Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections of Roses ❯ Part Four ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of the DBZ characters. I do, however, own Celine, her parents, and Charles Snyder and the fic all of this is in. That is all.


"We have to go after her!" Vegeta shouted out, anger flashing in his eyes. Chi Chi stood in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest. Gohan was hiding behind his mother's dress, fear on his face. Goku was standing a few feet behind his wife, looking for a way to escape should the prince decided to blow up the house. Piccolo seemed the only one calm there as he leaned against the wall near the Saiyan prince, his arms also crossed over his chest. The Namek had his eyes closed, seemly not interested in what was going on.
Hours ago, Vegeta had nearly flew out of the house after Celine. After her parents that dared to take her away from him. At that moment, Goku and Piccolo decided to drop by, stopping the prince from doing anything. The last few hours were torture for the Saiyan since he had to explain a million times what had happened to the girl and argue with Chi Chi about going after her. It was bad enough that he angry. The love Vegeta felt for Celine made his anger worse than before. The one he loved was in danger and the Saiyan was determined to get her back. At any cost.
"No, Vegeta. We don't know where she is or what. We can only wait and see what will happen." Chi Chi explained, trying to keep herself in control of her anger. That wasn't as easy as everyone knew.
"Well, I am not waiting, woman! I don't care where she is or how I am going to find her." The prince screeched out, his anger flaring up more.
"And just how are you going to find her, huh? She could be miles from here by now." She snapped out, turning her head away from the other.
"I'll just find her power level, then. For a woman, she has a extremely high one." Vegeta barked out, heading for the door. This time, Chi Chi did not try to stop him as he stopped himself at the door. He looked at Goku then at Piccolo. "Well? Are you two coming or do I have to do this all by myself?"
"Sure." Goku spoke up, a light smile on his face. His wife gave him a stern look and shook her head. The Saiyan looked at her then at the ground. "But, Chi Chi. I have to go find her. She is part of this family too. Please?"
"As long as your son stays here. I don't want him to ignore his studies." Chi Chi replied, closing her eyes. Gohan groaned and looked up at his mother from behind her.
"Why can't I go, mom? I want to look for Celine too!" The boy whined as his father walked over to Vegeta.
"Listen to your mother, Gohan." Piccolo said, opening his eyes. He stood up straight, walking over to the door, his arms still crossed over his chest. The Namek followed the two Saiyans as they flew off into the distance, not looking back.


"Just tell me, damn it!" Celine screeched out, anger on her face. Her parents sat on either side of her as Charles Snyder drove the car, not looking back to the passengers.
"Look you little bitch. You keep your hellish mouth shut. We'll tell you what you want to know when we want to." Her mother growled out, her hands on her lap. Celine narrowed her eyes, trying to keep her anger down. She knew that if she got angry enough, she could easily power up and blow up the car. The girl did not want to risk anything yet. First, she had to get some information from her parents and Snyder. Then, she could blow them up.
"Just tell her, for goodness sake. It isn't that hard to do." Snyder snapped from the front of the car. Her mother snorted and looked out of the window, not wanting any part of it. Celine's father sighed, shaking her head.
"Celine, in the year that you have been gone, something happened. Something that we didn't expect to happen. See, Snyder isn't from our time." Her father started, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Huh? Not from our time? What do you mean?" Celine asked, tilting her head.
"Meaning, he is from the future. Twenty years in the future, to be exact. He came back in time to do something. To change history." He replied, a smirk on his face.
"See, Celine. You become one of the most powerful fighters in the universe. You marry a prince, who just happens to be that good natured person you call Vegeta." Snyder said dryly from the front as he kept his eyes on the road. "You have several children, who become just as strong as their parents. Eventually, you and Vegeta find a safe planet and start a new life there. A royal life as prince and princess."
"And you came back in time to kill me because of it? That is bull shit. Why in the hell would you do that?" The girl asked, leaned back on the seat. She shook her head, anger still on her face.
"Oh, that is not the end of it. See, the reason why you left the planet was because of us. We were becoming too powerful in the political stuff, so you fled. Fled to a new life while your father and I struggled to make his campaign work. Yet, it didn't. So, now we are killing you now so we can make sure you never leave." Her mother finished, a wicked smile on her face. Celine didn't say anything. She stared straight ahead, looking at the road. Anger boiled in her veins as she kept her eyes narrowed.
"Well, I guess you know now, huh daughter?" Celine's father laughed out, a smirk on his face. Her mother joined in, even more evil than her husband. The girl let her power level rise slightly with every beat of her heart. She had her arms crossed over her chest, still staring straight ahead.
"Yep, bitch. So, once we get to where we are going, you will no longer see your prince charming." The woman laughed from beside the girl. Celine narrowed her eyes more as she turned them towards the back of Snyder's head. Surprisingly, the attorney stayed quiet through this, not saying a word or joining in with the laughter. The girl blinked her eyes as she moved her head slightly, wondering. Why is he so quiet all of a sudden? Does he know more than these two bastards know?, She thought bitterly, the car going forward. Forward to where ever they were going.


