Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Soul Blues for Raditz and Goku ❯ Dinner and a Bath ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the anime or manga Dragon Ball Z. Toriyama created it, and Toei Animation Co. Ltd. Shuisha Bird studios does. This is written out of respect for a wonderful series and I make no money from this. My fan fiction means no harm to either one. Stellari, Fermi and Bohr belong to me though.
Bath and Dinner to Go
Raditz slung the veloceraptor carcass over his shoulder with pride. Fermi wrestled with carrying the wild goat over his. Both males glanced at one another conspiratorially. Only a few minutes later they arrived to see the Ox King pulling up his car to the house. A question echoed in Fermi's eyes which was answered by Son Goku's quick motion forwards.
"All right, we'll go," Fermi said reluctantly.
"Think of it as an opportunity to spend time with a grandparent," Goku whispered. "Pa's really nice!"
"He is your grandfather now, by rights," said Raditz, chuckling. Fermi and Bohr both hugged Raditz tightly. Another set of hugs to Goku happened before they went to get their things and leave with the Ox King for a weekend or more of 'vacation'.
"We're going to have so much fun, kids," he laughed. Bohr and Fermi relaxed, offering their hands to the huge man. It didn't take long for them to warm up to his jovial manner. Raditz felt a pang of jealousy that vanished soon.
"He'll take good care of them, don't worry. Besides, they will enjoy the time away from us. Gohan always did. Chichi's always grateful when he takes Gohan so she and I can have time alone," said Goku.
"This is long overdue," said Raditz, handing over the carcasses. Goku's eyes widened with delight.
"Ohh great! Let me get a fire going and we'll roast these!"
"You have any other food?" Raditz asked.
"I've got rice cooking, LOTS of it, and some steamed vegetables going from Chichi's garden," Goku rubbed his hands together. At Raditz strange glance he said, "What, I DO know how to cook! I mean I lived in the wild for years!"
"You did?" Raditz asked.
"Sure did. After Grandpa Gohan died I lived in the woods and ate all kinds of things. Things that Bulma said were disgusting," said Goku.
"You did live like a Saiyan brat after all," Raditz grinned proudly. "Well well, then let's get started."
Both brothers dragged their fresh kill to a fire Goku constructed. To roast such large prey required a special spit and fire pit outdoors. Chichi would have butchered the large haunches of meat that Goku might bring home. Gleefully Raditz started the fire with a ki blast during which Goku skewered and skinned the kill easily. Raditz watched his brother's practiced ease preparing animals for eating with interest. All the giblets and other internal organs he put aside into a stew bubbling to one side.
"I'm sure you'll want to eat these later," he winked at Raditz.
"Mmm, did you ever eat raw meat?"
"Lots of times. Chichi said it was disgusting though. She al ways said my breath stank if I did," Goku blushed. Raditz noticed some fish also roasting.
"I brought a few out of the freezer that I caught with Gohan earlier this week. Figured they'd make a good instant dinner for a time like this," he admitted. Raditz entered the house to get the food items Goku prepared and add them to the outdoor fire pit. Something about eating under the stars seemed primal and necessary to a Saiyan male. Goku must have sensed it too for he had set up a picnic table with tablecloth and dishes. Sometimes Chichi fed the family outdoors when it was particularly nice.
"I hope they're enjoying their bath," Raditz muttered, wiping blood from his hands.
"Um why don't we… uh see for ourselves?" Goku asked.
"Brother are you suggesting what I think?"
"Well since you can tell what I'm thinking," Goku winked at him. "It's kinda fun to hunt Chichi sometimes. Before Gohan was born I did it all the time."
"Wonders never cease. You are far more Saiyan then you realize even in your altered state, Kakkarot," Raditz chuckled. Hushing him Goku motioned for Raditz to follow him. They crept around the house to where the family bathing barrel stood steaming with hot water. Through the mist they beheld the two women relaxing with glasses of red wine Goku had secretly placed there.
Goku started working at the sash of his pants to Raditz surprise. Cloth whispered to the ground as Goku shed his outer shirt and belt. He carefully shrugged off the weighted blue vest next, setting it down carefully with the rest so it wouldn't thump. Raditz grinned, struggling with the straps of his armored vest to pull it over his head of hair. Next came the boots, till both brothers were bare from the waist up and barefooted. Only in his orange pants and Raditz in his spandex shorts, the two brothers levitated silently up to the bubbling water's edge.
"Mm, I could get used to this," Chichi murmured.
"More red wine?" asked Stellari. By now Chichi had twisted the wet strands of her hair up with two sticks so she could soak the back of her neck. Stellari had used a spring loaded hairclip to twist her locks up and on the top. Since they had washed their hair it had started to annoy them.
