Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Soul Blues for Nappa and Yamcha ❯ How Could You? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

How could you do it?
By Trynia Merin
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z. Toriyama created it, and Toei Animation Co. Ltd owns it. I'm only borrowing the characters for this fan fiction. I own Stellari, Fermi and Bohr though. I make no money from this. It means no harm to the series or manga.
Summary: Yamcha wonders why Stellari, a friend of his mated and married a ruthless Saiyan warrior like Raditz instead of starting a relationship with him instead. But he's really wondering why Bulma ended up with Vegeta.
While Nappa rushed off to the Hyperbolic time chamber, Launch remembered the short time ago how the Z fighters had dealt with the ramifications of her new relationship. Tien was furious, and she forced that recollection aside as her eyes fell on a photo of the Z warriors with their significant others. That fateful barbecue at Master Roshi's had happened a year ago. The place where Yamcha first met the woman Stellari and had fallen in love with her two kids Fermi and Bohr. Yamcha to pass time had considered opening a dojo and teaching his own style of Turtle Hermit karate. With t he proceeds he'd train for the inevitable time the Androids would come completely out of hiding. Tien had volunteered to help at the dojo in North City, along with Chaiutzu. Along with the students there were a few who had prominent psychic power. Those Tien and Chiautzu would take aside and offer special training. Their goal was to take any capable children with powers like theirs and turn them into students who respected martial arts for their true purpose, not as a means to an end. Tien had wanted to avoid any more Crane Hermits. The best way to avoid this was to attract such children with potential abilities to be trained by him to use their powers for good. Two such students that came his way were the sons of Dr. Stellari, named Fermi and Bohr. Yamcha soon learned from the application form that she was an employee of Capsule, and it was Bulma that had recommended Yamcha and Tien's training school to Stellari.
To officially meet the boys, a barbecue had been thrown on Master Roshi's island. Launch had cooked up her best food. Bulma had shown up with Stellari and her sons, and Yamcha met the two boys for the first time. It was instant like. They knew him from baseball, one of their childhood fascinations. By this time Yamcha had been wished back and Bulma had Vegeta living with her. Shortly after the death of Shasta, aka Android 23, Yamcha turned his affections elsewhere.
Yamcha had taken a liking to the mother of two, attracted by her dark eyes and pretty hair, and the fact she wasn't an empty headed bombshell. He had tried pretty, now he gravitated towards being there for two boys whose father was absent. Launch had thought nothing at the time when Tien reported Yamcha had a new love interest. AS time progressed and Yamcha brought Stellari around to the apartment she shared with Tien, it was obvious that Stellari wasn't attracted to Yamcha romantically. Rather she enjoyed the stable friendship he gave her through platonic male companionship. She spent time with Yamcha because of her two sons looking up to him as a 'big brother' and role model. Obviously they thought the world of him, and flourished under his training and Tien's. Stellari even took private karate lessons to learn the Kame Sennen School of fighting from Yamcha. What was affection he mistook for attraction, and only headed for possible heartbreak?
To Launch's knowledge Stellari and Yamcha had never gone past holding hands and kissing. Otherwise she would have heard whispers and blushing from Tien as he and Yamcha hung out for drinks and dinner. As time passed, the two Saiyan Nappa and Raditz had arrived and turned their world upside down.
"You stupid bum," Launch mumbled as she stroked her pregnant belly. "I loved ya, but you were always married to that martial arts."
Tien had not taken kindly to the news that she was with Nappa. She remembered that day when he arrived, and she calmly told him how far she'd gone.
"Did he hurt you? Are you all right?" Tien had asked, storming into the door.
"Sheesh, can't you knock?" Launch snorted. "That's what a door's for!"
"But you were with that Saiyan! Did he hurt you?" Tien snapped.
"What do you care?" Launch asked, folding arms across her chest. "What's done is done!"
"How can you SAY such a thing! What's he done to you? Why haven't you told me?" Tien asked, slamming the door behind him. "If he's laid a hand on you…"
"I'm fine you idiot! He didn't hurt me!" Launch snapped, darting around him before he could break down the door in his fury.
"What? But how?"
"No way! I'm a big girl I can handle myself!" Launch snorted. "In fact… In fact, the professor and me offered ourselves freely to keep the two space monkeys under control. I couldn't let that guy hurt anyone."
