Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ma Baby's daddy ❯ Changes ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi you guys! Trugota87 here! I'm so excited to give you another chapter of Ma baby's Daddy. I have a lot of time in my hands right now, because I'm in Ecuador with my Pop. I recently had two surgeries; so I've been really just sitting around, bored. Things are starting to heat up, so stay tuned!!!! Lots of love!
Goten made it home took a quick shower, got changed, grabbed a bagel from the kitchen and flew to Satan city; leaving a gust of wind behind, that ruined Chichi's hair. He floated down to the roof of Satan Gym/Dojo; he wasn't too worried about people seeing him flying; the people of Satan city are used to such things. He opened the roof entrance and took the stairs to the employee lounge, where he clocks in and changes to `the Satan gi'. The Satan gi was a burgundy top and white pants, nauseating if you asked him.
He stepped in the gym, to start training the adults; which in his opinion was pointless; because the students were horny young and old woman with the occasional gay guy. He dreaded those classes, because the females tried their best to get him to want them. It just plainly grossed him out, especially the older woman; just the thought of it made him shutter in disgust.
The class started with him bowing to his students and then leading exercise.
“Sensei! I seemed to have hurt myself” one of his female student exclaimed; goten naturally came to her side. Once he was near her, she leaned on him and moaned a little bit. “Sensei, I think I pulled something in the inside of my thigh? Can you take a look at it” she said seductively as she spread her legs and rubbed the inside of her leg, close to her private parts and then she clumsily fell on him with a stupid bimbo giggle.
Goten gulped… he was still a man and can be aroused. He grabbed her shoulders and slowly pulled her off and cleared his throat.
“You can squat and stretch that out, if you still have pain don't push yourself and go get that checked out” goten said as he walked over to another student asking for his help. The woman huffed and crossed her arms.
Goten smirked; yet again he pissed off a student, trying to get in his pants. The adult classes were over and now it was time for the youngsters, and oh how he loved them.
They all cheered when he came out to the gym, it always made him feel good. He enjoyed his younger students, because they were there to learn from him, not to flirt or get him into bed. He loved children anyways, maybe because he was a big kid himself. It was a stress relief from the earlier classes with horny women. He bowed to his students one final time, because their time was up. He smiles as his young students ran up to their parents. It made him miss his own father.
His father cared for him and his family, but he wasn't really around much. He was resentful towards that aspect of his father, but he felt nostalgia when he saw his students embracing their family members.
`Closing time' he thought inwardly with a smile as he waved to his young students. He locked the front door and switched the open sign to the closed sign. He exhaled, 14 hours of this was really weighing on him, and he can't even train like he should. The whole place would go if he trained in here, he was just plain miserable.
He untied his black belt and flung it over his right shoulder and walked over to the employee lounge to change and shower.
“Hey Goten!” Hachirou greeted. Goten nodded his head with a smile to acknowledge his co-worker. “Dude we got paid today, you should get your check at the clock-in!” he exclaimed waving his check in the air.
“That's great, because I do need the crash…” goten called back to his co-worker.
“Goten, my man. Did he pay you these past few weeks?” Hachirou asked walking up to goten. Goten just shook his head `no' as an answer. “You know, that's fucked up… he hasn't paid you in three weeks…”
“Well, today I'm going to talk to him about it and demand my hard earned cash…” goten said as he punched his time card in.
“That's right! Give it to him goten, but make sure you don't get killed by him…. I mean don't cross him; he killed cell remember” hachirou warned.
“Thanks for your concern, but I think I'll be ok…” goten had to hold in his laughter. `If I wanted to, I could kick Satan's ass round the block with just the air from my punches' goten inwardly joked in his thoughts.
“See ya tomorrow Goten!” hachirou said as he ran out the door.
“Bye” goten yelled back, he looked at his time card. All last month he wasn't paid and he might not be paid for this week.
He was suffering this because he had to respect his brother's father in law. Goten really wanted to spit in his face, but it wasn't in his nature to do such things.
He walked over to Satan's office and stopped momentarily taking a deep breath and then knocked on the door. He stood there for a while thinking over what he was going to say. A whole scenario started to come together in this imagination. Mr. Satan's deep voice knocked him out from his thoughts.
“Who is it?” Mr. Satan asked again through the door, clearly getting irritated.
“It's me Son Goten, Mr. Satan…. Can I come in?” goten answered.
“Oh, yeah sure kid come in.” Mr. Satan called out
Goten turned the door handle and with a push of the door he entered Mr. Satan's office/private lounge/ private gym. `This guy literally can live here if there was a kitchen.' Goten thought. Mr. Satan was seated behind his desk and he picked out a cigar to smoke.
“What do you want kid and make it quick” Mr. Satan said as he cut his cigar tip.
Goten, cleared his throat a bit, and stood up straight.
“Mr. Satan, I have been wondering what was happening with my paycheck.” Goten said calmly and stared right into Mr. Satan's eyes.
Mr. Satan took a long puff from his cigar and looked right at goten.
“I already gave you, your money boy.” Mr. Satan scoffed. Goten's eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“What?!” goten yelped.
“You heard me boy!” Mr. Satan stood up from his chair behind his desk, “I gave you and your family money.”
Goten was shocked to hear what Mr. Satan had said. He was momentarily speechless.
“My family never asked money from you!” Goten exclaimed
“OH YEAH!” Mr. Satan laughed “where do you think your brother got the money to make that extension on your old broken down hut you call home!”
“No, you're fucking lying to me! Gohan would have told me that he had problems covering the construction!” Goten shouted.
“Well sorry kid, you're working off your brother's debt for the next month or so.” Mr. Satan sneered.
Goten frowned and scowled at Mr. Satan. His look gave Mr. Satan an all too familiar chill up and down his spine.
