Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ War Diaries: Adventures Zero-Three ❯ Dark Seed Diaries Side Entry 1 - A World Away ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dark Seed Diaries

Side-Entry 1 - A World Away

By Lord Archive

Digimon and most characters in this series belong to Toei Animation Inc., Sensations Animation, Akiyoshi Hongo and others. They are used without consent.


In a land where the laws of physics hold no meaning and the landscape shifts with the blink of an eye, eight children sat in a circle, each flanked by their digimon. The children and the dog digimon, Plotmon, each carried a look of malice. The rest of the digimon were more subdued and withdrawn.

"So, what's our next great caper?" Yuri questioned.

"I do hope it's in the Digital World again. That was fun," Mamoru chuckled coldly.

Noriko smirked at the gathered Dark Seed children. "Oh, I'm sure you'll love this one. This will be the riskiest mission yet."

"You said that about those angel digimon, but we slaughtered them," Hiroshi commented with a frown.

"We had expected more of a fight from them, but fate was not on their side," Sakura intoned with a cold tone. "The next battle we can not be certain of, though."

"So what are we after?" Takeshi demanded.

"A bed," Noriko replied simply.

"And what's so special about this bed?" Keiko wondered.

"It is another means to enter this dimension," Noriko replied.

"We can already get here. Why do we need it?" Candmon questioned.

Hiroshi backhanded his partner. "Don't speak unless spoken too."

Candmon rubbed his nose, but said nothing.

Sakura chuckled coldly. "I'll answer the pet's question, anyway. WE don't need the bed, but if our enemies figure out where we are, they could use that to come here and attack us. And unlike the painting, that would allow for their whole group to arrive at once."

"Whatever," Hitochi growled. "Let's just go get the damn thing."

"It won't be that easy," Noriko warned. "The bed we seek is held by Jijimon. Once he's aware of our intention, he could have EVERY team in the Western Hemisphere there to attack us."

"So?" Takeshi questioned.

Sakura glared. "You want to face all the digimon from England, Canada, California, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, France, Italy, Germany, Moscow, Detroit and possibly others? One wrong move and we face a full army with at least a dozen Ultimates. Not to mention Jijimon, himself, is an Ultimate. Though no one has seen him fight, we should not underestimate him."

Yuri frowned. "Not a pretty concept, is it?"

Keiko pouted. "I lost my appetite."

"So, what is the plan then?" Hiroshi questioned seriously.

"We'll attack in the middle of the night, when most of the local teams are asleep. That should buy us some time," Noriko replied.

"What about other teams, like Odaiba's?" Hiroshi pressed.

Sakura chuckled coldly. "Why, we'll have to thank Jijimon from removing them as a threat. He put up a firewall barrier to keep us out. Too bad we won't be going there through the Digital World."

"What about Jijimon?" Takeshi questioned. "You said he's an Ultimate."

Noriko smirked at Yuri. "Oh, he has a particular weakness that is known...."


Jijimon awoke with a start as alarms blared. The ancient gray-haired and bearded human-like digimon grabbed his staff and rushed out of his room and to a set of screens in the large room he entered. He checked his monitors to see what caused the alarm and stared at them in dismay.

"How could they have gotten past my firewall?!" Jijimon cried out. He slammed down on a button, praying it was not too late. He then ran to meet the Dark Seed children from Japan as they assaulted one of his many doors.

Upon reaching his door, it exploded, obscuring the entrance in a cloud of smoke and debris. Jijimon stood firm gripping his staff tightly. "You shall not pass!" the elderly digimon ordered.

Yuri emerged from the smoke and sauntered forward while wearing a delicate kimono. The Gizamon next to her gave the old digimon a seductive look.

Jijimon's digital core skipped a beat seeing the lovely girls. But he had to remain steadfast. He had to....

Yuri slowly unwrapped her obi and let the kimono she wore fall to the ground, revealing nothing but flesh underneath.

The rest of the Dark Seed children and their digimon passed them. Yuri made sure the boys got a good look, and Jijimon was so enraptured by the sight, he failed to notice anything else.

Sakura gave a look of disgust. "Make sure he's occupied...."

Gizamon licked her lips. "I'll make certain of that."


Michael glanced over the various message board entries as insomnia gripped him again. He wanted to get some sleep, yet knew laying in bed would be a futile attempt. He raised an eyebrow at a message concerning a guy older than he was who had appeared in Michigan with the power to evolve into a digimon, and laughed at Koushiro's plea to let him visit and scan him. Though whoever this Erin guy was, he wasn't replying.

Michael was about to check another post when a message popped up on his computer.

'I'm being attacked! Come quickly! - Jijimon'

The New York group had very little dealings with Jijimon, but neither his importance nor his request for help could be denied. However, Michael knew that if the threat warranted assistance, he alone would not be enough. He picked up his phone and began dialing.


CWTGSGITU: So Iori got... angry.

Lord_of_Knowledge: Putting it mildly.

Goth_Wannabe: How is he?

Lord_of_Knowledge: Not too good. He takes responsibility too seriously.