"You mean you and he… you…" Realization dawned across Tien's face. Three eyes widened in disgust in horror.
"That BASTARD! I'll kill him for this! He raped you didn't he! I swear he'll pay!" Tien growled, his grasp tightening on her arms.
"Hey, lay off! He didn't rape me you idiot!" she huffed, arms folded across her chest. He stepped backwards from Launch as if she had the plague, releasing his grip as her green eyes sparkled with fire that indicated anything but a woman who was abused. In fact she seemed quite proud of herself.
All Tien could do was stammer; "Launch… you mean you willingly… gave yourself to him… but WHY?"
"Are you jealous?" Launch asked.
"How… how honestly can you stand there and ask me that when you… he's… I…" Tien swallowed hard. He blinked repeatedly, his mouth opening and closing without any more sounds issuing out. Launch continued to stand straight and tall, her green eyes glaring at him with something like anger and annoyance instead of the fear of a woman wronged.
"He didn't hurt me, Tien," said Launch. "You should be glad of that! And he's paid me more attention then you ever did!"
"I can't believe you're standing there asking me THAT of all things… don't you CARE what that bastard did?"
"He didn't rape me. You think I'd let that happen, huh? I did what I had to, you bum. What anyone would have done to survive!" Launch said. She took a step toward him, but Tien backed away, both hands held up to block her.
"You… I can't believe this…" Tien blinked. "I just… it's too horrible to understand!"
"Oh I get it… you think I'm damaged goods? Is THAT why you're acting like I've got some horrible disease?" Launch asked, stopping at his outstretched hands with the palms facing her. Seeing him flinch at her approach was the last thing she wanted.
"He used you! He killed Chaiutzu and you SLEPT with him? Don't you CARE don't you have any pride?" Tien spluttered.
Launch's green eyes darkened with anger. Any affection she felt for him suddenly twisted around to irritation, then full blown fury. How dare he stand there and act like she was some traitor for doing what she thought was necessary to survive? "Oh, so you think you're all high and mighty is that it? You think I'm some kind of whore now? Is THAT it? Because I'm not, you jerk!"
"I didn't SAY that Launch, but I just don't understand after all we've been through… after what that monster did how you could let yourself… even CONSIDER…"
"Hey, WATCH it!" Launch shouted, bringing up her machine gun to bear. "Don't you DARE judge me! Didn't you do what you had to so you could survive that Crane hermit creep? You of all people should know that there's times you gotta cut the crap and…"
"I can't believe it… he's twisted you against me… he must have done something to… Launch; tell me you didn't do it because you wanted… that you didn't enjoy… I can't…" Tien demanded.
"So I did. So sue me! He did more then you ever did, and you have the GALL to be jealous and self-righteous? Come on, Tien give me a break! You're looking at me like I'm trash or something? Thanks a LOT you jerk!"
"He'll pay for this, I swear it," Tien said, retreating. Before she could say anything else, he rocketed away, leaving her with tears in her eyes.
After that, he never came near her again. By admitting she had willingly given herself to Nappa it was the death knell of their relationship. She soon realized that he would have been able to accept Nappa forcing himself on her far more then her consenting to a night of passion with the Saiyan warrior. All because Nappa was the one who had killed Chautzu. He acted as if she had betrayed him and his loyalty. Love and admiration turned to anger and resentment. Resentment that had driven Launch into the arms of Nappa a day or so later.
That same day, Yamcha had gone to Capsule to find Dr. Stellari and see if she was all right. When he had seen her making love with the Saiyan warrior Raditz he had flown away in fright. The next day he had invited her to lunch, only to find she was completely happy and safe. Both men had chosen vastly different ways to check on the two women, and Launch couldn't understand why. If Tien had been so possessive of her before she would have hesitated. But now…
Back in the present she rubbed her belly and looked at the picture she picked up from the dresser table. She turned it face down, cursing under her breath. "This baby could've been ours you moron. But now it's too late."
Sorrow overcame her, and she sank into the sofa. Yamcha had faced similar heartbreak the day when he calmly confronted Stellari about why she'd given herself to Raditz. That meeting had happened a week before Tien and Yamcha had tried to abduct Dr. Stellari and her kids. Stellari and Yamcha had lunch the week before Nappa and Tien had almost killed one another, and Goku had met up with Raditz face to face as a Super Saiyan.
