Dominion Tank Police Fan Fiction ❯ is it for the best ❯ empty space out of control ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors notes: discussion about Coleman's chin is it real or is it fake you deiced I believe it's made of clay and his napkin is being constantly replaced.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything not even this coin its joint ownership

Is it for the best

Chapter 5: empty space out of control.

Rockford industries: top floor

In the dark blank office that took up the whole of the top floor lurked the sinister mind behind everything that went on over the city. He had planed everything even due to the owner of this company to be killed in a plane with a criminal boss who was killed also. Coleman was this figure he was supposedly on the same plane as the head of Rockford when it exploded killing all passengers aboard. He never got on the plane choosing to send his right hand man aboard instead he knew it would get blown apart by the police and his right hand man was annoying him anyway.

Things weren't going all to plan as he would have wanted though his son still had no idea who he was or where he came from. Still believing the tired stories of his youth he heard from those left with him to care for. Coleman hated the fact he had to give up his only blood ties but that was for his safety when he did it. Little did he count his son would be playing against him in this game of takeover. Colesman had all the pieces and could have easily taken over the entire city should he have tried to. But colesman had opted for the harder more painful and exhausting for both sides and the route would come at the cost of more lives. All this to protect his son. He cared his son dearly and wanted to rejoin the links severed when he gave him up. To reconnect with his son al

Newport station: cellblock

The door was creaking as it swung on its hinges the old metal door clearly showing its age as the squeaking got louder as the night progressed. The occupant of the cell marked 294 was soon released back into the concrete jungle. The cell emptied of its task clearly failing at holding its prisoner inside.

The prison breaker and the escapee fled through the corridors of the station the walls confining as the stumbled through the dark outside. Leaving a trail of claw marks in their path to make sure they did not travel in circles. They had places to be and the one they had to meet did not take kindly to waiting. They made sure to leave his package in the locker of an officer he wished it for. They felt sorry for al he would receive the package and the pumas each both agreed it would probably be his death as Colesman never sent letters out unless they were for a sinister purpose.

Little did they know they were wrong.

Colesman waited in this little warehouse on the outskirts for his visitors if they had delivered his message and destroyed the tank. He could finally have what he wanted. To be reconnected with his son and to keep the other officers out of it. But the tanks being out of commission meant that no one except al would be able to get into this warehouse unless give orders by him. His son would join him soon and he had everything to offer him.

Absolutely everything.