Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ It Will Happen: Another Bulma & Vegeta Get Togethe ❯ Lustfull Revelations ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It Will Happen: Another Bulma & Vegeta Get Together
Chapter Six
Lustfull Revelations
BULMA took Vegeta to her room as she had the necessary supplies to clean his wounds. She knew that they probably didn't cause him any pain but they would sting when he went into the shower.
She led him to her bed and made him sit down. She noticed his raised eyebrow. "I have supplies here Vegeta." She explained almost wearily.
He nodded and let his eyes roam around her room. It was very feminine, bathed in soft colors of peach and surrounded in Bulma's sweet scent. But the room was a complete mess!
Garments were thrown around everywhere, on her desk chair, her couch and piling over her laundry basket. Not to mention her cupboard was flung open and the inside looked too tiny to house all her garments.
Shoes lay all around the floor and some were missing its twin. Empty sweet packets were cluttered in the oddest places and her desk, mostly taken up by a computer, was as messy as her work bench in the lab.
"Woman, do you ever clean this place?" Vegeta asked in disbelief.
Bulma's eyes sweeped the room as if looking at it for the first time. She shrugged, "It probably could use a clean."
"Probably?" Vegeta said in surprise.
Bulma rolled her eyes. "You know I like you better when you keep your mouth shut."
He snarled at her comment but the words "I like you" stuck in his mind.
She pulled out a white box like she had that morning, from the top shelf of her messy cupboard, and joined him on the bed. Sitting down next to him she turned him around to face her, her soft hands on his bare shoulders. He suppressed the urge to moan at her touch.
Bulma felt the heat from his body burn into her hands and she made a mental note not to touch him so intimately again. However, she was surprised at how soft Vegeta's skin felt against the hardness of his muscles. She swallowed hard and busied herself with cleaning his bruised flesh.
Vegeta was not so lost in his own desire that he hadn't noticed how Bulma had reacted when she had touched him. She wanted him! She wanted him like he wanted her.
He watched her beautiful face as she tended to his injuries. He knew there was no real reason for her to do this but she was an Earthling and had the tendency to over react.
But a small part of him, that he did not know, enjoyed her concern for him.
Bulma tried to ignore Vegeta's intimidating stare and concentrated on the task at hand. She did not know why he was staring at her so intensely and it made her heart beat faster and she suddenly felt hot and bothered.
Vegeta smiled as he saw the small flush that crept up her graceful neck. He lifted a hand and ran it down the soft length of her hair before stroking the ends against his palms.
Bulma jerkily knocked his hand away using the back of hers. "What are you doing Vegeta?" Her eyes widening in surprise.
"Touching your new hair." He said as if it was the most normal thing to do.
'Her new hair?' He noticed her hair. "Was that a compliment Vegeta?" She felt the pleasure from his words fill her chest.
"Do you want it to be?" He turned around smartly avoiding her question.
"I have a date tonight. So I thought I'd dress up a little." She said as if trying to remind both herself and Vegeta of her boyfriend.
Vegeta ignored her words for he did not want to ruin the moment of camaraderie and want that had surrounded them with unleashing his anger. "Tell me something, why is it that you are with that weakling?"
"I've known Yamcha since I was sixteen. I love him." She emphasized the name of her boyfriend.
Vegeta let out an amused chuckle. Bulma had heard him laugh cruelly when she had first met him but she had never heard him laugh in genuine amusement before. For some reason she found herself enjoying the raspy sound that made her skin tingle.
"There is more to a relationship than love woman."
"What would you know about relationships!" Bulma shot back. "Or love for that matter!" How dare he talk about her relationship when he probably didn't even know the meaning of the word.
"Love is a word I do not care to know about. It does not exist. But I know enough about relationships. No matter the kind they are all the same in context. Sometimes we stay because we don't have any other choice."
She knew that he was referring to his life as Frieza's slave and the admission surprised her. But more than that she felt it hit home within her own self.
"We have a lot of history and he loves me." Bulma said defensively, the uncertainty in her voice not lost on Vegeta.
