Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Diminished Light: Void's Assault ❯ Missing Pieces ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Diminished Light: Void's Assault
Chapter 27
Missing Pieces
Sailor Janus
“We better get out of here soon or we might end up starving to death,” Rosa muttered before biting into a cracker. No one argued as they ate in silence what little they could. Already their food and water rations were running sparse which did not bode well to their survival.
Sora pursed her lips and looked down at the ground. “How long have we been here? Its almost like time has blended together, but our food supply says otherwise.”
“Way too long and all we have to show for it is half our Power Stones have been activated but we still have no idea what that means and if it'll help our position at all.” Yamato shook his head and crumpled up his wrapper. “I feel like we've been going in circles.”
“Might as well have been. Instead of finding answers, all we've found is more questions,” Taichi snorted as he leaned back on his arms. “I'd feel a lot better if we knew that Hikari and Daisuke were still alive out there somewhere.”
Iori shook his head. “We don't even know if the others are alive either.” He narrowed his eyes as he stared down at his hands, unaware that they were slowly balling into fists.
Tani looked at the teenaged boy in concern. “What's wrong, Iori?”
“Nothing.” Abruptly he rose to his feet and grabbed his backpack from the ground. “I just need to think.” Without another word he left.
The other Chosen exchanged glances as though debating on whether or not to follow him. Yamato ended the silent questions as he shook his head, holding his hands out. “We need to leave him be. He probably has a lot on his mind.”
“But-” Rosa began as she moved to stand up.
“Give him some time. Things have been rough for everyone, Iori included and we owe him the respect to give him the privacy he is seeking. He's a smart kid. He'll return.”
“Alright.” She whispered sinking back down to the ground then nibbled at another cracker in silence.
Iori tilted his head towards the sky, his green eyes an enigmatic mask that lacked any sign of emotion. What exactly am I? Why am I here to begin with? Questions swam through his head as he buried his hands deep in his pockets, absently brushing the stone enclosed within. Unlike the others he didn't have a crest of his own. During the days of his youth he had merely possessed the Digimentals of Faith and Knowledge. He didn't represent anything. Not Courage like Taichi, nor Friendship like Yamato or even Harmony as they discovered Tani had. “This is ridiculous. Why am I doubting why I'm a Chosen? There has to be a reason or else I wouldn't be here. But the question still remains, why are we all here? There has to be an answer.”
“There is. You just haven't gotten to that part yet.”
Iori spun around and found a lightly cloaked figure standing several feet away. “Who are you?”
“Is that necessarily important? Will that even justify the reason you are all going through with this hell to fix something that none of you were aware of to prevent complete chaos from taking over? There is so much all of you have to figure out… before it's too late that is.”
“What are you talking about? What's going to happen?”
The mysterious person sadly shook his head. “More than you can ever imagine. Just remember your heart can help you discern what is fact from what is fiction as well as who to trust.”
Iori stared long and hard at him. “What is right and what is wrong?” He swallowed thickly as he recalled how many times he tried to justify his actions. After his grandfather died, Iori tried to bury his heart from everyone, ending up appearing emotionless and cold. Even when the other Chosen tried to draw him out of his shell, he resisted, resorting to speaking only when he deemed necessary. As a result anger soon followed prompting him to either lash out or not respond at all. Regardless it was a lonely existence.
“I did myself injustice. I chained myself to a mask, imprisoning myself to half of me.” He glanced at his wrists and gasped at the chrome shackles encircling them. “No! I'm not going to be a prisoner of my own mind anymore. I will find that child that died when my grandfather had passed away and revive him. I will find the justice he deserves!”
The sound of shattering glass echoed through his ears as he threw his head up. Gone were the cloaked figure and the shackles. Instead he found brilliant colors in what seemed like such a gray world.
Iori glanced down at himself and noted that his shirt was now orange with black stripes, the hem brushing against rich brown pants paired off with black shoes. Oddly he couldn't help but smile as though he were seeing the light of day for the very first time. “Thank you, whoever you are.” With that last thought he headed back to the others.
