Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ War Diaries: Adventures Zero-Three ❯ Dark Seed Diaries Side Entry 2 - Foggy Dreams ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dark Seed Diaries

Side-Entry 2 - Foggy Dreams

By Lord Archive

Digimon and most characters in this series belong to Toei Animation Inc., Sensations Animation, Akiyoshi Hongo and others. They are used without consent.

While it is not necessary to know about the London team to understand this chapter, it would help if you've read at least the London Diaries special entry: The Longest Night.


"What's the next mission?" Hitochi asked fiercely. "I want to feed some more digimon to Skull Greymon."

The black-scaled Agumon next to him didn't exactly seem to be excited with that thought.

"Doubt that'll happen with this mission," Sakura replied. "With luck we'll be in and out before they know what hit them."

"And if we're not lucky?" Noriko questioned with caution.

"The London group would be on us first, especially as our target is next door to one of them, and they have access to Ultimates," Sakura replied.

"How many of them?" Keiko asked with a frown.

"Unconfirmed, but it's rumored to be most if not all of them." Sakura adjusted her glasses. "And if they hit us, they'll likely inform other teams asking for assistance."

"And what is our objective this time?" Hiroshi questioned.

"Merlin's Censer. If mythology of it is believed, with this incense burner we would at least be able to enter dreams, perhaps even make reality into a dream," Sakura replied. "With this we can battle the Chosen in their dreams, and crush their minds."

Takeshi grinned. "Sounds like fun. Can't wait to use it on them."


A humanoid female, dressed in blue and white clothes resembling that of a wizard in fantasy stories, fussed over her appearance as she looked into a mirror.

"Sorcerymon, there's no way you could look any prettier," commented a short blue lizard with a white belly.

Sorcerymon smirked. "Thanks, V-mon. I guess I'm a bit nervous. I've never really brought a boyfriend home to see, well, my family." She stroked the side of his face tenderly. "How can you be so calm about this?"

V-mon laughed. "Trust me, I'm probably as nervous as you are. It just doesn't do any good to let it control you."

Sorcerymon let out a small laugh. "Good, because if you get too agitated, my translation spell will break." She felt that she shouldn't be surprised at his response considering the young-looking digimon had achieved the highest recorded evolution, Imperial Dramon Paladin Mode, and defeated the strongest enemy digimon ever scanned, Armagemon. It was still hard for her to reconcile that fact as she remembered how she met him at the Takaishi wedding reception. It had only been two months since that happy occasion and V-mon managed to completely change her life since then.

V-mon fidgeted under her tender gaze. "Sorcerymon, we should be going now."

Sorcerymon blushed as she snapped out of her thoughts. "Yes, can't keep them waiting."


V-mon stared in wonder as he was led through the Lords's estate. There were rooms here that were larger than the entire Motomiya apartment. In the foyer alone he could evolve to Paildramon and still be able to walk around freely. Why a small family would have so much room was beyond him.

The stiff, elderly man who had been leading the way opened a set of double-doors. He then called out loudly, "Lady Sorcery and Sir V-mon have arrived."

Sorcerymon blushed slightly. "There's no need to be that formal, Mr. Worthen."

Mr. Worthen smiled and whispered, "To do less would be a disservice to you."

A middle-aged man with meticulously groomed and shining blond hair stood up at the head of the table. "Thank you, Mr. Worthen. Sorcerymon, V-mon, would you please join us?"

Sorcerymon placed a reassuring hand on V-mon's shoulder, though it helped make her feel more at ease as well. The pair followed Mr. Worthen to the table and he indicated where they were to sit. As soon as they were seated the butler left the room through doors at the far side of the room.

V-mon swallowed a little as his nervousness increased being seated across from the table's head. "Hi," he greeted them, waving his hand a little.

Sorcerymon felt it best to handle the introductions. "V-mon, you might remember William and Numemon."

V-mon nodded, though he had never really met the young, dirty blond boy. The lizard felt it odd that the boy seemed rather disinterested. The giant, green digimon slug's attention was more on the doors the butler had gone through and was drooling slightly.

