Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime Prom ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ryouga glances warily at the bottle of vodka. His strong martial arts code forbids the intake of alcohol, after all.

"I don't know if I should...."


:: Pulls on Vincent's cape, turning him around::

Let's get out of here before they drink it all!

Thatta way!

:: Points off in the distance::

*nods and turns around*

Off we go!

*runs into a wall*

OW! okay..


that way!

*spins again, rushing out the door*


Awww comon!

Jehosi shoves the Vodka bottle into Ryouga's hands.

One sip can't hurt yeah!

Starts to down the bourbon but stops when she sees Yuffie and Vincent start to wobble away.

No! Wait! Don't go!

Ignoring Vinnie, Amrae turns to Ryouga. Amrae sees the indecision in his eyes and she firmly made up her mind. Whether it was the alcohol or something else, she didn't know; but she dropped the bottle of liquior on the bench next to her and stepped up close to him.

Without a word, she grabs his bandana and pulls his head down for a deep kiss.

::Steers Vincent out of the locker room and through the halls until they manage to reach the dance again. They skid to a halt until they find the crates::


::All that's left in the crates are some empty or half filled bottles and a passed out Cloud Strife::

Gawd! It's GONE!

:: Pauses::


Indecision conflicts with his beliefs as Ryouga contemplates the bottle in his hand. Suddenly, he feels a pair of hands grab his bandana, shaking him out of his reverie

"Huh?" was all he managed before Amrae kissed him. A thousand thoughts swam thru his mind as his eyes widened in shock.

"Wha...what's going on!? I hardly know her.. and yet...yet she's kissing me! This is amazing..what would Ranma say if he saw me now. I bet he's never kissed Akane...Akane!"

The last thought burned itself into his brain, like an engraving in stone. Ryouga played with this thought, unsure of his feelings.

"Akane...Akane...Amrae.. what about Amrae."

Ryouga's grasp on the bottle he was holding falters, causing it to crash to the ground and break into thousands of pieces. With that, the image of Akane crumbled and blew away.

Grumbling Jehosi turns back around to find Amrea grabbing Ryouga and kissing him. She holds up her bottle and cheers Amrea on.

WAHOO YOU GO!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Guzzles down her bourbon then the vodka Ryouga handed back to her and wobbles slightly.


*Vincent growls*


*spins around again, looking for the main exit*

Dun dun dun
out of the gymnasium, making tracks for the main building with Yuffie hanging on*


Don't go all Chaosy on me, Vinnie!

::Hangs on as they quickly head for the teacher's lounge::

*Stops abruptly on reaching the window*

We're here! Any b33r h3r3?

*leans in front of the window so Yuffie can climb through first*

Amrae finally releases Ryouga and steps back, her eyes wide with her own bluntness.

I...I'm so sorry, Ryouga! I don't know what came over me!

giggling Jehosi wobbles over to Amrea and puts an arm around her shoulder and points at Ryouga

Oh dont *hic* deny it. You want him! hehehehe *hic* hehe


::Climbs up, through window and tumbles down onto the floor::

Ooof! There better be some here!

"Uh....hahahahahaha!" is all that Ryouga manages in response.

Ryouga stares dumbfounded at Amrae and Jehosi.

"She...wants me?" he manages to say.

Amrae glares at the already drunk Jehosi. You're pathetic.

She raises her eyes to meet Ryouga's, a deep blush painting her face. Ahh...well...hehehe...I'm going to go see what trouble Vinnie and Yuffie are getting into.

She breaks away from the two and hurries down the hallway, desperate to be away from the awkwardness.

Sipping her beer she giggles pulling an arm around Ryouga and pulling Amrea and them together.

OOOoohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah! heh heh! We'll Im gonna leave you two love birdies alone and go find Cloud. Weeeeeeeeeeeeehoooooooo!

She pulls away from Ryouga and Amrea and wobbles down the hallway singing

IIiiiiiimmmmmmmm comin out so you better get this party started


Ryouga stands dumbfounded, watching everyone leave. Several moments pass before Ryouga slams back to reality.

"Amrae," he whispers.

"Amrae!" he calls out as he runs after her.

*Vincent crawls through the window after Yuffie, nearly landing on top of her*

Whee! We're back! MORE B33R! MORE B00Z3!

*stands up, wobbly, and makes his way over to the closet he was in earlier*

We got enough to last the entire faculty through the apocalypse!

