Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime Prom ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Amrae sees Ryouga fall into the punch bowl, but doesn't give him a second glance. *I've spent too much time on him anyway.* She leans against the wall, realizing that no one who wasn't passed out drunk or jacked up from the pretzels would want to dance with her. *They're all "too good" to have anything to do with a half-breed mongerol.*

*laughs and cheers*

Raining pretzels! Pretzels from heaven!

*grabs a handful and eats it*

Yumm... Chocolaty

*hugs Yuffie*

I AM the pretzel queen!

::Giggles and eats some chocolate pretzels::

Woohoo! Pretzels everywhere! ^_^

Ryouga flailed madly in the punch. He hadn't drank much punch but it doesn't take much to get a little 10 pound pig drunk. He finally manages to tip the bowl over, landing on the floor in a heap. The fact that the world was spinning didn't help the fact that P-Chan couldn't tell which was the right way to go down a one-way street. Not wanting to get stepped on, Ryouga quickly scrambles towards a wall. Blindly running (he likes to do that a lot), he bumps into something. Looking up, he struggles to get his eyes to focus on what he has run into now.

"Funny, it looks like Amrae," he thinks.

Amrae is almost knocked over as P-Chan collides with her legs. She looks down in annoyance, but her hard glare softens when she sees the blank, unfocused look in the pig's eyes.

*He's as drunk as Vincent...* Stupid little pig. I should roast you for this. The tone of her voice contradicts her harsh words. When Ryouga oinks at her, she chuckles inspite of herself.

Come here, you little porker.
She crouches down and pats him on the head. Maybe we should get you to some hot water...I'll make sure to get your clothes this time.

P-Chan made no objections when Amrae picked him up. She started carrying him off to the locker room again, but he didn't care. He just wished the world would stop spinning. Maybe this time, he'll actually find his clothes.

Pretzel Queen? Hey! I wanna title too

*Trails off, half-drooling, though he still takes another swig of whatever bottle he happens to be holding at the moment. Then watches Gohan bounce around a few more times until he gets wedged between the wall and a speaker.*

Hee hee.... hey... how about

*he raises his arms, staring at the ceiling*


Finding the thrown tux on the floor Jehosi grabs it and starts to walk down the hall when she spots Amrea

Do you know where the nude wonder himself went? I found his clothes in the the

She stops her words when she notices the little drunk piggy has a leopard print bandana on his head. She shakes her head

Let me guess...that's Ryouga?

Amrae grins at Jehosi.

Yeah, you could say that. He's hammered, majorly. I'm taking him to get changed back. Could you bring his tux?

She makes her way towards the locker room once again.

::Bounces up and down::

Woohoo! Pretzel Master!!!

::Guzzles whatever's in the bottle::

Roast pig? Mmmmmm.

*grabs Yuffie's legs and plants her firmly on his lap*

Don't bounce like that... makes things spin... woo.. spin spin spin!



You spin me right round baby right round, like a record baby right round right round.


Looking at the clothes then at Amrea's retreating figure she shrugs her shoulders and follows. She walks into the girls locker rooms to find P-chan sitting underneath the shower, waiting. Jehosi tilts her head to the side.

Yah know, he makes a cute piggy!

I know! He's just so adorable! But I'm the cause of all his misery tonight, and I feel really bad about it. Set his clothes on the bench.

flips on the hot water and immediately turns her back and covers her eyes.

I'm not looking this time, I swear.

Throwing the clothes on the bench, Jehosi turns right around with Amrea

I'm not going to make the same mistake either..

*Vincent laughs*

I love that song....

*munches on some pretzels*

Hey! I got it!

*slides Yuffie off, standing wobbly*

That pig gave me an idea

*swig, munch munch, drink*

Cmere. Piggy back ride!


::Nearly strangles Vincent as he stands up::

Whoo! Yer tall!

::Allows Vincent to breathe once again::

Woohoo! A piggyback ride from the Pretzel Master!!!

Amrae set a confused P-Chan down in a shower stall. P-Chan also noticed that the other girl that he had crashed into had followed them. Thankfully, he noticed that she was carrying his clothes.

"Bwee," he said to himself. have to remember to thank them when this is all over.")