Neither noticed two heads of spiky hair slipping up to peer behind them. Goku worked at his pants and crouched out of view. Dark eyes gleamed hungrily to behold the objects of their affections so close. Stellari's pale skin contrasted to Chichi's tanned and olive complexion. Raditz admitted to himself that Kakkarot's mate was indeed very Saiyan in appearance. Goku blushed to catch himself looking at his brother's wife, then focussed his view on Stellari.
Raditz thoughts reassured him, "It's Saiyan culture to see others without clothes. Don't be afraid to look. But know that Stellari is mine as I respect Chichi is yours. It only excites the mating process."
"You mean like Master Roshi looking at his dirty magazines?" Goku's mental affirmation sounded. Raditz nodded.
"Saiyans have little regard for your so called human modesty. I only hope we will not regret our next move," said Raditz in Goku's mind.
"Just watch me and follow my lead," Goku whispered. Picking up a rock in his hand, he hurled it towards the nearest tree. The snap of branches brought Chichi to blink wildly back and forth.
"What was that?" she whispered.
"Crud, I TOLD you I hated bathing outdoors!" Stellari whispered. She scooted next to her sister in law, unconsciously putting her hands over her chest. Chichi's dark eyes whisked back and forth. She grabbed the back brush in one hand, and one of the towels to wrap around her body with the other so she could stand up.
"Who's there? Show yourself! Or you'll be sorry!" Chichi shouted. Her voice took on a raspy growl that showed she meant business.
"C'mon don't screw with us!" Stellari shouted as well, grabbing a towel to wrap around herself as well. She snatched up the bottle of shampoo to hold aloft, ready to lob it at any unsuspecting person. Gently her belly curved with her advancing state of pregnancy. It only made her look all the more attractive to her mate.
More rustling answered them. Chichi cursed and swirled around, water dripping from her body. The water came to waist height. Stellari slowly levitated out of the water, till she floated above it. Toes barely touched the surface. "Who's there! Just wait till Goku-sa gets his hands on you or you'll be dead! That is if I don't get you first!" Chichi warned.
"Who wants a few dozen shards of plastic nailing them to a wall?" Stellari threatened.
Both of them suddenly shrieked at the movement of blurs around and behind them. Water splashed as Goku seized Chichi from behind after materializing in the water with his IT. Simultaneously Raditz phased behind the levitating Stellari and wrapped muscular arms around her torso. Screaming and kicking Chichi brought the back brush down on Goku's head, cracking it in two.
"Ow, hey it's just me!" Goku laughed.
"You are DEAD!" Chichi shrieked.
"Son of a bitch!" Stellari gasped. It was hilarious to see Chichi struggling against her husband's grip. Goku laughed and whisked the towel away, then plunged them both into the water. The muscular arms holding Stellari clutched tighter and she landed into the tub with a splash.
"Are you nuts? The water's going everywhere!" Chichi complained.
"No problem," Goku said. Sitting Chichi between his legs, he focussed his gaze on a few buckets nearby. Raditz watched with amazement as Goku accessed a long denied facet of his power. Water that had splashed on the lawn vibrated and slowly rose into droplets. Stellari did not realize Goku's TK abilities were quite considerable.
"Show off," Raditz grumbled to see Goku's intense stare. Water surged over in a sluice from the lawn and splashed back down on them. Fortunately none of the mud or dirt came with it.
"It's COLD!" Chichi gasped.
"Not for long," Raditz murmured. "Let me, Brother." A moment's concentration generated a wave of ki from his body. Instead of generating a blast, Raditz golden glow surged through the tepid water. Soon it started to bubble and steam with the heat radiating from his body.
"Wow, I wish I could do that," Goku murmured.
"Damn," Chichi commented.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" Goku laughed, positioning himself so Chichi sat in his lap. His arms folded across her chest, protecting her modesty. Raditz also pulled Stellari to sit in a similar manner the dark tendrils of his hair falling around. She pulled long bits of his hair to drape around her and cover herself from the view of the two in laws.
"What are you doing love?" Raditz asked.
"I'm not USED to being in the altogether in public," she whispered.
"It's just us, Kakkarot and his mate. It's not as if it's that old pervert! Relax!" Raditz whispered.
"Warm enough?" Goku asked his wife, who was trying to relax and rest her head on his broad chest. She loved the sensation of his strong body under hers, each muscle tensing and relaxing with the force of titanium. Here she was, in the arms of the strongest man on Earth, possibly the galaxy and he was all hers.
"You could have warned us," Stellari mumbled.
"Face it, you like this. Being hunted," Raditz whispered.
"It's an acquired taste," said Stellari.