Goth_Wannabe: Has Taichi or anyone else helped him?

Lord_of_Knowledge: Not really, but not for the lack of trying.

CWTGSGITU: Perhaps Yume and/or Sayuri could _cheer_ him up.

Lord_of_Knowledge: Carter, he's only ten.

CWTGSGITU: A little sex goes a long way for me and Kylie.

Goth_Wannabe: Heh. A 'little' is all he gets.

CWTGSGITU: It HAS been too long since we were last together.

Lord_of_Knowledge: Am I the only Chosen dating a girl and not getting any?

CWTGSGITU: The fact your girl isn't a Chosen may have something to do with that. :P

Goth_Wannabe: What the?!


Lord_of_Knowledge: Huh? What's wrong.

CWTGSGITU: Jijimon is under attack. Got to go save his ass.

Goth_Wannabe: If you don't hear from us soon. Contact our teams.

CWTGSGITU has logged out.
Goth_Wannabe has logged out.

Lord_of_Knowledge: -_- HOW am I supposed to do THAT? By phone? I can't speak English.

Lord_of_Knowledge: If Mimi wasn't pissed off about Jijimon's firewall before.... Now I can't even help.

Lady_of_Flame: Not much we can do to help. And Koushiro, at least you HAVE a special someone. I'm still looking.

Lord_of_Knowledge: Heh. Thanks, Mina.


In Jijimon's main room, a door marked 'New York' began to glow.

"Looks like it's show time," Hitochi grinned.

"Remember where we are. There isn't a lot of room to fight here," Keiko reminded. "Skull Greymon would be a BAD idea."

Mamoru grinned. "Good thing Vadermon has no problem with that."

"Room's big enough for Parrotmon," Takeshi protested, holding aloft his digivice. "Let's give these guys a warm welcome!"

The New York Digi-destined were greeted with an unpleasant sight of black light that faded away to reveal Vadermon, Digitamamon, Parrotmon and a blue Greymon. Each digimon was flanked by a Dark Seed child.

"This is bad," commented Steve.

Mimi scowled. "Guess that firewall didn't work."

"Oh, it would've worked fine if we went directly from Earth to get here," Mamoru gloated.

"Get them," Hitochi ordered.

The New York team replied by meeting the advancing digimon with their own, evolving them to Lillymon, Seadramon, Tortomon, Kentarumon, and Frigimon.

Parrotmon shot forth and grabbed Seadramon just below the head. He slammed the serpent into the wall and tightened his hold, choking the dragon.

Tortomon barreled into Greymon and the pair began a strength contest which neither would dare lose.

Digitamamon hurled herself at Frigimon, knocking the digimon unconscious and back into his child form of Gabumon.

Kentarumon tried to fire at the egg, but Digitamamon ignored the blast.

With the digimon battling around her, Lillymon tried to keep track of the opponents. Vadermon was unaccounted for and was undoubtedly using the confusion of battle to cover himself. She prepared her cannon and fired it when he final came into view only a short distance from her. The attack missed and Vadermon was upon her.

"Demon's Kiss," Vadermon cooed devilishly and kissed Lillymon on the lips.

Lillymon would've frozen from the disgust alone, but the alien's attack doubly made sure she could not move. She couldn't even cry out as he began to fondle her body.

"I do so like the human form. Perhaps I should play with your partner after I'm done with you," Vadermon whispered, his voice dripping with malice.

Digitamamon made short work of Kentarumon and gave Greymon some unwanted help in removing Tortomon from battle.

Maria looked at the battle in dismay, clutching her shuddering Patamon as the nightmare the egg digimon gave him had yet to fade. This had to stop. They couldn't allow these false Digi-destined win.

Maria's eyes dilated as she stared in horror as the Greymon spat a fireball at Mimi and while the Japanese girl dodged, the force of the attack sent her flying into a wall. "NEECHAN?!"

"MIMI?!" Michael called out, his attention drawn away from his partner struggling against Parrotmon's grip by Maria's scream.

The sea dragon's eyes snapped open. "Seadramon evolve!"

Parrotmon floundered backwards, releasing his hold on the serpent.

The dragon's body was encased in ice, which began to expand and then explode, revealing an even larger sea serpent. "Mega Seadramon. Thunder Javelin."

Parrotmon was struck in the chest and crashed to the ground from the attack. The damage wasn't severe, though, with him being an electrical bird. However, when he looked up, he thought for a second he was looking at a mirror.

"You bring a bad name to Parrotmon," said the new giant bird as he kicked his fallen brother in the head.

Carter was half-tempted to make light of his partner kicking someone when they were down, but the situation wasn't right for that.

Vadermon looked down at the now devolved, but still paralyzed, Palmon with a frown. "Plants don't do anything for me."

"Blast Horn!" a new voice called out.

Vadermon was pushed back a little as he looked at the Aquilamon glaring at him. "Birds do even less."

Hitochi gripped his digivice, tempted to evolve Greymon despite the others protests against it. Lillymon wasn't much of a fighter, but the new Parrotmon and Mega Seadramon were. A beeping noise drew his attention though. "Looks like you get a reprieve."