Suddenly, a gout of warm water covered him causing him to shut his eyes. He felt the change hit him immediately. His body mass simply expanded and changed colors. Cloven hooves elonged and separated into toes and fingers. The change was over in an instant. Where a black piglet once stood, a teenage boy was now crouched on the ground. Ryouga quickly grabbed his tuxedo, shook himself dry, and pulled his clothes on. He laughed happily and slung his bag over his shoulders. It was then he remembered who else was present in the locker room with him. Nervousness started to seem through his body as he tried to build up his courage.

"H...Hi there," he managed to squeak out.

Smooth move, putz.

*Vinnie cackles with glee, holding Yuffie's legs so she doesn't fall*

Wheeeeee~! gang way, comin' through..

*charges, wobbly, into the middle of the dance floor where the sane people were; the ones that had avoided the punch and the pretzels. Now they had to avoid a rampaging Vincent and Yuffie on his shoulders*

Dis train ain't stoppin! Where we going anyway?

Amrae chuckled at his sudden nervousness and smiled a dazzling smile that only a half-elf could pull off.

Hi, Ryouga. I hope you enjoyed your little adventure. And...I'm sorry for dumping the water on you in the first place. I guess I just wanted to spice up the evening...and it worked, though not in the best way.

Hearing the shower turn off and Ryouga speaking Jehosi slowly turns around with her hands still covering her face. She peeks through her fingers to make sure he's fully clothed. Seeing he's finally clothed she takes her hands away from her face and puts a hand behind her head.

Heh heh good thing to see you're actually dressed this time.


:: Points in the general direction of the locker rooms, drunkenly::

Amrae flashes a smile that causes Ryouga to descend into a nervous laugh.
it's OK. Stuff like this happens to me all the time. I'm kind of glad I'm dressed this time too."

Ryouga scratches his head as he continues laughing.

*charges through the crowd, running over anyone that doesn't move*

Arooooooooo~!!! Wooo wooo.

*nearly falls over, but keeps moving, bashing down one of the locker room doors*

Heeeeeeeeere's VINNIE!


Amrae's cheeks suddenly begin to burn and her eyes dart to the floor.

Ah...so...you were looking for Akane before, well, you know...right?

Jehosi's Saiyjin ears pick up a sound from down the hallway.

Uh oh. Looks like Yuffie's leading a piggy hunting party.

Amrae looks up as Vincent and Yuffie crash through the door.

What the hell...?

Jehosi blinks and stares at the two


::Yuffie manages to pull Vincent to a stop while still holding two bottles::


*hops on one foot, somehow*

Do a little dance

*Hops on the other foot, amazingly enough, without falling.*

Make a little love

*twirls, being careful not to drop Yuffie*

Get down tonight!

Amrae slaps herself on the forehead. Oh Spirits...why me?

Jehosi only sweat drops at the sight

Uhhh huh..

Her eyes light up suddenly when she sees a bottle of Saki in Vincents hand



Shake Shake shake
Shake shake shake
Shake your booty
shake your booty!

She sighs as she watches Jehosi go for the Saki and turns to Vincent.

Any kind of bourbon in there?

*Vincent laughs again, tossing the bottle to Jehosi and then re-grabbing Yuffie's leg*

Can't let you fall.. heheee... you got the rest of the booze.

*carefully lifts his hand anyway, lighting a fireball that sort of spins around them both*

Disco inferno!

*giggles as the flame puffs out into confetti, wobbling*

::Tips over a little and regains her balance, then takes a swig from her bottle of Saki::

Disco Inferno!!!

::Starts humming "Staying Alive"::

Guzzling the Saki down in one gulp Jehosi turns to Amrea.

This dance is even more fun then I thought!

Grabbing a bottle of vodka and bourbon. Drinking some of the vodka she pulls it away from her lips and grins at Ryouga.

hehe want some!?

Amrae gives up on asking for the alcohol and grabs Vincent's coat. She stuffs one hand into each pocket and pulls out a bottle. Examining the label, she grins.

Mmm...Smirnoff Ice. Even better.

Emotions start to conflict. Amrae's sudden smile and the way she blushed. The mention of Akane and how much she loves P-Chan. Ryouga stumbled for words as Vincent and Yuffie come crashing into the locker. All these happenings wrack Ryouga's poor brain with confusion.

"Hello," is all he manages.

*looks at Amrae*

Hey! My stash!


Gimme! Aww

*swipes at air*

I'm runnin' outta liquid fun!