Sorcerymon then motioned toward the head of the table. "Mr. Lords has been like a father to me, and is William's father."

"Greeting," Mr. Lords said quietly.

The wizard digimon then motioned to the woman sitting between herself and Mr. Lords. "And this is Mrs. Lords."

The piercing gaze he received from the light brown-haired woman made him twitch nervously in his seat.

Sorcerymon grabbed V-mon's hand and projected thoughts of assurance to the lizard. V-mon did relax a little, though the minor telepathic rapport between him and the wizard was slightly unnerving to him.

William showed a shadow of a smirk as he watched the two.

"So, V-mon, how did you meet Sorcerymon?" Mrs. Lords asked.

"At the Takaishi wedding reception," V-mon replied.

"Ah, yes. That was a few months ago, wasn't it?" Mrs. Lords asked.

V-mon nodded. "Yeah."

"And you've been seeing Sorcerymon ever since then?" Mrs. Lords pressed.

V-mon nodded again.

"How often have you seen her?" Mrs. Lords continued.

Mr. Lords shook his head at the line of questioning.

"A few times a week, I guess," V-mon replied.

"Are you in love with her?" Mrs. Lords asked with an edge.

"Yes," V-mon replied firmly.

Mrs. Lords seemed like she was about to ask something else, but became uncertain as to how to ask about it.

"How goes the situation with the Dark Seed Children?" William asked, and received surprised looks from his parents and Sorcerymon.

V-mon liked this kind of question a lot better. "Not too good. They're off stealing dream-related items from around the two worlds, while Iori's team is searching for their evolution items."

"I see." William paused. "And what has the elder Odaiba teams done to help?"

V-mon frowned. "We try to help, but various reasons keeps us from coming together as one full team. The last time we sent most of our teams at them, I got my butt kicked. Hard."

Mrs. Lords frowned at his language. "And what is preventing your teams from combining forces?"

V-mon looked sheepishly at her. "Well, there's Hikari being pregnant and married to Takeru; Taichi being engaged to Sora and them working to set up their future; Yamato is trying to set up his music career; Jyou's studying to be a doctor; Koushiro's always busy collecting information on everything and anything digimon-related; Ken's struggling in school; and Daisuke and Miyako are, well, busy... a lot."

William let out a short laugh. "So I've heard."

Mrs. Lords nodded, as many of them did have seemingly good reason to be unavailable, though she decided it was best not to know what their ages were.

"Um, what's been going on with the London team?" V-mon asked, more than eager to change the subject.

"Dinner is served," Mr. Worthen called out, holding a few trays. He was followed by a slightly over-weight woman in a chef's uniform who held yet more trays filled with food.

With the array of food before them, V-mon's question was forgotten.

The lizard digimon felt he had died and gone to delicious heaven. While some of the food looked weird to him, the tantalizing aroma made him try it all anyway and was not disappointed.

Mrs. Lords frowned at V-mon's less-than-stellar table manners. But when compared to Numemon, who kept piling food onto his plate and upending the whole dish into his mouth, the lizard was the height of etiquette as he at least only inhaled one piece at a time.

An explosion shook the house. While the adults were shaken and nervous, William and the digimon stiffened and looked around wearily.

"Sorcerymon?" William asked curtly.

The wizard had her eyes closed. "There are digimon nearby... and they are not our teammates."

Without another word, the digimon and the young boy moved from their seats.

"William! Stay here," Mrs. Lords pleaded.

William didn't even pause as moved to leave the room. "I must protect you."

"But...." Mrs. Lords reached out towards her son.

"I'll help keep him safe," V-mon vowed.


V-mon frowned when they got to the source of the explosion, and not just because it had taken them awhile to walk over to the neighboring mansion. Amidst the burning mansion was a threat beyond what they could retaliate against.

"Those are the Dark Seed Chosen," V-mon informed his companions. "Wonder what they're here for?"

"Good thing you grabbed the D-Terminal. We need to call for help," Sorcerymon added.

William snatched the D-Terminal from the lizard and began typing. "Help should be here soon, but we'll have to slow them down."

V-mon nodded.


"So I had Greymon blow up the guards. Big deal," Hitochi commented bitterly.