“I'm so bored just sitting around waiting for Iori to get back. Can't we just go find him and continue this crazy adventure?” Taichi pouted as he leaned back and wagged his foot impatiently.
Yamato chuckled at his best friend. “You really haven't changed one bit.”
“He probably never will,” Sora smiled delicately as she brushed a lock of hair from her eyes.
“Hey! What is that supposed to mean?” Taichi scratched his nose and sat up unaware of the blades of grass that his girlfriend had used to decorate his thick brown hair with. He raised an eyebrow as everyone began snickering. “What?”
He never got an answer as they were greeted by an even more unusual sight. Rosa immediately bolted upright at the appearance of the normally stoic teenaged boy who was now dressed in color and wearing a small smile on his face. Her jaw dropped as he approached the stunned group.
“Well, it appears that the time was well spent considering that you seem to have activated your Power Stone. Congratulations.” Yamato bowed his slightly and clapped the boy on the shoulder.
“So what color is your stone?” Tani inquired as her boyfriend glared at her when a single blade of grass fell on his shoulder. He lifted his hand and yanked out several more.
Iori pulled his stone out and held it towards her. “Its evident that it's orange-“
“My old color!” Taichi grinned despite the grass still in his hair.
“-But I don't know what it symbolizes.”
She looked at what resembled a pair of scales etched on its surface then nodded. “It's Justice. I've seen this symbol before. I just can't remember where.”
“It's definitely fitting though,” Sora smiled.
Tani helped a now disgruntled Taichi remove the rest of the grass tangled in his hair and gave him her most innocent smile. He smirked at her in turn then took the end of her bandana and flipped it over her face. “I guess I deserved that.”
“Now I understand what Armadimon had been trying to tell me all those years. If only I had listened.” The kendo expert sighed.
“Don't be so hard on yourself. If we all had done what we should have then we wouldn't be here right now.”
Sora nodded in agreement with Tani's words. “Well, now what?” She glanced toward the still silent Rosa who shrugged in response.
“I guess we continue walking until the next big threat occurs,” Taichi said as he lifted his backpack from the ground, swung it on and started off. The others exchanged looks and followed, each curious about what they might face next.
Takeru brushed the icy flakes of snow from his face with numb fingers and continued to dig. It seemed like hours had gone by yet the chilled group of Chosen had made little progress since they had first picked up the empty ramen cups to use as make-shift shovels. “I can barely feel anything in my hands,” he grumbled sniffling slightly.
“You should take a break then. It's not going to do anyone any good if you get frost bite,” Mimi said as she scooped up another cup full of snow.
“But if I do then everyone would have to work that much harder,” he argued.
Michael breathed on his hands and rubbed them frantically together. “But you aren't wearing any type of protection on your hands. I at least found some fingerless gloves in my backpack which barely do shit as far keeping my hands warm, but at least it's something.”
“Fine.” Takeru threw his cup down and retreated to the wall where Akina was sitting. She too lacked any form of gloves and seemed to be having the same problem dealing with the cold that Takeru was.
Catherine looked over her shoulder and gave him a tiny smile. “Takeru?”
He said nothing and instead dug through his bag. She stared at him a moment then turned away, her expression now somber.
Mimi looked between the two and sighed, then returned back to work muttering to herself.
“What I wouldn't give for a flame thrower about now.” Michael readjusted his hat and heaved a deep breath.
“Me too,” Koushiro nodded firmly still scooping away at the wall of snow.
“I think even my snot is frozen.”
Mimi gasped at her boyfriend in repulsion. “Michael! That's disgusting!”
He grinned at her. “Yeah but it gives me an idea.” Michael retreated from the wall and retrieved his backpack, quickly rummaging through it until he pulled out his lighter. “Let's see if this does anything.” He headed back to the wall and flicked it until a flame burst to life on the end.
The others paused and watched curiously as flame danced near the giant mass of the snow. Unfortunately, the results were less than satisfying as a tiny portion of snow melted and dripped to the ground below.
