Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ Where does this go? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Is that a threat?” The low voice of Frieza snarled, the tip of his tail writhing like an angry snake.
“Threat? No. I merely state a fact.” The female wrapped her wings around herself, a growl detectable in her own voice.
“Explain yourself.” King Cold spoke up from behind his son. The female seemed angry for a moment before relaxing into the folds of her living cloak.
“Because I am not bound, my powers when granting immortality are…different.” She seemed tense, as if expecting them to eat her.
“Different in what way?” Cell cut in, his rich tone arresting the majority of her attention once more.
“A bound Creature of Wishes is able to tie ones immortal life to the device in which they reside. Such is not the case with an unbound Wish Creature. The only way for a Wish Creature of my stature to ensure immortality is to tie their own with the one who wishes. Does that satisfy your curiosity?” Growled the female, impatience plainly evident in her voice.
“What!? That was not the wish I made! I wished for immortality not a life bound to a nomadic being!” Ranted Frieza as he began to throw a fit.
“Immortality is the incapability of being overtaken by death once their mortal sentence has been served. It is everlasting, so long as one is not killed. If it was invincibility you had wanted, perhaps you should have been more clear. As for being bound, be careful what you wish for, it may not be all you had wanted.” A rouge gust of wind tousled her violet hair in the silence that followed, and she turned away. “We are finished here, I thank you for the welcomed distraction.”
“I've got another wish.” Growled Frieza as he took a step forward.
“I have granted your party two wishes already, and I refuse to grant another. Enjoy your immortal life.” As the female took her next step she suddenly found her slightly widened eyes staring into a green and black spotted chest. Her violet orbs narrowed into a glare as she cocked her head to meet the eyes of Cell.
“You will take us with you.” It was not a request or even a wish. It was a demand.
“I will do as I choose.” Countered Ices, refusing to back down or even go around the android. She would not admit defeat, no matter how trivial it seemed.
“You hold our lives in your breast, and would expect us to let you leave?” Cell quirked a nonexistent eyebrow in surprise and the creature began to rethink her recent actions. These were very powerful males, they were not honorable beings, and the only thing keeping them from ending her existence was the fact that she held their lives. At least that left her with her life. Too bad that was not what she was trying to preserve. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the creation and she decided that she would have to step around him after all. There was little to no chance that she would succeed in backing him up.
“Yes.” Was her delayed reply as she stepped neatly around the powerful android. Just as neatly did the android, Cell, grab her and hold her back against his chest, his arms coming around to keep her wings from unfurling and freeing her to fight.
“Funny. I don't recall you having wings when we first met.” Cell's voice was untried even as she bucked and struggled in his grasp.
“I have matured.” She wished that her own vocal crevices would not betray her as they were doing.
“This whole humiliating ordeal could be forgotten, if you would only open your portal and rid us of this land once and for all.” Cell's deep voice reverberated through his chest and into her own through her back, causing her to growl menacingly as sweat beaded her smooth skin.
“I will do as I choose, and nothing else!” She snarled, revealing sharper than normal canines.
“Pity. Than we shall be here for a very long time.” Crooned the android. The female's eyes narrowed as her feet caught on Cells abed stomach and she propelled her sweat slick body from his grasp, spreading her wings wide and attempting to take flight. The quick-thinking Cell grabbed the wing closest to him awkwardly and the female countered by twisting her wing in such a way that an audible snap sounded throughout the recent vicinity and her awkwardly twisted appendage slipped through Cell's grasp.
The disjointed appendage hung loosely on the ground as she leapt backward, away from the collective of villains. Turning her back to them only an instant to open the golden Rift she used to traverse the universe. As she neared the golden door she popped her wing-joints back into place and leapt through the portal, only for someone to grab her ankle at the last moment and yank her back before she could close the portal.
“Release me!” The rage in her voice was unmistakable as she precariously balanced on one foot and attempted to look intimidating while the males had a clear view of her undergarments.
“Well, well, the portal lies open.” Smirked Cell who held her ankle firmly, almost painfully, in his hand. There would be no escaping the horde of villains this time.
“So it does.” The defeated creature kept her voice even, a glare firmly situated upon her features.
“Where does it lead?” Recoome queried as he approached it and put a hand through. “Ohhh its hot in there.” He retracted a slightly sizzling hand and shook it slightly to get some feeling back into it.
“I know not where it goes.” Grouched the female, “if you would be so kind as to stop gawking.” She snapped at the short four-eyed green creature whom had taken habit to staring openly at her exposed underwear. Startled from his revelation Goudor stared up at her, before smirking and crossing his arms.
“Or what?” He challenged, eliciting a glare from Frieza, who had always secretly despised the creature for his languid stupidity.
“Or else I shall silence you in some other way.” Hissed Frieza. The green creature's posture did not change. His arms remained arrogantly crossed before his chest.
“Pshh yeah right.” Apparently he had gained some sort of confidence in the last few moments. In reply Frieza thwacked the green creitan with his tail.
Everything happened in the blink of an eye.
Goudor was propelled into a far-off mountain range, a puff of smoke the only indication that he had hit the hard rock. And the female before them cried out in agony as she almost collapsed, catching herself on her own wings, sweat beading upon her once more.
“If you could…refrain from striking one another…my heart would be most grateful.” Gasped the female, her glare unwaveringly fixed upon Frieza.
“Oh? Have we found a weakness of yours?” The lord smirked.
“If you were to do that again things could be most…unpleasant.” Her eyes hardened for a moment.
“You dare to threaten me?” He hot-headed Frieza growled.
“Yes.” She did not deny it.
With an insolence only he could muster, Frieza balled his fist and plowed it into Jaice's conveniently placed face, he flew the way of Goudor. But just as the female doubled over in pain, so did Frieza, but he had no wings to retain balance, and he hit the dirt face first.
“Wha-what is this?” He struggled to breath.
“It is the pain the bound must endure when their comrade is near death, the wish did not specify that I could not share the burden.” She said through her own clenched jaws.
“Not that this all isn't very fascinating.” King Cold spoke up in an almost bored tone, “but I believe we should be going quickly.” The villains looked his way and followed his gaze to two very disturbed looking jail keepers as they pointed with their mouths gaping open. Before the pair could call for backup, the villains had disappeared into the unknown, carrying with them an unconscious Wish Dragon.
Authors Note:
As always constructive criticism is welcome, so long as its not rudely said. My computer is still being difficult but I think I can work around it. It just means I won't be able to update as much as I would like. Otherwise Thank you the two of you who reviewed. I apologize for the weak ending in this chapter, but my sick-ness slowed mind cannot process much at this point. I'm actually surprised I got as much down as I did. As for Goudor, if you can give me the correct spelling I would be much obliged, otherwise, until next time!