A week before Tien attacked Nappa at Capsule, Yamcha had tried the diplomatic approach to find out what was going on at Capsule. Rumors had surfaced about the two Saiyans living there along with Vegeta, and he thought it best to see if Stellari really was safe, as Bulma claimed. So he had left a note with the secretary asking Dr. Stellari to meet him at Capsule's dining room to discuss things. Because Yamcha was still friends with Bulma, he had access to Capsule's grounds. The two Saiyans as far as he knew were far away from the public. At least according to what Bulma had said. Stellari was unharmed, free of bruises and apparently happy. As far as he knew she was living with her boys, but he had seen her together with the Saiyan Raditz far above the earth. He knew he had to approach the scientist calmly. Unlike in anger as Tien had approached Launch.
Within Capsule's executive dining suite, two friends shared lunch and an uncomfortable discussion. It had been Yamcha's idea to ask Stellari out for lunch innocently enough. Yet she knew after the first few minutes where the discussion was leading. Chewing violently on a piece of steak Yamcha swallowed it hard.
"How could you do it?" Yamcha asked. Sunlight gleamed through the massive glassed in area casting bright beams from above. Shadows of palm trees overhead in the arboretum danced across Yamcha's yellow suit and opennecked shirt. Opposite him, Stellari still wore her crisply starched Capsule Corps labcoat. Her plastic namecard badge dangled on a chain around her neck bearing the name Dr. Stellari Son.
"Do what?" Stellari asked, poking a forkful of chicken salad into her mouth. She rested her chin on her left hand still keeping the fork in her right to the side as she chewed. Nervously Yamcha waited for her to swallow.
"Marry a murderer?"
"Yamcha, are you comparing me to Bulma?" she asked, slamming down her fork. Now she was angry.
"If the shoe fits," Yamcha snorted. "What is it about bad boys that attracts you women? I've done nothing but help you care for your sons. I…"
"I won't deny you've been wonderful with them, Yamcha. But I can't answer your question so simply," Stellari said. Seeing the plaintive helpless look in his eyes she dropped her guard momentarily.
"It's simple to me! Bulma and you are so much alike!" Yamcha insisted. At these words Stellari's walls rose again. How dare he simplify something he couldn't comprehend?
"No we aren't," said Stellari angrily. "Alike on the surface, but not when you get down to it."
"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Yamcha asked.
Stellari remembered how he had helped her with Fermi and Bohr many a time either babysitting or taking them to a baseball game. Few men would willingly focus on her sons without immediately using them as pawns to get to her. Yet Yamcha had expressed interest in acting as a 'big brother' under Bulma's insistence that he was a 'nice guy'. Unfortunately Stellari guessed that Bulma's motives might have been a bit more suspicious. Although Stellari valued her friendship with her boss, she didn't like being the recipient of an unwanted blind date.
She allowed Yamcha's affections as long as it benefited the boys, but was also amused at his attempts at innocent courtship. It was flattering to be pursued with pink roses and champagne, or impromptu lunch dates. Nevertheless she sensed his ulterior motive was to move close to her through a friendship and then slyly mention her lack of a steady father figure. While platonic, the emotional stability their close friendship provided teetered on the edge of physical consummation. Stellari didn't doubt she was attractive in some regards, but she questioned his constant pursuit of her. Something told her whenever he looked at her he was looking at someone else. Namely Bulma. Attracted to a woman with brains seemed a safe bet, but she knew his game. It was sweet and innocent on the surface, but she feared that it would only lead to a load of bother.
Now he was playing the concerned friend. She was inwardly flattered, but irritated because only now did he show a possessiveness that showed he had overstepped his boundaries.
"Yamcha, you'd make any woman a fine husband. I don't think I can give you a simple answer why I'd choose someone like Raditz over you. Maybe it's because what I feel for you isn't love, but affection," she said.
"Doesn't companionship and friendship mean anything?" Yamcha asked.
"I'm not a second rate Bulma knockoff. First of all, you pursued me on the rebound from Bulma, then your girlfriend Shasta. A heart needs time to heal. You just dive right in. What was far more important to me was the relationship you had with my sons. They idolize you like a father figure. Their needs come before mine always," said Stellari. "That part will not change. I came along with the package."
"I could give you stability," he said.