“Well… that was impressive,” Takeru said dryly. “Look, Michael. I think you made a pool big enough for a cricket.”
“Shut up and get your lighter. You too, Mimi. Some fire plus more digging should get us out of here a lot quicker.”
The two Chosen Children hesitated for a moment then did as they were ordered. Soon three small flames melted at the snow as the others continued digging.
Mimi glanced at Akina who was struggling to shovel more snow. She walked towards the young woman and handed her the lighter. “This might be a little more user friendly for you.”
“Th-thank you,” she stuttered accepting the lighter.
“Too bad we can't make a torch or something.”
“We can't risk asphyxiation from the smoke it would create,” Koushiro explained digging even faster than before. “As it is, we're still at risk just being trapped here.”
“Don't think about and keep going,” Catherine urged as she shoved a mass of curls out of her face. “We're going to get out of here. We just can't give up.”
Takeru looked grimly at the snow as if he was going to argue with her but instead waved his lighter in front of ht snow, melting it bit by bit.
The others agreed and continued worked in an even more urgent pace pleading that they could see blue sky once again. However just as they had finally made some leeway, the giant wall of snow crumpled burying its captives beneath it.
“I…am…so…sick of this!” Ami bit back a sob as she trailed behind the others scaling up a rock and shell encrusted hill. Her shoes did little good against the slippery and rough terrain. For once she was grateful that she wasn't wearing her usual sandals. When was the last time I wore them? She paused a moment not realizing that she was falling backwards until a firm grip captured her wrist.
“It's not a good idea to daydream,” Jyou said pulling her up.
Her blue-green gaze met his dark one and once again she froze, unaware that she was slipping once again.
“Huh?” Her head snapped up as Jyou grabbed her other wrist. He sighed in exasperation and shook his head.
Miyako blinked at the girl and ran a hand down her face. “She really is a space case.”
Ken looked over his shoulder and urged his girlfriend onward. “This is not exactly the safest place to stop.”
“Try telling that to the brat in the back. I don't think there has been even one instance that she didn't cause trouble. High maintenance if you ask me.”
Wallace lost his footing from the head of the group and skidded back a few inches before regaining some stability. “This really sucks.”
“Just be careful,” Jyou said as he released Ami and began climbing once again.
“Easier said than…DONE!” She screeched as the rock beneath her feet gave way causing her to slide backwards on her knees as she tried to catch herself with her hands. Bursts of pain seeped from the cuts on her legs and palms from the sharp rocks and shells. She brought a fist down on the ground and screamed for all she was worth.
Miyako shoved a braid of hair from her face and marched as best she could towards the tantrum throwing Chosen. “Will you just grow up? You are the most self-absorbed baby I have ever met! Just how the hell you became a Chosen is beyond me because you don't act like it.”
Ami opened her mouth to protest but one word cut her deep. Self-absorbed. Was I always like this? She remembered being sensitive towards Shina's stunts but… didn't she try to relate to how everyone was feeling somehow? She knew when Tani was upset or when Akina was excited. No matter what her personal mood was, she tried to put them first. Something, somewhere had changed and she didn't know why or how.
Suddenly the red head felt herself falling as she stared into Miyako's angry eyes, but made no motion to react. Instead she allowed herself to plunge down the large dangerous hill, her mind numb to the pain of each slice to her tender flesh as it made contact with shell and rock. The others could only watch in stupefied horror as she finally reached the bottom. The only words that echoed in her head were `I'm sorry.'
“Ami! You have to be more careful,” Tani scolded her younger sister.
The girl blinked as she was helped up from the floor of the mountain cave. She smoothed back her glossy black hair and stared at the others in puzzlement.
“She'll be fine,” Elecmon chuckled from her side.
“Whatever. Once a klutz. Always a klutz,” Shina snorted flipping her long dark bangs from her brown eyes.
“Shina, she's your sister. Be nice,” Tani said sending a look of disapproval towards her sibling. She gave an apologetic smile to Penmon who was wincing at yet another argument.
