas walking right in. They did after a few seconds more, and then chased after them, calling, “Hey wait!”
Ken grabbed Davis by the shoulder. “Davis, wait, how do we know we can trust him?”
“I don't really know, but if we don't take the risk, how can we get anywhere. Besides, the D3 says to go this way.”
Yolie looked to Lucas. “I think he's telling us the truth. And if he is, tis safer inside.”
Takuya walked up and headed inside after Baromon. “Can't argue with that.”
Koji grinned as he walked next to Takuya. “Yeah. Mr. Flame for brains has a point for once.”
“Yeah, gues… Hey!”
To general laughter, they trooped inside.
Ciclemon walked up next to Veemon. “Is Your human always so Bullheaded?”
Veemon answered, “Yeah, that's Davis.”
Baromon led them to a side chamber not far from the entrance, and concealed it once they were inside. Within was strange Tablet, with Digicode inscriptions on it.
“Can anybody read that?” asked Gatomon. She looked around at them. “Cause we don't have an Izzy in the group, and I'm pretty sure Ken never could.”
“I can, I think. I AM a legendary warrior.” Koji walked forward and studied the Tablet.
He stood up, and recited,
Others yet shall find the cipher
You shall seek the Dreamer not
That you may find, one lost, soon found
The one who in Nightmare's thrall is held
“That's it. So, what does it mean?” he looked around, and most eyes fell to Baromon.
“I do not know what the Tablet reads, or I did not until today, nor can I interpret it. I am sorry I can be of no more help.”
Lucas's face suddenly lit up. “Maybe, it means Her.”
“You mean…?”
He nodded. “what the heck else are we missing but her? She would be a powerful force indeed.”
Baromon suddenly grew tense, as did several of the other digimon. “Others are coming,” he said.
They rushed out of the side chamber to the sounds of roars, wails, and very unpleasant sounds. He turned to them, and said, “Go, that way! Leave me to my duty. I shall be alright, and we shall meet again, Children. Go, quickly. This is not a fight for you.”
“But…” Several of them started forward to help.
“GO!” And he blasted the ceiling, collapsing the passage between them.
They looked at each other. “Well, let's go then.” Ken and Davis lead the way down the tunnel.