"You've had ample time to express your desire to be more then just a suitor. Even if I was interested I know you could. And you still can by being there for my sons. Being their Uncle Yamcha. But I'm not Bulma. You've every right to be angry at her for choosing Vegeta over you, but sometimes the men choose you, not the other way around," she said.
"I can't believe I'm hearing this!" he snorted.
"You're in love with marriage. That's something that's admirable. But what could I offer you? A shattered past, two boys who love you, and a heart that is glued together. You need a woman whom you can care for. Who has no torture and can have you as the hero of her life. Someone with your innocence, naivete and delight for the fun in life. I'm too old. I can't give you that," she said.
"Age doesn't matter," Yamcha said softly, pressing her hands.
"I know. But dammit Yamcha I'm TRYING to think of a rational answer, but I can't. As a friend I can only offer what I'm telling you now. But you and I just don't work. You're still thinking of Bulma when you look at me. You need to resolve your issues with her instead of projecting them onto me. The only thing that I can give you ever is friendship," she said.
"I'm sorry," said Yamcha quietly.
"So am I. I wish I could fall in love with you, but I can't," she said soberly.
"But you could with that alien monster?" asked Yamcha.
"He and I share much in common. Yes your own past was tortured, but his… I don't know… it was… as if he were calling to me. I can't expect you to understand," she said.
"That's right I don't," Yamcha said bitterly. "It's not fair to you or the kids!"
"He needs me more then you do," said Stellari simply. "I can't put it any planar then that."
"That's bullshit! Love isn't sacrifice!"
"It is," said Stellari. "He needs so much and I can give so much. It's easy to love someone like you. But it's not easy for someone to love me, or for me to love someone. It's like Velcro…"
"Love doesn't have to hurt," Yamcha said sternly.
"He's never hurt me. Not yet. Don't lecture to me about love not having to hurt," she said angrily. "You're right about so many things. But when I felt his touch, and his mind reach out, it seemed as if I'd found something that sought me out like a drowning man. I thought I'd lose myself in him, but I found something."
"I can't understand, no matter how hard I try," Yamcha sighed deeply. He slowly pushed away from the table, shaking his head. Tears glinted in his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I can't explain it in any other way," Stellari said.
"Yeah, I guess that's how it has to be," Yamcha said with a sad laugh.
"There never WAS an us," said Stellari. "Sure what woman wouldn't find you attractive. And friendship CAN turn into love. But I'm not a substitute for her. Deal with HER, not me."
"I hear you," Yamcha said, turning away. His heart ached, and he knew she was right. Bulma was the true issue he needed to deal with, not Stellari. To project his desires onto Stellari was being unfair. Despite the similarity of the situation, it couldn't be more different. Bulma had fought battles, but not in the same way as Stellari. Fighting a monster of a husband and raising two innocent twins, while Bulma had chosen to try loving a man who offered her life with him, or death by an uncertain hand. Stellari had voluntarily chosen to take Raditz on. But had she thought of her children?
"I did. I knew that if Raditz ill-used me, then I could handle it. I'd kill him before I'd let him harm my sons. Raditz swore he meant them no harm," Stellari said loudly. "And I hold him to that."
"You really believe him?"
"I do," said Stellari. "We are one, Yamcha."
"What?" he wheeled on her. She pushed her tray aside, and stood up.
"Only that we're one flesh," she said firmly. "Married. Forever."
"Married?" Yamcha asked, looking at the ring she brandished. "Where did you get THAT?"
"Only a short time after we were first together in the Saiyan way," said Stellari. "He married me in the sight of God and witnesses. Blessing our union."
"What priest would agree to that?"
"One that knows me and the well being of my children. One that knows even a murderer deserves a second chance," said Stellari.
"Have a nice life then," Yamcha said.
"Yamcha… wait," she said. "It's not your place to presume such things!"
"I guess it isn't," Yamcha mumbled. Unable to take much more, Yamcha excused himself and walked quickly away. Stellari stood up, wanting to go after him but realizing it was no good. Down on the table he had tossed a fifty-zenni bill to cover it all.
"He shouldn't have taken this on. Poor foolish man. Setting himself up for heartbreak," she whispered, watching his shoulders hunched. She sank down behind the table again, playing with the end of the cloth. Stellari pulled her glasses off and tossed them down on the table. Pressing her hands to her face she rubbed her eyes free of the hot tears that threatened to form.
