Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Slave Saiyans and an Ally ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dust surrounded Turles and Raditz as the pushed forward to find Bardock and the others. They couldn't give up now. They were so close to finding the last of the Saiyans. If, for some reason, they didn't make it back to the ship they both knew they would feel as if they had let everyone down. Their vision was affected greatly by the sand and they moved by feeling, never going less than a foot from one another.

"I can see shit in this dust!" Turles said with a growl, then bumped into Raditz who had stopped. He growled again at the other Saiyan.

"I can…can feel them," Raditz mumbled. Inside his bio-suit his tail twitched as the feeling of others Saiyans washed over him. Without warning he took off to the left, barely giving Turles time to follow.

Bardock leaned over Tora's body as the dust swirled around him. He kept brushing sand of his partner and best friends face, whispering for him to stay alive. They were the last ones left now. Tora had passed out a hour ago from the toxins in the air while Bardock had been trying to communicate without anyone they could find. Now Bardock held Tora in his arms, willing the slightly younger man to stay alive.

"Is anyone out there?!" Bardock yelled, lifting his head slightly to look around. He swore he had heard footsteps in the distance but with all the dust and wind he couldn't be sure. Wait…there it was again. Footsteps.

"Someone! We're over here!" At this moment Bardock didn't care if it was slavers that found them, as long as they wouldn't die on this deserted planet. Two figures emerged from the dust, bodies hidden in some sort of suit. No words were passed as Raditz and Turles scooped up the surviving Saiyans, barely taking time to throw the dead into a tarp bag and they started back towards the ship.

Bardock woke hours later to the smell of fresh air and cooking food. He sat up slowly beside Tora, who was still sleeping, and looked around. They were in some sort of ship, he could tell by the windows looking out into space. There was a small sink in one corner of the room and the door had been left open. Outside there were voices talking and laughing, and food was cooking somewhere close by. Getting up silently so he wouldn't wake Tora, Bardock padded into the hallway and looked around. His tail twitched and twirled behind him as he followed the voices into the main part of the ship. There sat a group of Saiyans, eating and talking amongst each other. He looked around at all the males, finally taking note of the one female that sat by the side of the largest Saiyan.

"Oh Bardock, you're awake," Kya said as she stood up. "We were afraid you were to far gone to save you." Bardock just nodded and looked at the group some more. Kya laughed and pulled him by the hand towards the circle.

"Sit and eat. Ask what ever questions you need to ask," she told him and took her place back beside Brolli Picking up her plate she started eating again, the huge assortment of food in front of the group getting smaller by the minute. Bardock sat down quietly and helped himself to a plate.

"Who are all of you?" he asked. Kya blinked in surprise and went around the circle of Saiyans.

"Bardock, meet the crew and rescue team who have served by my said to free all Saiyans," she told him. "This is my mate Brolli, Turles and his mate Kakarott who is pregnant, Kakarott's brother Raditz and then there is Prince Vegeta. My name is Kya. I'm a Saiyan half-blood. Vegeta is my father and my other part is Namek." Bardock watched as each Saiyan greeted him, with the exception of Vegeta. Kakarott was leaning against Turles, bulging stomach quite noticeable.

"And Tora?" Bardock asked. "Will he recover as well?" Kya turned to Raditz, willing him to answer the question. Raditz nodded.

"He should recover quite well, but his lungs were badly damaged by the toxins in the air on the planet. It may take some time before he will be able to serve as a warrior again." Bardock nodded and sat back, not really to hungry anymore.

"We're coming up to a planet Kya thinks may act as a new home for us. You're welcome to stay with us as long as you like Bardock," Brolli offered, rubbing Kya's shoulders. Kya nodded her agreement, as did the others Saiyans (excluding Vegeta, of course).

"I shall…consider your proposal." With that Bardock stood and left the main room. Checking one last time on his long time friend, happy to see Tora breathing easily, he continued down the hallway to the bathroom. He needed a long shower.


That was all of it my readers. Not really a lot I know but I try. Honest I do! ^_^ I finally have my own computer at home…for about two months now…and I can get chapters done so so so sooooooo much faster. I expect to be online in my own home by the end of September. Feel free to add me to your MSN messenger à Kayne18@hotmail.com I don't mind it you add me at all. I hope you enjoyed my story and I might do more….if I ever feel like it. How reassuring ne? LOL But anyways. I hope you review my fic and let me know how I did! Ja ne!