Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime Prom ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
*blinks and looks at her*

Damn! Not my Cuervo! Don't drink it al-.. wait..

*rummages through the larger crate and grabs a matching bottle*

Whee! Hey, since you've joined the party... don't eat the pretzels.

*watches as Gohan approaches the bowl of pretzels, Vincent tries to stifle a laugh*

I should warn him

Takes another long drink.


*watches Gohan take a fistfull of pretzels*

Oh no, I can't watch. That's gonna be brutal. ><

*Gohan dumps the handful into his mouth, instantly undergoing a handful of changes at once. His tongue freezes immediately, fire shoots out of his mouth, and his body crackles with electricity as his hair stands on end. Stuck in that pose, Stop, Float, and Mini take hold, freezing him mouth open, fire and ice and lightning, as a small sculpture.*

*Vincent just blinks.*

Kick... Ass

Eyes bulge.

Oh Spirits! I should have said something! Turns on Vincent and smashes bottle over his head. Damn you!

*too busy laughing to notice the bottle shattering over his skull*

Oh... man... that was

*the tequila running down his face, however, gets his attention*

Hey! What a waste... and... hey, don't worry about him. He looks nice as a floating sculpture. He'll recover tomorrow, with no recollection of what happened

*watches the floating mini scultpure of Gohan float around like a pinball, people dodging it as the bass from the speakers acts as a propulsion system*

Jehosi will have your head for that.

Watches Gohan bounce around for a moment, then growls to herself and stalks away.

I can't watch this.


::Turns around slightly drunkenly::

Vincent! What are you doing wearing the tequila?!

:: Pouts until she finds another bottle, then happily begins chugging::

" Oh, Vinnie, dear...hic...what's happened to you...hic...Yuffie! You're...awakee..."

Someone been lookin' for me?

::Chugs more tequila::

*Grabs Yuffie by the arm and points at Gohan, wobbling abour, still frozen in his position*

Lookit that! HAH!

"Oh! haha! Another pretzel victim!" takes a swig of vodka.

::Grabs Vincent, bouncing up and down and rather drunk to say the least::

Woohoo! They'll be droppin like flies soon! ^.^

The half light of fairy lights sparkle against the unhindered carnage that might once have resembled a dance hall. Aquamarine feather light hair falls loosely over pale ivory shoulders, meeting a simple black halterneck, creating all that is needed to perfectly accentuate the figure belonging the billion Zeni princess... Bulma Briefs.

Darn I guess Im going to have to work on my fashionably late timing again... This Gucci dress just screams for sobriety! Aw man... oh what the hell, as Veggie say's if you can't beat them join them!
Tiptoes daintily around the floor, towards the pretzels.

::Yuffie's in the corner, near the pretzel table, dancing.::

::Strangely enough, there's no music playing at the moment::

Do do do do do

Amrae stalks through the crowd and jumps when someone touches her shoulder. She turns, expecting to see Jehosi, but instead she sees the same playful dark eyes as before. It's the boy with the braid again.

Hey, Amrae, right?

Uh, yes. But I don't know you.

Duo. Duo Maxwell. He smiles a lopsided smile and holds out his hand. Want to dance?

She hesitates. He seems harmless, but then again, most of them do. Finally, she takes his outstretched hand. Alright.

Unable to find Cloud who disappeared somewhere, Jehosi comes back to the Gym to find people passed out onto the floor. Gohan floating in the air. She pauses for a moment before doubling over in laughter.

Wooo ho ho boy that's great!

Her laughter is subsided when she sees Cloud walking towards her.

*Vincent grabs Yuffie in a tight hug*

Care to dance? hee hee.

*Starts singing*

Its closing time... so finish your whiskey or beer... its closing time.. you dont have to go home but you can't stay here.

*Leans on Yuffie*

I know who I want to take me home.... I know who I want to take me home.... take us home!

Selphie sat by herself in one corner of the room. Suddenly, tears burst out from her eyes as she remembered what had happened earlier. Her date didn't show up, a good-looking guy she met vanished, and now, nobody would even dance with her.

*Vincent continues singing, and notices Selphie as he spins around*

Hey, don't look so glum, pussycat!

*Still half-leaning on Yuffie, he extends his hand, a warm smile on his face.*

Let's dance.

Selphie wipes away her tears, "I'm okay, now, Vincent..." she stands up quietly, "Maybe i should get a taste of those pretzels..."

*He blinks, a look of shock on his face*

Oh no no no no. Don't go near them! Here, these ones aren't tweaked.

*He pulls a bag of pretzels out of his coat, the ones he had earlier*

Are you sure you don't want to dance?

*He smiles, the alcohol fully taken hold*

"Thanks, Vinnie." she said smiling.
"Thanks for the pretzels...I'm okay, you and Yuffie enjoy your dance. I'm just gonna have to go.. hey, maybe i could ask the band to let me sing some songs..."

*Smiles and waves*

Go for it! I'd love to hear you sing.

*Selphie goes on stage and strangles the band singer so she could take her place...she starts singing*

Whenever sang my songs...
on the stage on my own


Long lost question revealed! Vinnie can dance!

After her dance with Duo, Amrae wanders off to find something besides alcohol to drink. She finds a cooler of bottle water sitting beside the refreshment table and grabs some. She then notices Ryouga standing off to the side with a map and a lost look on his face.

Hehe She glances down at her bottle of COLD water. I wonder

Having spent the last thirty minutes trying to get to the refreshment table, Ryouga sits down in a chair and sighs.

"I'm never going to get out of here. Oh Akane, will I never see your smiling face again?"

He looks slightly dejected as he pulls out another map and intently studies it.

"Ok, it looks like I should go this way..."

Amrae makes her way over to where Ryouga is sitting.

Hey there. Looks like you're a little...lost. Need some help?

She leans over and "accidentally" dumps her bottle of water on Ryouga's head.

Ryouga looks up from his map at the sound of a voice.

"Oh yes, thank you. I was wondering if you could tell me where..Bwee bwee bwee!"

Where Ryouga was once sitting, there now lies a tuxedo along with a large traveling pack. A small black piglet wearing a leopard print bandana emerges from the clothes with a confused look on his face.

Amrae laughs heartily at the piglet. Being cruel is fun! Aww...he's so cute! She picks him up and huggles him. I just looooove piglets...hahaha.

*Vinnie keeps singing the same few lines over and over*

I know who I want to take me home... Oh, take us home.


Yup! You bet I can dance

*tries to stand up straight but ends up losing his balance and falling back into Yuffie's arms*

::Tries to catch Vincent but falls over::

Oof! Yer heavy Vinnie!

*rolls over, still holding Yuffie, now flat on his back*

Sorry. Ow.. floor's hard. So you think we've had enough to drink, or what?



That's like saying you have enough materia. You can never have enough!


Well then... this is a comfortable spot.
into his jacket*

Rum or vodka?

*Pulls out two bottles, still flat on his back, Yuffie most likely sitting on him*

::Sitty on Vinnie::

Rum? Vodka? Yes! ^_^



*squints at the bottles*

Good thing they're different colors, I can't read the labels.

*pops open both of them and drinks from both at the same time*

Here ya go!

*hands her both bottles*


::Chug, chugg, chugg::

::a medium height girl with long red and purple hair stands by the doors, looking in, for once wearing a dress, it a floor length silver dress that contrasts with her hair nicely:: I don't know why I came

::with that she enters the room and wanders towards the group by the refreshment tables, pausing and looks at the punch bowl then the pretzels, frowning::

*Vincent watches Yuffie and laughs*

Hee... you're pretty, you know that?

*Blushes and pulls another bottle from his coat and chugs it (deep pockets)*