Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Slave Saiyans and an Ally ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Slave Saiyans and a Ally

"Oh my gods!" Kya cried and she jumped back from the control panel she was at in fear. Kakarott and Turles ran to her side, only half dressed in their slave outfits for the next rescue.

"Kya? What is it?" Kakarott asked and did a quick check of his friend for injuries. Kya pointed at the control panel, unable to say anything. Turles pushed past the half blood and read over the scanning Kya had been doing. He nearly fell on his butt when he read who the next Saiyan was that Kya had found.

"What is it lover?" Kakarott asked as he fanned the now fainted Kya. Turles looked over at his mate and said one word that Kakarott wished he had never asked to hear.


Kya walked quickly through the long hallway of a dirty Trader base, disgust plain on her face. Dirt and sludge plastered the walls of the base, not to mention the slime on the floors. Kakarott picked his way through the mess with the actions of a man walking on eggshells. Turles had been left back on the ship to keep guard as the other two went to 'try' to attempt a rescue on Vegeta.

"Don't lag Kakarott, I promise a warm bath if we pull this off and I'll let you in on some Saiyan history that I picked up from the Namek's," Kya hissed. Kakarott instantly hurried his pace, nearly jogging beside the small female.

"Yes Kakarott," a voice chided from behind. "Wouldn't want to make your weak little master angry at you." Kya spun first and instantly wound her hand in Kakarott's tail to hold him from acting out.

"Whose there," she demanded. From the shadows she could make out the form of a small man, possibly with black hair.

"Can't you sense my power female? Oh, that's right. I have a KSR around my neck preventing you from feeling it." Almost immediately Kya could tell you she was talking to and pushed back her hood to give herself a better line of sight.

"It has been a long time Prince Vegeta, but your arrogance hasn't changed in your life as a slave has it?" she muttered. Kakarott tensed as her hands tightened around his tail and let out a small whimper.

"Kya…" he whined. "Let go…" Kya jumped as she realized what she had been doing and immediately released her friends tail.

"I see you go easy on your slaves little one," a man said as he came up beside Vegeta. Kya finger combed her hair and then tossed it over her shoulder.

"I do what I want and you do what you want. Kakarott is my slave and I won't let you talk me into thinking I'm easy on him," she snapped. "Now, I'm here about purchasing your Saiyan. I'll pay good money for him." The man laughed and reached out, flicking his fingers over her right ear. Before Kakarott could even yell a warning about not touching Kya's ears, Kya had grabbed his arm and laid him on his back with one swift movement.

"Don't you dare touch my ears again," she growled and yanked the leash from the mans hand. "If you don't mind, I have a Saiyan to retrain." With that she threw her credits at him and yanked Vegeta along.

"I don't know who the hell you are but you won't get away with stealing the Prince of all Saiyans from this base," Vegeta was yelling, until Kakarott's locked fists came down on his neck, knocking the shorter man unconscious.

"Nice work my friend," Kya praised as Kakarott scooped Vegeta into his arms and carried him out of the base and onto the ship.

"Anything for you Kya, I trust you with my life and I know you'll keep your word," he said with a laugh.

Vegeta woke up with one hell of a headache and sat up slowly in the warm bed he was in. Within a few seconds he had laid back down and snuggled deeper under the blankets, enjoying a feeling he hadn't felt since he was very young.

"I see you are enjoying yourself Vegeta," Turles said from his spot on a bunk beside Vegeta's bed. He had been instructed to watch the smaller Saiyan for any signs of aggression. For good measure they had left Vegeta's KSR on him until they trusted him to not kill them when he was released.

"Turles?" he asked and sat up once again. The tanned Saiyan nodded and crossed his legs, tail waving gently over the edge of the bed.

"You think I would let you stay a slave my Prince?" he asked, then smirked. "Well of course 'I' would, but Kya had other plans. She wants to help free all of us Saiyans." Vegeta eyed him for a moment before slipping out from under the warm covers and stretched. He noted the fact he was wearing his collar still, but Turles didn't have one on.

"Removed," Turles said before Vegeta even had to ask. "Kya took mine off and Kakarott's when she first bought us. We're free to come and go as we please but choose to stay here and help free others." Vegeta growled and lunged at Turles, taking out all his anger of being a slave on the tanned man. Before he knew what was happening, a pair of hands had caught him around the waist and held him back.

"Shh my Prince," a soft voice whispered in his ear. "Behave for me and I will release you on the nearest non-slave planet I find." With those words Vegeta immediately settled down and sat himself on his bed. Kya smirked and sat with him, legs crossed much like Turles' and looked at Vegeta.

"Still arrogant and flighty are we? I thought Kakarott's blow to your head might have cleared that up by now. As soon as you prove to me that I can trust you I will release you." Vegeta complied with a nod.

"For now, I will do as you wish," he said before getting up and making his way out of the room to find a place to wash off. Both Turles and Kya heaved a sigh of relief and fell back on the beds.