The gathered defenders stared in shock as Yuri streaked past them, wearing nothing but a smile, followed by her dementedly grinning partner and went straight into a nearby room with the rest of the Dark Seed children and their digimon.

"HEY GUYS! They're getting away!" Kylie shouted.

"Right, after her... them," Carter replied with an uncertain tone.

Kylie scowled. "You are soooo on the couch, Carter."

Carter laughed sheepishly as he and the other remaining defenders moved to follow the Dark Seed children but were once again frozen by Yuri waving sweetly at them as the bed, the children, and their digimon faded from sight.

"I guess we lost this one...." Steve said, adjusting his glasses.

"Ah, yeah...." Lou agreed.

"Wow...." Carter breathed.

Kylie grabbed Carter by the ear. "I see the 'little' you GOT is all you're GOING to get for a while."

"But Kyliiiiiiiieeeeeee...." Carter whined.

Maria shook her head and scratched her head furiously. She then blinked. "Neechan!" She immediately rushed over to Mimi, who had begun to stir.

"Did we stop them?" Mimi questioned.

"No." Maria pouted. "They played a dirty trick."

"Dirty trick?" Mimi asked.

"Very dirty," Jijimon replied as he swaggered into the room, somehow half-grinning and half-frowning. "They got the Bed of Dreams, didn't they?"

"Yeah," Michael replied in slight disgust at their failure.

"What is it, and what do they want with it," Steve questioned.

"It is a means to the Dimension of Dreams. I know of no other means and did not think they had any means to get there already, but apparently they did," Jijimon replied regretfully.

"So the firewall is useless then," Mimi stated irritably.

Jijimon nodded. "It will be taken down tonight."

Mimi smiled. "Good. Then I can have a date with Jyou this weekend."

Michael frowned.

Steve smirked in annoyance. "We can do without updates on your sex life."

Lou shook his head. "Let's just get home and forget about this."

Gotsumon gave his partner an odd look. "Forget about HER. Riiiiiight."

Lou blushed.


Author's Notes:

Well this one pushes the 'PG-13' rating, but as nothing is detailed, it's still safe.

Carter is from Shaun Garin's Digital Diaries series. Kylie is his girlfriend from the Florida team (which has no author currently).

The remainder is the New York team. There is another member, Sam, but Michael failed to get him to come.

Here's the cast list of the Dark Seed Chosen:

Kawada Noriko
Age - 13

Punimon - Tsunomon - Toy Agumon - Tankmon - Tekkamon

Before being abducted by Oikawa, she was a shy but friendly little girl. She'd willing help others and give up things if need be. Loves little kids.

Now she's the apparent leader of the Dark Seed Chosen. She's very demanding and will stop at nothing to get what she believes is hers-- which is power and freedom to do whatever she wants.


Age - 13

Yukimi Botamon - Yuki Koromon - Gizamon - Seadramon - Waru Seadramon

A warm and friendly girl who dreamed of princes on white horses and romances that spawn the greatest works of poetry. Now she's a bit of a temptress and a tenacious flirt. Has not found anyone worth sleeping with yet but it isn't going to bother with 'Prince Charming.' Her personality is very cold, as is all the attacks of her digimon are cold based.


Age - 12

Yukimi Botamon - Nyaromon - Plotmon - Black Tailmon - Lady Devimon
Digivice - Red w/black trim

Gossipmonger and horrible with secrets. She has become the Koushiro of the Dark Chosen, supplying them with information that would be very hard to obtain.


Shibata Hiroshi
Age - 12

Nyocomon - Pyocomon - Candmon - Wizarmon - Death Meramon
Digivice - Green

He wished to write manga stories but had given it up since others laughed at him. Rather apathetic in how he faces life and didn't care about anything.

With the dark seed he wishes to make his dreams a reality, even if it meant stomping down on others.


Yoshizawa Takeshi
Age - 9

Poyomon - Tokomon - Tsukaimon - Sabirdramon - Parrotmon
Digivice: red/orange

The benchwarmer of the little league baseball, but is now the star player and acts just like a stereotypical jock. Used to like to learn, however he blows off homework and yet still maintains his grades thanks to the Dark Seed. Didn't like hurting anyone, but now takes sadistic pleasure in watching people die.


age 13

Botamon - Koromon - Black Agumon - (blue) Greymon - Skull Greymon

The boy that everyone used to pick on in school, that was until the Dark Seed gave him witty comebacks and a fighting ability to knock out the biggest pain in his ass. Now he's the very sort of person he despised.


age 12

Babumon - Motimon - Elecmon - Vegiemon - Vadermon

Otaku is about the only way to describe him. He's an obsessed fan of all things anime, particularly Sci-Fi space adventures. He relishes in making his fantasies real.


age 13

Yukimi Botamon - Nyaromon - Gabumon - Dark Lizamon - Digitamamon

There is only one thing she seeks in the world, pastries. She has never met one that she never liked, even before becoming a Dark Seed Chosen. However, while she used to be shy and concerned about her weight, now she doesn't care about anything but getting more delicious food.