Dominion Tank Police Fan Fiction ❯ falling for the antihero ❯ devices of our destruction ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing not even the rights to myself

Authors notes: everything has to end but an ending needs an intro and a set up this chapter is effectively the final set up. Also a few days have pasted between Mueller and Leona and the reason we haven't seen or been reading any of it is the fact its an unlikely pairing. It would most probably seem extremely out of character to the point of near self-insertion or just been stupidly cheesy and mushy.

Falling for the antihero

Chapter 7: devices of our destruction are devices of our own making.

" What's the status of the city how much do we control" a definitive male voice barked out to an obviously lower ranked official.

" We have control of 75 percent of the city sir " a smaller voice with a lack of edge replied back

" Thank you and why don't we have all of it"

" We don't all of it because of…" the voice hesitated for a second

"Spit it out boy" the voice clearly showing the suggestion to be an order

" Because of the police sir they have walled themselves of in the corners of the city and so long as they have those tanks we can't get past their blockades."

" We can deal with the tanks how many officers on foot" the voice clearly displayed a realm of confidence

" Around 50 sir all armed although 2 are unaccounted for"

"Find the two and take care of them permanently"

"Yes sir"

The two figures left and displayed no trace of their latest transaction.

Al had walked in a random direction for the past 2 days and was sure he was going around in a big circle. He found a log sticking out from the clearing and sat down. His shoes had been worn down and the soles rubbing against the back of his feet it had been irritating but he had put up with it the pain of it had seemed to go down to nonexistent in the past few hours as he had walked. He wouldn't take of his shoe for fear of what he might find left of his foot. Had this quest been worth it? If he found what he was looking for the reassurance would be worth all he had been through in the past 2 days if not he would return broken but still alive and would still have a use.

Thinking back he thought he saw what other people's perspective of him was. He didn't exactly like how they saw him but it was the worse then he could appear. People would never know him fully or the things he held deep inside but things work out better when people don't know who you are. If they knew how he was or used to be he wouldn't be where he was now. If he hadn't felt the ways he did at those times back then about the things he felt about he wouldn't been the same person. A person determined to find someone else not just anyone a person held very special.

He sighed and sunk back into his depression would he ever find her she had left no trace of where she had gone. Only hope had spurred him on. He then turned pesimistic on the situation. What if he would never see her again. Never see her angry,happy or sad. He hadent heard her laugh before he had imagined it would sound like ….. "that" he had heard something. So he followed the sound. He parted the bushes and saw leona.

Leona sitting with mueller