She remembered a few abortive attempts that lead nowhere. Soft kisses from his lips, hard muscles against her that eased the lonely ache. Yamcha had never forced himself on her, but had surprised her with the tenderness of his touch. The intense kisses that he lay on her lips those times were those of a man desperately wanting to give the love and protection to someone willing to take it. If she had been younger she might have melted and let him in.
Yet she remembered the strange expression in his eyes as he drew back and looked at her. She had responded with the practiced ease of giving a young man what he wanted. Stellari knew how to give a kiss and return it so a man was satisfied, though her experiences were only to be counted on one hand. It filled a base desire, but there was only need behind it. A need to be accepted, and now she hadn't the heart to agree to something she couldn't give. Something held her back; telling her it would be a mistake.
"What's wrong?" Yamcha had asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You don't seem into it," he said softly.
"Isn't it what you wanted," she asked, but mentally kicked herself.
"Not like this. I don't' want to force you to do anything you don't want," he whispered sadly, stroking her hair. Stellari shook her head.
"I could like this, but it isn't fair to you. I'm not capable of giving you what you want," she said softly. "I could have good sex with you, but it wouldn't be enough for both of us."
"I know," Yamcha nodded, feeling his throat choke. "You're the kind of woman a man wants to marry, but…"
"Yes. I can't give you what I don't have to give," she murmured. "I could give you the nice guy speech, but it doesn't feel right. Or fair."
"Maybe I should take you home," Yamcha had said as the sun set over Kame house. He had carried her back and placed her on her balcony. Hovering there he looked back only once and sped away. A few weeks later she heard of Shandi, his young girlfriend and chuckled with relief and jealousy. Another now received what could have been hers.
"I'm too old to be swept off my feet," she whispered. Then Raditz had happened.
Raditz was an experience worlds away from Yamcha. A taste of forbidden past and a great hunger and sadness. Equaling her own. The depths in those eyes that had seen much had pulled her in. That dangerous chemistry had sparked her own desires, and she was wanted in ways that went beyond the desire to please her and be the perfect man. It was raw, elemental, and right.
Like the way Yamcha and Bulma once needed each other. He tried to duplicate in her the mere echo of passions long dead. It was a comfortable white lie that would grow dark over time. Yes they'd be happy, but then they'd question it, and drift apart, both hating themselves for the farce. Raditz needed her and she him, but they completed each other in ways that were hard to fathom. Like Goku and Chichi they were halves of a whole, stronger with each other then separate. But both willing to accept the other for who they were and not try to shape them just to fit some ideal.
"I'm not what you truly need," she whispered to Yamcha's now absent form. "I've seen too much, experienced too much. And you've known only rejection. Raditz has seen much, and wants far more."
A presence registered in her thoughts. Stellari blinked up and felt him before he appeared. In the capsule restaurant she saw the muscular figure gesturing towards her and saying something to one of the servers. Anxiously she bit her nails to see his tall shape gliding between the rows of tables. Patrons blinked up at him, but seeing his dark stare looked quickly away. Black hair swishing around his knees like a banner, the Saiyan warrior Raditz stopped before her table.
"What the hell…" she blinked up. "You… you knew where I was?"
"There's no place you can go where I cannot follow or sense you, precious one," he rumbled. He slid out the chair that Yamcha had occupied and then lowered his muscular form to sit. In comparison to his massive muscular body the chair seemed to be made of paperclips instead of wrought iron twisted into decorative legs and a curved back. Indeed it bowed slightly under his weight. Even in one tenth of Planet Vegeta's gravitational pull, he weighed 300 pounds easily. Stellari winced at the thought he'd weigh 3000 pounds naturally.
"I… it's not what it looks like…" she stammered.
"What are you talking about?" Raditz asked, his nostrils flaring as he took in her scent. Light flashed off his blue armored breastplate. Around his neck dangled a similar namecard badge bearing an unflattering mug shot near the name 'Raditz B. Son'. Only recently had he adopted the family name of his younger brother Son Goku. It was far easier to explain his kinship to Goku that way. Stellari herself had no last name, like several people who had exited the Red Ribbon army years ago. She simply was known as NLN Stellari.
"Excuse me, I didn't realize someone else was joining you," the waiter said.
"Just get him some red wine please, and several garden salads," Stellari interrupted.
"Do as she says, if you please," Raditz glared up at the waiter. Quickly he backed up and rushed off to fetch some drinks. Intense dark eyes glared at Stellari, full of questions that demanded answers.
