Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime Prom ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Amrae nearly slaps herself for asking so openly.

What was I thinking? *Sigh* Guess I'll see what I can get into while she's gone.

Downs another glass of punch and wanders into the crowd.

*leans over and whispers in Yuffie's ear*

Hey.. I got an idea... come with me.

*he looks around, and grabs the bowl of pretzels*

Whee! Cmon, hurry.

*he runs out of the gymnasium, coat flowing behind him and heading for the main school structure*

Heehee! Sure thing, Vinnie!

::Follows closely after him, slipping through the crowd::

*Runs across the school grounds, shrouded in darkness*

Hehehehe... I left the window open for us. Come on!

*slides the bowl in and then climbs through himself*

Jehosi wanders around before finally finding Gohan on tumbling out of the mens bathroom, a trail of toilet paper clinging to his shiny black shoes. Jehosi hits her face.

Kuso kami, could you embarrass my brother anymore!?

Jehosi starts to storm over to her brother when she sees Videl making her way towards Gohan. Jehosi growls. She crack's her knuckles.

Oh no you don't Miss Videl..

::Climbs after him as best as possible, trying not to tear her dress::

Ooh! Nice! ^_^

As she wanders through the crowd, Amrae bumps into someone and turns briefly to apologize. She's taken off guard by the playful gleam in the young man's eyes. His brown hair is pulled back in a long braid and he's dressed all in black. He looks vaguely familiar...

Where have I seen him before? What's his name?

The young man passes by, but Amrae's curiosity doesn't. She searches for him, but the crowd has engulfed him and it's impossible to see more than three feet in any direction.

Blast it. *Sigh* Where has Jehosi gone?

Jehosi shoves her way through the crowd towards Amrea. She's out of breath as she shoves Gohan in front of her. Jehosi looks behind Gohan with a bright smile.

Look who I found!

She leans close to Amrea and whispers And can you believe I found him hanging around that silly human baka Videl?

*hits the light switch, the room being illuminated*

Check out the wealth.

*He drops the pretzels on a staff table and crosses the room where the wall looks dis-colored.*

One.... two.... Three!

*pushes the wall, which slides open and reveals a room stacked high with shelves, bottles covering them from top to bottom*


*he grabs a bottle of Captain Morgan and comes out, chugging it*

Go grab something, I've got a plan for our pretzels.

Amrae smiles slightly at Gohan, who blushes.

Videl? I should have known. So Gohan, want to dance?

Takes Gohan's hand and all but drags him onto the dance floor.

::Maybe this will be worthwhile after all!::

Ooh! Vinnie's having fun!

::Grabs a random bottle and begins chugging::


*Dumps the pretzels on the table and then pulls another bag out from under it.*

Alright.. lets do this.

*he rolls his sleeves up, matching wrist guards sparkling with materia*

Watch this.

*he picks up a pretzel and stares at it, pressing his hand over it.*


*it glows red for a moment and he eats it*

Mmm.... Spicy

*belches fire*

Whoa. It worked.

*rubs his tongue*

Hot. Very very very hot.


:: Digs through purse, producing many glowing rocks::

Always prepared!

I think I know what you have in mind!

:: Pulls out a confuse materia and grins as she takes a sip out of the bottle::

Jehosi claps her hands happily as she watches her friend and older brother got to dance. Her attention is drifted away when a tall guy with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes walk by. Jehosi stops and stares.

Cloud Strife!

Jehosi picks up the bottom of her dress and runs to track down Cloud to ask him to dance

Amrae slides into Gohan's arms and leans her head against his chest as they sway to the music. Gohan starts to giggle nervously.


What Gohan?

You...look really pretty...tonight

She smiles up at him, her Elven charms making his heart beat faster.

Thank you, Gohan, you look nice too.

*Looks at the confuse materia in Yuffies hand and laughs*

You got it!

*takes a swig of his rum and points to a sphere of 'Time' materia on his wrist*

Lets get to it.


:: Pulls out some Mini Materia ::

Gawd! This'll be fuuun!

::Grabs Vincent's vodka and takes a sip::

*smiles, picking up a handful of pretzels*

Oh, too much fun!

*pretzels glow odd colors as he instills them with Time spells*

Slow.. Haste.. hehehe... Teleport... Stop
takes swig of Yuffie's bottle and dumps his handful of pretzels back into the bowl*





magic-ing the pretzels takes another swig of whatever bottle's closest::




Heeh eehee!

*getting drunk*

Damn, these two bottles aren't gonna cut it.

*gets up and comes back with a crate of random alcohol, about twenty different bottles poking out of the top*


*somehow maintains his cool, mysterious aura while shitfaced*

Hehhee... more pretzels!




*keeps messing with the pretzels*



*grabs a small handful*

Cocktail! hehe... Haste - Imp!

Vinnie! Vinnie! Vinnie! My hero!

::Grabs a bottle. It took a while for her to get drunk, despite her small size::







::Grabs another handful of pretzels, very tipsily::

Hahaha... come, my dear. We're almost done.

*Grabs a random bottle filled with a dark purple liquid*

Whoa. Fine wine!

*chugs half of it down, slowly losing his balance*

Whee~! Quick, let's get the rest of these done before we get too drunk... we have to walk back to the gymnasium, still.

*he thinks a moment, laughs loudly, and chugs from a different bottle*

Oh, no we dont! We can just Warp. Hah!

*grabs a big handful and endows the pretzels with random spells and abilities*

Hee hee... think we're done?

Don't hog it all!

