Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A second chance for a Good life ❯ Prelude to a fight ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 15: Fighting the Force

Okay, I am finally back. `Jumps around and screams: YAY!' Woo, now that I got that out of my system I apologize for taking so dam long. First I got all this stuff with my friends and then there was school, I am in advanced English and Zoology so I get a lot of homework and such not to mention the immense case of writers block I had. So I give you all Chapter 15, FINALLY!

Now that everyone had finally gotten over the shock of what had happened between Kalia and Jeice, it was time to fight, again. The teams were like this: the remaining Ginyu Force(Burter, Recoom, and Captain Ginyu) vs The Z Team as Kalia secretly called them(Kalia, Kino, Krillen, Gohan and Vegeta) And Kalia and Kino were silently debating over how far away there father was, completely oblivious to the stares as they were glaring and shaking there heads at one another, using hand gestures and everything.

(3 Hours! Dad is three hours away!) Kino………yelled at his sister in his mind.

(2 Hours! Concentrate on his signal, you can accurately tell if you just concentrate!) Kalia yelled and glared back.

( 3 hours!)

(2 Hours!)

(3 Hours!)

(2 Hours)………

****10 minutes later****




(2 HOURS!)

"HA!" Kalia exclaimed as she finally managed that classic trick `not-too' argument. "Glad you finally agreed with me"

Kino got this confused look on his face, which quickly turned to anger "But-But, You Tricked Me You Brat"

"Hey! Don't you call me a Brat, you Baka!"



-Glaring Match ensues-

"Ahem!" a voice belonging to that of Captain Ginyu was cleared loudly. All Heads turned to him.

"If you -children- are done with whatever it is you were doing, may we get on with this fight so I can deliver the Dragon Balls to Lord Freiza?" He said real exasperated like.

Both Kalia and Kino replanted their Saiya-Jin glares at him and he grimaced and laughed nervously.

"I'll just be taking these now." He said nervously and launched himself and the Balls into

the air at lightning speed. The count was now 2 vs 5 (but we all know that Recoom and Burter more than made up for that.)

"Okay so who is gonna fight who here" Kalia asked, now over her little tiff with her bro and Captain Ginyu.

Actually no one knew for sure who was gonna fight who exactly, the remaining Ginyu wanted a piece of Vegeta, that was obvious (at least to Kalia and Kino anyways). So Kalia decided to take charge (Go Kalia!)

"Okay, Krillen come here for a sec" She yelled, and he hurried over to her.

Kalia and Krillen then proceeded to get into a whispering match; well actually it was a conversation that went like this:

Kalia: Okay, Bulma still has a Dragon ball right?!

Krillen: Yeah, Why?

Kalia: Well Captain Ginyu still has his scouter so…

Krillen: He'll be able to get a power reading and find it, and her with it. Crap! She's al all alone!

Kalia: I know so I need you to go and make sure she is okay and keep a lookout for Ginyu, don't come back until he has passed you guys by. Got it?

Krillen: Right! Good luck

Krillen blasted off immediately to go look after Bulma. Kalia then proceeded to fill the rest of her team in on what he was leaving for.

"Okay, so now who is gonna fight who here?" Kalia asked again, with a bit of emphasis on `now'.

Well, that earned her some very annoyed glances for some reason. But all was finally overcome when Recoom, being the somewhat of a moron he was, spoke up.

"Well I'll fight ya girlie, I wouldn't mind a go with the witch who tortured ol' Jeice. Your in for a world of Hurt now little girl." He said cockily. Kalia glared at him as he slowly advanced on her. And then surprising Vegeta intervened and pushed her protectively behind him (ooc or what) "You will not touch her as long as I am conscious!" He snarled. Kalia was surprised and she really didn't want to watch HER guy get beaten to a bloody pulp but she couldn't stop Vegeta. Besides it was kinda cool that he wanted to protect her like that.

"Okay" Recoom agreed "Lets fight then" and the battle was begun.

Kalia: Okay so it's kinda short but it's all I could manage, Its Hard to write out a full-length fight scene so bare with me.

Kino: You're just lazy and don't feel like typing, admit it; you've got dozens of half written fight sc-

Kalia: `with hand firmly clamped over Kino's mouth' those were not for this fic you little brat now leave me alone unless you want another visit from my little copper friend.

Kino: `confused look' Wha- your little copper friend? What does that-OHHHHHHHH. YIPES, y-you wouldn't, not Basher!

Kalia: `laughs manicly' Muahahahaha, Yes Basher the Almighty frying pan will visit you if you do not leave…me ….Aloooooooone.

Kino: Right, um I'll just go now.

Kalia: That's right you better run! Review me, Bye! `waves spasticly at all the cool nice reveiwers' Oh and read and review my other fics, like my self insertion type Lanyrinth fic, its pretty cool to. Thas all for now, by peeps.