The shorter haired girl however would not stand down. “Only if you stop being so high and mighty,” she countered with a glare.
Ami glanced helplessly towards Akina who remained quiet along side her partner Shakomon. It was very evident that she didn't want to get engaged in another fight either. The younger of the triplets drew a deep breath and stepped between the two. “Will both of you stop? Tani is just watching out for us like Mom and Dad have told her to. She's not saying she's better than us. She's just trying to help.”
“Ami has a point,” Akina said softly. “And I think it's a good point. Tani is our older sister and Mom and Dad have practically carved it into her brain that she's supposed to take care of us when they're not around. And I don't see either of them here so Tani is trying to do the best she can.”
Shina growled and stalked away.
I really was sympathetic. That's why I never fought back with Shina or argued with Tani. I understood why they did what they did. I don't want to be so self-absorbed anymore that I can't see what's in front of my nose. I want to be …me.
Ami opened her eyes and froze in shock at finding the other Chosen gathered around her, each wearing an expression of concern and surprise on their faces. She blinked and without thinking threw her arms around Jyou. “I'm sorry! I really have been a brat and I'm so sorry. You're right, Miyako. I have been awful but I'm really not like that.”
Wallace chuckled. “We kinda got that. Why don't you check yourself out?”
Ami frowned then glanced at her gloved hands and immediately pushed away from the med student. “Oh wow!” She was now dressed in a magenta colored sundress with turquoise gloves and knee-high socks and magenta colored dress shoes. Her hair even had a slight burgundy tint to it. She yanked her stone from her bag and squealed. “I have Sympathy back!”
“Well, good for you,” Miyako nodded and glanced at the others then stepped back awkwardly. “I'm glad to hear it.”
Ken tried to catch his girlfriend's eye, but she looked away. “Well, I suppose we should continue on.” He stopped a moment and narrowed his eyebrows at Ami. “I would expect your body to be covered in cuts and bruises, but I see no sign of them.”
“Freaky.” Wallace scratched his head then shook it. “Well, no time like the present. Onward troops!”
The others exchanged glances and followed, deciding that the best decision they could make was to keep going.
Brown eyes flew open as a sharp gasp sounded from Hikari's swollen throat. She winced at the gritty sand that seemed to be trying to seal her windpipe as she struggled at another attempt to breathe. Her eyes stung, pain throbbed through her head as she fought to refrain from panicking. All she knew was that she was very cold and trying to keep her head above the surface of a large pool of water. The most troubling thing was that she was alone. Very alone.
Hikari opened her mouth to call out for Daisuke but instead began choking on the mixture of water and sand. Where am I? How did I get here? Where's Daisuke?
“You truly are a pathetic little girl,” an all too familiar voice said with mock pity.
“I am not,” the brunette said softly knowing full well that it was the same young woman who seemed to enjoy tormenting her from the very beginning when Hikari had first arrived in that horrible place. She clenched her jaw a moment then turned to face the darkly shrouded female. “Tell me where Daisuke is.”
“I don't know what you talking about. Surely, you must be delusional,” she replied with an innocent shrug.
Hikari's eyes darkened as she narrowed them. “I don't have time for your sick games. Tell me where he is. Now!”
“Ooh. The little pussycat has claws. You know, you are so much fun to get a rise out of. This is much better than the `Poor me, I can't remember anyone. I think I'll just fade away,' attitude.” The woman cackled then folded her arms over her chest. “Little Yagami Hikari and her band of nitwits. You people really make me sick.” A deadly glint appeared in her blue eyes as she stared at the infuriated teen. “You know, I'll bet that brother of yours is probably even more idiotic in person. Same thing goes with the blonde or shall I say the blonde rock star wannabe.”
Hikari's jaw dropped as she fought to get a word in but the woman continued on.
“You know, you should really be careful what you put on a web page. Never know when it might fall in the wrong hands.”
“But I-” Images of a website she had created many years back flashed through her mind. Images that included the people that she had met in the park that were determined to help her recover her memories.