"Again that weak word. I could not imagine you living a life just because it was easy. I thought you had more spirit than that. Obviously I was mistaken."
Bulma could not believe that Vegeta and her were having a real conversation, not an argument but a conversation where Vegeta was actually giving her advice. But why?
"Is there a point to all this wisdom Vegeta?" Bulma queried trying to sound indifferent with her sarcasm. She refused to look at him and lifted a cotton pad to his shoulder.
"Spit it out then. I don't have all night."
"I want you." At the simple words that left his mouth Bulma felt her own mouth drop open in astonishment. Her hand stilled at his shoulder blade. He lifted his hand and closed her mouth by her jaw, smirking at her surprise.
"What?" Bulma whispered.
"You heard me."
Yes, she had heard him but did she dare believe him. What if this was just a game? What if he was just toying with her? What if ... What if this was real? What if he did want her?
Vegeta saw the conflicting emotions pass through her face and he knew that he was nearing his goal. He looked straight into her eyes, black clashing with blue.
Bulma saw it then. He had the same look in his eyes as he had in the kitchen today. Desire! He did want her. And more frightening than that truth was that she wanted him too.
Vegeta saw acceptance in her deep blue eyes and took advantage of the situation. He brought his head closer to hers. "Tell me woman, do you taste as good as you smell?"
The words were like a blow that had broke a wall inside of her. A wall that had been holding back the dam of desire that she had kept tightly sealed from him and herself. But at his words she was set free. She did not want to deny herself any longer.
She felt brave and helpless at the same time. Helpless to do anything but surrender to him but brave enough to take the plunge and play this dangerous game.
He was not touching her and yet they both could not help but become aroused by their proximity. He was teasing her, by being so close to giving her what she wanted and yet not obliging. And she knew it! He could see her eyes darken with desire and and as he inhaled the sweet scent of her he could smell her arousal.
He smirked from the victory he had claimed. He was not very experienced in the games of sexuality and seduction, but he was the Prince of all Saiyans and no one would resist him.
"Why don't you find out for yourself." She suggested almost breathlessly, a flirtatious smile playing on her lush lips. Lips he wanted to kiss so badly it almost hurt to hold back.
He couldn't help but smirk. Trust this woman to always have a clever retort to anything he said. She possibly was the only being alive capable of that feat.
He lowered his head a fraction more and she instinctively closed her eyes. At that moment he could not help but remain still and admire the creamy beauty of her skin and delicate features that captured many a males attention.
As he continued to admire her, momentarily loosing focus of his earlier intentions, he felt her uncertainty. However, before she could open her eyes he made the final move for his lips to touch hers.
Both were so engrossed in each other and the pure desire that engulfed them that they did not realize they were living a dream that they both had seen in the journey of sleep.
She felt his firm sensual lips press against hers, almost tentatively at first, as if he were simply savoring the feel of her lips against his.
But it was not enough. His hot tongue parted her lips to enter her mouth. She did not resist, she could not resist. They were not touching at all, except for their mouths and yet she felt as if she were bursting into a million flames.
Their tongues played sensual games with each other, tasting the desire that was pulsing through their bodies.
Bulma wrapped her hands around Vegeta's neck, pulling him closer to her. He felt his groin tighten as lust overtook his once tired body. He felt the need to possess her overcome his fatigue.
He ran his hands up and down the sides of her waist his thumb brushing the curved flesh of her breasts. He felt her moan at his touch and he pulled her into his lap.
Bulma pressed her breasts against Vegeta's bare chest enjoying the heat from his body that seeped through her own. The silk of her dress felt extremely erotic as it rubbed against her skin.
She felt his surprisingly soft hand caress her bare thigh before moving higher. She felt desire moisten at the heart of her and gasped in pleasure when his fingers touched the lace that cover her femininity.
Vegeta pulled her bottom lip into his mouth from her gasp and bit it tenderly. His playful fingers teasing the soft flesh that lay between her thighs.