“Mr. Satan out of respect I do not give you what you deserve…” goten paused “how dare you say my family owes you money; my brother was the one who defeated cell… you took the grandeur, the notoriety and the fortune.” Goten paused again and he kept his eyes on Mr. Satan tightening his fists, making his knuckles white. “The way I see it, you should be indebted to gohan for your Happiness and wealth.”
Goten turned around and headed to the exit and wrapped his fingers around the door handle. He started to push down on the level and with a click the door opened. Goten quickly turned around looking straight at Mr. Satan again.
“Oh yeah and by the way, I quit and you can keep the damn money…” with that said goten walked out the office slamming the door behind him, ripping it off its hinges.
Mr. Satan just sat there in a stunned silence. Goten the most happiest of the son family, he has pissed him off. He knew that he was playing with fire and could have ended up like his office door. After a few minutes he regained control of his petrified body.
“What was I thinking? Now who will I use for the Satan technique results?” He thought out loud.
“I can't believe that stupid motherfucker!” goten grumbled under his breath as he walked down the streets of Satan city.
`If only the world knew about what really happened in the cell games. Growing up would have not been so difficult' goten thought as he listened to his sneakers' scrap the concrete.
He was approaching The Ramen Soup Shop, a smile graced his lips and his scowl was smoothened. Bra was standing outside the restaurant. She stood there with her hair down blowing in the night's cold breeze and she traded in her traditional red tank top, mini shirt and red boots for some skinny jeans, red flat shoes, a white tight shirt and a red sweater that only covered the top of torso and arms. Goten smiled even harder because she has not noticed that he was approaching.
Bra sighed and looked at her cell phone `8:45 he should have been here twenty minutes ago' she thought `I don't want to call him and be all needy and stuff'. She was ripped out of her thoughts when she suddenly felt arms wrap around her waist she shrieked but quickly recognized the embrace and the scent.
“Goten!” she exclaimed while he placed her back on the ground. She turned to face goten's smiling face.
“Hey babe.” Goten greeted his girl, “sorry I'm late.”
“Nah, don't worry… you must be hungry.”
“You bet…” goten tried his best to sound convincing.
But Bra knew him more then he'll know. First clue was that he didn't even look at her when he answered. She smirked, she knew him all too well.
“Oh, well we will talk all about during dinner.” With that said she entered The Ramen Soup Shop with goten close behind her.
“About what…?” goten tried again to sound like there was nothing wrong,
The waiter greeted them and seated them. Bra ordered two of everything, which left the waiter in disbelief but he did put in the order.
“I love Satan city, because they don't recognize me here… they all obsessed with that moron Mr. Satan.” Bra said while reaching her right hand out, a signal to goten that she wanted to hold his hand. He took her hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb.
“So how did your day go?” goten asked
“Filling out forms and applications for colleges all over the world, my mom says that I should spread out and explore the world. Personally I don't think I need the education, because I just go to mom's lab, read her notes, blue prints for new inventions and watch her and my brother work. That's how I learned the rules and the trades of inventing and business.” Bra answered while squeezing goten's hand to show a little affection.
“So you don't want to go to college? I hope it's not because of me babe.” Goten stated while returning the same gesture to her hand.
“No! Well… Kind of…” bra felt a little ashamed
“Don't do that. I want you to go on and have the title, knowing you, you'd finish in no time.” Goten encouraged, “bra don't you be worried about me. I'll be here waiting for you and hell, I would go and see you every chance I can get… of course without making it obvious to everyone else about us.” Goten smiled as Bra's uncertain face turn into confidence.
“Don't worry babe, I'll do it for me and my family's company; but most importantly for us…” bra said holding goten's hand tighter.
“Now bra remember I'll be getting my bread and butter as well, so don't worry about me.” Goten laughed and bra joined in. soon the giggles died down and there was a silence.
`It's now or never' bra thought
“What happened today Goten, you seem a little bit down.” Bra interrogated.
Goten gulped and released bra's hand and sat up straight. There is no way he could lie to bra. She's good at figuring people out.
“Well...” goten's voice shook a little bit and he looked straight at bra. “ I quit Mr. Satan's Gym for champions.”
“Really! Why? What happened?” bra exclaimed
“The pay was becoming deplorably low.” Goten half lied, it still hurt to do it with a straight face. “So many hours and my pay check were getting cut.”
“Oh that jerks.” Bra said as she crossed her arms and scowled. “I can't believe it, you got bills to pay too, chichi to look after and not to mention you fucking fly hours to get to that crummy job.” Bra began to rant.
Goten was so amused `she really does care about me.'
“It's ok; I've been over it since I saw you. I'll find a job that pays more and have more time for myself, you and my family.” Goten reassured.
“I know you will” she said as she leaned over to have a taste of goten's lips.” Oh yeah and the dinner is on me tonight, because as of now you are on a budget.”
“Unbelievable, you always win…” goten said in defeat.
“You better believe it.” Bra said with a huge grin on her face.
Trunks stood on one of the points in the Andes. It was cold, white and beautiful as far as his eyes could see. The only thing heard was the sound of the wind hitting the sides of the mountains. Here he was in only his business suit wishing that he was full human without any training, so he could die here in a matter of hours. He's been here since this morning, now the sun is setting and the temperature is dropping, he was starting to feel it, but it wasn't enough to kill him.
`Now what… if this goes out in the open… oh Dende.' Trunks thought. He sat down on the snow; he heard the snow crunch from under him. He hugged his legs into his chest, while his mind kept on racing.
`If only Marron just came home with me last night, this wouldn't have happened.' He thought as he pulled on his lavender hair.
“I have to fix this… tonight” trunks said as he stood up from the snow