"Give it a rest," Yuri whined. "There's no reason for us to harp on what Sakura already yelled."

Little Takeshi huffed. "And why do we all have to play guard duty?"

Mamoru smirked devilishly. "Off-hand, I'd say them."

The Dark Seed Children and their digimon collectively blinked at the sight of one lone boy flanked by three digimon. Hitochi, Mamoru and Takeshi grinned at the apparent mismatched battle. Two adults and a child meant nothing to them. Hiroshi and the girls frowned, not forgetting the threat of London's Ultimate digimon.

"Hey, you guys!" V-mon cried out, intentionally breaking Sorcerymon's translation spell so he could talk to them in Japanese. "Why don't you all just go home, and we'll kick your asses there?!"

Hiroshi frowned. "Shit, that's Daisuke's V-mon. The London team just became the least of our worries. Keiko, Yuri, come with me and help Noriko and Sakura find the censer."

"Aw, but I wanted to have fun with them," Yuri pouted.

Keiko scowled. "He's a little boy."

"So? He'd have to be better than that old fart, Jijimon," Yuri retorted.

"Maybe if you had done what I did...." Yuri's Gizamon giggled with a blush.

"Ew. Not a chance." Yuri looked sick.

William frowned at the departing children and digimon, but there wasn't much he could do at the moment. He grabbed his digivice and with a flourished move, it then turned into a shortsword which briefly glowed.

"Numemon evolve!" Light engulfed the green slug. A large, yellow, bear suit appeared before him and he leapt into it. The giant stuffed teddy bear then danced around with hearts surrounding him. "Monzaemon!"

Takeshi sweated nervously. "Aren't Monzaemon supposed to be Perfection level? He evolved a little too easily."

"You worry too much," Mamoru belittled. "He didn't evolve him to Ultimate, so we can still take them easy. Let's have some fun."

Hitochi grinned with malice. "Yes, lets."

Black lightning crashed to the ground. When the darkness subsided, the Dark Seed Children's digimon stood before them in their own Perfection forms of Skull Greymon, Vadermon, and Parrotmon.

V-mon frowned. "Not liking the odds here."

William nodded. "Monzaemon take Skull Greymon. Sorcerymon and V-mon, you two go after Parrotmon. I'll deal with Vadermon."

Vadermon was about to laugh at that, but then had to rush a dodge as the boy leapt at him with deadly intent.

Skull Greymon let out a hellish roar, to which the yellow bear replied, "Hearts Attack!" Streams of red heart balloons assaulted the skeletal beast, causing him to swoon.

"And what can you two do against me?" Parrotmon challenged.

"Oh, I'd say this." Sorcerymon waved her wand at V-mon.

"V-Headbutt!" cried out the small lizard, but it was more like 'V-mon Cannon' because the witch's spell had given his leap an incredible boost of speed.

"OOF!" The giant bird was winded by V-mon slamming into his feathery chest, knocking him to the ground.

V-mon rubbed his head, while sitting atop the bird. "Gah! I'll have a killer headache after this is over."

"Assuming you live!" Parrotmon moved to swipe at the lizard with his talons, but was blinded by fireworks exploding in front of his eyes.

Skull Greymon howled at his confused thoughts and slapped the stuffed bear away.

William's frustration grew as Vadermon floated out of reach, forcing the boy to dodge as the alien demon fired his ray gun. The boy cursed as a rock kicked up by a blast from the gun scratched his leg. He so wanted to see this corrupted digimon broken into his component data and reformatted.

Monzaemon spasmed from where he laid after being struck by Skull Greymon. Black lightning arced across his body, turning pristine yellow fur to tattered gray. When the bear stood, he was no longer the lovable giant, but the vicious Waru Monzaemon. He brandished his evil-looking claw and took a swipe at the skeletal dragon he faced.

The three Dark Seed Children stared in surprise at the dark evolution, not expecting a Chosen child to have access to one, let alone use it.

"Mjolnir Thunder!" cried out Parrotmon, unleashing electric death at Sorcerymon and V-mon.

