Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ Immortality? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors Note:
I am contacting you through some miracle, because my computer will not let me log in to my user account, saying something about clearing internet cookies. I cleared all the cookies (so far as I know) and even went so far as a disk clean up and still it will not let me log in. If you've any tips to offer, please e-mail me.
The villains around her almost hit their knees.
“W-what?” Exclaimed Frieza in disbelief. The wish mistress smirked to herself.
“Seduce me.” It's a reasonable request…after all I did just grant them life. Ices grinned more widely as Frieza gasped for an answer. “You can make this a group activity as well, if it so suits your tastes.” The former lord of half the universe blanched at that, almost as if she had dealt a physical blow.
“What would we need to do…to seduce you.” Jaice queried as the remainder of the Ginyu Force struggled to regain their berrings, it was just so damn unexpected! The normally cold female laughed slightly.
“I shall grant your wish if I even contemplate taking one of you to mate for your antics. We need not do the deed if it makes you…uncomfortable.” The condescending smirk was incessant in her voice. The males all exchanged glances. This was an obvious, yet subtle, blow to their masculinity. And they couldn't rightfully stand for it.
“I'll try it!” Jaice exclaimed rushing away. “Just give me a moment to prepare, mate.” He was followed by the remainder of the Ginyu force, while Frieza and Cell continued to stare at her incredulously. King Cold seemed thoughtful, and undisturbed. The grin remained upon the tips of the female's lips, and broadened when the Ginyu force returned.
“I-I'll try first!” Stuttered Recoome as he approached, almost hesitantly. He stopped a few feet away, sweat pouring from his bodice. The female's nose crinkled in disgust at his aroma but soothed as the wind shifted direction. An uncannily fake smile plastered itself upon the barbarians features as he flexed his muscles, in numerous, `supposedly' erotic poses. Which looked utterly ridiculous. The wish granter was torn between laughing out loud and leaving outright.
“If you're quite finished…?” Her smile was precariously positioned. Almost the beginnings of a snarl. Shamefaced, the giant turned and walked dejectedly toward a red lake. Now a bit nervous, her humor did not return, a suspicious glance greeted the red-eyed Burter. In one easy motion he tore off his shirt and attempted to strike an erotic pose, which may have worked, if he hadn't lost his balance and fallen. At this the female couldn't help but snicker, and a disappointed Burter joined his counterpart. Next was the short, slightly weak, green one with four eyes. She watched with interest as the green creature produced a type of oil and offered to massage her. A glare rested intensely upon him and he frightfully backed away.
The red-skinned Jaice came up to her, a confident sway to his walk as he embraced her, an obviously practiced look behind his eyes as he slowly closed the distance between them—
His hand had ventured a bit too low on her back side and he had been rejected, a hand print a bit darker than his overall skin coloring decorating his cheek.
“If you've nothing else to try than I shall take my leave.” As she turned to walk away a very flabbergasted Frieza stood in her way, his tail twitching angrily as he approached her and bowed -almost submissively. In one motion he rose and began to power up, hoping to impress her with a raw display of power.
“Impressive.” She said once his power had reached its maximum. “But the One Called Cell's relaxed power still bests yours.” As she began to walk around the vertically impaired Frieza a tall form blocked her. The form of King Cold. Frieza gave his father space, and the Heirarch approached, a most intimidating aura surrounding him as he stopped not several inches away from her. She barely came to his midriff. The female tensed, ready to flee if worst came to worse, and she gasped as she was suddenly embraced by two strong arms and lifted, his tail curling around her mid-back as his lips crashed down upon hers. As he kissed his body began to power up, and debris from the disturbed ground swirled about them. Once the kiss ended so did the surge of ki, and the female gazed up with half lidded, slightly glazed eyes.
“Your wish…is my command.” Her husky voice penetrated the awkward silence as King Cold set her down, a smirk gracing his features. She stumbled a bit, her wings spreading to balance her and she shook herself.
“Well? What's taking so long!” The ever impatient Frieza growled.
“Patience son, allow her to regain her bearings.” The arrogance of the king washed over the group, and the female shot him a slight glare. She spaced her feet and inhaled deeply, lowering her wings so that the tops touched the ground like an extra pair of legs for balance. A strange energy began to spark around the eight figures, not hostile, but neither was it warming. The ground below her pulsed as the sky darkened.
“E's cr'lesh…Ble'sle…Aeushura!” A strange language was emitted from the throat of this creature and golden tendrils of string-like light shot from her glowing chest, as if they were fired from her heart. Each string pierced the chest of a certain villain, and then began to take on a different hue. Frieza's was a dark purple, almost black. King Cold's a bit heavier, but not so much black as a blue. Jaice's was stained a firey red, just as his skin, Burter a similar but less passionate color, Recoome had a bolt almost the same shade as his skin, while Gourder's was so light a color it was almost indetectable. The string on Cell took a few moments to adjust to his strange physique, but once there glowed with a strange, almost dead, black.
The wish granter let out a shuttering breath, tottering and putting her weight on her dark blue wings, sweat pouring from her as she panted.
“Y-your wish…has been…granted.”
Each of the villains flexed at the intense feeling that had settled in their chests. They felt as if they could take on the universe! Frieza laughed maniacally at the success of his deepest desire. And had the urge to kill immediately. His sights rounded on the winded wish granter before him, and he phased in front of her. She deserved what she was about to get, for lowering him in front of that Cell character.
“Prepare your last statement, you are about to die.” He smirked, waiting for the terror she should feel. Instead she began to laugh, resignedly.
“It would be most unwise to kill me.” Her wary voice stated as she straightened from the winded position she had previously held.
“Oh?” Cell cut in. “And why is that?” He was now directly behind her.
“If I die…you die…”
Authors note:
I know I know Cell should have been the one to seduce her, but its just not his style! He doesn't have the know how of King Cold, if you know what I mean… Don't worry Cell is still going to get the woman, it'll just…take a while…