Vegeta kept his eyes straight ahead, his lips in a thin line. Goku and Piccolo were on either side of him, not saying a word. They didn't dare. They both knew just how powerful the prince could get and were not willing to raise the anger level of him any more. Even the prince himself was too scared to speak.
The Saiyan sighed. He kept the fear of losing Celine down as the three flew over a small town. Vegeta didn't want to show any emotions that would give away his true feelings. He was the Prince of Saiyans. He couldn't show any fear, love, or any other emotion. It just wasn't right for him to show it. Not yet.
But, the love for the girl was still there. Still in his heart, ready to burst out and fly. Vegeta kept his love for sealed in his heart till the moment the two were together. Alone. The, he showed his true emotions for her. All that love the prince kept hidden he let flow out in a passionate kiss. Flow into the girl. The Saiyan would count the minutes. Count the seconds until his love returned from school. Then, his love showed from the moment Vegeta laid eyes on Celine.
"Hey. You guys feel that?" Goku asked, breaking into Vegeta's thoughts. As the prince snapped out of them, he felt a surging power running in him. Running from the direction they were going.
"Yea. That has to be Celine's power. Let's go." Piccolo said from the other side of the prince, smiling for the first time. Vegeta smirked, shaking his head.
"That's my girl. Getting all powered up." The Saiyan mused flying faster than the other two. Goku gave the Namek a look as he followed the prince, hoping that the power that they felt was indeed the girl.


