Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ ...Forgive? ( Chapter 33 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The dragoness hissed as her head was weighted down with the extra burden of a monkey, one which swiftly climbed from between her antler-like horns, to between her first pair of arms.
Great. A monkey on my back.” Hissed Ices, her tail twitching slightly, unable to battle much with the force of gravity. The Kai's face contorted strangely, and he let out a fit of giggles. The female eyed him warily before shaking her head with a snort of disapproval. Was this being truly more ancient than even her Father? And yet he behaved like…a small child. While at the same time his body posture spoke of imesurable wisdom and confidence.
Something inside her twitched with curiosity as his face sobered once more and his suspicious glare settled on the dragoness.
“Why did you say you came here again?” His tone was a bit warmer, but no less suspicious. The dragoness took a chance and lashed her tail with impatience, promptly regretting it as it was lodged in a nearby tree. Apples were knocked from the branches, and she hissed as they split against her scales, leaving nothing less than applesauce.
“King Yemna sent me here to retrieve his lunch.” A glow surrounded Ices, she had had enough of her bulk weighing her down. Her humanoid form was revealed, still dressed in the dress Frieza had made for her. She suppressed the emotion the thought of her once bonded villains elicited.
“No need to get saucey.” The Kai promptly began to snicker at his own joke, and the sight of him was enough to bring a snort of contempt to her lips. She shrugged her wings and wiped the sticky substance off.
“I am afraid it is much too late to warn me.” She replied with a sigh, growling within her mind for encouraging the Kai, who was currently erupted in a fit of giggles. He sobered suddenly and took on a serious façade.
“And I'm afraid that I can't give King Yemna his lunch.” A gleam caught in his eye as he witnessed the female's ire through her posture. She glared at him and snorted before turning away.
He was testing her, she knew. Testing to see if she were truly the monster the other's said she would become.
“Why do you judge me, King Kai?” Her voice was forlorn. “Why do you persist in pushing me? Have you and your comrades not done enough damage to my life? You must destroy my afterlife as well?” Her voice began to crack as images of Cell invaded her mind…and she kept her eyes trained away from the Kai, her arms and wings folded in front of her in a pitiful attempt at a barrier. She was acting as if she were a mere century old, showing such weaknesses…
“And all this because I chose to ignore the bitterness in my heart, and love one who should not have become.” She was glad that her voice was not accompanied by tears, though they did threaten to spill from her glistening violet orbs. A long silence passed between them, as the female attempted to get herself under control. Realizing that her efforts were futile, she turned her entire body away from the Kai, and spread her glistening cerulean wings, crouching to prepare for takeoff.
“Wait, Ices…” The Kai began, his own voice scratchy with emotion. “…Maybe I could get you a few leftovers for King Yenma…”
And just like that, King Yemna's plan had worked.
Gohan threw the carnivorous dinosaur by the tail, and it faded into the distance. He reached down and plucked the two star dragon ball from the long-destroyed nest. This would be the second he had acquired, leaving him one step closer to his goal.
I hope Shenron will forgive me enough to grant my wish… The youth worried within his mind as he switched on the dragon radar and took flight to the east.
I hope Ices is faring well… The half-saijin pondered as he closed the distance between himself and the next ball.
Author's Note:
I know what I want to do next…but it may take me a few chapters to get everything aligned for it to happen, so please forgive me if my chapters come across as a bit more chaotic and blasé than usual. My friend is still working on getting the pictures posted, and I'm afraid that they wont be up until the story is complete at this rate…