"It's just part of what this big lug does," Chichi said with a resigned sigh of her own. She didn't look the least bit unhappy judging from the smile on her face.
"Some wine?" Raditz asked. He reached over and grasped the half full bottle. Goku had retrieved the glasses. Since there were only two of them, they'd be forced to share. Not that it deterred either male sitting with his mate nestled in his lap. The spines of Goku's hair still stood partly up, for his hair wasn't completely wet. Raditz wrinkled his nose at the strong scent of rose bath salts still present.
"Thanks," Goku nodded. Sips of red wine calmed Chichi and Stellari's sudden pounding hearts from fear, but an excitation of another kind soon counteracted it.
"Hope you have more, Goku-sa," Chichi said, watching him hold up the empty bottle.
"Not to worry," Goku said.
"Don't you dare IT into the house all wet, mister!" Chichi glared at him.
"He can just flare his ki and dry himself, right Brother?" Raditz asked, voice low and husky with desire.
"I could get it," Goku shifted to move.
"Stay right there, buster," Chichi said warningly. "I won't have you running around without a stitch of clothes on!"
"Who's around to see us, Chi? Besides, I don't see a problem with it!"
"You mean we're all alone, just the four of us here?" asked Stellari with a mischievous grin.
"Yes, we are," said Raditz.
"Well you might not mind, but I Do!" Chichi grumbled. "I mean… you don't have the pleasure of running around without SUPPORT!"
"I guess we COULD let them get away with a little clothing," Raditz said to Goku. "After all we wouldn't want to have to kill any unsuspecting interlopers."
"Don't talk like that," Chichi shuddered.
"He's just kidding," Goku reassured her, pressing a soft kiss to her ear. She shivered and leaned back into his arms, sighing with delight. It had been far too long since Goku had her all to himself, and the converse. Sometimes she wished she didn't have to share him with the rest of the world that needed saving.
"It's like being a damn Lois Lane," she commented, thinking of the hero from the comic books Gohan loved reading so much.
"Or Mary Jane Watson," said Stellari.
"True," said Chichi. "Gohan prefers DC to Marvel though."
"Mmm, well I can't blame them. I guess I just have a thing for a guy who can sit on a wall and spin silk!"
"It smells like dinner's ready," Goku sniffed the air.
"Always thinking of your stomach, brother," Raditz teased him.
"Wait here and I'll get your robe, Chi," Goku offered. She leaned over her shoulder and kissed him softly. Moving off his lap she allowed him to stand up and levitated up from the water. Stellari averted her gaze from the amazing sight before her. Mainly because she was afraid of making Raditz jealous if she stared.
"Don't worry, in Saiyan culture we might be mated but that doesn't mean we can't window shop, to spice up the experience," Raditz whispered.
"Voyeurism is part of the culture, eh?"
"We don't have the playboy channel on Vegetasei," Raditz teased.
"Ugh," Chichi mumbled. "I tolerate it but it still creeps me out."
"Nothing wrong with 'dirty magazines'," Stellari said to her. "As long as they're kept out of the way of kids till their old enough."
"Amen to that," said Chichi. Goku soon returned, wearing a pair of boxer shorts to Stellari's relief. She was still sure that Chichi might be jealous if she caught her looking at Goku. Still there was much to drool over from the angles and lines of his fine body. The man was built like a Greek god, not an ounce of fat. Just like her mate Raditz in fact.
Except Raditz had a long brown tail that swished water over her when he stood up from the bath. He grabbed the shorts Goku tossed him, then levitated up. Energy flared from him steaming the water from him. Gently he grabbed Stellari and carried her out, holding her to dry the water from her. Goku reached down and tugged Chichi out to do the same. She shrieked at the cold air hitting her nude form. Gently Goku set her down on her feet and wrapped the silk robe around her now dry body. Raditz draped the robe around Stellari, and urged her to step into the waiting sandals.
"Dinner is right this way, ladies," Goku said in a very bad French accent. Chichi giggled at his attempt to be suave. Impatiently Raditz grabbed up Stellari and carried her bodily. Shrugging Goku did the same with his giggling wife.
"My my, sweeping me off my feet? Where's my Goku and what did you do with him?" Chichi slapped her husband on the back.
"Hey I CAN be romantic and all that stuff!" he protested. "I'm just out of training!"
"You and your training," Chichi pulled a face. Goku carefully sat her down on one of the benches of the table. Raditz sat down first, then put Stellari in his lap. Chichi blinked at this.
"It's a Saiyan custom for a wife to sit on her husband's knee when eating," said Raditz. Stellari blushed.
"Hmm, I think that's ONE custom I don't mind," said Chichi. Goku chuckled and lifted her up so he could sit down and plunk her across his lap too.