"What's not what it looks like?" Raditz asked. "I felt your discomfort and thought you needed aid. What's upset you? Who's been eating with you to make you so upset?"
"Don't kill anyone yet, Raditz," she said sharply. "I was simply eating lunch with a friend."
"Does a friend cause you to cry?" Raditz asked, reaching across the table to wipe away her tears with an index finger.
"I needed to tie off a loose end," said Stellari.
"With the scar faced human?" asked Raditz. "Was he trying to challenge my claim."
Before she could protest, Stellari bit her next remark. It was hard to accept the possessiveness of a Saiyan male, but she knew he was in the right to demand why she was eating with another male. Especially one who had designs on her whether she acknowledged it or not. "What did he want? I have a right to know."
"He wanted to know why," Stellari said lamely, feeling helpless under the light of Raditz angry gaze. It was only broken when the waiter meekly placed a glass of wine with two goblets down, and several huge bowls of salad before him.
"Raw steak, and quick," Raditz grunted, glancing up at him. Stellari didn't bother to correct him, burying her face in her hands. For a time Raditz ate, looking intently at his mate as she tried to collect her thoughts. Inner turmoil surged through their bond, and Stellari let it go full force. Perhaps if he could see her conflicts he wouldn't accuse her.
"You think I'm going to hurt you? Are you still afraid of me, precious one?" Raditz asked, swallowing a gulp of wine. Stellari nodded her eyes wide as she shook.
"You should know better then that. I'm angry at that human, not at you Stellari," Raditz grunted, reaching across to cup her cheek. Huge fingers caressed her throat, lightly fingering the scars he'd made with his own teeth.
"Can you blame me?" she asked quietly.
"I'm not your former misbegotten mate, Stellari. I gave you my word that I wouldn't harm you. You doubt me because of how I tricked Kakkarot?"
"Yes," she whispered, nodding.
"I see," Raditz mumbled, seeing the images fleetingly pass through her mind. "But I would not open my mind bond so intimately to anyone but my chosen mate."
"I feel the sincerity," she whispered. Indeed Raditz sent her waves of iron clad resolve that he was in the right. An unwavering desire to claim what was his and do anything necessary to hold onto it. Stellari's last fears melted and she trembled with relief. Grunting, Raditz abandoned his chair and sat down in the one immediately next to hers. It was a four-seated rectangular table next to a window view of Capsule from forty floors up. His arm slid around her shoulders while his muscular hip pressed to hers.
"You owe him no explanation," said Raditz sternly. "It is not his affair."
"His friendship with my children," she said feebly.
"He will not threaten what we have," Raditz continued.
"I… well… people NEED friends… a community," she said.
"True, but not at the expense of you feeling safe. I'm your husband as well as your mate. To love, honor, protect, and cherish… am I not? In Saiyan society I protect what is mine," he said.
"I sometimes ask myself why us," she said.
"True. I never thought I'd mate with someone that wasn't Saiyan. I mean I've coupled, but never mated," he said. The two words were different. To couple and have sex was different from mating which involved the intent to create children. Having sex and making love were terms she used that were the closest in meanings.
"I've only been with my ex husband before you," she mumbled embarrassed. "If you don't count Brown. And then it was only…"
"Say no more I know what you mean," said Raditz. "I think this Yamcha has intentions that he thinks are honorable. But he needs to stay away from you and our family. He wants something that he cannot have. And that is what makes him dangerous. Isn't it against your commandments for a man to covet his neighbor's possessions?"
"How are you so sure it's that?"
"He looks at you like a predator who wants prey, that's how," he snorted. "A Saiyan male when he is mated does not covet his neighbor's mate. It is ludicrous for him to want any other female when he's found the one that is his. Hence the bond. You humans have no such blood bonding that makes one indispensable without the other."
"Marriage is seen as the same, but you're claiming it's far deeper, almost like an animal instinct. But humans aren't animals," she said.
"Because you believe in this Creation I see," Raditz tapped his lip. "Man above base instinct as the lord and master of his planet. I see that instinct isn't something you value highly. But to us, it is part of who we are. We master the dark desires and they give us power."
"I have misunderstood," she apologized. Putting Yamcha aside she allowed the embrace of darkness lit by her own love. Knowing that she had made the right choice.