::Grabs the bottle and chugs the rest of the wine::



Yeah. I think we have enough! ^_^

Great! Hold on a sec.

*runs back into the booze closet and grabs an even bigger crate, stacking the first on top*

There. You carry the bowl... TO THE DANCE!

*closes his eyes, chants, and disappears, re-appearing next to the refreshment table in the gymnasium*


::Appears next to Vincent, back on the dance floor::


::Tips over, placing the huge bowl of pretzels on the table::

Mission Accomplished!

*Laughs, still able to balance the crates, bottles clinking*

Whee! come on, let's go watch the fun.

*runs to the other side of the room and hugs the wall, ducking under a conveniently placed table in an abandoned portion of the well-packed gymnasium*

This is gonna be great.

*tugs a fat bottle full of amber liquid from the crate and cracks it open with his hand*

Happy new year!

*takes a deep swig, dropping the crates on the table and hopping up on top of it*

Woo! Vinnie Gonna do a New Years Dance?!

::Jumps up and grabs the bottle, finishing off whatever's left in it::


"booyaka! Nobody would dance with me..." Selphie stands up and starts walking around.

"Selphie-chan..." she heard a voice call her from behind.
"Eh?" she whirled around to look at the source of the mysterious voice.
"Hi. It's been a long time."
"Yuuhi!" she said, her voice full of awe and excitement.
"Yes. Selphie-chan, meet Dadouji Tomoyo-san. Tomoyo-chan, meet Selphie Tilmitt, my ex-girlfriend."

*Having lost just about everything dark any mysterious due to the alcohol, Vincent grabs a fresh bottle and starts to dance, completely out of rhythm to the music playing, but with a rhythm of its own.*

Get busy! HUH!

*laughs as he watches someone eat a pretzel and turn into a frog, the man's date screaming and running*

Haha! It worked! You see that, Yuffie dear, it wo- AH!

*falls off of the table, landing up-sidedown with his coat on his head, ammunition, a few pistols, and a couple of materia spheres spilling out of his pockets*

Aw crap... how was my landing? Cmon, tell me it was a ten?

*has a goofy grin on his face, the bottle miraculously unspilled*

"Excuse me." Selphie walks away quickly, tears in her eyes. Her head was bowed down so she tripped over something.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing lying down there?!!!" she screamed at the drunk man prowled on the ground with his coat over his face.

*Vincent laughs, holding up his bottle*

Hey, Yuffie-kins... we got us a live one!

*he takes a swig, attempting to invert himself but ends up lying sideways*

We're getting soused and watching the fun. Here's a tip, don't eat the pretzels!

*Just as he says this, a young couple each takes a pretzel, the man ending up with something fire-instilled, and dunks his head into the punch bowl, coughing fire. The woman ends up with something of the ice-variety, her tongue freezing solid and the pretzel sticking to it.*

HAH! See? Here, on the house.

*He hands hands her the half-empty bottle and stands dizzily, grabbing something new out of the crate*

"Idiot!" Selphie said before walking away.
She turned round the corner and bumped with a tall guy with jet black hair and dark brown eyes.
"Sumimasen ojo-san," the man apologized.
"Oh? Eh..."
"Daijobou desu ka?"
"Daijobou desu."
"Hi, My name's Mitsui Hisashi, and you are?"
"Selphie...Selphie Tilmitt..."

*Vinnie rubs his head, a new bottle in his hand*

That was cold. Hey, lady, if you're gonna walk away, at least bring back that vodka!

*he sighs, then laughs as a random jock-type high-schooler falls victim to another pretzel*

Selphie heard what the man said and turned around. "I've got a name, mind you! It's Selphie! And I don't have your vodka!!!"

*Stops laughing and sobers up for an instant, returning to his usual self.*

Selphie, is it? I'm Vincent. This is Yuffie. Nice to meet you. If you don't have my vodka, then what's that bottle in your hand?

Selphie blushes when she saw the bottle in her hand.
"Oh...this, sorry. I was just feeling a little bit...down...Oh, hi, Vincent, BTW, this is Mitsui-san, Mitsui..." she looked back at the man she bumped into but he seemed to have vanished.
"Drat! First, my date didn't show up, now a good-looking guy whom Ive only met left me behind." Selphie drank the vodka in her hand, finishing every drop of it.


That's the spirit... there's more where that came from, too... we ransacked the teachers' lounge.

*gestures to the two stacked crates*

"Drat!" *walks over to the crate and drinks as much vodka as she can handle*
"hic...Vinnie dear...hic...wake me up later okie!" *falls down on top of the table snoring loudly.

*pokes Selphie*

Whoa. That's some heavy vodka. Too bad she drank it all. I wonder if there's anymore

*digs through the crate*

Whee! Lots more!

*Looks back at Selphie*

Aww... she's gonna screw up her back sleeping like that.

*lays her flat on the table, draping his coat over her*

Much better.

*grabs bottle of tequila and drinks a good portion of it down*

Amrae's keen elf ears pick up, through the din of laughing and talking, people shouting and screaming in a less than happy way.

What's going on over there?

Gohan looks up. Over where?

Uh, nevermind. Thank you for the dance.
Amrae pulls away from him as the song ends and makes her way over to where the commotion is coming from. She sees the mayhem instilled by the enchanted pretzels and the three drunk people standing (or lying) around.

I don't believe this!
This is getting quite amusing!

Amrae runs over and takes a bottle from the man with the crates of alcohol. Without even looking at the bottle, she takes a long drink.