The lizard managed to tackle Sorcerymon to the ground, and thereby avoided getting hit by the attack. He glared daggers at the bird. He would protect Sorcerymon with his life and he would not allow these mockery of Chosen get away with doing whatever they wanted. He then blinked in surprise as power began coursing through him, he spared a glance at a nearby bush that was glowing. The same bush William had placed Daisuke's D-Terminal.

V-mon smirked. "V-mon armor evolve!" A sphere encased V-mon and shattered in a fiery explosion that caused no damage. The lizard now stood over two meters tall and had flaming red armor on his chest, knees, arms and head. "Burning with courage, Fladramon!"

"How'd that happen?" Sorcerymon wondered.

"The bonds of friendship and courage knows no distance. Even apart, Daisuke has given me the power to fight," Fladramon chuckled. "Let's flambe this turkey."

Sorcerymon nodded. "Let's." She waved her wand at Fladramon.

Parrotmon looked nervously at the fire dragon. He damn well knew what was coming next: one flaming rocket of a digimon with a hellish amount of force. He took to the air, hoping to avoid the strike.

The pair of digimon turned toward the humongous parrot and fired their distance attacks. Fladramon's Knuckle Fire sending a volley of flames at the left wing, while Sorcerymon's Crystal Cloud sent her piercing freezing attack at the right wing. The great bird was surprised by the unexpected way they attacked and he failed to dodge all of the incoming damage.

"You still haven't finished them off?" Keiko asked, munching on a pastry she found in the mansion's kitchen.

Sakura scowled at the sight of the stalemated battle. Even Skull Greymon couldn't seem to deal with the moth-eaten bear. "A lone Chosen, two adult digimon and a Perfection? You boys are useleeeeeep!"

William stood above the girl having broken off his, well, distraction of Vadermon and sliced at the lanky bespectacled girl. She had barely dodged his attack, and he was prepared to remove her from the world had her Plotmon not bowled straight into him.

Sakura sat up and scowled. "Kill them all... slowly."

Black lightning once again erupted at the stately manor. This time producing Lady Devimon, Death Meramon, Digitamamon, Waru Seadramon and Tekkamon.

Lady Devimon immediately moved to strike at William with her deadly claws but found out the hard way that his sword was quite capable of hurting her as his block removed one of her deadly finger nails.

Digitamamon immediately looked at the closest digimon and hissed, "Nightmare Syndrome!"

"Sorcerymon!" Fladramon cried out seeing his beloved sucked into an evil cloud of darkness. His heart sank as it spit her back out with an absolute look of horror on her face.

"NO! SUSAN!" Sorcerymon screamed in terror, reliving her recurrent nightmare that was the death of her best friend and partner. To add physical injury to the mental assault, Parrotmon blasted the motionless sorceress with electricity.

Fladramon let loose a string of vulgarity in Japanese. As much as he wanted to rip Parrotmon's head off, he took position guarding his beloved. The situation was definitely not good. It was only a matter of seconds before the dark digimon unleashed their attacks and killed them all.

The collective evil digimon grinned sickly as they powered up their various attacks, but then stopped and looked up at the sky as a hole ripped across it.

"Help has arrived!" Henry called out, riding his Giga Dramon. The viral dragon unleashed a horde of missiles at Parrotmon, blasting the bird back to child level.

Gran Kuwagamon, the gigantic insect that was responsible for the rip in the sky, sent a dimensional shockwave at Skull Greymon, knocking the skeleton out of the fight.

"Fuck, this is bad!" Noriko cursed seeing the London group at near full force.

Lady Devimon stood on the defensive as the small, pink angel, Marine Angemon, kept trying to bless her with holy water. Digitamamon knew she was outclassed in the presence of the angelic egg of Holy Digitamamon. Knightmon charged and locked swords with the diminutive ball digimon, Tekkamon. Death Meramon twirled his flaming chain, standing defensively as Giga Dramon moved to fight him. Waru Seadramon stared at the massive Gran Kuwagamon, knowing she was outclassed by the Ultimate at every level.

The Dark Seed Children did not like the odds of this battle, especially as the newly arrived children each produced a sword and were moving to fight them personally.

