Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime Prom ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
And yoo, Vinnie

:: Points ::

Are very very very very good lookin'!

::Giggles at drunkenness::

::gives them both a funny look, her silver green eyes amused:: Hello.

*waves, a goofy grin on his face *


*giggles and looks back at Yuffie*

Aww, thank you.

I'm Willow. Could you tell me where I am?

Yer at a... prom... yeah... Somethin' like that

Dancing and People and pretzels and beer and

::Trails off and begins playing with Vincent's cloak::

And more pretzels!

*chugs some more of his bottle, which turns out to be tequila*

Have some!

*tosses her a bag, and looks at Yuffie*

whutcha dooooin?

Hmm..ok..I knew that much and I use you put spells on the pretzels ::Picks one up and glances at it:: Ah a vanishing spell.

::Looks at Vincent, shaking her head::

Willow with a pretzel::

Gawd... I wish there was a chocolate materia

*blinks and nods*

Oh. Okay. Carry on.

*grins at Yuffie and continues to chug*

I'm a sorceress, I can see the spells you placed on the pretzels.


Nuttin, nuttin, nuttin. ^_^

::Grabs nearest bottle::

I'm a ninja. I do... ninja stuff!


I.. well... I.... I dunno what I do. I can hardly remember my name.

*grabs the vodka*


::Dryly:: Because you are drunk you don't remember your name
off at that::


Yooor Vinnie and you wear a big coat and have a reeeally big gun! ^.^

::leaves the gym and casts Raywing, leaving::

*blinks again*

You're right! hehee..


But I left my gun at home.

And don't you wear a hat?

::Thinks for a few minutes::

Naww... that's someone else.

Yah! And you have cool red eyes!

I do?

*continues to blink*

Oh well. Who cares.

*chug chug*

at another pretzel victim, dancers few and far between now that half of them have been afflicted by one thing or another*

Yeah and I have a shuri.... shuri...

A think I beat monsters with!

::Chuggity Chug Chug::

The piglet starts to squirm after being picked up. His squirming starts to subside, giving way to a slight twinge in his cheeks.


Amrae scratches behind the piglet's ears affectionately. You know, as cute as you are a pig...I think I like you better as a boy. She looks around in search of somewhere to find hot water and spots the girl's locker room. Come on, Ryouga, let's get you back to normal.

She carries the piglet into the locker room and turns on the hot water in one of the showers. She slides the piglet under the steaming water.


A THINGY! Hehehe

*digs around in his coat*

I got a surprise fer you.

*pulls a bag of chocolate pretzels out of his coat*

whee! just for you.


The piglet oinks happily as he is scratched. He comfortably settles into the arms of the lady carrying him. His ears perk up as he picks up a nearby sound. It sounds like water...running water. Panic sets in as he realizes what is about to occur. He struggles vainly as Amrae starts to slide him under the jet of hot water.


Ryouga's skin was now very red from the hot water. It was also very naked. He took once glance down at his bare form, a deep crimson settling all over his face. Ryouga grabbed a towel and covered himself up before tearing off, in search of his clothes.

Woohoo! Chocolate pretzels!

::Glomps Vinnie::

Amrae's eyes bulged as she remembered too late that Ryouga had no clothes. Her cheeks burned and she covered her eyes with her hands as he jumped up.

I'm SO sorry! I completely forgot!

She ran after him as fast as she could in high heels.

Wait! Don't go out there! I'll get your clothes for you!
She calls after him, to no avail.

Hearing squeals of a pig coming from the girls locker room, Jehosi uses that as an excuse to get away from Cloud. Turning she runs to the girls locker room, and opens it and runs it but collides with a very naked Ryouga. Throwing her hands over her eyes she screams


Ryouga ran as fast as he could down the hallway. He had no idea where he was headed, but that feeling was nothing new to him therefore it was unimportant. What was important was getting away from Amrae as fast as possible. He could hear her yelling his name as she ran after him. Thank for for the shoes she was wearing. A smile spread across his face as he realized she had no chance of catching him.
to find my clothes," he thought to himself as he dashed around the corner.