"Vegeta ... Please!" Bulma begged.
"Please what Bulma?" He whispered into her ear. His warm breath and the sound of her rarely spoken name from him making her shudder.
He was teasing her and she was actually enjoying it. But she was not going to let him have all the fun. Bulma quickly shifted so she was now straddling Vegeta. She saw surprise mingle with the lust in his eyes but he only smiled at her. A genuine smile.
Bulma leaned into him so she could be the one to whisper into his ear now. "Please ..." She ground her hips against his. "Take ..." She ground her hips against his erection again, receiving a groan from him. "Me." She finished with one final thrust as she touched his ear with her tongue.
Vegeta groaned before grabbing Bulma by her hips and turning her around so her back flew to lay on her bed and he was now on top of her.
Bulma felt the adrenaline from Vegeta's take charge attitude and her desire reached new levels.
Vegeta felt himself harden to painful depths as she lay beneath him, her silky tresses splayed on the sheets. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were dark with desire. Desire for him!
He was about to crush her mouth against his again when a voice drifted to her room to tear them apart.
"Bulma. Yamcha is hear." Her mothers cheery voice called from the hall.
Bulma pushed at Vegeta and he flew off her from surprise. She jumped of the bed as if she had not just been enjoying herself.
Vegeta groaned audibly at how close he had come to fulfilling his lust before that stupid woman had called for Bulma. He lay flat on his back an arm thrown over his eyes.
After a while he sat up to see Bulma fumbling with her dress and patting down her hair nervously. Her cheeks were redder, her lips were swollen from his kisses and her hair was deliciously tousled.
Bulma did not know what to do. Somehow she did not regret her intimate liaison with Vegeta but she felt great unwillingness to leave him now and go to Yamcha.
But Kami was giving her a chance to do this the right way to do something that she should have done along time ago.
"I have to go." She said but did not look at Vegeta. She was about to go when she felt a tight hold on her wrist. She reluctantly turned around to look into coal black eyes.
But the desire she had seen in his eyes before was replaced by a look of coldness. Bulma felt a shiver race through her at the look Vegeta was directing at her.
"Tell him to leave. Say you don't feel well. Make some excuse but there is no way you are leaving me now." Vegeta ground out in warning.
Bulma tugged her wrist, unsuccessfully, from his hold. "Vegeta I'm not a whore. I will do what's right but Yamcha deserves more than a simple brush off."
Vegeta's eyes narrowed. "So?"
Bulma sighed. "So I'll break it off with him tonight. At least going out for dinner will lessen the blow." Hopefully, Bulma added to herself.
She was still not sure what she was going to say to her long time boyfriend but she knew that she could not prolong this any longer.
Vegeta's grip tightened momentarily before he let her go with a satisfied smirk. Bulma rubbed her wrist before glaring at the arrogant Saiyan.
"I'm not ending things with Yamcha because I want to hop into bed with you. I'm doing it because I've realized that Yamcha and I have been holding on to nothing but familiarity for so long now. So don't for one minute think that because I want you physically that I don't know the score between us."
He could not help but admire her words. She was not placing any demands on what they had just shared, she was not expecting anything from him and she was not basing her decisions around him because she did know the score.
She knew who he was and she was accepting it. She was not trying to change what they had, which was only lust, into something more.
"Don't worry woman, I'm not into long term anyway." He flashed her his classic smirk before getting up to go to his room. He definitely needed that cold shower now!
Bulma watched him go and she breathed a sigh of relief. Only it was short lived as nervousness rose within her. She took in a calming breath and smoothed down her dress with her palms again. She then grabbed her purse and walked out the door that Vegeta had just went through, preparing herself for what would come next.
From behind a large potted plant in the hall Vegeta watched as Bulma walked down the hall. Her back was held stiff with tension but his eyes could not help but stare at the sway of her bottom. He unconsciously licked his lips in anticipation.
"Soon." He whispered. Soon he would be able to fulfill his desire and finally get the little witch out of his system so he could go back to concentrate on what was important to him.