“Quite a little shutterbug, weren't you? Too bad you'll probably never take another picture ever again.”
Hikari closed her eyes wishing she could do something anything. Suddenly an intense pain flooded her leg as she hit the ground. She opened her eyes and frowned at finding no sign of the spiteful young woman. Hikari shook her head and peered around. Her heart nearly stopped at the sight of Daisuke lying in a pile of sand. Tears of fear, relief, and pain filled her eyes as she crawled over to him. “Daisuke! Daisuke, please wake up.”
When she finally reached him his eyes were closed as he lay there motionless. Hikari bit her lip and gently shook his shoulder. “Daisuke, please don't be dead. Wake up!”
A moment later his eyes fluttered open. He remained quiet for a minute as the girl before him moved to throw her arms around him in joy. His next words however caused her to freeze in her tracks. “Who are you?”
Her breath caught in her throat as she choked on a sob. “Daisuke?”
“Where am I? I-I don't remember anything. I-” He touched his head and glanced around. “Nothing looks familiar. Did I get hit with a soccer ball too hard or something?”
“Your name is Motomiya Daisuke and I don't know where we are but I'm Yagami Hikari…Your friend,” she tried to say as calmly as possible despite the shakiness in her voice.
“Friend?” He looked at her face and ran a hand through his hair. “I-I don't remember you.”
Maybe this is how he felt. She thought sadly as the overwhelming sense of loss began to consume her. She hugged herself and struggled against the tears.
“Are you okay?” He dropped his gaze to her swollen ankle and gaped at it. “Man, that looks bad. No wonder you look like you're ready to cry. Can you even walk? Do you want me to help? Here let me help you.” Daisuke climbed to his feet and lifted the now sobbing girl in his arms, visually examining her ankle. “Damn. We're going to have to get you to a doctor. What happened? Where is the nearest hospital?” He made a face. “I hate hospitals, but for this I'll make an exception.”
Hikari stared lifelessly at her knees as though her spirit were no more. At that moment she felt like a part of her had died and that there was no point to go on. I'm sorry, Daisuke. If you regain your memory I promise, no, swear that I'll do everything I can to regain mine.
“Are you okay? You're not going into shock, are you? Damn this sucks not having any idea what is going on.”
“Let's just find someplace safe.”
“Aye, aye, M'lady.”
A tiny smile crossed Hikari's lips as a single tear ran down her cheek. She drew a deep breath and closed her eyes wishing, striving for their memories to be recovered soon.
Candle flames flickered as the darkly cloaked young woman was thrown into a hard metallic table. Her blue eyes filled with horror as a firm fist struck her face.
“What do you think this is? Some childish game?” The voice was deep and violent through the crimson gaze that bore down upon her. “The others are growing stronger and you can't even kill one simple girl? I should kill you myself instead.”
The young woman lifted her head as the dark hood fell back revealing spiky deep violet chin length hair. She glared at her attacker and pushed her hair from her face. “I'm not done yet. I'm getting closer. Just give me time.”
“I have given you all the time and tools you need, child, yet you keep faltering!”
“The Child of Light is injured in more ways than one. Physically, Mentally, Spiritually. It's only the matter of time….”
“Something you lack.”
The young woman pulled her hood back over her head. “You underestimate. I WILL finish this and those stupid Chosen will be no more. They will pay and pay dearly for all they have done.” She stood up and bowed at her boss then headed down the hall without a glance back.
“He's just concerned, dear one.” An elegant feminine voice seemed to dance through her head.
She pursed her lips and continued walking. “Will all of you get off my back? I know what I am doing so leave me the hell alone!”
“Remember who is in charge of this ordeal.”
“You are.” A malicious smirk crossed her lips. “But I'm the one pulling the strings.”
Author's Notes: Despite this having bee done pretty much a week ago, it isn't until now that I actually manage to get the silly thing typed up. I really need to try not to get sick. That kinda set everything back. Oh well.
Hope you enjoyed the newest installment.