Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Slave Saiyans and an Ally ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Slave Saiyans and a Ally

Bardock….He was the one they were after now. Not that it made any difference to Vegeta. He planned to stay out of the plan to rescue the larger Saiyan. Even if that included leaving this ship and his daughter. Kakarott's stomach was swelling more and more each day as he and Turles planned for their upcoming baby. Raditz still wandered the ship at night, until Vegeta snuck up on him and knocked him out. Kya and Brolli were searching for Bardock when Vegeta walked into the main room of the ship.

"Come on you two. Get to bed before I put you there myself." Kya giggled and flicked off her computer. Brolli let out a low growl at Vegeta as they went past him then scooped up his mate and carried her to bed.

Vegeta noticed a blinking blue light on one of the controls and raised a eyebrow. Looking around to make sure Kya had gone to bed he snuck over to the controls and tapped the blinking button.

"Is anyone there?" a deep male voice asked. "This is Commander Bardock. Can anyone hear me? My crew has been injured and we're stranded. If you can hear me please respond." Vegeta's eyes grew wide and he searched for a way to respond to the other man. Bardock's signal was breaking up as the ship moved away from where ever he was.

"Kya!" he yelled over his shoulder. "Bardock's on the communicator!" Before he even had time to blink Kya was standing beside him, shutting down the engines and grabbing a microphone.

"This is Kya, pilot of the Saiyan Rescue ship," she spoke.

"Oh thank kami I found someone," Bardock said. "I'm stranded with my crew on a unknown planet and we're running low on life support and food. I've already lost three of my crew members and I don-" The signal went dead. With a cry of despair Kya threw the ships thrusters into reverse and started scanning for the planet Bardock was on. She wasn't going to let any more of her kind die.

It took another six hours before Kya had located the unknown planet and was rocketing her ship towards it. Raditz and Turles had suited up in their bio-suits, ready to face anything the planet would throw at them. Upon scanning it at a closer distance Kya had realized the air on the planet was deadly and had ordered Turles and Raditz to suit up.

"I want you out and back in here as fast as possible," Kya said as the ship landed. Get to those Saiyans and bring them on board, dead or alive."

"Yes ma'am!" both Raditz and Turles said before the docking chamber door slid shut behind them. The outer doors opened and the two were out of it in a flash. Now all the people on the ship could do was sit back and wait.

"Let the spirits surround them," Kya whispered and set her head on Brolli's chest. Kakarott sat watching out the front window as his mate disappeared into the dust. Dust!? This planet was calm just a minute ago!

"Kya! A dust storm is coming!" Vegeta yelled a split second later as he jumped from his place in front of the controls. Kya grabbed for her headset.

"Turles and Raditz," she started, in a calm clear voice. "I have bad news. A huge dust storm is appearing as we speak. I want you back here as soon as you find the others!" There was no response as the dust storm bore down on the ship, and on the Saiyans looking for the stranded.