Celine stayed in the car as her parents got out. They had stopped many miles from the town, making sure that no one knew where they were. The car was parked in front of a abandoned house that looked like it had been there for centuries. Weeds were taller than the girl herself as her mother slammed the car door. Her father held his door open for his daughter. Celine just looked up at him, blinking her eyes.
"Okay, Celine. We are here. You can get out of the car." He coaxed, the smirk still on his face. His daughter just stared at him, not moving. She didn't want to get out of the car. The girl had her reasons. She didn't want to be killed for one thing. Plus, if she stalled any longer, maybe her love would come for her. Unlikely Vegeta even cares, Celine thought bitterly as a flash of anger crossed her father's face. "Look, damn it. Either you do this peacefully or you can die in this car. It is your choice."
"Either way, I am dying. Right?" Celine snapped bitterly, her eyes narrowed.
"Right, you little bitch. Now, let's go." Her mother barked out, walking over to the other side of the car. She took Celine's arm and forcefully pulled her out. The girl stumbled out, shaking with anger. She desperately tried to keep her anger from exploding as the car door slammed from behind her.
"Fine, I am out. You happy now?" She asked coldly. Celine watched her parents walk towards the house. Snyder stood by the car, leaning against it. He looked down at the ground as Celine walked past him, her arms crossed over her chest. The lawyer gave a quick look as he stood up and walked behind her.
The girl pressed her lips together, anger in her eyes. Anger running in her veins. To her, there had to be a far better reason to wanting her dead than what would happen in the future. Hell, Celine didn't even know if her parents were telling the truth. Her mother had a habit of lying to her youngest daughter. Her father had never kept his promises to her ever. Neither parent was worth trusting. Not even the person who walked a foot behind her.
"Look, girl. If you want to live through this, you gotta trust me." Snyder whispered in her ear as the two walked to the house. Celine turned her head slightly to look at the lawyer behind her.
"Why in the hell should I? You are with them, remember?" She replied, rolling her eyes. "There is no reason why I should. Besides, you are from the future and probably helped them. Hell, you may even be lying about that."
"I am not, Celine. About me from the future, that is. Anything else I told these idiot's is a lie. That is the only thing. I swear by my life." Snyder replied, looking at the girl's parents. They stopped in front of the house, their backs to the two. The lawyer and the girl stopped a few feet away, neither one saying a word. A light wind blew from the ocean that was next to them, the waves lapping against the rocks.
There were several moments of silence as everyone stood still. Celine shuddered in the cold wind, the clothes she was wearing was not enough to shield her body. Sea birds screamed from above, seemingly knowing what was going on. The waves hid many secrets. Secrets that the girl did not want to know.
Tall, brown grass grew around the house, swaying slightly in the wind. Weeds grew in it, casting a eerie look to them. Moss grew in places that were uncommon anywhere else. The cliff around the house jutted above the four, like a giant. The sea birds called to each other from the rocks, signaling that there was something wrong.
The house it's self was enough to turn anyone away. The old tin roof had holes in it that seem to gape open. The few windows it had were broken from the years of kids playing baseball around it. The frame of the house looked like it was going to fall at any time while the door hung from the hinges. The chimney looked like it crumbled many years ago, perhaps from too many fires started in it.
Celine stared at the house in disgust, wrinkling her nose. Her father looked behind him, his cold eyes falling on his youngest daughter. He beckoned her forward yet the girl did not comply. She simply shook her head, her feet set firmly on the ground. The older man gave Snyder a look, who pushed the girl forward. Celine gave him a look as she moved forward, letting her power level rise more. She turned her head back to the house as she followed her parents to the door.
Her father stopped at the broken door and pulled it off of it's hinges. Throwing it aside, the man entered the house first, then his wife. The lawyer and the girl followed closely behind, the silence still not broken. Celine kept her arms crossed over her chest as she entered the house and stopped.
Looking around, the girl saw the house looked worse than it did from the outside. Several chairs were thrown across the room like they were nothing. A bed was on one side of the small room, only the mattress was still there. What was left of it, anyways. A stove was by the chimney, apparently not have been used in a long time. The fireplace was charred by the fires that had been in it in the past. Leaves were scattered around like pieces of paper. Cobwebs hung in the rafters, the only signs of true life.
"Well, how do you like it daughter?" Her mother smirked, finally breaking the silence.
"It is a defeant fixer uper. So, what in the hell are we doing here?" Celine asked, her eyes still looking around.
"Oh, nothing really. Just letting you enjoy the last moments of your life." Her father mused, grinning evilly. Celine snorted, shaking her head.
"My last moments? Yea right. Love to see you try." She growled out, fear going into her heart.
"Fine. Shall we?" The woman said, staring straight at her daughter. Her father walked towards her, the smile still on his face. Celine backed up slightly, fear going into her heart. Vegeta, where are you? The girl thought, fear going into her eyes. I need you.....


