Dominion Tank Police Fan Fiction ❯ is it for the best ❯ broken promises ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

pDisclaimer: erm hello I'm writing again yay i guess.... (Forced to write against my will) but still I don't own what I write about however eccentric it may be and I have decided to change the point of view from a main character for this chapter

Is it for the best?

Chapter 8: due to broken promises

Al was missing half of the station knew that he was missing. And suddenly speculation had changed to his partner the idea that she had drove him off. It had become common knowledge around the police station of the meeting the two had at the café.

The fact of Als disappearance has taken its toll on Leona. It had become more than apparent to those around her that the nights hadn't been kind. She clearly looked of lacked sleep. And her co-workers kept away from her. Left her to deal with her own demons she must be facing.

Life had taken a hard toll on Leona she had rejected her partner after promising not to put him in danger again. Clearly rejecting him would have been the one thing to break that promise and it did. It broke him that was clear to see. The recognition was clear in her face. She had been the cause of his missing,

In an instant she had taken his life and slipped it away. Held his head down long enough to bring forth the reaper. For all she knew he could lost somewhere in the city possibly wounded or dying. The thought shock a shiver through Leona she never wished that on her partner.

Else were it was clear that Leona's fears were misplaced. He wasn't wounded or dying. Well not physically he was dying on the inside least the old al was. The new al stood overlooking the city with a menacing glare to the northern part of the city. That would be the first place to strike and that would be the first to fall.

A cold icy northern wind blew across Al's face. The chill had no affect on him. In previous cold days a breeze would have made him react. Turn his face away from the cold. Or to cover it up and shield it from the cold. However his face showed no sign of feeling. No response came from the man.

The cold lights luminated his face numerous times every second but every time the light went over and came back again his face looked more maniacal.

The smirk came back onto his face as he watched the first part of his plan take action. Operation Bonaparte.