"Right now, I'd say a retreat is a good idea," Yuri suggested nervously.

"I don't think they're going to let us run away," Takeshi squeaked.

Knightmon kicked Tekkamon through one of the mansion's wall.

Noriko scowled at the knight digimon. "Let's see what Merlin's Censer can do." She let the incense burner swing on its chain, and despite not burning anything, it began to release smoke into the air. The cloud it produced engulfed Noriko and Hiroshi.

Twin black lightning bolts crashed from the sky. The London team watched defensively as two of their defeated foes were becoming a lot more powerful.

"Agumon warp evolve!" The diminutive, dark tyrannosaur glowed in black light. When he could be seen again, he was a tall humanoid lizard with gray scales and black armor. "Black War Greymon!"

"Toy Agumon warp evolve!" The section of the mansion the digimon had been kicked into exploded, revealing a mechanized, gunmetal gray wolf. "Black Metal Gururumon!"

Henry frowned at the two new Ultimates. "Should I step it up a notch?"

Frederick laughed sarcastically. "Oh, yes. Let's use Captain Overkill. Using Machine Dramon here would be a BAD idea."

"Besides, they're only corrupted. We can't kill them," Teresa admonished.

"SUPREME KING FIST!" Ogremon shouted in rage, causing the London kids to look over as Frederick's digimon partner tried to smash Fladramon's head apart while Sorcerymon tried to stop the green ogre.

"What's going on there?" Henry asked. "Isn't that Fladramon on our side?"

"I think Ogremon just found out they're lovers," William commented passively.

"Um, guys? The Dark Seed Children," Chuck pointed out.

"Let's leave them a going away present," Sakura commented evilly.

Panels all over Black Metal Garurumon opened up and fired innumerable missiles into the air. Immediately the Londoners fell into defensive position, waiting for impact.

Gran Kuwagamon ignored the ice missiles in favor of stopping the destructive energy ball of Black War Greymon's Gaia Force that the evil digimon had launched at the neighboring Lords's manor. In the blink of an eye, he moved in front of the fiery sphere of destruction, taking the full force of the blast. He devolved before crashing into a grove of trees.

Black Metal Garurumon's attack exploded, freezing the landscape. Fladramon took a few hits as he protected Sorcerymon with his body. He devolved back to V-mon. The other digimon had likewise moved to protect the children, save Ogremon.

Ogremon grimaced through the pain of his now frozen leg and picked up the injured lizard. "How can you speak telepathically to her?! She shouldn't be able to understand your lousy foreign babble!" He shook V-mon violently. "She never could read my thoughts!"

"Ogremon, that's enough," Sorcerymon demanded. "You know how I'd be able to understand him. What we had is over."

"It's not too late!" Ogremon protested. "We still have a chance!"

"I can't love you that way anymore. And you know why," Sorcerymon retorted.

"Damn it!" Henry cursed, as he saw no trace of the other children nor their digimon. "They got away. Why didn't you stop them?" he questioned his partner.

Giga Dramon shivered as part of his back was frozen. "You'd rather be a popsicle? Protecting you comes first."

"How can we stop them?" Teresa questioned with a frown, waving toward Ogremon attempting to delete V-mon.

"Dope them up," William replied evenly. He glanced at his partner. "They need to feel happy."

Waru Monzaemon shined in white light and switched back to the pristine yellow form of Monzaemon. "Hearts Attack!" the bear called out, sending red heart balloons of delight at the trio.

Immediately the three digimon fell to the ground, their bodies swooning happily.

Frederick sighed as he approached his partner. "You sure made a mess of things. Those kids got away on us."

"Who wants to break the bad news to Koushiro about this one?" Chuck asked.

"How about the love-sick fool?" Henry motioned toward Ogremon. "It was his fault we got distracted."


Author's Notes:

Yay! Finally done with this part. A few more War Diaries and Dark Seed Diaries to go before getting to the next Red Digivice Diaries and a special Diaries crossover movie.

After War Diaries Entry 22 will be Dark Seed Diaries Entry 3: Masks People Wear.
The Dark Seed Chosen pay a visit to Edmonton's team.