Vegeta had his eyes narrowed, flying faster than he ever did. The fear of being too late was beginning to become too unbearable. He hoped he could reach his love in time to keep her from dying. Keep from losing another one he loved. Loved too much.
The prince knew where she was. Her power level exceeded the limit he thought she had as he flew towards the ocean. Even though he didn't know the exact location of the girl, the Saiyan had a feeling he knew where she was.
"Um, Vegeta? This is no time to go to the beach." Goku called out from behind him.
"We're not going to the beach. If I figure it correctly, Celine's parents would want to take her to some place where there is no one around. Well, the ocean is the farthest thing away from the town in this direction. Plus, from what your half-breed son says, there is a abandoned house not far from where we are now." Vegeta snapped out, crossing his arms over his chest.
"True. But, determining how long ago they left, you think the parents left the house by now? Without Celine, I mean?" Piccolo asked, no emotions in his voice. Vegeta narrowed his eyes. The Namek, for once, has a point. But, it will not be a possibility that I want to happen, The prince thought bitterly, flying towards Celine's power level.
"By the time we get there, Celine will still be alive. Count on that." Vegeta growled out, his eyes staring straight ahead.


"Stay still, you little bitch." Celine's mother barked out, holding her daughter held tight. Celine struggled as her mother held her tight, anger flashing in her eyes. Her father was standing in front of her, a knife in his hand. A smile was on his face as he walked towards her. A smile of pure evil.
Snyder stood next to the girl, silent. He couldn't even look at her as he looked down at the ground. Celine kept trying to pull free of her mother, but the lawyer did not come to help. Instead he stood there, like a statue.
"WHY?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!?!" The girl screamed out, fear in her eyes.
"You were born. That is what you did to us." Her father said, walking up to her. His hand was on the hilt of the blade as he placed it on the girls chest, near her heart. He tilted his head, a smirk on his face. "Now, this is going to hurt."
"Not if I can help it." A voice growled from the doorway. Celine's father looked towards it to see Vegeta standing in it, his arm in front of him, his palm open. "Release her and I might spare your life."
"You want me to spare this bitches life? Sure I will." He replied, looking back at his daughter. Celine closed her eyes as she felt the blade going into her chest, pain searing in her body. The girl waited for it to go through her heart. Waited for death to come. But, there was no more pain as she felt a blast of heat go past her. Then, she felt her mother let go of her as she fell to the ground in a heap, the knife still in her chest. She heard footsteps coming towards her. Then, she blacked out, not knowing what happened after that.


Now it was Vegeta's turn to wait for Celine in the hospital. He sat in a chair in her room, his eyes closed and his arms crossed over his chest. The prince had been there for a few days now, waiting for Celine to come out of the coma she was in. The coma that she was still in after a week and a half. Just waiting for her to gaze upon him once again would be enough for him.
It was hard not to cry. The near lifeless body of the girl was more than enough. The fact that she may not even come out of it was even worse. The only good news was that the blade of the knife had missed her heart and her lungs. Barely. Just by a few millimeters. The doctors said if the prince hadn't come in at that time, the girl would be dead. Dead from the rest of the world. Dead from him.
Vegeta didn't know if he could take it any more. He opened his eyes, sitting up. He stretched his arms over his head as he blinked his eyes. The prince stood up and walked over to Celine's bed. The girl had tubes go in her mouth and her nose. IV's were in her arm, putting whatever she needed into her blood. The Saiyan looked down at her, pain in his eyes. Vegeta couldn't hold back the tears any longer. It was too hard to hold back.
The prince knelt by the bed, placing his hands on it. He then placed his head on his hands, the tears going down his cheeks. Sobs rocked his body for he could no longer hold them back. Hold them back from the world. Vegeta did not want to lose Celine again. Not after he had found love again. Found love again in the most unexpected person he knew. Yet, it was enough for the Saiyan. Enough for him to love once again.
Vegeta felt a hand on top of his head. The prince stopped crying, blinking back the tears. He lifted his head and looked up at the girl. Looked into her beautiful blue eyes. Her beautiful blue open eyes. One tear escaped his eyes as he stood up, wiping it quickly from his face. The girl's hand fell to the bed as she smiled up at him.
"Celine.....damn you, bitch." He whispered at her, returning her smile. The girl closed her eyes once again, the smile still on her face. Vegeta tilted his head, happiness soaring through his heart as he walked back to the chair he was sitting in before. He sat down, looking over at the girl once again. The Saiyan shook his head, not caring about anything else. He called over to her "You get some sleep, now. Just sleep. I will see you in the morning."