With a loud crash, Ryouga crashes into a short redhead wearing a pink dress. Fear instantly shows on his face as he struggles to put as much distance between himself and the girl as possible. She screams something at him but he doesn't take the time to even process the words and he takes off again.

"I can't believe this is happening. Grrr...why do things like this always happen to me?" he growls under his breath.

"I know exactly why," he thought as his humiliation turns to anger.

"Ranma! This is all your fault!" he screams as his fist collides with the nearest locker.

Calming down, he slows his pace as he attempts to make his way back to the gym.

Growling to herself, Amrae kicks off her shoes and doubles her speed. She barely misses running into Jehosi. When the Saiyan shouts to her what was going on, Amrae doesn't look back.

I'll explain later! *I've got to catch him before he runs into the gym naked!*

Ryouga stops in front of a large set of double doors, contemplating where they lead. He hears loud music and the sound of many voices from the other side.
his head, he thinks, I wonder where this leads."

With a powerful shove, Ryouga casts the doors open. Asides from the loud dance music being played, everything is silent. Dozens of eyes fix themselves on Ryouga.

Ryouga starts to laugh maniacally before inching away slowly. The doors finally close as the embarrassment finally catches up to Ryouga. He faints

::Looks up::


I don't remember making a pretzel that could do THAT!

Amrae catches up to Ryouga just in time to see him faint. She manages to grab him before he hits the ground.

Poor guy...this is my fault. Let's get you back in private and get you dressed

She carefully picks him up and carries him back to the locker room. She lays him down on the bench and surveys his limp form.

I...think I'll get your clothes and let you get dressed when you wake up.

She leaves to find Ryouga's tux.

With a loud groan, Ryouga opens his eyes. He rubs his eyes, waiting for his eyesight to come into focus. Getting up off of the bench, a raises his eyebrows in confusion.

"How'd I get back here," he wonders. "Oh well, I better get moving before someone finds me."

He goes back out into the empty hallway.

"Ok, let's try this door," he says as he enters a broom closet.

As he enters the closet, he trips over a mop which knocks down a shelf cleaning supplies as well as a bucket of water.


Amrae is walking back down the hallway with Ryouga's clothes when her keen ears pick up the squeal of a pig.

You've got to be kidding me.

She sighs and starts to sprint down the hall in search of the piglet.

*Blasted skirt. I wish I was back in my leggings.* She starts peeking in different rooms, attempting to find Ryouga.

P-Chan sighed sadly, at least he tried to sigh.


Wandering for a few moments, he noticed an air duct quite low to the ground. Shrugging, he pulled it open easily and wriggled inside.

Amrae stumbles upon the pig just in time to see him wriggling into the air duct. She rolled her eyes.

Fine. I'm leaving your clothes here. See if I ever try to right any wrongs I commit again.

She turns and leaves, dropping the tux on the floor.

I wonder if Duo's still here

Within moments of crawling into the air duct, P-Chan was instantly regretting that decision. He seems to have been walking in circles and for some reason he feels as if he's been climbing for the past 10 minutes. Both directions seem to stretch on forever. P-Chan contemplated going back the way he came but decided against it. Going forward doesn't seem like a good choice as well. With a small "Bwee", Ryouga sat down only to have it open.


P-Chan squealed in terror as he sped towards the ground.


Luckily for P-Chan, the punch bowl was there to break his fall. Unluckily for P-Chan, the punch bowl was spiked.


::Looks up::


There's a pig in the alcohol!!!


Yup. I didn't know we had a pig spell... or.. whatever.. that was.

*smiles at Yuffie*

So, you gonna open up those chocolate pretzels? I'm hungry

*takes a swig from a random bottle*

::Looks away from the pig::

Good thing we have all this untainted alcohol. ^_^

::Burst open the bag, spewing pretzels out::

Oops! Oh well! Still good!