*laughs and rolls several bottles across the floor, grabbing one for himself and promptly chugging it*

Or the both of us for this evening. HAH!

*continues chugging and grabs a second bottle*

Amrae stops when she hears Ryouga calling her name. She realizes after a minute that she has turned down several corridors and Ryouga probably would never find her. Chewing on her bottom lip anxiously, she turns back and heads for the sound of his voice.

Ryouga kept calling Amrae's name as he continued running blindly down the school's corridors. Seeing Amrae running towards him, he skids to a halt before colliding with her again.

"So...uh...want to dance or something?"

Amrae can't help but giggle at the innocent look on his face. You're too cute. Yeah, let's dance.

She takes his hand and starts leading him toward the gym. Just a little advice...don't eat the pretzels

*Vincent digs more chocolate pretzels out of his pockets, dumping them all over Yuffie*

Hehehehe... my queen!

*guzzles a bottle of rum*


Giddy with delight, Ryouga let himself be led back to the danceroom. With Amrae leading him, he can't get lost...right?

Aye aye, Cap'n Morgan!! Aye, Aye Pretzel Master!! Wheee!!!
a handful of pretzels and a bottle of rum::

Hmmm... Think we should head back?

Nahhhh..... if we go back, they'll take all our booze...
leaning back with a bottle in his mouth*

Ssoo... how much of this stuff do you think we can handle? We've already drained half the cabinet

*tosses an empty bottle aside, a pile growing*

You.. you'd think we'd be drunk as hell by now

*stands up and wobbles, drunk as hell.*


*starts singing*

I had visions, I was in them, I was looking into the mirror... to see a little bit clearer... the rottenness and evil in me

Drunk? Pfffffft!

Fingertips have memories
Mine can't forget the curves of you booooody.
And when I feel a bit nauughty
I run it up the flagpole and see
Who salutes
But no one ever does!


*laughs, and keeps going, Yuffie and him singing the chorus together*

I'm not sick but I'm not well

..and I'm so hot... cuz I'm in hellll.

*Vincent continues*

Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding... the cretins cloning and feeding... and i don't even own a tv!

:: Dancing around ::

Put me in the hospital for nerves
And then they had to commit me
You told them all I was crazy
They cut off my legs now I'm an amputee
Gawd damn you!

*Vincent dances around with a bottle in each hand, both of 'em singing the chorus again*

Im not sick, but I'm not wellll

And I'm so hot.. cuz I'm in hellll

I'm not sick but I'm not welll

Annnd its a sin... to live so welll

I wanna publish ziiiines,
And rage against Machiiiiiines,
I wanna pierce my tongue
It doesn't hurt it feels fiiiine...

The trivial sublime..
I'd like to turn off time..
and kill my mind
you kill my mind

*Vinnie has a mic in his hand, their singing blaring through the school intercom system, even going so far as the Gymnasium*

::Grabs the mic, the music blaring over the dance music. She begins singing as loud as possibl::

Everybody's comin' to get me!
Just say you never met me!
I'm runnin' underground with the moles!

When the drunken, off key singing blares through the speakers in the gym, Amrae breaks away from Ryouga and clutches her head. The effect of the sound was equivalent to hundreds of point-blank gunshots to her sharp hearing.


*Vincent wraps an arm around Yuffie's shoulder and moves his head in front of the mic*

Hear the voices in my head, I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring...
but if you're bored then you're boring
the agony and the irony,
they're killing me!

Amrae drops to her knees, her hands still covering her pointed ears. The singing continues and so does the terrible pounding in her temples. It feels as if someone's taking a chisel to her brain.

STOP IT! STOP IT! She shouts, tears welling up in her eyes and threatening to fall.

:: Oblivious to Amrae's pain, begins the chorus::

I'm not sick But I'm not well
And I'm so hot cuz I'm in hell!!!

*finishes it up, hanging onto Yuffie*

I'm not sick but I'm not well it's a sin... to live this well..
a one two three four!

*clicks off the mic and leans on Yuffie, laughing*

Off key singing rang thru Ryouga's ears, causing him to clutch his head in pain. He felt his anger slowly begin to build up. His mind began to descend into that black well of despair that by now he was very familiar with. His battle aura began to flare up; someone would have to pay for this. He began to stalk off in search of his prey, not even noticing that the singing had stopped.